The scroll that binds us

By scrollers

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Naruhina fanfiction This is my first so any advice is appreciated (Some lemon and some profanity) Naruto and... More

The mission that started it all
A Talk by the fire
A talk by the fire pt.2
Sweet Dreams...
The scroll
Mission complete...
The morning...
Pancakes and concessions...
I will love you always...
The talk with Neji...
Christmas eve...
All the way...
Introductions 2...
proposal 2?...
Tying the knot...
-Thank you all-


893 12 2
By scrollers

this is the longest chapter in the story...
Gl 👍

[Hinata pov]

When i woke up i found that Naruto was gone again i turned my head off of the bed to talk to Naruto as i guessed her had fallen off again, the door then swung open with a kick and Naruto walked in with a tray, on it was some tea dumplings and various fruits
"Happy Birthday sweetie!"
"Oh hehe, thank you Honey"
I layed back onto the bed as Naruto placed the tray down, i began eating some and
"Oh my god Naruto! did you make this!?"
"...uh s-sure..." i saw in his eyes he was lying
"So the chefs then?"
"Well at least the house isn't on fire this time ahaha"
"Hey! That was one time! And the house didn't even catch on fire!"
"It would've if i wasn't there"
"Probably!" he said folding his arms and pouting
"Hehe" i started giggling at his childishness
" what are we doing first?"
"Well, the clan dinner is at 6 right? So we can do whatever we want until then"
"Right. What specifically were you thinking?"
I looked at him and realised exactly what i wanted
" have to do what i say for the entire day"
"Yeah! Let's do it!"
"hmm......Sure, it is your birthday after all"
"Hn. i feel like i'm going to have a lot of fun today" i knew i sounded scary to Naruto but we both knew i wouldn't do anything bad to him
"W-well what f-first?"
"Well first..." i had no clue what i was going to do "until the dinner you have to wear my clothes"
His eyes went wide as he knew all of my friends would be seeing me today for happy birthday messages
"U-uhm okay" he walked over to the draw and started pulling out one of my baggy shirts and trousers
"Not that"
"Here" i pulled out my mission gear as well as some of my pants and threw it to Naruto
"Fine, but do I have to wear the pants?" he said sulking as he put on the clothes
"Yes you have to put on the pants"
"But they're so uncomfortable" he said while trying to reposition them as he was finished changing
"Looks good Honey"
"T-thanks" he said while holding onto his arm
"Now for the part you may enjoy"
"Hmm? Enjoy?"
"Naruto, undress me and put my clothes on me please"
"Hell yeah Hinata!"
"You can't play with my boobs..."
After i said that he collapsed on the floor and scrunched himself into a ball
"Hinataaa- this is torture!"
"Ehehe dont worry i can reward you later"
"Hmm?" i saw his eyes light up
"If you're good today that is."
"I'll be good! I'll be good i swear!" well that worked
Naruto did as he was told and when he had fully undressed me i felt i was being a little bit too mean so i let him honk them once before Naruto dressed me in the clothes i picked out
I was wearing my normal mission clothes except under my jacket i was wearing one of Naruto's uzumaki shirts with the emblem on the front
"Now what?" Naruto asked almost dreading what i was going to reply
"Don't worry i just want us to go into town together and have some fun" i had actually planned for us to do stuff even though it was my birthday
"Oh what are we doing in town?"
"Well, we're gonna go meet Sakura quickly then we're going outside of the village for a bit"
"Okay that sounds fun"
"Yeah but don't forget you have to do what i say"
"Oh r-right"
"Now lets go" i grabbed his hand as we ran out of my room then jumped over the compound doors, we made our way to the tea house where we met sakura
"Hey Sakura!"
"Hehe" i couldn't help but giggle as it was embarrassing for Naruto which was a rare occasion when he was embarrassed around anyone other than me
"Hinata-channn- what do i have to do nowww?" he moaned out as he realised he was still wearing the clothes i picked out for him
"Hmm...can you go order us some tea please"
"Sure thing sweetie" he walked off and i began to talk to Sakura
"Do you have them?"
She quickly looked at Naruto to be sure he wasn't looking and handed me an envelope
"Here, it's got everything you wanted to know"
"Thank you"
I then hid the envelope in my handbag so Naruto didn't find it
Me and Sakura then began talking about the marriage when Naruto returned
We began talking about random things and old memories which made Sakura begin to talk about Sasuke
"Oh yeah i remember that mission where we had to find the bug that would find Sasuke"
"Oh yeah that was a good mission"
"Yeah! You really kicked ass on that mission"
"Hehe thanks Naruto, but that was also the time you farted and it was all the bug would track" i couldn't contain my laughter as Naruto blushed and slammed his head on the table
"You remember that?"
"Of course i remember that Naruto, i love you"
"I love you too sweetie"
"Oh yeah i remember you telling me you saw that beautiful girl by the waterfall Naruto"
"Hmm?...oh yeah! It as really strange for me at the time aha"
Oh god he still hasn't figured it out
"Yes Hina?"
"I know who that woman was ya'know"
"Oh...don't worry, you're all i could every want though" he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close
"What if I told you that girl was me..."
"Ehehe yeah Naruto it was me"
"Wow...all this time it was you...wait so why did you run away?"
"Well Naruto i was naked"
"Yeah but i've seen you naked"
He completely forgot Sakura was there but it was fine as she knew we were like that
"But Naruto, this is when we were like teenagers..."
"Wait, so i saw you Naked when we were that young?"
"Y-y-yes N-Naruto-Kun" i was blushing heavily
"Hehe Hinata, its like you're young again...calling me Naruto-kun and all"
"Y-yeah i g-guess...h-hey!...d-don't be m-mean n-now else ill m-make you do s-something embarrassing!"
That snapped him out of it " sorry sweetie"
He pulled me onto his lap and continued hugging me tightly
"Well you two seem to be having a good time"
I felt Naruto jump a tiny bit, yep he forgot Sakura was there
"Well Naruto we should probably be going now" i tilted my head back to him  and when i did he kissed my forehead
"Sure thing Hina-chan" he stood up still holding me in his arms so my legs were just dangling
"Naruto? You can put me down ya know?" he did so but then knelt down in front of me
"Hop on." i did as he said before we left the cafe
"Don't worry Sakura i already paid" he left Sakura the extra dumplings and carried me outside
"So where next Hina?"
"Well...blind fold yourself"
"Ill be your eyes now" i whispered into his ear
"O-okay...bling fold me" i pulled my ninja headband out of my purse and tied it around his eyes so he couldn't see
"So w-where do i go Hina?"
"Sorry first i need to get some payback"
"H-huh payback?" i then grabbed his pecs and began poking his nipples
"Hey! Hina! Stop!" he was yelling but did nothing to stop me because it was my birthday and had to hold me up
"Hehe fine. I just needed to get you back for always doing it to me"
"I can tell where they are while blind folded though ya know" he said before reaching one of his hands behind himself and grabbing my own
"HEY! N-Naruto...there's people around..." i was blushing like i would when we started dating
"S-sorry where are we headed?
"U-uhm straight forwards for now...i'll tell you when to turn"
"Okay then" he began cautiously walking forwards still carrying me on his back, he reached his hand behind himself again and grabbed my butt this time
"S-sorry...but all i can feel right now is Hinata on my body"
"I guess...but remember you only get a reward tonight if you're a good boy" i said while kissing his cheek as he was sulking a bit
"R-right, sorry i forgot"
After directing Naruto to where we needed to go we arrived at the gate
"Hey Hinata. Who's that on your back?" one of the guards called out without realising it was actually Naruto carrying me, he turned to where the voice was coming from as he heard them burst into laughter
"Hina? Why are they laughing?" he turned his head having completely forgotten he was wearing my clothes
"Naruto, dont you remember who's clothes you're wearing?"
"Oh right" he then tried to focus on where the laughter was coming from again
"SHUT UP GUYS! IT'S FOR HINATA!" they seemed surprised when he said that
"Naruto? How is wearing Hinata's clothes helpful for her?"
"...i-i dont just doing what she tells me today because it's her birthday..."
"ooooh...Happy Birthday Hinata , is that why you left this ba-"
"AAAAAH!" I yelled as he was about to give away what i was planning to Naruto,
I jumped off of his bag and ran to pick up the bag, I put it on my back then hopped onto Naruto again.
"We ready to go now, Hina?"
"Yep! Onwards!"
"Christ Hina i'm not a horse" he said laughing
After a while of Naruto running on a dirt path we were nearly there but we needed to stop
"Okay naruto now turn right" he began turning slowly
"Okay tell me when to stop"
" go forwards again"
After about 2 minutes we were at the perfect spot
"Just stay there now Naruto" i got off of his back and set down the bag...pulled out a blanket and laid it down by two logs that were on the ground with a fire between them, i walked next to Naruto and began to take his blindfold off
"We're here honey"
"" he looked at his surroundings and i knew it was familiar to him
"Oh here! This is where we camped on our mission isn't it"
"Yep i'm glad you remembered" i said as i gave him a quick peck
"I wouldn't forget for the world sweetie"
We laid down on the blanket until we had to head back, we were mostly cuddling and talking for the entire time until the topic of families came up
"Speaking of which" i said while fumbling around in my bag while pulling out an envelope
"What's that Hinata?"
"My results..."
"Results? Results for what?"
We sat up as I handed him the envelope as he began to read out loud
"Due date : 1st of October? Gender : Boy? Status : week 1?"
I could only smile at him as his eyes became more understanding
"Hinata? You're?"
"Yep" he hugged my tightling as we were both beaming with happiness, we flopped down onto our sides
"We're...gonna be parents..." Naruto said almost in shock but in a happy way
"'re gonna be a father Naruto-Kun"
"And you're going to be a mother Hinata-Chan"
"And you're going to be a father"
"And you a mother!"
We laid comfortably in each others arms and occasionally Naruto would feel my belly
"Hehe you're not gonna feel anything yet silly"
"I know. I know, but still...our boy is in he's actually in there..." he was still in quite a lot of shock
"haha, of course he is Naruto, and he will make a fine shinobi, just like his father" i turned around and gave him a kiss
"I always knew you were going to be a great mother Hinata"
"Oh Naruto, you can't make me blush on my birthday" i said but even though i was blushing so was he
"Hehe but I love you Hinata..............oh shit..."
"Hmm? What is it Honey?"
"Hinata what time is it?"
"Hmm i'd say probably about 5-ish"
"Hinata...the dinner is at 6..."
We were immediately running back to the compound as not only was Naruto in my mission clothes but we had to prepare other stuff beforehand like greeting guests ect
But when we arrived it was too late for us to even get changed but Naruto insisted he needed to pick something up from my room so i let him run off while i talked to my father
Naruto got back just at the right time as we began walking into the main hall of the compound, it was a table that could sit about 20 people, with 9 on either side and two on the ends, my father was at the top and some other high ranking clan member was on the other side
Me and naruto sat near to my father so that Naruto was in between me and my father as to not get question by other clan members on who he was too much
My father began talking to naruto though
"Hey kid? Why are you in my daughter's clothes?"
"I can't lie, i don't was her birthday and i've been doing what she told me to today"
"Oh i understand, me and my wife always found that fun"
I was still surprised at just how close naruto and my father had become but also glad that my fiancé and father were getting along so well
When all of our food was on the table Naruto then pulled out a small box about a ruler long and placed it on the table in between our dishes
"That's for you Hinata" he said while giving me a wink
Everyone opened our dishes revealing some miso ramen, before i had realised it though Naruto and my father had already finished their first bowl and we just starting on their second
I opened the box Naruto gave me as the smell of cinnamon hit my face
"Happy birthday Hinata"
"Oh! thank you Naruto!" i kissed his cheek before i started eating my ramen
With a face full of noodles I realised everyone was looking at me in shock and even Naruto and my father had wide eyes because they had no idea what to say to the clan members
"O-oh sorry, me and N-Naruto-Kun are just really good friends" i was trying to push any thoughts the other clan members may have out of their minds. Naruto then grabbed my left hand as it was dangling in between us while smiling at me, thankfully everyone went back to eating and i was able to speak to my father
"S-sorry...force of h-habbit..."
"It's okay Hinata, nice save" 'HOW DID NARUTO CHANGE MY FATHER THIS MUCH!'
After we finished eating our ramen i decided to split the two cinnamon rolls in between me and naruto
"Hmm? Are you sure Hinata?"
"Yes i'm sure Honey, i'm too full to eat two"
"Is everything okay Naruto?"
" did it again" 'oh god i said Honey didnt i...'
"Were you two trying to trick your friends that you were a couple again today?"
My father was trying to help us out this time
"Uh y-yes...sorry father" Naruto looked at me almost confused before i pinched his leg
"Hmm?, oh. right yes...sorry Hia-...sorry sir" Naruto said bowing his head, i had to put my hand over my mouth to try and stop myself from laughing because Naruto could not be formal no matter how hard he tried and it was hilarious
We finally finished dinner and walked back to our rooms, it was already late so we just decided to go to bed as tomorrow was a big day
"Hey Naruto."
"Hmm? What is it Hina?"
"Ya know, you've been a really good boy today" i said as i ran my finger down his chest
"Oh yeah? So what was this reward you were talking about?"
"Well...i don't think it would be smart to do it the normal way as we have a child on the way but"
"But we can still have you can play with me as much as you want and"
"And? And?"
"And i can help you out right now" i said as my hand ran down even lower to his crotch
"Then let's get to it"

Well I hope you can still be asked to read as the next chapter is tomorrow <3
Please like if you enjoyed ^_^

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