Chapter 13 The handwritten part of the journal

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It was just another ordinary day at school. Justin was trying to figure out my secrets and stuff. No one really knew who he or his sister really was. The games had only just begun with us. I knew I couldn't beat him in games but I'm good at being quite. I would try to hold on to my secrets as much as I could and a part of those secrets included a journal. Which in a sense was nothing more than a now worn out folder. My like 8 or so folder of this year so far he knew nothing I had no idea how long that was gonna last but my guess was not very long.

She's keeping stuff from me and I want to find out what it is. I'm good at games and as far as I now they've just begun with us. It's not fair! Jazmyn knows her secrets and so does the rest of the school I'm assuming. If I start getting suspicious she'll back away and I'll never get anything out of her. To be fair though the rest of the school has no idea who I or my sister really are. On a whole different note I can't wait for her to meet my friends or become one us. Which actually leads me back to her secrets. I know she can sing I've heard her all those couple of years ago there's no way all those videos are fake. Speaking of secrets what is up with her always carrying around that folder all day long writing in it hanging on to it as if it would shatter and spill out all her secrets?! Hm? I'll have to look into that I'll back off for now if I don't she'll never tell me anything and there for won't trust ever trust me.

Oh that boy my brother. Geez he really wants that girl to spill her guts to him. Well that 1st trick didn't do him much. She's good. At keeping her mouth shut that is. If he wants her to tell him what's up he has to get her to trust him 1st. He better back off he's getting too close he's gonna scare her away! He doesn't mean to it's just she seems kind of shy even when she can do what ever she wants and nobody cares. OMG that's it that's why she doesn't trust that's why she's so shy and can do what she wants because no one cares. I have to tell Justin then he can use this new info to get her to trust him and maybe he'll back off and she'll tell him her secrets finally. I think I know why he cares so much too. He likes her and he wants to do this to get to know her after all she has been in all our dreams and stuff. He better be careful he better not hurt her/ break her heart. Justin be careful with her I know you and Farrah if you know what's best for you stay away and don't let yourself fall for him he'll break your heart whether he means to or not!

So I was coming back from lunch looking around to make sure Justin hadn't followed me and I was lucky he hadn't he hasn't followed me in the last few days I think somethings up. Then again when is that boy not ever up to getting himself in trouble or anything at that matter?! Justin's a nice guy and all but he's a trouble maker. If I fall for him something tells me he'll break my heart, but hey, "The Heart Wants What It Wants" right? In other words there's no way I can stop myself from falling. Well "I can't fly unless I let myself fall." Let's just see where this gets me.

A few weeks later.... It's another ordinary day at school too bad tonight I have play practice for my sad scene. I shouldn't worry about that right now though, I'll worry about Justin instead. He's driving me nuts I keep thinking he's gonna try to find out my secrets or follow me around but he hasn't for a while and that scares me. Is he planning something? If so just do it and get it over with Justin please?! I'm scared! I can't think when I'm scared. Maybe this is a good thing maybe he's just backing off to try and give me some space to try to get me to trust him. Well.... Oh shut up heart and brain! Neither of you really know what you're getting me into. I was so scared I couldn't see where I was going and totally ran into someone spilling almost all of my papers out of my folder I really need a new one this one is falling a part!

I'm so sorry.... Justin?! Hey it's ok Farrah no problem. Wait what is this? Aladdin Jack Frost Peter Pan Powers Mermaids Love Flying?! Farrah? Did you really write all of this? Um..... Because the words on these pages I have in my hand so far are really interesting. Page 300 page 442 page 336 page 510? Wow! You really like to write. Oh this is nothing it's just my.... My journal. *sigh* Or I guess it's sequel. For? Nothing it's nothing I've said too much I have to go! Farrah wait where are you going? Class?! But sweetie we have class together we can walk and talk. No I don't think that's a great idea Justin. Why? In time.

In time was all she told me but I have a feeling it was a sequel to.... Her dream journal! Nah not possible it's probably just fan fiction right? I mean would she really wright down those dreams about us expecting them to never come true? (Yes) Well.... I want to know more she's my friend and friends trust each other. I'm fast she's slow and scared though so she's probably running but then again no one cares.... Wait no one cares she can do whatever she wants because no one cares that's it all I have to do is show her I care and that's why I want her secrets because I want to know more about her because I care enough to try to get to know her. All she does though is push me away and never tell me nothing maybe if I let her get revenge from before she'll trust me enough to talk to me. That's it that's what I'll let her do I care about her and I want to be her friend but she keeps pushing me away I get it I'm not trustworthy I'm working on it! If only she'd just give me a chance. She proved to her family I was good and she believes it too, but maybe that's not enough she just needs somebody. "Somebody to Love" Ha play on words from my own song.

Hey Farrah wait up! Slow down! UG it's too late classes have only just begun. If I let her take her revenge I hope she'll trust me, if not well she'll at least get to use one of my weaknesses against me at free will. Trust me we're more alike than she thinks. What is this feeling people call it? I think they call it a crush? IDK I'm a guy I don't feel things like that even if I did I probably wouldn't know it. Hey Jazz wait up! Well I guess I'm off to 7th hour with the girls. I hope this works!

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