The Actual Dream come true

By RedSnow1997

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So, fully based on a day dream I want to show you imagine with me if you will what happens my OC a character... More

Chapter 1 Before the beginning
Chapter 2 Strange Dreams
Chapter 3 Coincidence or fate?
Chapter 4 talent YouTube Twitterbook oh my!
Chapter 5 Connections
Chapter 6 NYC for a wedding and a BIG move and the flight
Chapter 7 Meeting the family
Chapter 8 Home again
Chapter 9 She has no clue and how was school
Chapter 10 Dreams meet reality and Jason McCann
Chapter 12 The games we play, ha you found out nothing
Chapter 13 The handwritten part of the journal
Chapter 14 Please you gotta trust me! I don't do revenge
Chapter 15 This is my manager, manager this is my girlfriend
Chapter 16 Starting to meet the gang one by one
Chapter 17 All the others
Chapter 18 Operation distraction is a go
Chapter 19 Never let you go
Chapter 20 And we both lived happily ever after

Chapter 11 The rest of the day and play practice

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By RedSnow1997

If there's no POV at the top it's the same as before....

With my 2nd hour of the day being choir and walking Justin and Jazmyn to Justin's next class, don't ask me how, but somehow even though Jazmyn would be a Freshman she still has all the same core classes as us. Jazmyn and I had Choir together, when I asked her what class she had next that's what she said. Oh I said nervously as she stuck her tongue at me. What's your problem? Huh? What Jason? Choir you seemed nervous about it?! Oh, well.... I've always wanted to sing, but.... But? But.... I can't. There I said it Jason are you happy I can't?! Wait what about your videos? All faked. I'm not sure they could've all been faked. Well I'm sure great at computers I edit a bunch and if you were to have the right pass-code you'd know how much it's been faked. Ok I'll have to just do that then.

Fine suit yourself, fine don't believe me. I never said I didn't. That's because you.... Never say Never! Ha, ha so funny. So what's your next class Mr. Pop star?! Glad you asked I have office next, I'm an aid for the office which means I too can do whatever I want when I want for the next 50 minuets. *Gulp* I swallow hard sweat dripping down nervously onto my skin. You seem really nervous about that?! Anytime you can do what you want when you want is dangerous for you! Maybe it's more likely dangerous for you Miss Farrah. Danger?! Ha I laugh in the face of danger ha-ha. (Lion King) And what do you have? Wh-wh-what do I have? Yes? Well that's not important. Why do you say that? Never mind. I'll see you later.

We finally get to class and not a moment too soon. After halfway through the class period I hear the doors up and close of the choir room and look over seeing Justin, (To Jazmyn) Dang Justin just came in here cover me. She nods and a bunch of people surround us. I'm lucky we have a lot of tall people in our class. Hey Jade. Hi Jason. All other girls: Hello Jason McCann! Hello ladies! This is quite the class you have, he tells my teacher. Why thank you Mr. McCann. Who is the note for? It's For Farrah, but I don't see her on here. She's not in my class. Oh, well my sister is. Yes so she is well goodbye now. Goodbye see you 4th hour. Goodbye Jason.

After he had left everyone steps away and looks to me, Farrah he's gonna find out. No he won't just like the rest of you won't ever find out who he really is. Some of those in our class that knew of this nickname were so happy and wanted to as for his autograph, but held their tongues. Farrah do you want to go on down and get this? What is it? A note about something and flowers. All: Oooohh! Ok? So I took the note and went to office where Justin was there waiting. Hey kiddo. Hi? Where were you? In class? Right but, which class? My 2nd hour class. Fine don't tell me and these are for you. Oh Jason you didn't have to.... I actually didn't send them, read the card.

Card: Hey we haven't met you and this is crazy but, here are some flowers we'll meet sometime soon maybe. Just wanted to say hi mystery girl we've all been dreaming about and you and JB has been searching all over for you when the house is finished he has a surprise for you. Also know that you won't be able to keep secrets from him no matter how much you try the gang and myself are looking forward to meeting you. Take care keep Justin and Jazmyn out of trouble don't let either of them get you into trouble and stay on your toes and break a leg, we know everything Justin is the only one that doesn't so far you've made it this far we've been given your number and everyone else's numbers at your house except your siblings, if you're as awesome as JB made you out to be then I can't wait to meet you, couldn't wait to meet you anyways, BTW all your secrets are safe with us. Chow Scooter.

OMG! Who are they from? What does the card say? They're from Scooter. Really that was nice of him. He says they can't wait to meet me. They? He said the gang. Oh? Well I guess that's it so I'll see you later. See ya. After class ended I went to Resource which was as bad as usual with the kids in it. Jazmyn had Fashion and Justin had Music Rep class. Yet another secret that Justin wasn't gonna get to know. After that 4th hour came and Justin had choir and Jazmyn and I had Rep Theater class together, were working on our children's theater show right. It was fun. After that we all joined back together and had U.S. History class together. That was great too. I still ate my lunch during class so I could go to my previous resource teacher's class, but class it's self was more fun than it usually was. When I snuck around Justin was suspicious which made me nervous, and when we got back to class after lunch he asked me where I had been. My answer had been, oh you know around.

Then he saw my folder of stuff and started asking all about it. I simply told him it was none of his business. Then 6th hour came and we're reading "In Cold Blood" and to make things more interesting Justin and Jazmyn had got to the front of the room and preformed our book, of the sections we were reading. Everyone laughed and cheered. Then the last hour of the day came. After this would be play practice. I was both happy and sad about this, because happy I got to go and sad because well we were doing our saddest scene today. I was also scared because Justin kept saying he was gonna find out my secrets and theater was one of them. But just like choir we had a solution for everything. Our plan A was lock the door and if someone tried to get in or out that wasn't a part of the play they'd get a tiny shock, but only once. Justin could in somehow after that, but I wouldn't be there. When Justin came and started to head home he wanted to know where I was so he could take me home, but I wasn't anywhere to be found and when he saw the doors to the stage were locked he tried to get in. I had of course been hidden so he waited away in the car for me to come out.

He got tired of waiting he came back in. I had left my cell phone in there and he recognized it. When our director tried to say it was his. Justin clicked on it to show the screen. He *Sighed* and said, look it's Farrah's, but I found it left in in her shop class. Good cover up. Ok well I'll just take it, He took it and when he came back to the car I was already in it. Hello Farrah? Hi Justin. He nodded his head not giving me my phone yet. IDK in this case the D is didn't know he had my phone or that I had left it there I wouldn't get it back until I got home the next the day.

Chapter 12 the games me play

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