What are you staring at Yui-S...

By ArcofUA

50K 1.3K 573

Izuku Midoriya had found a really odd friend in one Yui Kodai. All the girl could do was stare at him, yet sh... More

Prologue: Yui Kodai
Chapter 1: Mr. Yagi
Chapter 2: Smile...
Chapter 3: It's ok to Envy
Chapter 4: Desperately want a lover
Chapter 5: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 6: POWER!!!
Chapter 7: Pushing Forward!
Chapter 8: 6th sense!
Chapter 9: Ghost Family!?
Chapter 10: Be the best!
Chapter 11: One Messy Stain
Chapter 12: Vacation!?
Chapter 13: Confessions
Chapter 14: Summer Camp is killer

Chapter 15: Summer camp is Killer pt.2

1K 26 7
By ArcofUA

I missed Yui's Birthday!? What!? How could I do such a terrible thing!!!

Well anyway! Happy Late Birthday Yui Kodai!

And in case I forget later, Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you! I hope you all have a wonderful time and hope you all stay safe.





"Aaaaaah~!" Izuku said as he leaned his head back against the warm stone. Currently, he and the other boys, as well as the boys of 1B were in the hot spring, trying to relax. Thankfully, Monoma had been knocked out and outside of the water after he tried to argue with 1A. And more importantly, Izuku's lower regions had finally stopped aching. it was embarrassing though as Iida and Kirishima had to carry him inside as if he was dead.

But now he could finally relax.

"Dude, the girls are naked only across that wall."

his eyes shot back open completely tense again. He looked over to Mineta and Kaminari, along with Sen and Hiryu talking a few feet from him in the springs.

"Seriously Kaminari? You of all people aren't going to take this golden opportunity!?" Mineta cried

"I can't man!" Kaminari cried "Look the last thing I want to do is peek on the girls right now... l-let's just relax, yeah?"

"What!? Just who are you and what have you done with Kaminari!?" Mineta asked

"I-I'm still me! I-I just-"

"He doesn't want to ruin the chances with Reiko, right?" Hiryu asked with a smirk

"Hold up! You and Reiko... are a thing!?" Sen asked

Kaminari gained a bit of a blush, "I-It's not like that" Kaminari said bashfully,

"You damn traitor!" Mineta cried "What about you three!?" Mineta cried as he pointed to Izuku, Tokoyami, and Kirishima

"Us?" The three asked in unison

"Yeah! Come on Izuku! Don't you want to see what Yui looks like Naked!? Or what about you Tokoyami? What about Kinoko! And Kirishima! Don't you want to see Mina!?" Mineta cried

As Mineta said that, Both Izuku and Tokoyami's eyes widened, however, Kirishima paid no attention, it was unmanly to think about another girl when he was already with Melissa. However, for the other two boys, Images of Yui and Kinoko began to flood their brains over and over again, and couldn't get the images out of their minds.

Kirishima looked to his friends, "Uh...you guys ok?" he asked "You two blanked out for a second as soon as Mineta said... Should I even ask?"

The two boys looked at Kirishima and shook their heads, "...No thank you."

The others resumed talking and Izuku dunked himself entirely under the water punching himself in the face. His mind had now decided to add daydreaming to the mix. 'Why me?' he asked himself 'I really shouldn't really be thinking about Yui like that, with our relationship so early, I don't want to be influenced by Mineta! But...' Izuku began but shook his head from such lewd thoughts

Izuku then started to hear muffled yelling above water, curious as to what was going on, he came up out of the water, only to see Iida yelling up at the top of the barrier wall between the girls and boys spring rooms. When Izuku looked to the top of the barrier, he saw Kota standing on the wall.

"You! Scrotum-Punching Brat! What are you doing up there!? Are you trying to spy on the girls!?" Iida cried

Kota scowled down at Iida, "I'm not spying stupid! I'm the one making sure you idiots aren't the ones spying!" Kota said, "I already heard the grape perv talking about it!"

"Yeah, Iida! Kota's cool!" came a voice on the other side of the barrier

Kota turned around to find the source of the voice only to see a shameless Mina, and many other girls fully out of the water in the nude in all of her glory for Kota to see, which caused Kota's face to become completely red and he passed out from shock, causing him to fall backward off of the wall. Izuku saw this and his eyes widened, and he quickly jumped out of the pool and activated Full-Cowling, and caught the young boy.

"Ah! Is he ok!?" Mina cried on the other side

"H-He's fine Mina!" Kirishima cried "Izubro caught him"

"Oh thank god," Mina said

Izuku then looked to the others, "I should take him to Mandalay" Izuku said

"Yeah," Kirishima agreed with a nod

Meanwhile, on the other side of the barrier, the girls were bathing and after hearing that Kota was ok, Kinoko turned to Mina,

"You trying to shroom the poor boy Mina?" Kinoko asked

Mina looked bashful, "Sorry," Mina said

Back with Izuku, he had just walked out of Mandalay's room with a thoughtful look on his face. Mandalay had just told him about Kota's past after he dropped him off and made sure the boy was ok, and the young hero-in-training was starting to realize just how closed off from the world his childhood made him.

'Kota... he's the exact opposite of how I used to be' Izuku told himself 'He's got so much pain in his heart that he can't let go of...'


Izuku turned to see Yui standing a few feet away from him, she of course wore her blank expression on her face. She was dressed in a loose red shirt, and black shorts and she had a towel over her shoulder, making it clear that she had just exited the springs and had put on pajamas.

Izuku smiled at her, "Ah, Hi Yui" Izuku said

"Izuku..." Yui began as a small blush appeared on her face, "Y-Your still in your towel" Yui said

Izuku looked down to his lower regions and saw that what she said was true, he realized that he was still in nothing but the towel, a large blush appeared on his face and he then looked back to Yui, "Oh! R-Right! I-I better get changed! Talk to you later!" He cried bolted down the hallway, his face redder than a tomato.

Yui was frozen in the hallway, as soon as he left, her face was had become red and felt hot. She closed her eyes and tried to burn the image of his nearly naked body into her brain.

'it's not the first time I've seen him naked, but... I may have some very interesting dreams tonight' Yui told herself




It was the next day, and it was already in the afternoon. The day started out with Izuku getting up and getting ready for today's training, and while Izuku knew that training would be hard, but the fact that he was assigned personal training with Tiger was too much.

He was doing the basic muscle and cardio exercises, but with weights and doing way more than the average bodybuilder would do in a single sitting. He was even told by Tiger to try and attack him but Tiger had narrowly dodged Izuku and hit Izuku back. As he worked out, he looked around and he could see Yui a few feet away.

She was trying to shrink and grow objects bigger and smaller than she would usually make them, and it looked like it was tough on her, and Izuku knew how easy it was for her to shrink or grow objects, but to do that to bigger things must have been hard as she had to break her limit, he could also assume she was supposed to not just make them big and small, she was no doubt also suppose to make them a certain size. 

"Alright! We're done for the day!" Tiger said

Izuku, along with the other students that were with him sighed in relief.

Tiger looked at them and smiled, "Go clean up and start making your dinner! Because tomorrow, We will be doing some sparring lessons" Tiger said

Izuku and the others nodded and they slowly slumped their way back inside, however, He didn't see Yui though. He looked back to where he saw her and he could tell she was extremely exhausted as she was lying on the ground. He walked over to her and looked at her with a worried look.

"Are you ok, Yui?" Izuku asked

"Izuku... I'm... Tired" Yui said

"It's okay, Do you n-need me to carry you?" Izuku asked Yui

Yui Nodded

"Okay," Izuku said

Izuku then picked her up Bridal style as he did when on I-Island. When Yui saw this, she blushed but gave him a soft smile and Izuku gave a wide smile back to her. He loved when she smiled like that, it made him feel warm

"Hey, Um... Yui?" Izuku asked

"Yes?" Yui replied, with her smile

"W-W-Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" Izuku asked her

Yui's eyes widened and her blue eyes sparkled and she nodded rapidly, "I would love that, Izuku" Yui said with a smile

Izuku smiled and felt his heart rapidly beat with joy, but he nodded and was glad she agreed.

'Our first date!' They both thought

Later, after showers and changing into casual clothes, the students helped gather what they needed to make dinner and had a few people who knew how to cook, cook the dinner for tonight.

Midoriya and Yui sat in the dining hall with everyone else, ready for their meal. At their table was Iida, Uraraka, Kirshima, Mina, Tokoyami, Kinoko, Kaminari, and Reiko. Thankfully the ones cooking tonight were Sato, Bakugou, and Ibarra, meaning that the food would be very delicious.

"So, Yui! When are you and Izuku going on a date?" Mina asked

Yui looked at her with her usual blank expression, "We're on one right now" Yui said

"What!?" Mina cried "Izuku! you really thought now was the best time!?" Mina cried

"Well I- um, I-!"

"I don't mind" Yui cut in, she then blushed a little, "As long as I can spend some time with Izuku..." she said

"Aw! that so cute!" Kinoko said

Yui nodded with a smile

"Does that mean we're interrupting?" Uraraka asked

Yui shook her head, "No, because while this is a date, we didn't expect privacy, and that's fine" Yui told them "He can just take me on a proper date when we get back," she said with a smile

Izuku nodded, "Wait what?" Izuku asked

However, Dinner was served and when they got their food, they all began to eat. Yui and Izuku talked about what the next date might be, and what plans they had after the camp, while the others talked amongst themselves. Mina wanted to know what Kirishima was going to do with Melissa, while Kinoko kept making mushroom jokes, and Reiko told Kamianri about the lasted story she was reading and Kaminari was listening with a smile on his face.

As dinner continued, Izuku noticed that Kota wasn't eating again. He watched him walk off into the forest. Feeling a bit of concern, Izuku got up and looked over to Yui.

"I'll be right back, Yui," he said as he began making a second plate of food.

"Ok," Yui replied back

Izuku then jogged off after Kota. Yui watched as it happened and wondered what might have been going on with the young boy. She just hoped that whatever it was, Izuku would be alright, and so would Kota.




Back in the city, All-Might was driving his truck back into the city and in his passenger seat, was Melissa Shield, who was, of course, going to be staying with him, since her father would be serving Jail time back in the states.

"Thank you again, Uncle Might," Melissa said "It means a lot that your letting me stay with you here in Japan"

All-Might just smiled, "Anything for my Neice!" All-Might said, "Anyway! I'll hope you'll like my house, It's not much, but it is home"

Melissa giggled, "I'm sure it'll be alright," Melissa told him "I just wish I could live at UA," Melissa said with a smile

"I'm sure you do, but you'll be happy to know that I have registered you there," All-Might said proudly

Melissa smiled and beamed! "Oh, that means a lot! How did you get me in?" Melissa asked

"Well I pulled a few strings with Nezu and he allowed you to attend and put you in the Support department," All-Might said

"Oh, this is even better!" Melissa said with Joy "I can't wait to attend!" She said

"Any other reason you happy about going to UA?" he asked

"Well... I also want to go see Kirishima," Melissa said with a bit of a blush

All-Might smiled, "of course," he said "But you won't see him for a while, he and the rest of his class are on a trip to strengthen their Quirks," All-Might said

"Ah, Well I hope he's doing ok," Melissa said

"I'm sure that Young Kirishima and his friends are fine," All-Might said "They are surrounded by forest, being trained by Pro-Heroes, and are learning amazing techniques! What is the worst that could happen?" All-Might said before realizing what he said

Melissa sighed, "Uncle Might-"

"I know... I know..." All-Might said with a sigh "I just had to say something"

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