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Rosie had the brilliant idea that Lisa and Ella should look into one of the many many crafty stores in Hongdae. The ones where you could get everything DIY that you could possibly want. Ella's Australian aunt knew that Jennie did not want Ella to blow all of her pocket money on presents, and therefore suggested that she should find something that she could make for Jennie. 

As for what Lisa should get her, Rosie was a bit less imaginative

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As for what Lisa should get her, Rosie was a bit less imaginative. It was indeed hard to find something for someone you only recently started dating. Lisa kept Rosie on the phone while she and Ella scowered through an arts & crafts store that specialized in diy jewelry.

"You know, I don't think that Jennie expects a gift from you... she's not like that. She doesn't need the material things." Rosie spoke into the Thai's ear over the phone.

"You sure?" Lisa snorted a little. She had noticed that Jennie did have a faible for nice clothes and that she liked dressing chic without her clothes necessarily being high fashion. She just had style.

 "I mean, yes she likes those things, she's a woman after all but I actually think she would appreciate something more personal from you. Something more simple."

Lisa followed Ella through the rows of shelves, looking at and touching things here and there. Ella seemed completely distracted by the sheer variety in the store. Much more so than she was in all the previous stores they'd been to. 

"Simple but personal... Rosie you have any idea how hard that is? By the way, you can't tell her that Ella made me call you!"

That got Ella's attention and she threw a mischievous little look over her shoulder at her Unnie. Lisa grinned back a little with slightly pink cheeks.

The Australian woman laughed good naturedly. "Awww Lisa come on, she'll only find it cute. She'll like you even more for it."

Lisa snorted and blushed harder. She was glad that Ella had moved on to looking at earring diy kits. 

"How about... I tell her that I want to take her out to dinner for christmas... including Ella of course?" Lisa tilted her head thoughtfully while watching Ella beam over different colours and shapes.

Rosie gasped excitedly. "Lisa, yes, that's a perfect idea!"

"Really? It's not too... lame...?"

"No, it's not lame! It shows her all the more that you are sincere and that you are prepared to take on Ella too. That's what she was worried about the most, you know..."

"She still is, I think..." Lisa admitted a bit more quiet even though Ella was not able to hear what Rosie said on the other line.

"It's gonna take some time. But if you're sure about them both, you just have to be persistant. Be there."

Lisa huffed out some air nervously but determined. "I am there."

"Good. Otherwise Jisoo will be the first to kill you. I'm supposed to say hi to you from her by the way."

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