Change is inevitable

By sapphicandswag

121K 3.2K 3K

Sequel to 'I never asked for this' Nadia Maximoff Romanoff- a name she thought she would never get used to bu... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
final chapter
Penelope's story #1
Penelope's story #2
Penelope's story #3
Penelope's story #4
Penelope's epilogue

chapter 20

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By sapphicandswag

*third person pov*

"Why do you have to go? It's nearly Christmas" Nadia whined hugging the woman, Wanda had to leave for a night due to work related reasons and the brunette was not very happy or well even happy at all about it.

Wanda bent down slightly to give the girl a kiss on the head before gently prying the girl from her, of course Nadia tried to hug her again so Wanda held Nadia's arms by her sides rendering her unable to "it's only for a night" she reassuringly said.

However Nadia was still not convinced "one night is too long" she whined back.

"You'll still have mommy and Sebastian, don't you love them?" Wanda tried convincing her "I do love them! I swear!" The girl said panicked.

She didn't want them to think that she didn't love them.

"But I love when we're all together" she added "have you never heard the phrase 'distance makes the heart grow fonder', I'll be back in no time" Wanda replied.

Nadia sighed and stepped away slightly as she crossed her arms that Wanda had now loosened her grip on.

Wanda and Natasha smiled at her understanding, "you have to call me and mommy tonight though, before bedtime" Nadia said although it sounded more like a demand, Wanda chuckled at her demand and nodded.

"Of course, I'll miss you just as much as you miss me" the woman told her and Nadia shook her head "that's not possible" Nadia responded "it is" Wanda replied.

"It's not"

"It is"

"It's not"

"Okay enough of acting like children" Natasha cut them off "well I am a child, she's just childish" Nadia replied with a smirk "touché" Wanda said.

There was silence for a moment and then suddenly something popped into Nadia's head "wait!" She said quickly- confusing both of the women stood beside her.

She then quickly went into the living room and grabbed her stuffed dog, she rushed back into the hallway with the dog in her hands "you're taking Max tonight" Nadia demanded leaving no room for discussion.

Wanda was hesitant to take the stuffed toy from her.

"You need him, he's your toy Nadia" she said "but you can have him for tonight so then you don't miss me" the girl explained her logic as she held out the stuffed toy.

"You can't sleep without him though" Wanda justified "I can! I can sleep without him for one night" she said proudly and hesitantly Wanda took the stuffed toy from the girls hands "are you sure?" Wanda questioned "positive"

It was now time for Wanda to leave so Nadia stood in the doorway with Natasha behind her as they both watched Wanda get into her car and start it.

When Wanda's car was no longer in view tears welled up in Nadia's eyes.

She sniffled as she turned around to hug the redhead that had been stood behind her, Natasha patted her on the back to try comfort her "she'll be back soon" she told the girl; Nadia took a deep breathe before pulling away from the hug.

She nodded at the woman as she put on a brave face "uh huh" she replied.

"Do you wanna colour?" Natasha asked "we can get the markers out that mama doesn't let you have because they're too messy" she added with a smirk

This made Nadia smile "won't she be upset?" The brunette questioned "what she doesn't know won't hurt her" Natasha mischievously replied.

Nadia nodded.


*Nadia's pov*

Colouring didn't last long which was mostly because of the fact that Sebastian kept trying to chew the pictures we were trying to colour.

Now it was time to make dinner and since Wanda wasn't here to watch me I got to help Nat make it in the kitchen, not actually making it though more like watching her make it- which was better by a long-short.

"I think you should add less vegetables" I commented as I watched her chop them up.

She shushed me and grabbed a nearby pacifier, she put it into my mouth "you need your vegetables" she said with a smile as I jokingly glared at her.

It didn't take long for her to finish chopping them up and to start cooking them.

Whilst she was doing this I couldn't help but wonder if what I felt when Wanda left is what they felt when I escaped; multiple times might I add.

I felt bad.

It took me a while before I found the courage to ask her "mommy?" I questioned after taking out the pacifier "yes sweetie?" She answered whilst she looked at the vegetables which were cooking in the oven.

"Is that what you and mama felt when I uhm...escaped?" I quickly said "felt what?" She asked looking back towards me "what I felt when mama left" I said nervously looking down to my lap.

She walked over to me "do you wanna know the truth Nadia?" She questioned and I nodded "it felt as if I had lost a limb or something, a part of me was missing which sounds dumb but it's like we met and I grew another limb" Nat explained

(A/N if y'know, y'know)

"It feels the same with Wanda but even when you're not here it still feels as if a part of me is being ripped away" she further explained.

I nodded to all of it, weirdly I understood what she felt; it was the thing I had felt like for all these months but just put into words.

Nonetheless I felt guilty.

She must've noticed the look on my face "don't feel bad babygirl" she said cupping my face "that was in the past and what happened in the past stays in the past" she reassured.

After nodding my head she smiled "I love you mommy" I quietly whispered "I love you too" Nat replied after she kissed me on the forehead.

"Now time to turn the oven off before the vegetables burn" she chuckled as she walked away "would that really be a bad thing?" I responded.

"I'll make sure to add more to your plate because of that now!" She said with a devious grin.

"I take back what I said about loving you" I muttered.

At this moment Seb walked into the kitchen- he'd been napping in the living room.

"See even Sebastian agrees with me" I said.


*third person pov*

The girl sat on Nat's lap as she whined impatiently "why isn't she answering" she whined further.

At this moment they were trying to call Wanda before Nadia's bedtime.

"Give her time Nads" Natasha told her, the brunette groaned however it wasn't long until Wanda finally answered the phone call.

It took a second for her camera to load but when it did, Nadia smiled at her "hi mama" she said staring at the woman through the phone "hey baby, how's your day been?" Wanda inquired.

Nadia went on to tell Wanda all about her day: the colouring, making dinner with Natasha, how Natasha gave her extra vegetables to dinner and everything else that had happened.

"So wheres Sebastian right now?" She asked after Nadia told her about how he'd been chewing her colouring page "just admit that you miss him" Nadia replied "okay fine then I miss him" Wanda obliged; Nadia called for her dog.

Seconds later Sebastian jumped onto Nadia's lap.

One thing about Sebastian was that he loved to jump and he could do it incredibly high.

Natasha and Wanda had learned to close the kitchen door after Sebastian had jumped onto the side one time from jumping on one of the stools and then the counter.

Sebastian came onto view and Wanda greeted him.

They continued talking until Nadia started to yawn "I think it's time for somebody to sleep" Natasha said and Nadia quickly opened her eyes wide "I'm not tired at all" she responded swiftly- too swift to be believable.

"You need to sleep Nadia" Wanda told her "I wanna talk to you though" the brunette replied.

"You can talk to me when I come home tomorrow you need to drink your bottle and then sleep right now" she told her through the phone "can you at least stay on the call until I fall asleep?" Nadia begged "of course" the woman said.

This was enough to convince Nadia to start drinking her bottle.

Shortly after she fell asleep, now it was just Nat and Wanda on the call whilst Nadia slept on Natasha's lap, leaning against her.

"I have to go now but i love you Nat, make sure to give Nadia a goodnight kiss for me" Wanda said "I love you Wanda" Natasha replied right before Wanda ended the call, now it was time to put the girl to bed.

Nat stayed there for a couple of minutes and then she stood up with the girl in her arms.

She placed the girl in her crib, put the blankets over her and then kissed her goodnight twice, one for her and one for Wanda whom she had promised.

As she was leaving the room she saw that Sebastian was still in the room "cmon Sebastian" she tried but he still laid there not wanting to leave "sebastian!" she whisper shouted and this made him finally leave.


*third person pov*

Nadia woke up in the middle night and she had intended to go back to sleep however she couldn't without max here.

The girl sighed as she sat up and leaned against the crib.

She knew that there was no point of even trying to sleep so instead she got the pacifer that was always left in her bed and put it in her mouth, she was so tired though.

With nothing else to do she couldn't help but think about how much she missed Wanda and Max.

Eventually she began gently crying.

Natasha who had just finished brushing her teeth heard this on the baby moniter and so she went into Nadia's room to see what was wrong with girl.

The girl continued to cry as Nat stepped into the room "whats wrong honey?" Nat asked gently "I want mama and Max" Nadia said after spitting out the pacifer as she continued to cry softly.

The bars of the crib were lowered and Natasha picked up Nadia.

"its okay, its only for one night they'll both be back tomorrow" Nat whispered "yeah but i let down mama, i told her i'd be fine without Max but im not" the girl sadly replied.

"you didn't let her down, its okay to need Max" Nat comforted her.

"I still can't sleep without him though" Nadia reminded as tears ran down her face "what about you sleep in me and mama's room tonight? the bed was too empty anyways" Natasha offered and the girl nodded seconds after, she didn't even need to think about it.

Then the girl was taken into Natasha and Wanda's room and placed onto the bed.

Her and Natasha got comfy under the blankets, Nadia cuddled into Nat for her warmth which Natasha didn't mind at all.

With the warmth and Natasha being by her side the girl was able to fall asleep.


*Nadia's pov*

I woke up before Natasha in the morning and i had decided i wanted to do something special for her, the first things i could think of was making her breakfast or making her a card.

I always made her and Wanda cards or coloured them pictures so i chose the former.

When I got to the kitchen i realised my options for making breakfast were limited, Im pretty sure she would have a heart attack if i used the oven or even the toaster so i had to get creative.

With not being to use most things it was difficult to find anything however after a lot of searching I decided on cereal, solely because it was the least dangerous but I still think she could find a list of 50 ways on how cereal could hurt me, it was still the safest option though.

One thing I had noticed was that once I fully adjusted to my role I had more freedom before like I was allowed to walk more and I was treated like a baby less.

I mean I still had to do some of the things but it felt like a nice compromise.

As it was only cereal it didn't take long to make two bowls, I took the bowls one at a time and placed them on the dining room table and I sat on one of the chairs; probably wouldn't be allowed to eat here.

Walking back to the kitchen i got sebastians bowl and filled it then brought it back into the dining room for him to eat when he got up, shortly after he came into the dining room and began eating it.

I sat in the chair as I waited for Natasha to wake up, she normally woke up early.

Just like I had assumed shortly after I heard her coming down the stairs.


*third person pov*

Natasha woke up in a panic when she realised the girl wasn't laid beside her, she got up and rushed down the stairs with her phone in her hand in case the girl had left.

Her panic soon vanished and turned into rage when she saw Nadia sat at the table with two bowls of cereal in front of her.

"Nadia! you know that you're not allowed to get up without me nonetheless make food!" Natasha scolded angrily "I just wanted to make you breakfast" the brunette responded upset that Nat didn't like the gesture.

"Well you know that you're not allowed to, you could've gotten hurt Nadia!" she yelled at the poor girl who was now sniffling "Im sorry" Nadia whispered.

Natasha sighed as the girl looked like she was on the verge of tears, she realised she might've gone a tad too far but she was just worried about the girl; "what did you make?" she gently asked as she sat on the chair beside Nadia's "lucky charms" Nadia mumbled.

This made Nat shake her head slightly with a smile.

Of course the girl would choose the cereal that was basically fully sugar "It's soggy now though" the girl said as she picked up her spoon, she then took a bite of the cereal.

"Still good" she said after swallowing it "are you gonna eat yours?" she questioned and Nat didn't have the heart to tell her no so she ate a bite "my teeth are gonna fall out after this" she said afterwards making Nadia laugh at her.

Even though the cereal was too sweet for her she continued to eat it for Nadia's sake, midway through their breakfast the door opened.

"Mama!" Nadia said excitedly as she quickly got up from her chair.


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