What I've Been Looking For

By SammiiPedersen

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Love Island 2021 story about finding love and finding there way through the villa. More

Chapter 1: Interviews and Entrances
Chapter 2: Tweets from Hell
Chapter 3: Confessions and Comfort
Chapter 4: Casa Clips
Chapter 6: Secrets and Surveys
Chapter 7: shocking dumping and decisions
Chapter 8: Normal Daily Life
Chapter 9: reunion
Chapter 10: Tweets and Toasts
Chapter 11: epilogue

Chapter 5: confusion, confrontation, and Chaos

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By SammiiPedersen

*Sophia's P.O.V.*

"No, thank you for asking me but I believe there doesn't need to be any more communication between us," I said as he looked at me confused.

"So now you're going to be a little tease and kiss me before the recoupling only to completely shut me off once your main guy comes back," Jackson said confused.

"Last time I checked you forced her to kiss you because she turned away from the kiss," Chloe said which made him look over at her with a rather rude look.

"Okay Chloe calm down babe this doesn't involve you at all," Jackson said dismissively and loudly. This caused a few more islanders who were close by to come over to the situation.

"Hey now, there is no reason to snap at her. She is defending her friend," Toby said catching a good amount of us slightly of guard but I could see it in his eyes he still likes Chloe. Jackson turned around even more pissed off and walked up to me and grabbed my arm and tried to pull me up to my feet.

"Woah mate get your hands off of her," Hugo said as he held onto me tightly. Before I know it, Liam, Aaron, and Toby are all up and in between myself and Jackson. My arm is now back in my lap and Hugo has me pulled tightly into him and away from everything. I was just waiting until things calmed down. I found out that Abbey and Jackson were both being removed from the villa and probably not returning. I was sitting there outside on the terrace and just thinking about everything that has been going on and being stressed out about being the reason that half the villa is having a meltdown. The door opened and I look up to see Hugo coming through with two cups of tea. He hands me one before sitting down next to me and looking at me. "Are you okay," Hugo asked me to which I nodded and then felt the tears start to fall but before Hugo could move I said.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry everything kicked off tonight. I didn't want everyone to fight and I feel terrible about it and I'm so upset because people got hurt. I just want to curl up and cry but I know that's not going to help me. I just want to apologize to everyone for messing up the villa flow tonight. I really just wanted him to go away and he wouldn't. Thank you for being there to protect me and thank you for holding onto my necklace and returning it. I have your ring on right now so if you'd like it back I can give it to you," I said before he stopped me.

"I want you to keep it and hold onto it. Yes, it is something important to me but you are super important to me too so I want you to hold onto it. You don't need to apologize for tonight at least not to me. I knew that it was going to be interesting coming back to the villa especially knowing what happened in the villa while we were gone. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that while us lads were gone. I hope that the villa can get back to normal after everything that has happened. I really want to be here to help you but also for us to grow as a couple. Because I fancy you Soph and I really want to see where we can go because the connection we have is something I've never had before," Hugo said as I just looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Well if I'm keeping this ring of yours that means that you have to stick around until you're tired of me doesn't it," I said which caused him to chuckle and take my tea from my hand and bring me into his lap before he grabbed my tea and handed it back.

"I'm here until you tell me to leave or until the public decides that I shouldn't be here anymore. I mean either way I'm perfectly fine with everything because I finally found my girl. I found you which was exactly what I came here looking for. I know that it is early to say that my head won't turn but I 100% mean it when I say that you are my girl," Hugo said to me before kissing my forehead. After about another half hour of talking on the terrace, we went inside and got changed for bed.

"Hey Sophia, how are you feeling? I know everything went crazy tonight," Chloe asked as I sat down and all the girls looked over towards me.

"I'm fine. I don't like that everyone had a fallout tonight; however, Chloe did my eyes deceive me, or did Toby come to your defense tonight," I said which made everyone look over at Chloe and she was blushing.

"I mean he did defend me when Jackson was being an ass. I'm just glad that you didn't physically get hurt after he was so forceful with you last night. Also, the fact that Hugo immediately grabbed you and pulled you away from it all was so cute. Do I spy Hugo's ring still on your finger even after he gave you back your necklace," Chloe said which made me blush.

"So I went to give it back to him because it's his favorite and he said that I should hold onto it because I'm a special person in his life so, me having his ring is just extra special. He also made me some tea and apologize about how the night went and apologized for not being here to protect me because of being at casa. I told him I felt terrible about ruining everyone's nights and that the villa blew up and he told me it wasn't my fault. Then we just talked about silly things and joked around until he knew that I was feeling well enough to change for bed. I don't know if you have all seen him act like this before I came into the villa or if it was a me thing. I just wanted to thank everyone who was around me tonight to protect me from the craziness that was Jackson. Either way, I'm happy and feel really happy with Hugo. He makes me feel like I can do anything by his side which is nice. But how was everyone else's nights," I asked which lead to some giggles.

"Well Teddy and I had an argument but we are back to talking through everything. Jake and Liberty were just being themselves, Kaz and Tyler had a falling out, Abbey was proper nasty talking about you when she was leaving with Jackson. It was quite interesting. I think Toby was headed to pull Chloe when that outburst happened. I mean as well all saw the guys got in the middle of the situation protecting you from him and no one let him get to you," Faye said which summed up the entire night.

"Well thank you Faye for the full recap of the villa tonight. I really appreciate it and hopefully, everything doesn't carry over to tomorrow and kick off again. Are we ready for bed," I asked as they all nodded and we walked into the bedroom only for me to be brought into a big group hug that made me smile? As soon as the group hug was broken up Hugo wrapped his arms around me and picked me up causing me to giggle and squeal as I went flying through the air and landed on our bed with a lot of laughter as Hugo climbed into bed next to me chuckling and then kissed my forehead. Once the lights went off I turned to look at him. "Thank you," I said with a smile as I leaned up and kissed him pretty passionately until things got a little heated and I pulled out of the kiss.

"You don't need to thank me for being a decent human being. But I want to thank you for being an angel. Now come here you and give me a cuddle and a kiss," Hugo said which made me giggle and give him another sweet kiss before laying my head on his chest and falling asleep.

The next morning I was woken up by Hugo laughing since I was still asleep on his chest. I opened my eyes when he realized he had accidentally woken me up. "Sorry Soph, I didn't mean to wake you up. I was just chatting with Aaron, Liam, and Toby about how someone Jackson's size thought he was going to take on all four of us guys. Either way, I was trying not to wake you so I'm so sorry," Hugo said as he put a kiss on my forehead and I went to bury myself into his chest and close my eyes again. As soon as my eyes closed I heard the girls come in screaming.

"What the hell Sophia get your lazy arse up babe we need to have our terrace chats," Chloe said as she started to pull me away from Hugo only to get me to flip her off before giving Hugo a quick kiss and getting up and heading to the terrace.

"Now what the hell are we needing to talk about because I was very comfy being cuddled up this morning," I finished saying as the door opened up and I see Hugo come through the door to hand me a coffee and to give me a quick kiss on the forehead before he left and closed the doors. All the girls just looked at me and smiled with the look of give us some information. "So I know you guys saw me flying around laughing last night and then just giggling in bed. We had a cute little chat in bed had a steamy kiss that I pulled out of before it got too heated but then he said the cutest thing before we fell asleep which made me so smiley and then this morning he just stayed in bed with me sleeping on his chest without protesting and now bringing me coffee. Ugh, I feel like he does so much for me but I don't do a lot for him. Girls, I need your help to set up a cute little date for myself and Hugo for today," I said which caused all the girls to laugh but agree. I went inside and changed so that I can go find Hugo since the girls are setting up my plan. As soon as I saw him with the guys by the pool I walked over to all of them. "Hi lads can I steal Hugo for a chat," I said to which Hugo nodded and followed me and we passed the girls as they went back to meet with the guys.

*third-person P.O.V.*

"Okay, ladies why did Sophia just come and pull Hugo while looking slightly sad. She isn't stopping things with him is she," Toby asked as everyone sat down and Chloe sat down across from him.

"No. Sophia felt bad that Hugo was always doing things for her so she had us all help set up a cute date upstairs on the terrace for them. She just wants to show him that she really cares about him," Chloe said as she kicked Toby who started mocking her halfway through the speech which caused everyone to laugh.

"Good because Hugo just sat down here and talked about how perfect she was and that he was all in for her and that he wanted to be exclusive with her," Teddy said which made all of the girls cheer.

*Sophia's P.O.V.*

"Okay, so I know that you always do super cute things for me to make me smile and laugh but I wanted to do something for you. So here we go," I say as I open the terrace to a breakfast date. "I requested some help from the girls to get everything set up secretly but I want you to know how much I like you and how much I appreciate you being here for me when I'm down and need cheering up. I also wanted to tell you how much I care about you but I really," I was cut off as Hugo kissed me and then chuckled when he pulled away.

"You were rambling and being super cute but I understand what you mean. You care so much that you don't know how to describe it. It's hard to put into words sometimes. I know that I like you so much that nothing would change that," Hugo said to me as we walked out and sat down to eat our breakfast.

"I made sure to make up your favorite foods that we had talked about or at least I tried to. I'm not the smoothest in the kitchen. I am trying though. How was your morning chat with the lads," I asked?

"We were actually talking about you and how much I really like you. I mean I know I told you that I wouldn't get my head turn so I guess my question is would you want to be exclusive with me and continue getting to know each other and develop our relationship into something that could survive on the outside," Hugo asked me which made me smile so big and giggle before nodding.

"I'd like that," I said as I leaned forward and kissed him. While kissing him he pulled me into his lap which made me giggle which allowed for him to deepen the kiss and add tongue. We were fully snogging at this point and it was getting superheated. At this point, I would normally pull away from the kiss because I worry about it getting too far but we kept going and it felt safe. Eventually, Hugo pulled away from me and chuckled, and tuck me into his side.

"You are absolutely beautiful. I don't know if I have told you that today but I mean it every time. I'm so lucky that you actually considered my goofy arse as someone you could trust with your heart while in this experience. I really really like you so much," Hugo said and then kissed my forehead.

"I really really like you as well Hugo. I don't know when we went from just normal I like you to I really really like you but it's definitely a falling moment and I can't wait to see what happens in our story that we are writing," I said as someone knocked on the door before opening it.

"Hey lovebirds, Kaz got a text and is waiting to read it until you guys come downstairs," Chloe said as she smiled at me and then helped us clean up all the food mess to bring to the kitchen. We all moved to where Kaz was so she could read the text to the rest of us.

"islanders go to the fire pit immediately," Kaz read and we all walked over to the fire pit and then as soon as we sat down Laura come in.

"Hello, islanders so after last night and having the issues that we did I just needed to check-in and make sure everything was okay. Sophia, I see that you have bruises from the last few days and I just wanted to make sure you are okay. We also had a vote by the public for their favorite islanders and there will be at least 4 islanders leaving us today," Laura said while looking at me.

"I'm okay. Bruises heal. I'll be okay and am feeling so much better today," I said with a smile as Hugo pulled me into him.

"Hugo how does it feel that you weren't here to protect her for part of it but you were back for last night's confrontation," Laura said looking at Hugo next to me.

"I felt helpless while at casa when things were going crazy here for her but when I got back last night and I could be her safe space through last night I didn't feel as helpless. I mean this is something from her past that will hopefully go away now that he knows to leave her alone. I was so upset when I saw all the bruises and could see that she was hurting. Hopefully, as the bruises fade so does the memory from the events that caused the bruises," Hugo said as he kissed my head since I moved to put my head on his shoulder.

"For the business of Jackson and Abbey. They will not be coming back due to Jackson being physical with people. Now for the public votes are not based on couples it's individuals being voted for. Our bottom four females are Mary, Lucinda, Sophia, and Faye. Our bottom four males are Sam, Jack, Matt, and Toby. The bottom four please come join me up here. Islanders you will only be allowed to save one male and one female and then Teddy as the only single guy you will be allowed to save one female by coupling up with her. Now as for the people I didn't mention they will be picking who stays and who goes. Males have a conversation over here and females a conversation over here," Laura said as she pointed to two directions. I look at Lucinda and Faye.

"Faye Teddy will save you. Lucinda Aaron won't let you go. I'm the last one in so if they send me home that's okay because I will gladly walk and then maybe I'll see Hugo on the outside once he gets sent home or if he chooses to leave," I said which made Faye and Lucinda smile and pull me into a hug.

*Hugo's P.O.V.*

" I feel bad to say this but send Lucinda home and I'll go with her. I think you guys should save Sophia because she and Hugo have a real shot of being amazing. Lucinda and I can figure things out on the outside. We've had our time in here Hugo and Sophia haven't had enough time," Aaron said which made me look at him.

"Aaron you don't have to do that I mean if they save Lucinda and you then I go home with Sophia it'll be okay. Don't send yourself and Lucinda home. Liam, Jake, and Teddy can make the decision and we can just stay out of it if you would like," I said which made Aaron nod so we both got up and walked back to the seats and sat down. Sophia looked at me confused so I walked up to her. "Aaron and I didn't want to be the reason any girl went home since we both have someone we care about in the bottom right now. I don't know how you are at the bottom but either way, whether they save you and we stay growing or they send you home and I go with you then we can start our outside journey earlier than expected," Hugo said as he kissed my head before Laura shooed him off.

"Alright everyone we need to know their answers now. So let's start with the females. Who have you chosen to save and why," Laura said which made Millie stand up?

"We have chosen to save this boy because we think he could bring a lot to this villa and one of our girls has something with him so we don't want him to go home without fulfilling this. That's why we have chosen to save Toby," Millie said.

"We took in mind who Teddy would save since he has a girl in mind he wants to save. From there we looked at everyone's relationships and we say that there is one couple that deserves to stay here and keep growing and while it hurts because we are going to lose a day one either way we think we have made the best decision. The girl we have decided to save is Sophia," Liam said which made tears run down my cheek as I hugged Lucinda and Faye before walking over to Hugo who pulled me in quickly and tightly held onto me.

"Teddy we are left with your decision. Who would you like to couple up with and save from being dumped," Laura said.

"I'd like to couple up with this girl because I think we have something really good. She can be a total pain in my ass but I can't help but like it. We may have had our arguments because I did some questionable things but either way I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. SO the girl I'd like to couple up with is Faye," Teddy says which submits that Lucinda will be dumped from the island. I hopped up and ran straight to Lucinda along with Millie and Chloe and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry I thought they were going to send me home. I really wish that it wouldn't have been between us at all. I love you Lucinda and I can't wait to see you on the outside," I said as Aaron came up and hugged Lucinda and told us that he was going to head out with Lucinda and leave the island as well. It was so cute seeing that but then again I was worried because I was in the bottom four. Before I Could worry my mind too much Hugo walked up to me.

"Now stop your worrying. They probably voted based on casa amor and the fights that they saw and not based on how couples are interacting. Either way I would have walked if you got sent home. You came in and I feel like my love island journey started so it'll end when we leave together no matter how we end up leaving," Hugo said as he kissed my head and we went inside to get ready for bed because everyone was exhausted from today. Once again as I came into the bedroom from the makeup room I was picked up and ran around while I was laughing before Hugo placed me down on our bed. As he was climbing in bed someone's phone went off.

"Islanders, the hideaway is open for one couple tonight. Decide who to send," Liam read the text before I could even say a name I hear Chloe, and Millie yelling my name and Hugo's name. It was then decided by the group that Hugo and I would spend the night in the hideaway. 

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