By FebeAristilde

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Dave East x Miracle Watts story "One is easily fooled by that which one loves." -unknown March 4th 201... More

chpt 1
chp 2
chp 3.
chp.15 part 1
chp.16 part 2
chpt.25 continued


8K 275 59
By FebeAristilde

Anura's POV

I looked out the window and watched Dave pull out the drive way in his most expensive car, I already knew where he was going, either a party or going to pick up one of his whores and take them out to eat or something, he only takes his best cars out to impress people, once again I am left in this house all alone. instead of wallowing in pity and depression I decided to go apartment hunting, I refuse to stay any longer in this house with him, I walked to the shelves in my living room and picked up my pink laptop, I opened it and began searching for one bedroom apartments, I had more than enough money in my savings to afford one, I was saving up for a trip around the world but traveling could wait another few years.

As I was browsing for potential homes I heard my phone ringing, I picked it up off the coffee table and saw Neal's name flashing across it, why was he calling me so late? I ignored his call and placed my phone beside me, a few seconds later it started ringing again, I groaned and answered it after the third ring." Yes?"  I asked through the phone.

"Wow you're still up?" He asked, I looked at the time and nodded my head as if he could see me.

"Um yeah I can't sleep." I sighed softly, after finding out that Dave brings women in our home I can't seem to shake it off, everywhere I look I see him with someone else.

"I just got off work, ya know everyone's asking about you." He said making me smile, I never knew everyone cared enough to ask about me, I pretty much keep to myself at that job, I would only speak to one worker and that's Jessie.

"That's nice of them, anyways, how's Jessie? I miss him." I heard Neal scoff on the phone, I rolled my eyes, here he goes again.

"Oh but you don't miss me?"

"Why are you so jealous of Jessie, he doesn't even like women."

"I know that, I'm just jealous at how close y'all are and have a special bond, that's what I want."

I looked at my phone surprised, I put it back to my ear."Awwww." I cooed at him, I don't know why I'd reject his friendship back then.

"Yeah yeah yeah, anyways I was calling to ask if you wanted to hang out." He said almost sheepishly.

I smiled."Okay- wait you mean right now?"

"I mean yeah if that's okay with Dave-"

"Boy I'm a grown ass women, I have every right to hang out with a friend." I heard him chuckle through the phone, his laughter was contagious, I didn't care how Dave would feel if I went out late at night, I mean he goes out late at night too and doesn't tell me shit, I deserve to go out and have fun, I've been stuck in this house long enough.

"Alright then, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Okay." I said, we both hanged up, I closed my laptop and went to go get my shoes, I didn't know where we were going but I didn't care, just as long as I got out of this house, I went upstairs carefully and when I made it to the top I entered my bedroom trying my best to not pay attention to the bed and not think about what went down in the room.

I went inside our walk in closet, as I looked for shoes to put on something in my peripheral vision caught my attention, I turned around and looked at my full body mirror, I stared at the reflection of an unknown women in front of me, as I looked closer I realized that the unknown women was me, I walked closer to to the mirror and continued to stare at myself.

I looked different....

I had on baggy clothes, my hair was in a complete mess, my skin looked terrible, my eyes weren't bright like they used to be, only sad and droopy I looked terrible, I frowned at my reflection, the years with Dave took a strain out of me, there was plenty of life left in me but it was buried within the depths of my soul, it's left there from all the beatings and verbal abuse.
What has happened to me? How could I allow myself to look like this, I quickly looked away from the mirror, I felt hideous, no wonder Dave was out here cheating on me with different women, I really let myself go.
I leaned forward against the shelves and started thinking to myself, this needs to stop, my relationship with Dave may not be going so good as it used to be but that doesn't mean I should let myself go, I need to still take care and pamper myself.

I viscously wiped my cheeks ridding it of tears that I didn't noticed were going down my face, I began undressing myself, I limped out the closet and entered my conjoined bathroom, I turned on the shower head and got in, I took a quick 10 minute shower and did my hygiene routine, after I was done I did my hair and went to get dressed.

I heard the sound of my doorbell ringing, I limped down stairs and went to answer the door but not before grabbing my phone and keys, I opened it to reveal Neal standing at the door, I quickly ran my eyes up and down his body, he wore a crisp long sleeve dress shirt and slacks with his stethoscope still around his neck, he looked handsome with it."Wow." I heard him say, I smiled and took it from around his neck.

"You still had this around your neck." I handed it to him, he smiled almost shyly showing off his pearly whites.

"One day I'll end up showering with this." He said making me chuckle.

"I hear that." I got out the house and locked it behind me, I could relate to him, I always seem to forget the stethoscope is around my neck. We walked to his car, he opened the door for me and I got inside and put on my seatbelt, I'm not going to lie I will admit I'm kind of nervous leaving the house so late when Dave could come home at any minute but I doubt he'll be back home tonight, maybe later in the morning or afternoon.

"So uh where's Dave?" Neal asked as he backed out my drive way, I looked at him and shrugged.

"I don't know, out partying I guess."

"And he left you all alone?" I looked at Neal, I don't really like speaking about my relationship with people, I don't need them concerning theirselves about what goes on between me and Dave.

"Yeah let's not talk about Dave." I said cutting that conversation out, I always hated speaking about our relationship, I hated lying to people and saying that we're fine but we're not fine, far from it, but I had to lie to keep people from worrying.

"Okay and you look beautiful by the way."

"Really?" I asked surprised, it was always weird when people would compliment me, I don't hear it so often from Dave.

"Um yeah?" He chuckled."why'd you say it so surprised?"

"Um I don't know because I don't feel beautiful." I said truthfully, he burst out in a fit of laughter as he drove, I looked at him confused, I was being serious.

"Oh wait your serious?" He asked and I nodded." Anura you're honestly the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on, doesn't Dave compliment you and tell you that everyday?"

Dave does the opposite of that, every chance he gets he crushes my self esteem, because he knows that the more he does it the more I'll believe it, but I didn't want Neal to know that, I had to lie once again just to protect Dave's image."of course he does... he - he just hasn't been telling me for a while." I sighed.

"Well, I don't mind telling you everyday." Neal grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his, I looked at our hands, I oddly didn't want to pull it away, I smiled at him.

"I'm okay with that." For the remainder of the car ride we stayed quiet and just listened to the music, my hands was still holding his as he drove, he was really good at driving with one hand, I began noticing that we were downtown near the beach.

"Are we going to the beach?" I asked him, he nodded his head at me as he made a left turn at the light.

"Yeah the beach is really beautiful out at night and I thought we could stay there and wait for the sunrise."

"How romantic." I teased, Neal laughed and shrugged his shoulder.

"Hey what can I say I'm a romantic guy."

"Yeah yeah yeah let's just hope I don't fall asleep."

"I wouldn't allow it because I'd chuck you in the ocean." He said causing me to gasp, I took my hand out of his and mushed him in the head.

"I'm kidding!" He said laughing, I shook my head at him. We made it to the beach parking lot and got out the car, he walked around his car and opened the back door grabbing a blanket, he closed it and walked towards me and we started walking together.

"Oh shoot." I said realizing that I wore slippers, I looked down at my feet and frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked, I pointed to my feet.

"I brought slippers to the beach,now sand is going to get all over it-" Neal handed me the blanket and grabbed my waist lifting me off the ground bridal style catching me completely off guard, I let out a yelp feeling the pain in my thighs come back.

"Ooww." I whined.

"Oh I'm sorry-" he chuckled." I forgot about your cut." He said and started walking with me in his arms, I pinched his chest hard, he let out a hiss." Hey stop that." I laughed.

Once we made it to the sandy beach he put me down carefully and I opened the blanket up and placed it on the ground, I took off my slippers and sat down and he did the same.

"It's really beautiful out, thanks for taking me here." I said looking at the stars, they were so bright out tonight, although I'm going through things at home and I'm in a dark place at the moment life outside my problems still seems to stay bright and beautiful, I never once paid attention to the world around me as it goes by, I never bothered to look at the beauty it had to offer because I was to busy giving all my attention to the darkness that surrounds me.

"What are you thinking about?" Neal asked me, I looked away from the sky and at him, it may be dark outside but I could still see his gorgeous features.
I looked at the ocean and watched the waves crashing against the shore, I was deep in thought thinking whether or not I should open up to him, I've never opened up to someone in such a long time, I'm scared to talk about how I feel and what's going on in my life.

"Nothing." I told him, he nudged my shoulder with his causing me to look at him."What?" He looked at me then began to search for something in his pockets, he pulled out a penny and grabbed my hand, he placed it on my palm and closed it.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I found myself smiling at how adorable he can be, I shook my head, I opened up my hand and looked at the penny, I let out a long sigh.

"I'm scared... to tell you my thoughts, I don't want you to worry."

"About?" He asked, I looked away from the penny and up at him.

"Me." I grabbed his hand and put the penny back on it."When I'm ready I'll tell you." And that was a promise, right now I just can't find it in me to open up, Neal nodded his head at me, he reached out to me and pulled me to his chest, I laid my head against it, we didn't say anything to each other after that, there wasn't anything to say, it was a relaxing silence as we watched the waves together.

He kept me warm that night, in his strong arms, for once in my life I felt safe, I felt happy, I felt at peace and I felt all my worries and troubles disappear from me, I wish I could feel this way everyday, I snuggled closer to him not wanting him to ever let me go.

Neal's POV

I watched Anura twirl and splash her feet around in the water, I smiled softly, she looked so beautiful with the moon shining so radiantly on her chocolate skin, I wanted to join her in the water but I didn't feel like taking off my shoes and getting my feet wet, besides I enjoyed watching her have fun, the view from where I was seated was amazing, I was a bit surprised that she agreed on hanging out with me, especially this late but I'm glad she said yes, this was the first time we've ever hung out and I liked it, we didn't speak a lot because we were to busy enjoying the calmness and serenity while in one another's arms.

I like this women, she fascinated me, I wanted to know more about her, what she likes what she dislikes, her fears, her dreams, the way I feel about her I've never felt about any women before, I know it'll be tough to get to her heart since she has this wall built around her, protecting her from something, I wanted to break down those walls and figure her out, I want to know why she's the way she is, why she's so distant from people and doesn't let them in.

Anura stopped splashing around and just stood still as the waves crashed against her legs, she wrapped her arms around her body and continued staring out into the sea, as if she was looking at something, I got up from the ground and took off my shoes rolling up my slacks up, I walked towards her feeling the cold salty water splash against my feet, once I reached her I wrapped my arms around her waist she jumped in my arms.

"Did I scare you?" I asked cheesing behind me, the way her booty was pushing up against me did something to me.

"You finally came in the water huh?" She said ignoring my question, I smiled and dug my head into her neck.

"I felt lonely and I missed you in my arms." I lifted my head up from her neck and looked at her lips, she had a small smile on it causing me to grin foolishly.

"Boundaries Neal-" She removed my arms from her waist."and stop smiling!" I grinned widely as she began walking away, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into my arms, I held onto her waist as I stared deeply into her brown eyes.

I looked down at her plump lips, they looked juicy and good enough to suck on, I wanted to kiss her so bad but I needed to control myself, I don't want to come on to her to strong, I sighed and let her go."We should go." I told her, she pouted at me causing me to cheese at her cuteness.

"But we didn't get to see the sunrise."

"I know but I don't want you to-"

"Ugh please do not bring him up." She said rolling her eyes and turning her body away from me, I wanted to know what was going on in her relationship with Dave, the way she acted around me every time he's brought up is weird, it's like the sound of his name disgusted her.

"Fine." I said, I didn't really care if she went home or not, I was really enjoying my time with her and didn't want it to end, I looked at my watch it read 5:55am, the sun will be rising in a few more minutes.

"Come on let's get out this water." I said, she nodded and grabbed my hands and we walked back to the blanket together, I sat down with my legs up and spread out she hovered over me for a second then sat in-between my legs, I smirked widely.

"You really enjoy being in my arms, huh?"

"Oh shut up, I'm just cold." I smiled at her, she was lying right through her teeth, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me, I never wanted to let her go.

"You're a very strange person Anura... but I liked that about you." I said in her ear, I heard her giggle, I loved her laughter it was hideous and cute at the same time, we continued to talk about complete nonsense, I liked that I could be myself around her, I spent the rest of the night telling her stories about funny things that occurred in my life and the whole time she kept on laughing, I loved seeing her laugh and smile I know that she doesn't do it very often.
I looked up at the sky and noticed light shining above the sea, I tapped Anura's thigh and pointed straight ahead.

"This will be my first time watching the sunrise, and I'm glad I get to have this moment with you." I told her, she turned around in my arms and smiled brightly.

"That's so sweet Neal... eww." She teased causing me to laugh, she turned back around and whipped out her phone, she unlocked it and went to her camera and began video taping the sun rise, it was beautiful but I was to busy watching her video tape it, she looked so beautiful as the orange color from the sun shown on her skin causing it to look golden, I pray to God that I get to someday call this gorgeous women mine.



"Look at me."

She turned her head to look up at me, I took that chance and leaned in and brushed my lips against her soft ones, I gave her lips a small peck and pulled away, my lips felt tingly after that, all I wanted to do was devour her mouth so I leaned in again and kissed her but this time I deeper the kiss, she placed her hand on my chest and pulled her head away from me, she looked me over and shook her head." We should go." She got up from the ground and slipped on her slippers and walked away from me, I groaned.

"Fuck! I'm such an idiot." I thought to myself as I  palmed my face, I knew I shouldn't have kissed her, now I just fucked everything up for me and she's not going to want to be around me anymore, I hope she isn't upset with me.

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