Chapter 3 Coincidence or fate?

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This is no coincidence that we've all been having these crazy dreams about this sweet crazy fan girl. I think it's fate, I really do and I want to figure out who she is and I really want to know who she is, I think she's a real girl, a real girl that's probably gonna come into our lives and change us for the better. I just.... I just can't stop thinking about her, she's just so beautiful. Even though I don't know her yet but, I think after the friendship we've created through her dreams, all of us have created this bond with her and yet, we don't even know her, but something has made me want to find her. Maybe we will meet her someday maybe I can make her dreams come true.... Well I mean I'm with Selena but maybe the rest of it can we'll all be best friends, well I at least want to know if she's real, I hope she is because if she wasn't why would my mind create such a beautiful girl out of no where for no reason?

Thoughts: Justin stop thinking about a girl you don't know man, you have Selena!

Yeah but, is she really for me why am I with her, I mean she's pretty and stuff and smart and I love her and everything, but there's something about this mystery girl.... Maybe something about her makes me want to know her and help her no matter what and be her friend, in fact I hope that if we ever find her we'll all be her friend. I wonder what she's doing right now, I wish I could just drop everything and try to find her, but I know that's not an option.

These dreams about Justin and the gang I just don't understand, however I would like to write it all down in my journal, I'd like to meet them all too, but just like on Hannah Montana that's a one in a million chance. I'm not that lucky, ever. Oh well best not think about it too much, after all they're only dreams. Well a girl can dream at least right? Never mind I'll just wright it down now. Yeah that should take my mind off of some things, well for now anyways I guess I'll just have to keep these moments where they belong in my mind in my dreams or on the computer.

The next day
Justin? Oh no they're after me again.... UG why can't I just stay out of trouble and why does getting into trouble have to be so fun?! Justin?! Oh hi Scooter what's up? Justin?! I'm sorry ok and I won't do it again! Justin calm down.... It's this girl and these dreams I don't think it's a coincidence that we're all having the same dreams I can't get her out of my head and it's obvious you can't either you've been falling asleep at meetings and when we finally wake you up the first words that come from your mouth are, "Mystery girl?" Then you rub your eyes and go back home and we know you fall asleep again dreaming about her because we all start day dreaming about her when we're awake. I think this is Fate!

What are you saying? I'm saying even while in our daily lives at least for now let's forget about this girl we know nothing about and carry on like it never even happened and maybe we'll finally get some sleep. Maybe you're right..... I am right, he says putting a hand on his shoulder giving him an odd looking grin, now.... What did you do this time?!

Back at home
Wow this is great the more dreams I have and remember the more I'll have for my journal, although it is getting pretty long, but I do want to read some more fan fiction to fuel my brain, maybe that's how it works people always say that if you have something specific on your mind before you go to sleep you'll dream about that, hm I guess it's possible I mean stranger things have happened right? I just.... I can't stop thinking about the gang I wish there was a sign or a something that told me if this was just dreams meant for staying where they were or if they were meant for something more, I wish they were something more, but hey that's what dreams are for, escaping from reality to something that could've been.

The Actual Dream come trueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora