Ready to Run

By swaggymf7

5.8K 497 184

Louis decides to leave his hometown on a whim and he takes a pretty and quite cheeky hitch hiker with him More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48

Chapter 8

136 11 1
By swaggymf7

Harry comes back around 7:20 and wakes Louis up. He has bought a bottle of red wine, and crisps.

"Did you enjoy the walk?" Louis asks him, stretching. Harry nods and starts digging into his bag, taking out one of the sweatshirts he bought yesterday.

"It was great. A bit of fresh air and music." He says, turning back to Louis. "You should take a sweater. It'll probably be cold up there." Harry says and he has a point.

"I don't have any sweaters, actually." Louis says. Harry blinks and sighs, trying to be annoyed, but Louis sees his lips twitch.

He goes back to digging into his bag and takes out a beige jumper then he throws it Louis' way. Louis catches it.

"Thanks but you didn't have to." Louis smiles at him but still puts it on. The jumper is too big for him, it falls slightly over his shoulders and the sleeves are too long. He rolls the sleeves a bit so it does not go beyond his wrists.

"Aw." Louis snaps his head in Harry's direction and sees him with a stupid grin on his face. "You look so tiny, Hero. That's so cute." He says, reaching a hand to pat Louis' cheek.

Louis's cheeks heat furiously at the fact that Harry called him cute and also because of the small pat. Louis grabs Harry's wrist and lowers it, giving him a playful glare, hoping the blush is not too evident. But seeing the smirk on Harry's face, it probably is.

"Let's go Hero, the sun will set soon." Harry says, grabbing a bag and two glasses and going towards the door. Louis follows him and they leave.

They look through the hotel in search of the door which leads to the roof. They finally find it and as expected, there is a sign saying 'Roof access. No trespassing' but also as expected, Louis does not pay it any mind. 

"I'm not sure it's a good idea." Harry says and Louis turns to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Really now?" He says. "It was your idea." Louis reminds him.

Harry shrugs and plays mindlessly with his ring. He says, "Yeah but I'm not sure."

Louis rolls his eyes and grabs Harry's hand, the contact making both of them visibly shiver. Louis does not let that occupy his mind and just pushes the door open. He pulls on Harry's hand and they step outside. They are met with a view of the mountains and Louis knows that the sunset is going to be beautiful.

The door closes itself behind them and they walk toward the edge of the roof. Their hands are still in each other's and neither of them really realize until they sit. Louis takes his hand back at the same time as Harry does.

"Sorry." Louis smiles sheepishly. He does not know why he is apologizing, really.

"S'alright." Harry smiles kind of shyly and Louis believes he is blushing too.

Louis turns his head back to the view displayed in front of them. It really is cool. The sun is not setting yet, but he is low in the sky.

Harry sighs and Louis hears him dig through the paper bag to take out the bottle and two glasses. In their room, there were not any wine glasses so Harry took the water ones instead.

"Ta-da." Harry smiles, holding the bottle of red wine up. Louis smiles at him as Harry pours a generous amount in each of their glasses. He hands one to Louis with a grin and takes his own, directing his attention to the scenery.

Louis does the same and takes a sip of his wine. Louis usually is not that fond of wine, but this one is good, he has to admit it.

The sun is slowly starting to set, the sky and clouds turning shades of purple, orange and pink. Louis closes his eyes and tilts his head back to let the last rays of sun warm his face.

After a few seconds he opens his eyes and turns in Harry's direction, only to find him already looking at him. Their eyes meet and Louis totally forgets about the purple and pink, his mind now focused on the beautifulest shade of green he has ever laid eyes on.

Louis knows he is blushing -a thing he tends to do a lot when he is with Harry- but he does not mind because Harry is smiling sweetly at him and his lovely dimple is on display.

"Why don't you watch the sunset?" Louis whispers, still looking at Harry.

"Why aren't you?" Harry replies cheekily.

Louis smiles wider and replies. "Because you were staring at me like a creep."

Harry laughs and looks down at his glass before turning to the city and taking a sip. Louis does the same and the sun is now only half visible, the other part hidden behind the mountains.

"Tell me something about you, Hero." Harry asks and Louis looks at him, surprised, but Harry is not looking back, his gaze on the sunset.

"Um, what do you want to know?" Louis asks.

"What you're willing to tell me." Harry replies.

Louis nods to himself and thinks for a few minutes, trying to find some interesting things about him to tell Harry. He has a pretty boring life, which is the reason for this trip, actually.

"So, um." Louis starts but he has to think about something to say. Something simple. "Okay. I studied drama and wanted to become a teacher, but I didn't find any job so I started working in a restaurant instead. I don't know how to cook but I was just a waiter until the incident." He says and he hears Harry let out a laugh.

"The incident that got you fired. Beautiful story." He looks at Louis with a stupid smile on his face that makes Louis rolls his eyes, grin evident on his face. "You want to become a drama teacher?" Harry then asks.

Louis nods, drinking from his glass. "Yeah. I don't know if I still want to, though." Je shrugs.

"Oh? Why?" Harry asks curiously.

Louis shrugs again, mindlessly tracing the edge of his glass. "I don't really know. Maybe the fact that I can't find a job is making me a bit less enthusiastic."

Harry hums and nods. The sun is fully set now, the stars displayed in the cloudless sky above them. There is no light except the moon's and the one from the city farther away.

They are silent for a little moment, listening to the birds chirping and the few noises of the city, the cars and the occasional sirens.

"Tell me about you, now that I told you about me." Louis says.

"What if I say no?" Harry raises a challenging eyebrow.

"That's only fair if you answer too." Louis tells him and Harry nods, smiling.

"Fine. I have a sister, Gemma. She's like my best friend, and we're very close. She studies in England and doesn't live far from my mum and often visits her. But I feel kind of guilty for leaving them both behind, especially my mum. She has my stepdad of course, but I know she misses me as much as I miss her and it's hard not to see each other as much as we used to." He sighs.

Louis understands what he means, but he can't really get it. He has never really been away from his family until this impromptu trip, and it is already hard. He can't imagine how Harry is feeling.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Louis asks him.

"Maybe three months ago, if not more." He says sadly.

"Do you plan on going back home soon to see your family?" Louis asks.

"I hope so. Probably." He nods.

They stay silent for a bit longer, both staring ahead of each other and probably lost in their own thoughts. Well, that is until Louis' stomach gurgles loudly, breaking the silence.

Louis looks at Harry and Harry's face breaks into a smile, a laugh escaping his mouth. Louis laughs lightly too and Harry grabs the paper bag, taking a bag of crisps out.

"There." Harry says, handing the bag to Louis. "Heard you were hungry."

Louis rolls his eyes but accepts the bag with a smile. "Thanks."

Louis takes some crisps and eats them, occasionally dropping some on the floor, which prompts Harry to playfully make fun of him.

"Okay, I have a question." Harry says, mouth half full.

"Go ahead." Louis answers, looking at his empty bag of crisps.

"Why exactly did you plan to do this trip?" He asks.

Louis chuckles. "I didn't plan anything. I just left." He answers.

"Oh?" Louis looks up from his empty bag of crisps and is met by Harry's curious eyes.

"Um, I was thinking about leaving a bit for quite a long time, and when I stepped on my sisters' lego, that was my last straw." He says and Harry chuckles.

"A lego?" He raises a playful eyebrow.

"Yeah." Louis chuckles and looks down at his hands which he is fidgeting with.

"Why were you thinking about leaving?" He asks. and then quickly adds. "You don't have to tell me."

Louis lets a small smile appear on his lips. He likes how Harry making sure he does not make Louis uncomfortable.

"I don't mind." He shrugs and looks at the mountains. "Well, it started when I didn't find any job as a drama teacher. At first I was like 'oh, no worries, I'll find a job soon'. But then I didn't. I kept looking but I didn't find any, not even after a year. So I felt like I had wasted my time, you know?" Louis shrugs and looks at Harry to see if he does not bother him.

But Harry is watching him and is listening closely. He then gives Louis a small smile and a nod to encourage him to continue. So Louis does.

"And so I looked for a job that didn't involve anything that I like but would help me and my family instead. My mate Stan worked as a cook in his uncle's restaurant and thankfully he accepted to take me, but we all know all that one ended." He says. "My mum talked about going back to England and I was happy about it, because my grandparents live there and I could see them more often. And I was also happy because I could have applied to the X-Factor, because I love singing, but we didn't leave, so." He shrugs.

"You could still try to work into music here." Harry tells him. "Maybe you can even come with me and I can introduce you to some of my friends. They're not big artists yet, but they're really good." He finishes with a smile.

Louis would lie if he said he is not tempted.

"I'll consider your offer." Louis smiles then looks down.

"Okay." Harry says and Louis knows he is smiling. "Wine?" He then asks.

Louis looks at his glass and sees it is now empty. He nods and gives his glass to Harry, who pours him wine with a smile on his face. Louis smiles and mutters a thanks before taking a few sips.

It is getting colder outside and Louis is grateful he is wearing a sweater. Harry's sweater more exactly. It may be a bit too big but it is comfy and warm, which is the most important.

"Thanks for the sweater." Louis tells Harry who beams at him.

"You're welcome, Hero. You look adorable in it."

Louis chuckles and shakes his head. "You look good in your own sweater as well." He tells him and this time it is Harry who giggles.

"Okay, enough." He waves him off with a smile. "Let's play a game." Harry then says.

"Yeah okay." Louis agrees. "What game?"

"A question game, to learn to know each other." Harry says. "I suggest Truth or Truth." He adds.

"Truth or Truth?" Louis raises an amused eyebrow. "Truth or Dare, you mean."

"No, I mean exactly what I said." Harry frowns.

"Okay, Dimples. Let's play Truth or Truth." He says and Harry flashes him a winning smile.

"Shall I begin?" He asks with fake seriousness and a posh accent that makes Louis chuckles at the silly guy.

"You shall." He answers with an equally silly manner and bows his head.

"Okay." Harry thinks for a second, his face torn in thoughts and his brows furrowed. Louis thinks he looks cute. Then Harry's face lights up in a smile. "I have one." He announces. "What do you love the most about yourself?"

"Oh." Louis says. Tough question. If he is honest, he expected everything but that. "Um. My... bum?" He says and Harry lets out a high pitch and surprised laugh, immediately covering his mouth with his hand. Louis wants to take it away and hears the sound again.

"Sorry." Harry apologizes. "I just wasn't prepared for you to say that. I thought you'd say your eyes and your smile, something like that. But you're right to like your bum. It's amazing."

Louis shakes his head with a smile. "I'm starting to think you have an obsession for my ass."

"I do." Harry replies with a serious expression and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Alright. S'my turn." Louis says as he takes a sip of his wine. "What is your biggest fear?"

"Why? Do you want to use it against me?" He says.

"Well, you know mine so that's only fair." Louis shrugs and then narrows his eyes at Harry. "And I want to scare you back."

Harry rolls his eyes. "My biggest fear is heights." He says.

Louis tilts his head, a bit confused. "But we're up the roof?"

Harry shrugs. "It's not the same, it's safe here."

"And what makes you think I won't push you down?" Louis questions him.

"Why would you? And I feel safe with you." Harry says casually, clearly unaware that Louis' heart skips a bit at the words. Nobody ever told him that and the fact that it is Harry -an almost stranger- is even more surprising. Louis knows he is blushing but he does not even care to mind.

Louis knows he is staring at Harry like an idiot, but Harry is staring back so he does not feel that dumb. Maybe still a bit anyway.

"Okay it's my turn now." Harry says. "What is the first thing you'd do if you were to become president?" He asks.

Why does this guy always have so specific questions?

"I honestly don't know." Louis says, completely lost at what he could answer.

"Oh, okay." He looks down and purses his lips. "Then, uh. What kind of person are you looking for? To be in a relationship with?"

"Um. Kind, open-minded, cute, who has pretty eyes and a bright smile." He answers as he looks at Harry who nods and looks at the sky.

"Good things." He says.

Louis smiles lightly and pulls at the sleeves of his jumper to cover his hands, making sweater paws. It is not very cold outside but the wind is making the temperature drop a bit.

Louis hears Harry yawn and looks his way. When Harry yawns, he looks like a cat. A cute cat, of course. The sight is very endearing, really.

"Do you want to head back?" Louis asks him with a soft smile.

Harry nods and rubs at his eyes, getting up and gathering their goods. Louis does the same and they head for the door, walking side by side with their shoulders bumping. When they get to the door, Louis reaches to open it at the same time as Harry does, their hands brushing in the process. They both retract their hands quickly like they have just been burnt. But it is stupid, they held hand an hour ago.

They both mumble a sorry and Louis grabs the doorknob and turns, then pulls on the door. It does not open. So he tries to push it instead. But it still stays closed.

"Um, Harry?" Louis says.

"We're locked out." Harry just breathes out before groaning. "Ugh, let's call the reception so they come to open."

"Sure." Louis says and pats his pockets, only to find absolutely nothing. "I must have left my phone in the room, can you call them yourself?" Louis asks Harry.

Harry chuckles nervously and looks away from Louis. Oh no. "Funny story. I left it in the room." He admits.

Louis groans and closes his eyes. "We have to stay here until tomorrow and we'll bang at the door." He suggests.

"Okay." Harry does not protest or tries to find another solution.

"We'll have to sleep on the floor, I guess." Louis says and Harry is already walking away from the door and flopping down on the floor, sprawled like a starfish. Louis rolls his eyes.

"Come lay down, Hero." Harry says and Louis does. "But don't take all the room." Harry warns and Louis laughs.

"Room isn't something that lacks, here." Louis says.

"Go to sleep, already." Harry rolls his eyes before closing them, rolling himself into a ball to probably be warm. Louis does the same. He is tired from their day and the walk and the museum, so he deserves his rest. Even if it is on the roof of a hotel in Phoenix.

"Good night, Dimples." Louis says, trying not to mind the uncomfortable floor and closing his eyes.

"G'night, Hero." Harry replies.


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