Journey with Your Intuition

By thewalkingportal

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"Some people call this hearing the voice of God, others describe it as a knowing, but universally, we know it... More

Chapter 1: Detox, Releasing the Baggage.
Chapter 2: Accepting Who You Are
Chapter 3: Being Authentic
Chapter 4: Slow Down
Chapter 5: Gratitude, Appreciate What You Have.
Chapter 6: Focus
Chapter 7: Follow Yours and Others Will Too!
Chapter 8: Living up to Your Standards
Chapter 10: My Darkest Moment
My Final Note to You

Chapter 9: Haters and Adversity

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By thewalkingportal

I remember a story of when I had just finished year 9 (For those of you in America it's the 8th grade). At this point I really enjoyed rapping and being lyrical. I liked hip-hop songs and would write my own lyrics. Towards the end of my summer holiday I got a very strong hunch that I should be more of a singer. I did have a natural ability to sing and had a great voice. As I laid in bed that night, the hunch was so strong and so loud that it resonated with my entire body - my heart and gut were on fire!

I knew this was something I needed to do; I couldn't ignore my intuition on becoming a singer. In that moment there was a part of me that argued. "But people are gonna take the mick!" The hunch didn't argue with me, all I kept hearing and feeling very deeply was "SING!". I' ll be honest, I was a little worried about how my peers would react to me taking up singing. But then again, I sung a lot so it wouldn't be much of a surprise at all.

But ever since primary to school, I would always sing in class and sometimes teachers and classmates would tell me to stop but I honestly felt like I couldn't. I enjoyed singing and realised that it would sooth the entire class, even though my classmates wouldn't admit it. I was always complimented by teachers of how great my singing was. I went to a boys school though, so God knew the storm of banter that would come my way if I chose to do this.

In spite of the fear of my peers' opinions, I decided to trust my intuition and I said to myself "Okay, let me just do it!"

I started to branch out and began to practice, I did even more of that when I got back to school. There were loads of people that loved it and there were also quite a few people that were jealous. What was a quite disappointing was that one of them was a friend that I used to go home and grab the bus with almost everyday. On the other hand, I was invited to perform in so many other places outside of school and eventually won a Jack Petchey Award for my work in singing.

Many times, when you listen to your intuition weird things do begin to happen. Coincidences will also occur and your life force will get stronger. However, it won't be all flowers and teddybears. Some people will start to act weird around you and you'll probably lose friends, there may even be some family members that won't agree with the steps you take. In the midst of that, you will need to stand your ground and continue being true to yourself.

Although this may sound uncomfortable, don't let these things discourage you. Opposition only serves to make you a stronger person. In the end, you'll be thankful that you were true to yourself and you stuck through with your intuition regardless of what happened. It brings an ever-satisfying feeling of peace and joy. This is a feeling money can't buy and no external approval can match. It's something that can only be known when it's felt. When you get this feeling, it will feel like you've always known it, it has such a breeze of familiarity. I promise, you'll understand when you experience it!

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