Classroom Of The Elite Class...

By AnjaliGaur995

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In this story I started with Kiyotaka's background story making things right and moving towards enrolling in... More

Chapter 1 : New Beginning
Chapter 2 : A Reunion and A Offer
Chapter 3 : My Mother?
Chapter 4 : Father's Teachings
Chapter 5 : Competitions
Chapter 6 : Home
Chapter 7 : Ice Cream
Chapter 8 : A Day at Sea
Chapter 9 : First Day at School.
Chapter 11 : End of Peaceful Life.
Chapter 12 : Club Fair.
Chaper 13 : Yup, I Messed Up.
SS Short Stories : An Interesting Kouhai
SS Short Stories : A Irreplaceable Friend
SS Short Stories : A True Enigma.
A/N:- Important Notice
Chapter 14 : New Experiences
Chapter 15 : An Eventful Evening
Chapter 16 : Horrible Human

Chapter 10 : A Lucky Encounter

3.6K 121 57
By AnjaliGaur995

Sigh. I can be truly unlucky sometimes.

I surprised myself as I cursed. But I think it was appropriate for the occasion. I looked it was the girl I met earlier.

How in over first year 160 students she is the one I met twice. Sigh. This is gonna be troublesome. But I decide to ignore her for now.

"HEY, don't ignore me!" She practically screamed. But I decided to do the same as I walked passed her. I found something interesting. But.

"Kiyotaka!" A voice called out to me. I looked behind to see Eiichiro, with two other boys. May be his classmates. I waved towards him and moved towards them..

"Did you all also came to buy necessities here." He said coming towards me.

"Yeah, I was thinking of getting some before going to dorms." I said.

"Me too. Hey let's go. I will introduce you to some of my classmates." He said.

We started walking toward his friends.   I think these are the moments I wonder around possibilities of outcome I'd I didn't learn to interact with others.

"Oh, Matsou-kun, who is this?" A boy asked Eiichiro in a childish voice.

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. We are Eiichiro are sort of best friends. Nice to meet you." I said on behalf of

"I see, My name is Shibata Sō. I am from Class B. This is my classmate Kanzaki Ryūji." Shibata said cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you too Ayanokouji. Which class are you in?" Said Kanzaki.

Ahh. He noticed a that I didn't mention my class. This lie will keep getting bigger with each person. I try many times omit it conversations but if in case someone asks I have to answer it. I have to avoid meet new faces, at least till next month. Though it's not all too bad. At some point in future  I have to interact with other making few good friends is necessary.

Also I have to explore other classes. Though I know almost most of the S-system the levels of each classes is concerning. I already intended to use my existing friends for doing that as I obviously cannot go to all classes giving declaration of war. So I intended to use them like to ask Eiichiro about Class B, Nanase for C and Kushida for D. Making more here and there will only increase the flow of Intel.

Like I find Shibata and Kanzaki personality to be in direct contrast with other. Shibata looks someone of childish frame of mind and physically enept by looking at his physical stature. However, Kanzaki seems like serious classical honor student with more intellectual capabilities as he is observing me for a while.

On that note, I have been thinking for over 15 seconds now! I should reply to him quickly before any suspicions. Also question was about my cl-

"Hey! Kiyo. Sorry to interrupt your fantasy dream but we gotta get home by night you know. Tomorrow is a school day." Eiichiro waving his hand in front on my eyes said jokingly.

"No, I am sorry, I was just thinking about trivial stuff." I apologize and continued "I am in Class A to answer your questions." I said.

"Alright I think we should buy our stuff. It will late get otherwise." Said Kanzaki.

"I see, So you guys can pick your things. I have already most of them. So I will see guys later." I said as I was almost done.

"Alright, Kiyotaka See yo- Wait a second. Let's exchange our contact info first." Eiichiro said.

"Oh Yes, here."

We exchange contact info. I said farewell to Shibata and Kanzaki and went to place where I saw....

"Free!" Said the same annoying girl.

Free Huh. This only further prove my deduction of school system earlier.

"It might be for the student who used all their points for the month." I spoke for the first time.

"Who can spend that much money in one month." She said.

How much did she think she is above everyone else?

However, why is she still here? I guess girls take more time than usual.

She took various necessities like
shampoo off the shelves and promptly threw them into the basket she was
carrying. I’d thought she would choose higher quality items, but she only
took the cheapest options.

As she is buying all cheap products. Did she also notice something about S-System.I guess i will find out. This is a good opportunity to evaluate her. Is she truly someone worthwhile and superior she was claiming herself to be? Or is she only over estimating herself.

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka by the way. This is our third time conversing." I  justifying my introduction.

"A self-introduction. Mind if I refuse?" She can truly be irritating. Can't she.

"It normal for knowing someone name after while conversing with them. Or am I wrong?"

"Tch. Horikita Suzune." She replied in a frustrated voice.

'Horikita'? I heard it before. Nonetheless I should focused on her evaluation right now.

"I thought girls usually made a fuss over what kind of shampoo they

"Well, that depends on the person, doesn’t it? I'm the sort who doesn't waste money as one might not know when you might need money," she replied.

Looking at me with an icy glare that seemed to say, 'Could you please not
inspect other people’s purchases without their permission?'

"But we are giving 100,000 yen every month right? Then, what's the problem?" I said tossing her a expensive bottle of shampoo.

"I don't need it." She said tossing back to me.


"I said its unnecessary. " She snapped again with scary voice.

"Geez, alright no need to be hasty about it." I said backing off.

"How does the school benefit from giving us this much money?" I said planting a seed of doubt may be she can catch of something.

"I wonder. The campus has more than enough facilities for the number
of students, and I wouldn’t think it necessary to hand out so much. Students who should be studying might slack off."

Perhaps i was accepting too much from here. She truly is worthless.

"I won’t tell you what to do, but I think it would be best to avoid wasting your money. It’s difficult to fix frivolous spending habits. Once a person gets used to an easy life, they find they need more and more. When you lose it, the shock can be great." Horikita said.

"I’ll keep that in mind." I replied as she giving 'me' a advice.

I only talked to her as I thought of evaluating her observation and intellect. As i thought she might have some doubts about the system.

But even after clearly mentioning a clue in front of her, she did get anything. It's only natural as she is so full of herself that she didn't give a single taught to it. I she saw my as someone below her. Her attitude thinking she can do everything herself was baseless. Even I can't do everything myself. From earlier discussions about 'free items' I don't think she even have any suspicions about this school. She doesn't look like someone physically strong either.

And is considering herself superior, this amount of blind overconfidence is unheard-of, not that in concern me. She will learnt soon enough. And I will be the one to use her when she burst out of  her bubble. I am not here to teach her errors her ways. I will use that to my advantage.

But I have to say she truly standing up to my expectations for a Class D students proportionate to my theory, which is 99% correct. But no need to pry any further as it may give away something about S-System unnecessarily. So will be taking my leave.

About her name thoug-

"Hey, shut it! Just wait a sec! I'm looking for it right now!"

A sudden, loud voice drowned out the store's peaceful background music.

"Come on, hurry up. You have a line of people waiting on you!"

"Oh, yeah? Well, if they have any complaints, they can take it up with

Apparently, trouble was brewing by the register. A dispute had broken
out between two young men who were glaring at each other. I recognized the
one with the thoroughly ill-tempered look on his face. It was the student from Class D the guy with the red hair which was weirdly recognizable. He had his hands full of noodle cups.

"What's going on here?" I asked moving towards there.

"Huh? Who the fuck are you?" I had meant to appear amicable, but the guy with red hair scowled at me. Apparently, he was under the mistaken impression that I was an enemy.

"No need to be hostile. I heard you voice, My name's Ayanokouji. I just asked because it sounded like there was trouble."

At my explanation, the red-haired guy looked somewhat mollified and
lowered his voice a little.

"Oh. Yeah, I forgot my student ID card. Forgot that it pretty much acts as our money from now on, too."

I looked at his empty hands. He'd put the noodle cups away. He started
to leave, probably heading back to the dorms, where he'd likely forgotten his
card. To be honest, the fact that the student ID was necessary for payment
hadn't yet sunk in for me, either.

"I can pay for you. I mean, it'd be annoying if you had to head all the
way back to the dorms. You can pay me back later I don't mind."

"That's true. You're right, it'd be absolutely annoying. Thanks man. I will definitely pay you back."

The store wasn't particularly far from the dorms, but by the time he got
back there would be a long line of students. I didn't really need to get involve but did as it might help me make another friend.

I paid for his stuff.

"My name's Sudou, Class D. Thanks for helping me out. I owe you one." He said.

"Nice to meet you Sudou." I said.

I can't believe I, myself being someone who is already short on points just gave 2000 points for 5 noodles for a 'friend' who might not return them.

After that he moved towards hot water dispenser, watching our interaction Horikita caught on opportunity to show her eminence.

"Huh, you are acting like a pushover now. I didn't expect that from you.
Where is all superiority you were showing in the morning. Was that just a act Huh. What now? Are you intended to be his pet or something now." She said.

She definitely not someone I should acquainte myself with. She cannot even see that I was simply helping him. But there's no need to correct her. I don't there's anything left to think about her aside from her 'family-name'.

"No nothing like that. Just trying to help. Did you know him? You are from same class. Right?" I said.

"Huh. Yes he is my classmate. But what how do you know that?" She said somewhat angrier.

"No, i just saw you standing in class D at entrance ceremony." I said.

"And what's that got to do with everything." She continued.

"Nothing. Oh I think we should get our things we are holding other people." I didn't answer her and moved to get my groceries.

I paid for them at the counter with my student ID. I guess it really does work like a money Huh and moved out.

Horikita behind left as well.

After walking out I noticed the 'red-haired delinquent' Sudo sitting on the bench. I had no reason to interact with him now.

I walk out of the shade of the convenience store and into the sunlight a short distance away from store. I  almost walked away as I  I saw a trio of what seemed to be 2nd or 3rd years and

"Hey, you first year? This is our spot."

As Sudou slurped his ramen, three boys called out to him They seemed
to have come out of the same store and were carrying the same brand of
noodle cups.

"Who are you? I was already here. You're in the way. Get lost." Sudou barked.

"You hear this guy? 'Get lost,' he says. What a cocky little first-year."

The delinquent was not happy with the
provocative behaviour from the senpai
but it seemed that he had a short fuse as
shown by the fact he was also the promoter of the scuffle with the store earlier. Unable to handle being laughed at the delinquent quickly stood up throwing away the noodles which splashed everywhere. It seemed that this would take an aggressive route.

"'First year punk', huh? You tryin' to make fun of me." said Sudo.

"You're awfully mouthy, considering we're second-year students. We already put our bags here, see?"

Plop! With those words, the second-year upperclassmen students put
down their bags and guffawed loudly.

"See, our stuff's-here. Now, beat it." one of them said.

"You got a lot of guts, asshole."Sudou didn't back down, unfazed by being outnumbered.

It looked like fists were going to fly at any moment. I, of course, didn't want any part of it myself. But it can be beneficial because of cameras nearby.
I hurriedly took out my phone after considering various outcomes in my brain. Started recording the funny yet fortunate endeavor.

"Oh, wow, scary. What class are you in? Wait, never mind. I think I know. You're in Class D, aren't you?" Said one of the  upperclassmen.

"Yeah, so what?" Sudou snapped.

The upperclassmen students exchanged glances and burst into laughter.

"You hear that? He's in Class D! I knew it! It was a dead giveaway!"

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean
Hey!" As Sudou barked at them.

Oh I think I know what that supposed to mean.

"Aw, you poor things. you're 'defective'.'

So that the nomanclature famous here. It's good by the way. Slip of the tongue easily. 'Defective'.

"Hey, wha' did you just say, Hey!" Sudou shouted.

"Yeah, yeah, keep on yapping. You guys'll be in hell soon enough anyway."

Be in hell?

I don't think I can get anymore clear confirmation of my suspicions. Futhermore, Those three upperclassmen appeared calm and composed. I wondered what this all meant for them.

"Aw don't you worry you poor things. Since you're defective, We'll let you off the hook, since the real hell will start for you soon enough."

The trio, then laughed in a mocking manner which made the delinquent even angrier, but this became a perfect opportunity to assess their thought process and get a few favors. it couldn't be more fruitful. Honestly, i feels this is too convenient and easy.

I turned my attention back to the delinquent who was fuming moved towards the trio and punced one hard across the face.


One senpai fell on the floor spitting some blood. So Sudou do have a above average physical. Then the remaining two boys went to punch Sudou but something is wrong.

I see, it's just as I expected. Both of them were only acting of self defense and were punced by Sudou in the gut.

Oh Sudou, the school haven't started yet and you are almost expelled. But it will also be amusing to see how a expulsion effects a class. This school is certainly of elites.

I am indeed fortunate to witness this ordeal as it's also gave me something to work on, but I will think about that later now I have to make sure to record this.

Within 10 seconds all three were on the ground gasping in pain.

"Now, who was callin' me 'punk' and 'defective'. Why are you'll silent now, you peaces of shit." Sudou shouted at them as be proud of him beating them.

"Hahaa! haaahaa!" After few second all three of them burst into laughter at as a madman.

Which confused Sudou even more, all three of them then stood up facing Sudou.

"You really are a piece of shit aren't you? haha!" Said one of them.

"Huh, are you mental? I just beat you like someone would beat a dog and you still want more." Sudou said angrily.

"What a fool! If anyone is a dog here it's you, Class D Defective dog, it's have nice a ring to it, right guys? Hahaha continue your barking when you are expelled. Haha. " Said the boy in the middle.

I have to say 'defective dog' is something with a rhyme, but I think 'su-dog' is much better for sudou, but it's understandable as those senpai I don't think they know his name.

"Huh, you guys are seriously mental aren't you and what does Class D have to do with it, Huh!" said Sudo missing the most important part. 'Expelled'.

Now, let's see there's response.

"Huh, why should we tell you Huh. we aren't allowed to say. But it doesn't matter since you will be expelled by tomorrow. All student in Class D are trash and defective. Hahaha." one of them said, realizing he speak more than intended as two other glare at him.

Now, good for me I guess. This not only make me more sure of my theory but also make this recording more influential and effective as they weren't allowed to say.

"Huh, what do you mean expelled? I am leaving I don't want to stay with you bastard anymore." Sudo with the intention of leaving. Finally cought on thee word.

But I think it's too late for that. The trio seems relaxed as Sudo didn't notice what they said about Class D.

"Huh where do you think you are going. We going to complain to school saying you beat us up. There's a camera up there proving that too. Hahaha look guys he think we are going to let this go." One them said seriously.

Sudou looked at camera and grew even more frustrated.

"Huh, you mocked and insulted me first. I wasn't at fault here." Said Sudou

Though was right, but.

"But where's the proof? Huh that camera only record video. Haha now tell me who is a bastard eh?" One said insulting sudou.

"Huh!! you tricked me. That's not fair. You all lieing bastards. I will beat you all to your death." Sudou said getting angry at them.

"Now what will you do? If we complain to the school you will be expelled by tomorrow. Your first day. Haha." one said.

"Man this is truly hilarious. I didn't expected this. Haha."

"Don't I don't want to get expelled." Sudou said while frustrating.

"Huh, where's the 'anger' where's the pride, defective? Well if you have to give all your points to us we will not report you." Said one.

"Fuck!! Are you kidding me? What will I do for the whole month." Said Sudou grinding his teeth.

"Not my problem, is it." One said.

"But it's not like I have a choice or anything, Stay here I will go and get my ID card." said Sudo realizing his situation.

"Go get it fast, if you don't return we will just report to school you know" said one of trio.

"Hai hai, You bastards really tricked me this time." Sudou said while running towards the dormitory and came back pretty fast.

He is definitely a athlete, after all.

"Bro I nearly broke my teeth for 100k. But it was fun."

"Yeah man my stomach is hurting by laughing so much."

After that Sudou returned.

"Here, if I give you my points you won't report me right." Sudou said confirming the deal.

"Yes." Then Sudou transfer his points and moved away, so did the trio.

I also decide to move behind the senpais, but secretly. Not approaching them right away.

Thinking about how to approach those senpais. There are few options.

I think one option is I should remain unanimous atleast until next month to make sure secrecy of my class and gain as much information as I can before everybody becames vary of me. What is a month in a grand scheme of things.

I will approach them later with care. Not carelessly releasing any necessary information about me as If i approach them now I will surely have to gave away studentID which can come back to bite me if some revengefull senior look into me and finds about Class S.

"Hey! Kiyotaka!! WAIT." Again I heard the familiar voice behind me.

I know who it was so I just stop in my tracks without looking behind waiting for him to catch up.

Within few seconds, Eiichiro came beside me.

"Hey wonna go back to dorm together?" He asked the obvious.

"Obviously. Yes." I said thoughts out load.

Then I and Eichiiro then decided to walk to our dorms in silence. There wasn't a awkward one rather a peaceful one.

That's the thing I most like in Eiichiro as a friend he understands and adapts the situation quickly always behave accordingly. I say it's pure luck to him as my friend.

Turns out, we arrived at the dorms earlier than I expected. Searching around the lobby, there were a few students I'm guessing just came back.
from the mall or were getting their dorm rooms ids.

After the first-floor receptionist gave me a card key for the room 401 and an
information manual.

While flipping through the manual, I saw the time and day for the garbage disposal and a warning not make too much noise. It also said not to waste water and electricity as much as possible.

"They don't actually have limits on gas
and electricity usage, huh..." Eichiiro
muttered to himself.

"What room did you get assigned to?" I asked Eichiiro.

"Room 402, how about you?"

"Room 401, guess we'll be neighbors."

This school really went through great
lengths for the sake of the students. I was.

Surprisingly that they implemented co-ed dorms though. For a school that prohibits relationships between students, the coed dorms felt out of character. After all, this was a high school, so the rules stated that unsuitable romantic relationships were frowned upon. In short, sex was strictly forbidden… obviously. I mean, a member of the clergy wouldn’t say that engaging in illicit sexual activity was okay.

"So sexual activities are prohibited Huh. I advice you to keep that in mind Eiichiro and not get carried away with Nanase." I said teasingly him.

"Hahaha, very funny. Look who keeps getting better at jokes. Don't forget taught you those." He laugh with sarcasm.

"Thanks, Joke-Sensei." I said repeating the favor.

We talked while waiting for the elevator.

Within few seconds it arrived, we got on it talked about trivial stuff.

We arrived on the 4th floor and began to go into our rooms. Me and Eichiiro bid farewell even though we were neighbors.

"Wonna walk together to school tomorrow Kiyo. Nanase said she plan on going shopping with you. I also send her your contact info." He asked.

"I will take up on your offer." I said.

"Alright I will call you. See yaa"
He said moving inside his room.

Then I opened the door which lead the way to the room I would be staying in for the year. The room was quite big, around about 8 tatami mats big. This is my house starting from today. It's also my first time living alone.

Until graduation, I would have to live without contacting anyone outside of school. I then put the paper bag I had been holding for a while down on the floor containing groceries. I opened the cabinet to put my groceries. Ingredients ingredients, and snacks there. I then stood up and closed my door and jumped on the bed not caring I was wearing my uniform.

I decided to rest for a bit as today was
quite exhausting from the friends I've
made and the things I did in the class.
Only for today, I could have this peace and quiet.

With that blank mind I just layed there on bed.

It was 9:00 PM at night. I couldn't sleep so decided to go for a walk. I exited my dorm room and made my way to the elevator. I then pushed the button heading towards the lobby floor. I needed some fresh air and I wanted to empty my thoughts. I arrived at the lobby and quickly left the dormitories before anyone could spot me. I then went to a place near the dormitories and walked my way there.

After walking around aimlessly I reached a good peaceful short garden. It was almost opposite side of the school. It was sea shored. I realized when noticing it's location this school is somewhat a peninsula. I put my hands on the railing as I observed the view in front of me.The stars shone brightly as they formed a night-blue sky. The sound of leaves waving in the wind, which was quite strong. The sound of waves crashing on the shores of this school and splashing upwards as I felt waterdroplets land on my face and various parts of my uniform, but I didn't care. I thought of the drastic change in my everyday life in just half a year. If I even dreamed of it back in White room it would have been considered atrocious.

Today was an enjoyable day you could say, or maybe I was at least trying to make it enjoyable. I had made new friends

I came to this school for many reasons. To learn emotions, to learn how to love, to know what it felt like to have other friends, to know the feeling of having fun, but most importantly... I came to this school to feel what true freedom feels like.  That was my main priority coming to this school. At this moment right now, I didn't have responsibilities that I had to do, I didn't have expectations I was expected to uphold.

For this moment, I was truly free.

In English, that's "freedom". In French, it's "liberte."

Isn't freedom the best? I can eat, sleep, and play when I want to. Without
having anyone order me around.

I was finally free from that white hell.

I can finally fell what it's like to have no one to judge me or order me around. Make my own decisions without any influence.

This is a redo... no, start anew. A new
start, a new life. Anyway, I plan to have
a fun student life from now on. What
will the next three years in this school
bring me? I didn't know, but I was looking forward to it.

I stood thinking about things to came like Class competition, Friends. Difficulties I am about to face. Like Horikita's name like SCP which can be a coincidence. Also regarding Koshida sudden change of face after seeing Horikita. She is obviously someone interesting.

Another thing that was bugging me as  father mentioned was that other people might have some knowledge about White Room in here. Though they can't blackmail me or anything like that. But he/she will instantly become a entity to be not be taken lightly.

Whatever happen. I am having FUN. That's important to me.

I then turned around, making my way
back to the dormitories. Before I left the
place, I noticed a beautiful and charming young girl with crimson eyes and long platinum blonde hair sitting on a bench near me.

We made eye contact for a second but I quickly averted my eyes away from her as I didn't want anyone bothering me right now.

Tomorrow would officially be the second day of school. The second day of the next three years I would be spending here. I just hoped that tomorrow would not be too troublesome.

Chapter 10 END

Word count: 4724.


HI guys, quick update to wrap up the day. Hope you liked it.

I thinking of doing few SS side characters pov. So decided to use SS
from on for Side characters development as there's lot to catch up on.

■ So next few updates will be SS.
Alright guys see you soon.

Thanks for suggestion and guidance in last update. Chao!

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