Chapter 14 Please you gotta trust me! I don't do revenge

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Ok this has gotta work. I'm just gonna try to figure her out her and her secrets. As far as I'm concerned the journal might be the sequel to her dream journal. It had a ton of pages in it she's always writing in it and always has a new one. Plus what's with all the sneaking around? If you ask me she's just persuading me to find out her secrets more because the more she sneaks around the more I get suspicious to what she's hiding. I need her to trust me though. How am I gonna do that?

Huh? What? I'm sorry what was the question? Are you alright Mr. McCann? Huh? You seem a little bit out of it Jason are you ok? Uh..... Jazmyn nudges him gently in a concerned sisterly way looking at him worriedly. I was siting next to him on the other side and put a hand on his shoulder his skin felt cold and clammy. So I whispered..... Justin are you sick? He turned toward me and shook his head at me. I'm fine mama really please continue. Jazmyn nodded giving her attention back to the lesson but I on the other hand kept looking at Justin with sad tear filled eyes, sure I didn't trust him but he was my friend and if he wasn't ok I was gonna do whatever it took to make sure he was. He turned back to me his sweet filled sad but happy loving caring eyes looking into my own.

Farrah I'm ok really he said reassuring me tussling my hair a bit as I let out a few giggles and hugged him to reassure him I would try to believe that and that I was always there for him. We turned our attention back to class as it continued and I answered the question he had been asked earlier I was wrong but no one knew what the answer was. We were all about to give up when Justin raised his hand and finally answered correctly. Very nice Jason, now remember class.... Blah, blah, blah, blah!

It was finally time to go home I didn't have practice today thank God. So before we went home Justin took the 3 of us to go get ice cream. It was really fun, until.... Hey Farrah? Yeah? Why don't you trust me? What ever gave you that idea Justin of course I trust you. You do? Hm.... I guess a little bit why do you ask? Well..... Oh I get it this is about my secrets and what happened earlier?! Are you mad? No why would you think that I'm not mad at you Justin I just don't fully trust you. Why not?

Well.... Does any of this have to do with stories you've read or dreams you've had? Kind of and to be honest I'm still trying to wrap around that you're both real as in right in front of me and stuff that this is actually really happening I'm kind of worried that I somehow got into an accident or something and that I'm just in a coma dreaming all this and that when I finally wake up you're all gonna disappear I mean I know I'm crazy and stuff but there's no way I'm this crazy! Huh? Never mind forget it. Fine.

So what can I do to make you trust me? IDK about that I have some pretty bad trust issues once you've got it you have to hang onto it like money but once it's gone it's almost impossible to get back again so in terms of money you have little to just about none of it and your sister has a lot of it since I've only ever dreamed of her as a child and never once had used my secrets against me. Hey that's not fair sweetheart you can't hold me responsible over something I did in a dream that's just not fair.

Yeah, yeah and I'm not but even then I have a hard time trusting you and you need to understand that all this is, is a dream come true for me. Fine then reach out and touch me it'll prove we're really here. Yeah I mean, hm.... Well never gonna get another chance like this at free will might as well, I said evil smirking reaching my hand out grabbing at his side to make him jump a few feet then pulled my hand back and finished eating.

Hey?! Sorry but I mean did you really not see that coming. But then again as I was saying before I decided to be evil for a few secs and take my free will to attack, I mean I know you're real and I know you're here right in arms reach but I never thought this could actually happen. I mean my.... Eh hm I said clearing my throat stopping myself from actually saying the words celeb crush, and his sister actually here in the flesh at my beck and call pretty much living at my house until their's is finished while you go to my school this is just nothing that seems like could ever happen.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a sec your what and his sister? My nothing as of right now other than friend. Uh huh please continue, but uh yeah I guess I kind of deserved that one I figure or I guess hoped you would at least trust me a little bit if I let you take your revenge from last time we fought playfully when I had to upper hand. UG don't remind me, I said rolling my eyes crossing my arms, besides you don't have to worry about me when it comes to that I don't do revenge. Why? Because revenge just leads to more revenge if your plan was to get me to trust you to prove we have stuff in common then I already knew that not everything is a lie in my dreams just probably most of it.

You mean you're wonderful acting and singing skills and that you love me?! He asked evil smiling. The thought sent shivers down my spin. Are you cold? Nope don't get cold. Whatever you say vampire girl. Can we just leave, I asked blushing getting up from the table looking down at my phone thinking we should be heading home by now anyway. So they're all true aren't they?

Oh just drop it Justin and get into the car and drive us home already! Come on Jazzy we're going now. No we aren't Justin said getting in front of the door. Justin come on just move you little twerp! What's the magic word? Please? Hm.... I was thinking more of the lines of Peanut Butter. Fine then, peanut butter? Hm.... Nope. Jerk! Hey you never denied it so it has to be true.

No it doesn't you're making stuff up! Am I now? Jazmyn was totally enjoying herself laughing at us. Just go out already you guys! To either of us that actually didn't sound like a bad idea but neither of us wanted to admit it or ask the other out thinking if the other didn't feel the same way it would ruin or friendship. Jazmyn knew everything she knew all my secrets because I told her and she had figured out Justin's because well she lived with him.

Considering he was guy he didn't immediately start blushing because that's not something guys do I wouldn't think. So he took this to advantage. Hey Farrah you ok there? Huh? What? What's so funny? You are? Why? You're blushing? No I'm not you're frustrating me now get out of my way Justin! How about no? Fine move or I'll have to use force! How do you plan on doing that? What if I did something? What kind of something? Close your eyes and you'll find out. I'm not sure I trust you. Just do it. So he did. He hoped I would kiss him so he had done as he was told I knew what he wanted so I teased him instead I walked by his ear playfully nibbled at it whispered, what if I did this I said taking my hands and gently attacking his sides pushing him out of the way and out the door. I giggled as I swiped the keys and unlocked the door to the car Jazmyn laughing getting in as I climbed into passenger seat.

Hey?! You ma lady are positively prime evil. No I'm not I knew what you wanted so I was just teasing you I got what I wanted though so mission accomplished. You say you know what I wanted so will you give it to me demonstrate what I wanted. Ok close your eyes. No I don't trust you. Close them! Fine. I took a deep breath and kissed his lips.

Wow! There now take us home Justin! Fine. Hey you got what you wanted take us home please. As you wish princess. Thank you Justin I said kissing his cheek. You missed he said teasingly. So I pecked his lips again and he started the car Jazmyn laughing form the back seat the whole ride home. Well if he didn't have a lot of my trust before that he had more now not all of it but more then he started with.

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