
By Lexx_wrote_this

533 42 344

MAKE SURE TO READ THE WHOLE "please read" CHAPTER Warnings ⚠️: Gore, slurs, homophonic, murder, weapon violen... More

Please read
0.1 | NewGirl
0.2 | Best 'friends?'
0.3 | Alone (or not?)
0.4 | Freshman
0.5 | Truth be told
0.6 | i wish i were a girl
0.7 | Welcome Home..
0.8 | I Love You
0.9 | The Voice
10 | Sibling Hangout
12 | Hospital
13 | Grief
14 | A 'Friendly' Visit
15 | Red Rose Petal
16 | Blindsided
17 | Revenge
18 | Broken Chains
19 | A Plan
20 | A New Friend
21 | Date
22 | ManHunt
23 | Free?
Good bye

11 | Last Smile

15 2 10
By Lexx_wrote_this

Brews Ailousos description: chocolate brown fur, with a darker brown tail, forearms, back legs, and ears. With Snow White neck fluffy and a rhombus shape in the center of her chest that was the same dark brown as her tail, and 2 stripes that went down her check from her eyes to her jaw on both sides of her face, with chocolate cream eyes

Crimsons Ailousos description: crimson colored fur with reddish cream eyes, and deeper shades of red going down her forearms, legs, and tail with 2 deeper patches around both her eyes and ears as well as on her lip

Timeline: 11th grade summer

‼️WARNINGS‼️: vomiting, drug use, and death.

Brew POV

I don't know how this happened, the voice has been nagging at me to try this, i never thought it would go this far....

Previous day

More! You desire MORE! The voice screamed at me, its gotten louder the past few days

A few days ago its yelling was so loud all i could do was lie down and cry from the headache it gave me, and of course give it what it wanted

Their is nothing more I regret then giving into its demands the first time


I was walking maple while listening to music, i was just me and Maple Crimson had a football meeting with her teammates and coach's so she would be gone for the day

I didn't mind, i wanted to be alone so i could come up with a birthday present for her. Her birthday is soon so i want to get her the best present ever, Crimson has always been a great gift giver so i wanted to try to one up her, for once

Girls/girls/boys by panic at the disco was blasting in my ears while i tried thinking of a good present, but then another voice sounded in my head

'Maybe you should get her a tinder profile so when you finally kill yourself she won't miss you' the voice echoed in my mind, i shook my head to clear my mind 'shut up!' I replied

The voice continued to speak as i walked 'have you ever just wanted all the pain to go away? Just wanted everything to vanish in the blink of an eye?' It asked, when I didn't reply it screamed 'HAVE YOU EVER WANTED IT ALL TO GO AWAY?!?!' The voice was sound enough to cause me to suddenly stop and cover my ears

Maple turned and looked at me with a tilted head, i uncovered my ears before relying 'm-maybe, but that's not possible, at least not without drugs' i explained continuing to walk like nothing happened

'Exactly...' the voice echoed, 'what do you mean?' I asked

'You know they can help you, they can put you at ease....' the voice said its tone dropping menacingly

'What?! NO, I WILL NOT' i nearly yowled out loud

'Oh, yes you will'

Suddenly the world around me seemed to turn black, i still felt the hard ground beneath me it was like all i did was close my eyes but now I couldn't get them open

Suddenly i felt myself running, running fast. I heard Maple bark in my direction but I couldn't stop

It was like I wasn't able to control my own body, soon i felt rocks under my shoes and felt the cold handle of a door

I realized by the movement that i was back at my house, i heard Mr. Smith speak but I couldn't make out the words

I felt the cold handle of a cabinet then i took a, well what felt like, a bottle out of it

I heard the cabinet slam then i heard the sound of a door opening and realized i was now in my room

My felt myself opening the bottle, i tried to make myself stop but I couldn't

I nearly gagged as unknown pills fell into my mouth, i grabbed the bottle of water on my desk and drank it to help the pills down my throat

It was like trying to swallow a apple whole, the pills felt stuck in my throat but after I finished the whole bottle they went down

Then finally i was able to open my eyes, i was standing in the center of my room with the crushed water bottle in one hand and the medicine bottle in the other

When i looked to see what the pills were i saw that the paper had been torn off and when i looked inside the bottle no pills were left

Only from assumptions I figured the bottle was refilled previously, when i swallow the pills i knew their were a lot

Suddenly my stomach felt like it was doing flips and i ran to the bathroom, i vomited all over the toilet and inside it

After i moved away from the toilet and fell to my knees on the bathroom floor and cried

I felt like shit i didn't even know what happened to me, i was crying when i heard a car door open and then close

I bolted up and quickly turned on the shower and locked the bathroom door

I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door when i heard the door open and close softly i also heard the sound of whimpers and soft meows

Then a knock sounded from the bathroom door "Brew, you alright?"

'Crimson' i thought

"Yeah, I'm fine just about to shower!" i Replied easing my tone

"Alright, well I'm back and after you get out can we go back to my place? I want you and the fur children to come to me and Alex's" Crimson explained

I very softly chuckled at her nick-name for Maple and Jackdaw before replying "yeah, alright"

~flashback over~

A few days after those events i woke to find out that all the medicine bottles in my cabinets were opened and swopped, and all the labels were ripped off

I knew it was the voice that took over my body and did this, but no matter how much i tried to control it i never succeeded

After i would always be in the bathroom for 2 hours showering and cleaning up throw up also hiding from the world

After it would happen the voice would vanish for a day or 2 before returning and yelling at me to be it again

This has been going on for a month now, I'm always exhausted and my face is swallow a lot

Ive tried look for answers online or asking Alex about people who hear someone else in their own mind and when she asked why i say "OH, out of pure curiosity"

I knew I couldn't keep living like this but their was no escape until something else happened, something i never wanted or expected to happen

That night

Crimy 💕

Hey can we hang out at the train track in like a hour or so??????
You sent at 10:34pm

Ofc, why tho~ ;)
Crimy 💕 sent at 10:40pm

Oh! To fuck ofc~ ;)
You sent at 10:41 pm

Crimy💕 sent at 10:45pm
I mean if u wanna?
Crimy💕 sen at 10:45pm

No you dumbass, i wanna talk and make out
No you dumbass, i wanna talk and make ou
No you dumbass, i wanna talk and make o
No you dumbass, i wanna talk and make
No you dumbass, i wanna talk and mak
No you dumbass, i wanna talk and ma
No you dumbass, i wanna talk and m
No you dumbass, i wanna talk and
No you dumbass, i wanna talk an
No you dumbass, i wanna talk a
No you dumbass, i wanna talk

No you dumbass, i wanna talk
You sent at 10:47pm

*single tear*
Crimy💕 sent at 10:48pm

Stfu and meet me at the train track at 11:45
You sent at 10:49 pm

Yes ma'am <3
Crimy💕 sent at 10:50pm
You read at 10:50pm

I looked at the time 10:51 pm, should be enough time

I was about to get out of bed to get ready when my vision turned to black

SHIT, NO, NOT NOW i thought trying desperately to open my eyes but they wouldn't open

I felt my hand grasp the side of my mattress

No ones POV

Brew took hold of the side of her mattress and lifted it up, under was a bottle

She snatched it up and stuffed it in her pocket, she quickly grabbed one of Crimsons hoodies she had, put on some jeans and sprinted to the front door

Maple was on the couch and Jackdaw was coming out from their room when Brew raced by, Maples head shot up and Jackdaw jumped in surprise

Brews eyes were black nothing but black as she ran down the drive way, then she suddenly stopped and grabbed the bottle out of her pocket

Then without her control poured the whole bottle down her throat, it took a moment for her to swallow all the pills but soon enough they were all down her throat

She felt like screaming? Crying? Throwing up more? She didn't know. By now her vision was back to normal but her eyes were not the normal cream chocolate they always are

They were dull and lifeless, her pupils were big and her hair was messy

She tried to stand up straight but she stumbled, soon she regained her balance and slowly made her way to the train track

Crimson was walking past brews house a few minutes after Brew left her house, of course Crimson doesn't know she left already

Crimson was about to pass Brews house when she noticed something white in the grass, she walked up to it with curiosity in her eyes

Little did she know her life was about to change, forever....

Crimson POV

I was walking past Brews house when i noticed something white in the grass, I slowly approached in and picked it up

A medicine bottle? I thought, i looked at the name Karl Riverside, Brews father?

I stood confused for a moment before opening the medicine, their was nothing left the the bottle but there was a foul odor inside of it

I threw the bottle as i gagged at the smell, i stood there for a moment before a realization hit me

I ran up to Brews front door and knocked on the door violently, when no one answered i opened it to find it unlocked

I ran in and checked all the rooms, Brew was no where to be found. I was panicking, pacing the living room when i realized she might have went to the train track already

I ran to the door closing it behind me so Maple or Jackdaw didn't go anywhere, then i started running in the direction of the train track

Brew POV

I stumbled over a fallen twig on the road, my vision was blurred and my legs and arms felt weak

But for some reason i felt, happy....

Maybe the voice was right, maybe this is what i need

Yes being with Crimson made me happy but this, i felt as free as a bird

I transformed into my Ailousos form and continued walking

That's when i heard thudding paws behind me, i looked and saw a familiar red furred Ailousos


Crimson POV

I stopped in the middle of the road to see a familiar chocolate cream Ailousos

She was looking back at me "BREW THANK TEAGAN" i yelled running over to her

But before i could nuzzle her she backed away from me, "get away from me, i know what you really think of me! LEAVE ME ALONE" Brew yowled at me before sprinting away

I ran to catch up with her, soon we approached the train tracks

I was able to stop Brew by cutting in front of her "BREW stop please, what are you doing?!" I tried to keep my voice calm but it turned very shaky

"WHAT AM I DOING? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? GET OUT OF MY WAY" she tried to side step but i made sure not to let her pass

"Brew please, what's wrong, i-I'm trying to help.." my voice was even shakier now, that's when i noticed Brews eyes

They were dull and her pupils were huge "Brew did you take those pills that belong to your father?!?" I asked looking into her eyes looking for their normal spark but it was no where to be found

"I don't know, I've been digging in those medicine cabinets and swallowing all the pills in them then throwing up for a month now...." Brew explained her fur standing on end

"W-what..." i was at a lost for words when Brew looked away from me. Then she leaped over me and started running towards the train track

"BREW?!?" I yowled after her, that's when i noticed the sign on the side of the road, a new sign, it read 'cross stopper broken, cross with caution'

A froze with fear when i heard a loud horn, i looked up to see Brew on the train tracks, she didn't seem to hear it

No ones POV

The world seems to slow down, as tears fell from Brews eyes, Crimsons yells louder then ever, and the train drawing closer Crimson knew it was time

It was now the moment she was dreading but the world desired it, Brew was back into her human form and so was Crimson

Crimson ran up the small hill of the train tracks her eyes looked on Brew

Yellow light washed over Brew, and the loud roar of the train drew closer, Brew stood frozen at the sight the train was less then 10 feet away from her when a force pushed her aside, away from the train tracks

At the last second she looked up and saw Crimson, the yellow lights of the train outlined her beautiful hair as she smiled down at Brew

The smile that will haunt Brews mind forever, the smile full of pain, horror, sorrow, and Love

I few tears ran down both of the girls faces as they faced each other

Then the yellow light was gone, all Brew saw was the smile, all she heard was the wind, all the world seem dark and lifeless

The last things Brews heard before fainting was a slow and menacing laugh

The voice....

It demands blood.

And it will be anything to get it.

And she will do anything to please it.





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