Classroom Of The Elite x Oc

By alexkuhar360

241K 7.6K 2.2K

What happens when an American boy who has a passion for reading gets transported to a anime world he knows pr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Year 2 Announcement
Year 2 Prologue
Year 2 Prologue 2
Year 2 Chapter 1
Year 2 Chapter 2
Year 2 Chapter 3
Year 2 Chapter 4
Year 2 Chapter 5
Year 2 Chapter 6
Year 2 Chapter 7
Year 2 Chapter 8

Chapter 24

4.2K 157 22
By alexkuhar360

Alex's Pov

Once it was announced that Kushida dropped out of the school my class went completely ballistic, everyone was shocked and grieving. It seemed like everyone was in a depressed mood, accept Matsushita, Ayanokoji, Horikita, and me who knew what kind of person she really was. After  some time passed and winter break was well underway our class agreed to all meet up to talk about what happened with Kushida, Hirata was the most confused since she dropped out on her own accord without telling anyone.

If I had to guess he couldn't understand what he did wrong to lead her to quit, his philosophy is really troublesome. By now the incident with Kei on the roof with Ryuen has happened and Kei has fallen deeply in love with Ayanokoji, I am rooting for you.

The day before all our classmates decided to meet up I started sending everyone in my class different audio recordings I had gathered of Kushida over time. I even used parts of my conversation with her before I turned the tables, of course without me saying anything.

In total I have 9 different clips I sent to my classmates, some were very damning to her character and some were worse than that. Since it was winter break I didn't know where we would be allowed to meet but I guess someone in my class got permission to use our classroom, we all have to wear our uniforms though.

The time we were set to meet was 10:00 AM and I arrived at 9:45, I wanted to see everything that would happen.

I was one of the first people to arrive and sat quietly in my seat, after a few minutes more people arrived, when Matsushita arrived and sat behind me I greeted her.

"Hello Chiaki-chan, did you receive a strange recording last night?"

"Hmm, yes I did, in my opinion it sounded like Kushida-san. Do you think she dropped out because she was going to get exposed by whoever sent us those recordings?"

"Most likely, if Kushida-san is like she was in the clip I was sent I am almost relieved she left. Thank goodness I didn't tell her any of my secrets."

"I agree, I was suspicious of Kushida-san for a while, I never told her anything I wouldn't mind all the girls in our class knowing."

"I guess we will have to wait for Horikita-san to explain, right? I am sure as our leader she will know what happened."

With that our conversation ended, Chiaki and I had made a plan to start getting that idea in our classmates mind before this discussion started, since both of us seem like completely uninvolved parties some of our classmates will take what we said seriously.

Once the clock struck 10:00 everyone was in the classroom, now 39 instead of 40, right on time Horikita went up to the teachers podium.

"Hello everyone, as you all know Kushida-san voluntarily dropped out of school a few short time ago. I knew nothing about it at the time but I think I have a good understanding now, let us start with the clips we were all sent yesterday. I think it is best if we hear all of them first, I will play what I was sent first and if you have a different clip raise your hand and come up to plug your phone into the speaker and we will repeat."

Anyone with braincells could see Horikita was trying to drag Kushida's name through the mud since she wasn't here to defend herself.

After that we played through all 9 clips, most of them were her yelling about the perverts in our class, Horikita, or Kei's group of girls. The expletives she used made some people uncomfortable, the final clip that was played was brought forward by Ike. He was the only one I sent this one to, it is also the most damning. I knew he realized what it meant as soon as he walked into the classroom before we started, it was the clip of Kushida and Ryuen's talk after failed to defeat Horikita in the Paper Shuffle. In the clip Ryuen dismissed Kushida as an incompetent spy and talks about all her failures since the Zodiac Exam, as the final nail in the coffin most of my classmates were happy she dropped out, some we different. For instance Hirata seemed was still depressed and some of the Kushida simps who just cared about he body were sad because they couldn't look at her chest anymore.

Ike seemed to feel in most devastated out of anyone, I do believed up until know he actually had some kind of genuine love for her, even if he would end up with Shinohara he still had a deep affection for Kushida. After listening to many of the terrible names she called him and many of the other boys in our class I can understand his distress. Once everyone calmed down Horikita spoke again.

"I see, it seems the Kushida we all knew was not the real her, in that last clip in particular we heard that she had actively acted against the class, to be completely honest I am glad she is gone after listening those clips."

Sudo instantly jumped in.

"Yeah, did you hear the stuff she called Suzune? If she was still here I wouldn't be able to let that slide, good thing she is gone."

Some people jumped in to support him, the next person who spoke why Kei.

"Yeah, now that we heard that, wasn't she like, I don't know, a total bitch? Everyone she pretended to be nice to she made fun of and insulted behind their backs, isn't that like totally wrong?"

With her input most of the girls agreed, Kushida was trusted by most of them and probably knew stuff they never wanted anyone else to ever know. The idea of that person being a loose cannon no doubt scared many of them, Horikita took back control promptly though.

"I think we should think about why the person who had these clips sent them to us, if I had to guess it would be to gloat. They want us to know that they ruined Kushida and that we should be scared of them, that is why we need to be careful and continue to try hard next semester."

Horikita tried to make it sound like it was an external threat we have to wary of to get my classmates to be more vigilant even though it is obvious that the only real reason someone would release those audio clips would be to lower our moral or make us more accepting of Kushida's departure.

When you are in a position of power you can say a bunch of bullshit and the idiots in the crowd will believe it. Fortunately almost all of the more cunning people in the class are in on it, or Koenji. The other book smart people don't know who to lead people or attack others emotionally so wouldn't understand this very well.

After such a short time the entire class baring Hirata was no longer feeling sad about Kushida dropping out. Hopefully from now on some of my classmates will be a little more diligent with who they trust, hopefully this doesn't cause anyone in the class to develop trust issues though. Out of everyone I think Ike is the most likely for that to happen to, he got permission to call Kushida Kikyo like in the book and since he was higher socially then in the book she gave him more attention. It would be accurate to say that he was down bad for her, maybe Shinohara will help him get out of his depression.

The meeting was finished after  a little less than an hour, I promptly exited the room and went back to my room to grab some things.

Later today I have a meeting with Sae and recently she was been getting kinkier, she even asked to try some rope play. I am starting to think when Ayanokoji and I broke her on the ship it awake some kind of masochistic and submissive traits she didn't have before.

It might sound weird but I think she is completely focused on me, everything she does it to help me get to Class A, which was her original goal, but she also has become obsessed with being of use to me. She always asks me if she can help with anything and calls me at night to update me on various things, it seems like the more time passes the more obedient she becomes.

I don't know her family situation but it seems like to me she has nobody accept the other teachers that care about her at all, by filling that void she is almost completely dependent on me for affection. I make it sound like I am using and playing her but I do genuinely enjoy talking with and have sex with her, one could say she is definitely my type.

On the other hand I have been learning basic martial arts from Fuka, since I have been improving physically at the same time I have been rapidly gaining combat power. I am definitely not strong enough to beat someone like Ryuen in a fight right now but I am definitely above average now.

The other activity I do with Fuka has also grown in intensity, she has started saying some pretty crazy things in bed, for instance.

"If you don't end up graduating from Class A I will happily hire you as my personal fuck toy."


"Nothing is better than draining the balls of a boy you trained yourself."

Thankful both of these women know how to keep what happens in the bedroom in the bedroom, I don't need rumors about me having sex with people going around.

If I look at the pattern though, I wonder in Chiaki is also a freak between the sheets? The thought of another crazy girl is scary, at least I am pretty sure she isn't so aggressive as to initiate that kind of relationship by herself.

Even if I live the life that most people would consider being a Chad I honestly don't feel very different about it, it is nice but I don't think I have changed in any massive way.

For Christmas I had bought gifts for Chiaki, Fuka, and Sae I also sent Ayanokoji a text saying Merry Christmas. I sent him a happy birthday text a few months back but like Christmas he simply replied with Thanks.

I think he is making it clear that he does not want to get buddy buddy with me, he has his friends and I have mine, I wont try to barge into his life.

On the side I have also been messaging with Tachibana-senpai, I would tell her stuff like:

"Senpai you need to make a move; I heard many third-year girls are planning to try to seduce Manabu-senpai! If you need help let me know."

She would always respond with stuff like:
"Kyaaa, what should I do, I won't loss to those vixens! Thank goodness I can rely on my favorite Kohai for help, I wouldn't be able to bare if someone else did 'that' with him."

Along the way I would give her some tips as well as also be texting with Manabu-senpai, I would say something like.

"Senpai I am interested in getting a girlfriend and I think asking you is the best place to get this information, do you have any tips?"

Then he would say something like:

"I am not particularly interested in romance at the moment, I would suggest a different senpai."

Since I had to help Tachibana I would continue.

"Senpai if you had to pick a girl to have as your wife, who would it be? I am interested in what is wife material to you."

Without any hesitation he answered.

"I think Tachibana would be my only choice for a wife, as the person I am closest to it is only natural to have her as my wife in the future."

With that I made a plan to get my two senpai's together of the holiday break, I guess I will know what happens after she confesses, I think her chances are very good though.

Like that my winter break ended, time for the camp exam, the first cross class exam, I won't let Nagumo make Tachibana cry, enjoy your precious plan failing asshole.

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