Chapter 17 All the others

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When we left we found our way to L.A. Reeds. Reed are you home? Justin asked knocking on the door. Reed answered the door. Why hello Justin how are you today? I'm great. Jazzy you remember Reed, vise versa? Yeah we've met a couple times before, how are you? I'm good. I don't believe however that I've had the pleasure of meeting this little cutie. What's your name? He said putting out his hand for me to shake. Hi it's nice to meet you I'm Farrah, I'm Justin's girlfriend. That's right, she is and we, myself and my sister are taking her around to meet everyone. Now that doesn't sound like you Justin. We're letting the press die down at home, I have a small surprise for her before we go home. Now that sounds like you. Well I'd love to stay and chat, but we've got a lot of people to introduce her to so we'll be leaving. Ok bye Justin, Jazmyn, and nice meeting you Farrah. Nice to meet you Reed, goodbye.

Where are we going now? You'll see. Come on Justin please? Please what? Please tell me where I'm going? Hmm? No! Why not? Because I said so, do you want to ruin the surprise? I thought my surprise was the end before we went home? Oh so you heard that did you? Yes. Was I not suppose to? He just shrugged his shoulders and told me to get into the car.

When we arrived, I saw a house that looked like it was gonna blow up any sec. now. Where are we, and why does this house look like it's gonna explode? Take a look around, those aren't real ok. Are you sure? Yes, it's part of the decoration for the house. KP You home? K.P.? You'll see. Oh wait a min. K P stands for..... Hey Katy. Hey Justin, hello Jazmyn. Whose this? This is Farrah. Hello Farrah I'm Katy Perry. I'm Farrah I'm Justin's girlfriend. So you are. Ok well now I understand the fireworks around the house, because of the song, that makes sense. We talked to her for a bit and left, on to our next person.

When we got out again..... There's a leaning skyscraper out here. Yep there sure is, it moves too. Up or down? It's part of the song from the person's house we're at. We must be at Demi's. You bet we are. Why does she have Sonny pieces everywhere? The same reason she has a princess tiara hanging on her door, they're both part of her past to lead up to where she is now. Demi heard noise outside and came out to greet us. Justin Bieber and friends. It's good to see you. I know 2/3s of you, who might you be? I'm Farrah I'm Justin's girlfriend. Again we talked for a bit and we left.

At the next house we arrived at, all we heard was country music. Really? What? Is there always country music playing outside of Taylor's house? You bet. Whatever. You say that like that's a bad thing. It's not bad, it's just not my fav. Aside from Taylor's music and whoever else I know and listen to that has country songs, I personally like pop much better. So like my music? Sure Justin, whatever floats your boat. Hey?! Justin is that you I hear? Hey Tay. Everyone hugged said their hellos, I was introduced, we got into the car we left esc.

Justin I'm not getting back into that car if you don't tell where we're going. Too bad get in. *Ug* fine stay here. Fine I'm getting in. When we arrived it was like pure Hollywood. Wow! Wow is right. This is def Miley's house. No really? BTW I'd thought you'd be more excited to meet your idol, the one that made you think about having this kind of life in the first place? I past excitement when my dreams started coming true. I expected Miley to be part of the tour anyway. Sure I acted this way now, but when I actually saw her, I had to restrain myself from yelling out "OMG it's Hannah Montana" Which is way past that time period. My face just lit up like a Christmas tree seeing her, I was majorly overjoyed. Apparently this time she knew who I was because his whole girlfriend to the whole world thing was indeed on T.V. Same thing happened we got into the car and back on the road.

I was surprised to not see so many decorations in front of the next house we stopped at, but at the same time not so surprising seeing as though she's not as popular as everyone else. It was Shealeigh's house, Justin explained to me why it wasn't all decked out like the others. She came outside gave us all really big hugs and we stayed and talked for a little bit. When we were leaving there was no chance this time I was letting Justin drive off before I knew where he was taking me. I mean it Justin please tell me where we're going?! Get in the car. No! Fine stay. No! I said keeping him right where he was. Fine we're going to Cody's, happy now. Very now I will get into the car.

When we got there I wasn't surprised to see a beach themed looking house, I was however the littlest bit surprised to see Cody front and center under the fake palm tree laying on a beach chair like he really was at the beach. Hey Code's enjoying the "beach" Justin laughed. *Ug* I know that know it all voice anywhere. Hey Justin, what's up? Hello to you. He said standing in front of me doing that whole looking over sunglasses at cute girls bit. And who might this be? I giggled playing along knowing very well that it would make Justin jealous and boy did it ever. This is Farrah, Justin said standing in front of me annoyed with Cody, and she's mine, so shoo. The 3 of us just laughed. What's so funny. Justin I saw you're little announcement we all did, I was just playing, you know I'd never try to steal your girl, but your girl is a trained actress, she knew I was trying to just get under your skin. Well Congrats. They talked a little bit more until Cody annoyed Justin more, yeah, yeah come on ladies let's get back in the car. Aw we both whined. Aw Justin mimicked, uh shut up both of you we still have one more stop to make.

When we got there, our last stop was Selena's. It was decorated top to bottom with all of her previous Disney stuff. As payback Justin had texted Selena a head of time to try and trick me into being jealous by acting like a crazy ex girlfriend. She saw him pull up ran into his arms and jumped into them "kissing" him. I just rolled my eyes pretending to play along. When she turned bitchy is when I was 100% correct of my theory. And who are you?! I'm. Nope I don't care, I have much better things to do, but you must be the new girlfriend that's replacing me, he could so much better. Yeah well you're such a great actress, I said laughing. No sarcasm I really mean it that was awesome, if I hadn't seen the text on Justin's phone as he put his phone down to drive I would've never knew it was an act, looks like you're payback was not as good as you thought. Nope, but in all fairness I saw your eyes look down at the phone when I set it down, so think of it as though I was only testing you. Yeah, yeah. OMG it was so nice meeting you, great show bravo, very good, but Justin we need to get home. Oh come on it's only the end of Saturday, we still have your surprise waiting for tomorrow, I hope it's not like the one you tried to pull earlier. No I promise it's so much better, I just have to get it ready, Jazmyn is gonna help with the first part while I get the rest all set up, until then, I have a small guest house here in L.A. near to where I lived before I became your neighbor. We're gonna go stay there. So nice catching up, thanks for that Sel, but I'll see you later, he said friendly kissing her check, checking over his shoulder to see if I was jealous yet. Nothing? Wow you're better than I thought. Yeah, yeah count your blessings, if I wasn't trying to be an actress I might be actually jealous. Good to know, come on girls let's go. Bye Selena. Bye Justin, it was nice meeting you Farrah, nice seeing you Jazz. You too bye.

The Actual Dream come trueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें