~The War Of The Light~

By Sarah35487

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Legolas frees Aline from her father's prison and takes her with him back to Ithilien very sick and broken. Me... More

Chapter 1:~Find you~
Chapter 2:~The Light Elves~
Chapter 3:~Reunion~
Chapter 4:~Wizards and hobbits~
Chapter 5:~The Mark of Sauron~
Chapter 7:~Poison~
Chapter 8:~Promises~
Chapter 9:~Elora's speech~
Chapter 10:~Elora's song~
Chapter 11:~The War of The Light~
Chapter 12:~The Wives of The Light Elves~

Chapter 6:~The new foe~

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By Sarah35487

Aldon walked through the halls of Isengard together with Saruman. His orc army's were growing and soon they would attack and he would kill The Last Light elf once and for all. He new exactly how he should get Elora's attention.

The next meeting was held in The Light Kingdom. Gimli was surprised to see that many of The Light Elves seemed to have had a good relationship with the dwarves which was very rare due to their history.
Elladan though sat alone, fiddling with an elven necklace. It was the necklace that he was meant to give to the one he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He knew The Light Elves had a similar gift. They had the gift of immortality given by The Valar to give to the one they love and want to spend the rest of their immortal lives with.
Aragorn sat down beside one of his older adoptive brothers and looked up at Elladan and the necklace in his hands. "Give it to her, Elladan. Elora has not known much love in her life according to Emersion and Cristiana. Give it to her and see what happens," And Elladan smiled, "Thank you, Estel. I will,"

Elladan slowly secretly made his way to Elora's chambers and looked around before silently entering her bedroom chambers.
In the chambers stood a white double four poster bed with silk white covers and a nightstand. He smiled softly and placed the necklace on her nightstand. "This is for you, meleth nín," He whispered softly to himself. He silently went out of her chambers and closed the golden patterned double doors. He glanced up at a portrait who hang on a wall.
'Dior Starlight' it stood on the lower part in the middle of the frame. "What were you doing in The Queen's chambers, My Queen's chambers?," A young manly voice interrupted. Elladan turned around and faced a young middle short man with pointed ears, dark middle short curly hair and green eyes. Elladan swallowed, "Nothing. I was just passing by and I was looking for the way back to the great hall. I walked wrong a little," And The man smiled ironically, "The great hall is that way," And Elladan nodded, "Thank you, sir..," "Callon de Restiro," The man introduced himself, "I'm a Lamina. Immortal humans though we have pointed ears. I have worked for The Light Elves as an artist since Aranel The Magnificent became King after his father Dior died," And Elladan nodded, "Okay. I should really head back before my twin brother starts wondering where I am," And Callon nodded slowly and Elladan passed him.

Elora later that night entered her chambers. She closed the doors behind her and sighed deeply before walking over to her white wardrobe and took out a white silvery nightgown and slowly stepped out off her dress and put on the nightgown. She walked over to her bed and sat down on the side of her nightstand. She then noticed the necklace that was laying on her nightstand. She slowly took the necklace into her hands. She smiled softly for herself. It was a necklace the half elven were supposed to give to the one day fall in love with and marry. She swallowed. It was either Elladan or Elrohir who had given this to her. But why? She didn't deserve love from anyone. She smiled softly and gently put on the necklace. She didn't know what happens if the one who's giving the necklace accepts it though. The necklace fit her perfectly.
She turned around slightly. It felt like someone was watching her. "Hello? Someone there?," She asked blankly. There was no answer. She sighed and shrugged.
She laid down on in her bed and put the covers carelessly over her.
Later that night when Thranduil walked silently into his daughter's chambers, he walked over to her nightstand and blew out the candle that still stood lighted on the nightstand and gently put the covers probably over his daughter and kissed her forehead softly. "Lasto mae, iellig," (Sleep well, my daughter) He whispered softly. He then noticed the necklace around Elora's neck and he smiled softly. "Elladan will be a good husband to you," He whispered quietly to himself. Elora seemed to have heard that someone was presence in her chambers, for she suddenly let out a small moan in her sleep. Thranduil smiled and gently pushed her golden hair away from her face before he silently left the chambers and closed the doors behind him.

Aldon later in the middle of the night, snuck like a shadow into Elora's chambers through the glass balcony doors that lead out to her big balcony. He slowly walked over to her bed and smiled wickedly down at her. "You shall not live for much longer, Ithildin," He spoke with a wicked smile, "I thought to kill you once we battles. But you to suffer until death was a much better and funnier option than ever," And he pulled out a potion and used his magic over Elora. He brought the bottle to her lips. "Drink," He instructed, the fact that Elora was completely under his spell and had no idea of what she was doing in her sleep made it even more fun for him. Elora slowly drank the potion and went back to sleep but started coughing silently then and then because of the unknown painful poison who had just entered her body. Aldon smiled wickedly, "And so The Light Elves Dynasty fell down! I regret now that I felt sorry for you when you were raped. But, it had been no fun if you would have already died back then of grief and pain," Elora made a small moan of pain in response to his words. Aldon then noticed the necklace around her neck and smiled wickedly, "A symbol of love from a half elf. Seems like I only don't break you this night. But also your future husband," And he disappeared like the shadow he came back into the night.

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