⋆*❅。.DECEMBER .。.:*☆ [✔]

By SweetLikePinkVenom

191K 8.4K 1K

Jennie had Ella when she was only sixteen years old and life hasn't been easy for the young mother-daughter d... More

✧*̥˚Happy Holidays *̥˚✧
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✧*̥˚ X-mas present 2022 *̥˚✧

✧*̥˚ 13 *̥˚✧

6.8K 343 29
By SweetLikePinkVenom

"... and then we kissed." Jennie whispered into the phone.

It was early Saturday morning and Jennie was sitting in her kitchen, the door closed and a cup of coffee in her hand, talking to Rosie. After the night she had with Lisa, Jennie really needed a friend to talk to. 

She and Lisa had kissed a little bit more before Lisa got up reluctantly, saying that she should really go now before her selfcontrol was being challenged even more. They had said goodbye at Jennie's door with one last kiss, promising to see each other again soon. 

However there was no specification as to when they were going to see each other again. And there was also no talk about what exactly they were now. 

Jennie had told Rosie everything. Well, everything except that she had a tiny orgasm from just being kissed. That was really too TMI!

Rosie had listened to her retelling the story and hooted slightly when Jennie told her how good the kisses were. 

"...but now I have no idea what we're doing! Like, are we dating? Are we not? What the hell am I supposed to tell Ella if she asks. She hasn't said a word to me about Lisa. Even though I've been practically lying in her arms every night since Monday!"

"Hmm...." Rosie seemed to think about it. "Maybe Ella needs you to come to her about this. Not the other way around... This is the first time in her life that she has seen you with someone like that. You never brought any of your dates home before."

"Yes, that's because they were mostly shitty and didn't even deserve to meet Ella."

"I know."

"But like... romantic affection isn't new to her. I mean, she sees you two cuddle and kiss all the time." Jennie referred to Rosie and Jisoo not being very stingy with their openly displayed affections.

"Yes, she does. But she's never seen you be close to someone like that. Maybe she feels weird about asking you."

"Do I really have to be the grown-up here and initiate a talk?" Jennie whined a little, nervousness coating her voice.

"I fear you might have to."

"Crap..." Jennie swore lightly, sighing deeply. "Problem is, I have no idea what to tell her. As I said, I don't know if we are dating now or what the fuck we're actually doing..."

"Well.... I think it's best if you're just honest with her." Rosie advised wisely and carefully. "Tell her that you feel something for Lisa and that she seems to feel the same for you and that you two are going to get closer now and see what it turns out to be...."

"Sounds so easy when it comes out of your mouth..." Jennie huffed. She brought her coffee mug to one of her cheeks, warming it a little. "But do you really think it's ok to tell Ella that I'm starting something with Lisa but we don't exactly know what it's going to be...? Won't that... confuse her or something? She's only thirteen. I don't know how much she understands about relationships yet..."

"Oh Jen, don't worry so much. Ella is smart. She has already picked up on what's happening, I'm sure. And she likes Lisa a lot. But I think you should really talk to her. It doesn't matter that you can't tell her precicely what you and Lisa are doing. I think it's actually healthy for her to learn that relationships take time to build and if you feel something great, it's worth pursuing."

"What if she gets her hopes up about me and Lisa becoming... I don't know.. something real and then it doesn't work out? As much as I don't want to have my own heart broken, I don't want to break Ella's!" The korean woman shared her biggest fear

"I know Jen and I completely understand. But are you willing to give up what you felt when Lisa kissed you? Can you really ignore that and go back to being just friends because it might not work out? What if it does work out?" Rosie nudged Jennie's thoughts gently.

"I don't think I can ignore it... it was... she's so.... " Jennie struggled for words and Rosie giggled softly at her flustered state even through the phone.

"You're so damn smitten with her, aren't you?"

"Shut up." Jennie scolded her Australian sister-in-law with burning cheeks and a smile in her voice.

"We're happy for you Jen! You deserve someone good and Lisa is great! We like her a lot too and you two actually look good together. Jisoo even said that to me when we were ice skating."

Jennie swayed on the spot a little, taking another comforting sip of coffee. "I really like her..."

"I told you she's into you! You wouldn't believe me!" Rosie teased her friend now.

"I still can't really believe it..." Jennie almost whispered. Her mobile phone buzzed in her hands and Jennie jumped a little.

"What was that?" Rosie asked who had heard the vibrating sound through the phone.

Jennie put her on speaker to be able to see. It was a text message from Lisa. The korean's heart started beating harder. 

"Text message, sorry." Jennie excused and tapped to open the text.

Lisa: 'Good morning beautiful, are you up yet?'

"Let me guess..." Rosie said in a very suggestive voice. "Your new flame?"

"Shhh!" Jennie shushed her immediately. "I have to text back!"

That made the blonde girl laugh so hard but Jennie ignored her. 

Jennie: ' Yes I'm up, having coffee in my kitchen. Ella is still sleeping. Do you want to come over?'

Jennie's fingers tapped the send button faster than her mind was able to catch up with how sneaky and suggestive her text sounded. 

"Wifey, what's happening?" Rosie whined over the phone, not being able to hear anything.

Lisa texted back instantly. Lisa: 'I'll be right there.'

Jennie's insides jumped and her palms started sweating. "Lisa's coming over, I have to go Rosie"

"Uuuuwuuuuu! Go get those morning kisses girl!" 

"Shut up." Jennie told her again, smiling incredibly bright.

"Ok, but tell me all about it later!"

"I will, bye hubby."

"Bye wifey."

Jennie hung up the phone and almost jumped to the foyer, looking at herself in the big mirror, fixing her hair with her fingers.

Lisa didn't even have to ring the doorbell because Jennie saw her coming through the milky glass of her front door.

"Hey" she smiled at Lisa a little bit nervous as she opened the door for her. The Thai woman looked gorgeous as she did every day. Even in black sweat pants and a tshirt. Her long hair was in a high ponytail.

"Hey" Lisa smiled back and stepped closer, taking Jennie's hand and leaning in for a soft kiss.

Jennie's pulse raced as she let Lisa peck her lips sweetly.

"Do you want some coffee?" Jennie asked as she stepped aside to make Lisa come in.

"I'd love a cup"

Jennie led Lisa into the kitchen with their fingers loosely intertwined.

"D'you sleep ok?" Lisa asked softly as Jennie busied herself making another cup of coffee for her early morning guest.

"Fine." Jennie's cheeks flushed hot as she imagined how much better she would have slept if Lisa had stayed with her.

She brought the full cup over to the Thai who leaned against Jennie's counter. "Thanks"

"You're welcome."

Lisa took a sip from her cup and Jennie picked her half-full one up again and did the same. Jennie felt Lisa's calm eyes on her so she lifted her own to meet hers over the rim of her cup. Lisa sent her a timid smile that warmed Jennie's insides up faster than the coffee could ever do. She smiled back with shy eyes.

Holy shit. They made out like teenagers last night and now they were standing in Jennie's kitchen, clinging to their coffee cups, not sure what to say.

Lisa put her cup down on the counter behind her and reached an arm out towards the korean woman with warm and hopeful eyes.

Like being drawn in by a magnet, Jennie's body moved, feet bringing her closer, hand reaching out as well, fingers intertwining once more.

When Jennie stood closely in front of her crush, slightly looking up into her face, Lisa's brows creased like she was worried. "I hope you didn't change your mind already..."

Jennie's eyes widened in surprise and also a little bit of fear. "No!" She shook her head, eyes burning into Lisa's. "I didn't. But..."

Jennie took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. Now that they were standing in bright daylight, it was harder to say these things. There was no hiding in the darkness anymore. It wasn't as easy to just lean in and forget all about talking.

Lisa's eyes studied each of Jennie's emotions attentively. She was playing with Jennie's fingers softly but nervously.

"Lisa, I know it's really early for this and it's also quite heavy. But I have not only myself to think about, so I need you to be sure about this. I'm sorry if this sounds pushy but I learned that it's best to lay my cards out in the open right from the start." Jennie looked into Lisa's eyes, scared of finding regret and retreat in them but there was only understanding. Lisa lifted their joined hands and kissed Jennie's knuckles.

"Ella and me are a package deal. If you want me, you have to want her too. Otherwise any relationship that could possibly go beyond friendship doesn't make any sense to me."

Lisa just smiled. "I know. And I understand." She curled her fingers around Jennie's neck never breaking their eye contact and pulled her in softly.

Lisa kissed Jennie slowly and softly. No hunger, just plain affection and reassurance. Letting Jennie feel how sure she really was. She let her go after a short while.

"Baby, I'm in. I'm all in." Lisa breathed softly against the smaller one's open lips.

Jennie let out a quiet gasp, it was almost like a relieved sob. Her heart beat warm and strong and she finally let her body melt into Lisa completely. Gentle hands caught her waist. She felt one going around to her back to hold her close.

"Ok." Jennie whispered and their lips locked once more. Throwing her arms around the taller woman's neck, the brunette got a little lost. Lost in the feeling of being wanted. All the feelings she harboured for Lisa came bubbling up to the surface and Jennie allowed herself to be vulnerable with someone again.

They only pulled apart as they heard a surprised gasp and starled movement by the kitchen door. Jennie and Lisa both snapped their heads.

It was Ella. She stood by the door like she didn't know if she should play dead or run away.

Crap. Jennie thought, stepping away from the Thai she's been kissing so deeply just one second ago.

"Sorry." Ella let out nervously, not really looking at either of them and bolted. Her fast steps were heard hurrying back up the stairs.

"Shit." Jennie cursed and looked at Lisa apologetically. "I should go talk to her..."

"Do you want me to come with you? Cause I will if you need me." Lisa offered, seeing Jennie's distress and raising a hand to her cheek.

"No, it's fine. I think I have to do this on my own. But you'll stay here until I come back?" Jennie's eyes were hopeful, not wanting Lisa to leave.

"I'll be here." The latter agreed.

"Thanks" Jennie stepped into the other woman's personal space again and leaned up to peck her lips once.

"I'm in Jen. Don't forget that when you talk to her, ok?" Lisa held Jennie close for a second more when she said that and Jennie wanted to melt. But she had more important things to take care of right now.

She had to make sure Ella was ok.

She nodded and nuzzled her nose against Lisa's very briefly before she turned around to follow her daughter upstairs.

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