Sweet Revenge

By StaticRoyals

32.9K 1.1K 527

Izuku Midoriya was never a vengeful person, he never really wished for anything to happen to anyone even if h... More

-°~Chapter 1~°-
-°~Chapter 2~°-
-°~Chapter 3~°-
-°~Chapter 4~°-
-°~Chapter 5~°-
-°~Chapter 7~°-
-°~Chapter 8~°-
-°~Chapter 9~°-
-°~Chapter 10~°-
-°~Chapter 11~°-
-°~Chapter 12~°-
-°~Chapter 13~°-
-°~Chapter 14~°-
-°~Chapter 15~°-
-°~Chapter 16~°-
-°~Chapter 17~°-
-°~Chapter 18~°-
-°~Chapter 19~°-
-°~Chapter 20~°-
-°~Chapter 21~°-
-°~Chapter 22~°-
-°~Chapter 23~°-
-°~Chapter 24~°-

-°~Chapter 6~°-

1.3K 47 23
By StaticRoyals

Word Count:

Well, looks like I lied.
No One's POV:

Kirishima was having a... dilemma at the moment.

It had been about a week sense he's hung out with the greenette, which was also when he first met him, though because of he's hero work he didn't have time to call him, though today's he's off day and now he's freaking out over if he should call him.

I mean, it really wouldn't be that big a deal if he did right? I mean it's not like Izuku has been a big inspiration to him ever sense he has read he's books or that he finds him really fucking attractive or that Izuku was he's gay awakening or anything like that!

Okay, god focus.

He sucked in a breath as he looked at he's phone, the contact was right there, all he had to do was press the green button, that's all he had to do, then the rest should just fall right into place, right? Right.

With one more deep breath he clicked the call button, hopefully he didn't regret this later.


Izuku grumbled to himself as he drank some tea, he's throat was still soar from he's night with Katsuki (get y'all heads outta the gutter.) And he was still pissed about the fact Katsuki treated him shitty just because he could, god he swore it took all he's self-control to not smack some brain cells into him.

He did state he was bad with spicy foods.

As he was taking another sip of he's tea he's phone started to vibrate, indicating he was getting a call, he looked over and saw it was Kirishima, he honesty was pleasantly surprised it was the red head and not Katsuki.

Seeing as the blond had been blowing up he's phone last night.

Once he drank down the tea he brought the phone up to he's ear as he answered.

"Hello?" Izuku questioned as he took another sip.

"A-Ah! Hi hello, uh it's me Kirishima!" He heard Kirishima say in what he assumed to be panic.

"Mm, hello Kiri~Kun! How are you?" Izuku asked, he's slightly horse voice could be heard.

"Woah your voice sounds a little horse, you sick?" Kirishima asked.

The greenette lightly shook he's head before realizing he couldn't see him, with a light cough of embarrassment he spoke.

"Ah no, it's just still a little horse from when I hung out with Bakugou a yesterday" Izuku stated with a sigh.

He heard some coughing before Kirishima answered again "U-Uhm your- uhhhh... Your throat is sore from a night with... Bakubro?" Kirishima questioned, which is when Izuku realized he's mistake is wording.

Izuku gasped "Kiri! Get your mind out of the gutter, I meant he cooked really hot food, I can't handle spicy food well" he stated with a huff, he ignored the blush forming on he's face.

"O-Oh! Oh! I'm sorry I just- no uhm I didn't think that I was- uhmmmm uhhh I wasn't- oh my god" Kirishima continued to ramble in embarrassment before he was cut off by Izuku's giggles.

The second he heard he's giggles he's face exploded in color, even if he made a fool of himself he was glad he could make the greenette laugh.

"No worries Kiri~Kun, I should've phrased it better, now why did you did you call me? Not that I mind" Izuku stated, only being slightly flirtatious with he's ending remark.

"I-I-I uh... I wanted to see if you wanted to.. Maybe hang out if your free?" Kirishima questioned as he messed with the chair he was sat on.

Izuku thought for a moment, it would be the perfect opportunity to get to know the red head, maybe he could even get some black mail on Katsuki, but he also wanted to know why he was so attracted to the boy, though it was mostly to get black mail.


"Sure, sounds fun, time and place?" Izuku questioned as he took another sip of he's drink.

"Oh uhm-! Maybe uh... Uhm... Maybe we can go to the park and eat take out..?" Kirishima questioned, he did not think ahead, though to be fair he didn't think he'd make it this far.

Once again the greenette thought over for a minute as he took a sip of tea "Sure, I'll send you my address, pick me up in 20?" Izuku questioned.

"Mhm! Yeah perfect I'll be there in few! Bye Midoriya!" Kirishima stated excitedly before hanging up, no doubt to get ready.

Izuku couldn't help but giggle at the mans excited nature over something so simple like a hang out, was it a hang out? It seemed a bit more like a date.. But that couldn't be it, as excited Kirishima seemed to be it was probably just him being a fanboy which Izuku could honestly relate to, Izuku couldn't deny that he himself was a big fan of Kirishima, he was a bigger fan of charge bolt, tenticol(?), and Froppy but Kirishima was more of.. Actually he didn't know what it was...

Probably just him admiring the puppy like man, he is a very great hero.

With a sigh Izuku put away he's phone before he finished off he's tea, he got up from he's chair and walked back into he's pent house from he's balcony, he walked in to he's room before he walked to the closet, he looked threw it with concentration.

"What should I wear? I could wear something nice like jeans, a tube top, and a plaid cover up, though I could go the more chill route with some normal pants and a T-shirt, though I feel like that'd be to comfortable? Ugh maybe I should wear some of he's merch? No that doesn't feel right.. Wait why do I care? It's just- a hang out.. With a really hot buff guy.. That's super sweet.. And packing... Fuck I'm gay-" Izuku grumbled under he's breath before deciding on something comfortable but also stylish.

He decided on some simple jeans and a silk yes crop top, he thought it was cute and it was simple, he put on he's shoes then grabbed he's phone to pass the time.

God he hoped he's flirting game was still on point.

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