~The War Of The Light~

By Sarah35487

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Legolas frees Aline from her father's prison and takes her with him back to Ithilien very sick and broken. Me... More

Chapter 1:~Find you~
Chapter 2:~The Light Elves~
Chapter 3:~Reunion~
Chapter 4:~Wizards and hobbits~
Chapter 6:~The new foe~
Chapter 7:~Poison~
Chapter 8:~Promises~
Chapter 9:~Elora's speech~
Chapter 10:~Elora's song~
Chapter 11:~The War of The Light~
Chapter 12:~The Wives of The Light Elves~

Chapter 5:~The Mark of Sauron~

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By Sarah35487

Elora woke up next day to the dark whispers of evil. She looked at her wrist and saw that the mark of Sauron had only became more visible and was not fading. She sighed and laid down in the bed once more. A Light elf! What was the meaning of being one if you were always a target? There was a small knock on the door and Elora sighed and sat up. "Come in," She replied. Legolas entered her chambers and closed the doors behind him. "Breakfast is serving. Are you coming?," Legolas wanted to be careful. He did not know his sister except for the fact that she was a Light elf and the key to defeat the new threat. Elora sighed and looked up at her newfound brother, "I'll be right there. You can leave," And Legolas looked at her in concern, "Adar told me you had nightmares last night. Are you alright?," And Elora felt her fear rise. "I'm fine!," She snapped, "Just go!," Legolas were shocked at his sister's tone and swallowed and left her chambers, closing the doors behind him. His father said he had seen the mark of Sauron on her right wrist. Her acting made him worried.

Elora stood up in anger and grabbed the flowers on the table and threw them into the wall. She slowly started crying and sank to her knees. Cristiana came bursting into the room. "Elora, Ithildin, what's going on?," She asked worriedly. Ithildin. That was the name she had been given by the elves. It means Starlight or Moonlight in Sindarin elvish. She had been given the just because she was The Last Light elf. The Last Light. Emersion walked over to Elora and looked at her wrist and saw the mark. He swallowed. "Elora, you shouldn't have this mark. It should have faded the moment Sauron was destroyed or at least weeks ago," And Elora swallowed, "It has not. Does the mark mean he's still alive?," And Emersion shook his head, "If he was, I should have felt his darkness far by now," And Elora swallowed, "But how do I remove it. If someone sees the mark, they will never believe I'm here to help them," And Cristiana sighed, "Emersion," And Emersion sighed, "Removing the mark of Sauron isn't the same thing as removing a demon rune. The demon runes were created by Adrienne, The Queen Of Demons. But I guess there's no other way. But Elora, we have to tell your father and the rest of your connection and part in The War Of The Ring," Elora sighed and nodded.

After breakfast, everyone still sat in the dining hall when Emersion entered the hall with some kind of strange wand. Elladan looked up at Elora in concern. Cristiana sighed and Emersion nodded at Elora to come and sit down. "What's this?," Aragorn asked. And Elora sat down. Emersion sighed, "Are you sure you're okay with this," Elora nodded. Emersion sighed, "This might hurt a little," And Elora held out her right wrist to him. Cristiana took Elora's other hand and held it. "What are you going to do with her?," Thranduil asked in rage and worry. Emersion sighed, "Elora," And Elora nodded, "Tell them. It can't be worse than it already is," And Emersion sighed, "During The War, Elora was a captive of Sauron. He was not using her except marking her," "But shouldn't the mark have disappeared the moment Sauron was destroyed?," Aragorn asked confused. Emersion sighed, "That's what we thought too. But it did not. That's why she's having nightmares. And she asked me to remove it," "How?," Gimli asked suspiciously. And Emersion smiled, "In the same way you can remove Demon runes like the ones I have. I was born a wizard but my first 1000 years I was a Demon Hunter. Hunting and killing in obedience demons in The Demon Queen's name, protecting the rest of the people of Middle Earth from demons. I still have my runes but they're glamorised from others and myself to see. If I were to remove the glamor, they will be visible," And he took out a silver object that looked like a pen with markings. "This is called an Eldstar. It's which these we Demon hunters get our runes as we called them. We draw them on our skin, more correctly burn them in," And he took away the Eldstar. "So what are you going to do with Elora?," Arwen asked worriedly, "Burn away the mark?," And Emersion sighed, "Yeah, that's a good way of explaining it," And he turned to Elora, "You ready?," And Elora nodded, "I have to get this mark of me before I hurt someone," And Emersion sighed, "This might sting," And he moved the wand over the mark on Elora's wrist. Elora held in the burning pain it was giving her. She let out a few small whimpers before quickly standing up and Emersion took down the wand. "Is it gone?," Elora asked hopefully. And Emersion looked at her wrist, the mark of Sauron hadn't faded a bit. Elora sighed and sat down. Emersion put away the wand, sighing. "He must have known I was at your side. Otherwise, the wand should have removed it. It's even more powerful than him since it belongs to the demons," And Cristiana sighed, "So what now, Emersion?," And Emersion sighed, "We could try to remove it with a powerful demon serum?," "Is it dangerous? For me?," Elora asked worriedly. Emersion shook his head, "No, but it will burn much more," And Elora looked at him, "Emersion, I'm ready to do whatever it takes! I'm getting this thing off me! Now!," And Emersion sighed, "I shall send a message to Charline. She has the formula and knows how to make it,"

A while later, another wizard, half demon half human entered the hall. "I have the serum. But are you sure about this, Ithildin?," And Elora nodded. Emersion sighed and nodded, "I'm here, Elora," And Elora nodded, "Do it," And Charline took out something with a needle with the serum inside. Elora closed her eyes while Charline injected her with the serum into the mark of Sauron. Elora suddenly felt a burning pain over her whole body and she screamed. "Charline, you have to stop this," Emersion interrupted. And Charline sighed, "I can't," "Just a little more, Ithildin," Emersion told Elora soothingly. When the pain finally stopped, Elora hurried to look at her wrist, the mark still there. "It didn't work. Why didn't it work?," Legolas asked worriedly. "The formula must be too weak," Emersion sighed. And Charline sighed, "We cannot remove the mark, Emersion. Only the one who control it or made it can," And Emersion sighed, "That means it's not Sauron who's behind this," And Charline sighed, "You mean?...," And Emersion nodded, "It's Aldon. He must know I freed Elora. The only way is to kill him," And Charline sighed, "But the mark connects Elora with him. Emersion, what if they're bound. If you kill him, Elora may die too," And Elora swallowed. Emersion shook his head, "She will not. I refuse to let that happen," And Elora looked down. Emersion turned to Elora, "You shall not die. I promise you that," And Charline sighed.

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