𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀

By twistednoglastia

762K 34.5K 62.8K

"..It's me, ya girl." [ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀꜱᴛᴀ / ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] Lights flickering on the two stood staring at each oth... More

【Who Are You?】
Little Halloween Special!!🎉🎉
Little Holiday Special 🎉🎉🎉
【Forty- O n e】


19.6K 803 1.8K
By twistednoglastia


» "Cops in the 70s were like, oh you just killed someone? You got 20 bucks?" «

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

   Cradling your cup of hot chocolate, you stared blankly at the pouting pink haired boy in front of you. You remembered he told you that he dyed his hair for breast cancer awareness, seeing as one of his older sisters had found out she had it. Luckily, she was getting treated which soothed his nerves. "Girl, if you were gonna be late you should have texted me." Rolling your eyes, you sipped your drink, "I was a minute late, Theo."

   Leaning his upper half on the table, he dramatically sprawled his arms out towards you, "You know how I am with time!" He whined, "Besides, with all the murders going on, can you blame me for being antsy?" Putting your foam cup down, you poked the back of his pale hand, "Theo, you worry too much. I'm fine, see?" Sighing, you grinned softly, "I appreciate your concern, but I'm okay."

   Picking his head back up, he puffed out his cheeks, "Still. You and Lizzie are both so reckless sometimes," sighing, he sat back up, "and I worry about your safety. Some of those recent ones have been pretty damn close to your campus." Furrowing his brows, his brown eyes turned to steel with seriousness, "So seriously, be careful."

   Looking back into his eyes, you were silent for a moment. Ah, if only he knew all that you'd been up to. You adored your friend dearly, and knew he was only looking out for you, but he could worry a lot sometimes. It was normal to be worried in this type of situation, but this wasn't the first time Theo had been on your back about safety. You could handle yourself, and he knew that. Or maybe you were just still uncomfortable to a slight degree whenever someone showed excessive concern for your well-being. That was definitely a factor. Lips drawing thin, you scratched your cheek before sighing,

   "Sometimes I swear you treat me like your little sisters." Before he could say anything, you put your hand up, "But I promise, I'll be careful. I always am, aren't I?" He raised a brow, which caused your lips to twitch, "Nevermind, don't answer that."

   His face still kept a concerned look, but eventually he gave up and shook his head. Leaning back in his seat, which displayed his denim jacket that had several pins on it, he crossed his arms. Most of the pins were different musicals, while one was a pin with a cat on it, and one had stripes with the colors green, white, black and gray.

   "Well then, moving on. Anything fun happen recently?" His once saddened look morphed into a big grin and light filled eyes. Shoulders sagging in relief at the atmosphere change, you shrugged, "Ehh, not really. I mean, I guess I met a few new people." Looking away, you scratched your cheek again. One may be thinking, what an odd thing to bring up! But then again, you are an awkward young adult with many issues, and Theo was one of the few people who knew about said issues. So him, being the lovely friend he is, always encouraged you to be more social, to try and well..get better at being around people. For the most part, your social skills had increased by a lot, yet part of it still wasn't genuine. Which is why Theo was there to help.

   At the comment, Theo leaned forward, his grin turning into a smile. "You did? Ooo, I'm so proud." Shrinking into your coat, you swat at him embarrassed, "God you're such a brother." Laughing, he leaned back, "Are any of them cute?" Your head snapped over to him as you hissed, "Theodore!" Wheezing, he slapped his own knee, "No, no I'm joking, but in all seriousness, I'm happy for you. It's good that you're getting out there more."

   Ah well, for a certain friend you didn't really have to go anywhere seeing as he just appeared. Grinning awkwardly at him, you sipped the last of your drink before standing up, "Alright man, c'mon. What are we doing for warm up?"

   Standing up to follow you, he raised his brows jokingly, "What's this? You actually wanting to do warm ups for once?" Chucking the foam cup at the nearest garbage can, and doing a little air fist bump when it actually landed inside the can, you turned back to Theo and punched him playfully. "Oh shut up."

   Messing up your hair he chuckled, "You know you love me!" Shoving his hands away you rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah." Strolling out onto the open stage, seeing as you were backstage, Theo spread out his arms. "Ladies and gentlemen!" You trailed behind him with your hands in your pockets, shaking your head.

His loud declare made some of the others who were talking or going over ideas stop and look over at him. A few people rolled their eyes with smiles, already knowing Theo was being eccentric. He was quite popular, being one of the loudest here.

One of the older actors, named Lauren, already knowing what was going on, called back up, "Here comes the general!"

Looking down, he mouthed a thank you, "The moment you've been waiting for!" From behind Theo, you raised a brow. Was this the warm up he wanted to do? Could have warned you at least. "Here comes the general!" A few others now chanted back. Ah, theatre people. What a unique species. "The pride of Mount Vernon!" Taking a few steps back, Theo made dramatic movements with his hands. "Here comes the general!"

Before you could even register what was going on, Theo grabbed your arm and pulled you forward into a side hug, which caused you to stumble a bit. "[Y/n] Mycroft!"


A few chuckles went around, before everyone resumed what they were doing. Rolling your eyes for the umpth time, you wiggled your way out of the embrace and punched Theo's shoulder. Jokingly, he cried and rubbed his arm. "What was that for?" "For putting me on the spot, you dum-dum."

   He giggled childishly, "That's fair. Anyway, warm up time!" Exasperated, you slumped, "That wasn't warm up? The sudden attention was enough to make my blood pumping." Spinning on his heel, Theo spun to face you before planting his hands on his hips, "Girl, you barely even said anything! C'mon, I have an idea."

   Groaning loudly, you sluggishly followed him off the stage, which again earned a few laughs from other actors. "I'm thinking," he began while leading you towards one of the makeshift tables set up towards the front, "Phantom of the Opera, but in French. Wouldn't that be a lovely warm up?" He stopped at the table and looked over at you, smiling at your deadpanned expression. "I'm not singing in French."

   Offended, he put down the clipboard he picked up, and leaned on you. Whatever he was doing before, you weren't really paying attention. "What?! Why?" Shoving the dramatic boy off you, your lips twitched upwards. "You always make the warm up songs to be in French." Pouting, he put a hand to his chest, "What? Am I not allowed to be proud of my heritage?"

   Chuckling, you sat on one of the s comfortable velvet colored seats. "I never said that." Again picking up the clipboard, he mimicked you jokingly, "I never said that." He avoided your attempt to swat him.

   "Alright everybody!"

   One of the "directors" as they were nicknamed, called while clapping on stage to get everyone's attention. "May I have your attention please!" Dropping the clipboard, Theo grabbed your wrist and started pulling you towards the stage again, which earned a few profanities.

   "Gather around, we're gonna discuss what show we're doing next. Sound good?"

   A few unenthusiastic 'woo's echoed.

   Then there was Theo.

   "HELL YEAH! WOO!" And him clapping enthusiastically. The director shook his head at the boy, "Thank you, Theodore. Your still as lively as ever."

   To which Theo responded with a thumbs up. Beside him, you facepalmed while giggling.

   God, he's stupid.

   Then again, that's why you're friends.



   "Well someone seems happier than usual." The shorter of the two teased, with a brow raised. Rolling his eyes at his friend, the other sighed through his nose, "Can't I be happy I don't have to deal with that masked freak show, today?"

   Tossing out the empty coffee container, Brian hummed, "Y'know that 'masked freak show' is technically apart of you." The other groaned annoyed, "Don't remind me." The two stopped when Tim grimaced, "Speaking of which." Sighing, he dug around in his coat pocket retrieving a pill bottle. Internally cursing out his alter ego that was making his head spin, he downed one and stuffed the bottle back into his coat.

   Tilting his head to the side, the other shrugged, "You seemed to be getting along fine with him yesterday." Immediately the other's nose scrunched up, "That's because I rather not deal with a splitting headache. Still hate him anyway, and can't I be happy that its me in control? And just me?" Chuckling, Brian nodded, "I never said that you couldn't."

Messing up his own hair, the more tired of the two sighed. "I need a smoke." Grinning, the other elbowed him in the side, "Imagine having lung problems and still smoking." Swatting the shorter one away, Tim glared, "Shut up."

"Anyway," he cleared his throat as the two continued to walk aimlessly. Did they have anywhere to be? Not really. Today was just one of those days when they didn't have to do anything, and simply wanted to be "normal". "Do you know that girl from before, or somethin?"

Blinking in surprise, Brian laughed awkwardly, "Pardon?" Pulling a cancer stick from his pocket, and a lighter, the other placed it between his teeth before attempting to light it. His hand covered the flame, and there was a repeated clicking sound, before it stopped and he dropped his hands, lighter returning to his other pocket.

Waving his now free hand, Tim spoke a bit muffled, "I don't know, you had this uh, look in your eye or whatever. Like you recognized her." Looking over at his friend, who simply stared at him, he sighed and his shoulders shrugged forward. "Brian I've known you for god knows how long, I know a certain look when I see one."

After a pause, Brian smiled. And that was it. Giving up, Tim just sighed and shook his head. They stopped abruptly when both of their phones buzzed. Tim just looked over Brian's shoulder when he pulled out his phone.

- nurse ann told me to tell you idiots that ur kid passed out from blood loss again
- and also that you guys suck
- jk that part was from me
- she said that you two need to keep a closer eye on him
- smh
- bad parenting
- letting ur kid almost die
- smh

Tim immediately sighed at the text and rubbed in between his eyes. Neither of them needed it to be clarified who Ben was referring to. "I swear to god when I see him..." Brian lifted his head for a moment to quirk a brow, "What? You gonna push him off a balcony?" Opening his eyes, the other's lips turned thin as he sent his friend a warning glare. "I didn't know it was you."

Grinning, Brian shrugged, "Still made me fall and hurt my back." Rolling his eyes, the other crossed his arms. "You were literally stalking me, which I know—'it wasn't for a creepy purpose!', I know. You tell me every time. And again, I didn't know it was you." Pausing, Brian's lips pursed before he shrugged. "That's fair."

Frowny Face
thank u ben -
tell ann it's not our fault toby is hyperactive -

- ahdhhxjsjdxj
- and risk dying again???????
- hahahahhahahahaha
- tell her urself
- oh also apparently no-eyes is looking for twitchy, so when he wakes up it's ur job to tell him
- bye
- also tell Jekyll and Hyde kinnie he's ugly
- <3

He snickered at the text while the man beside him sighed exasperated. "He's a child."

Frowny Face
he said ur a child -
<3 -

- wtf
- say it to my face coward

Frowny Face
"I would if you were even tall enough to talk to me face to face" -

- >:(
- I'm hacking his phone now
- suffer

[The chat has been closed.]

Taking out his own phone on instinct, Tim pulled the cigarette from his mouth so he didn't accidentally bite it in two. Just as green goblin jr. promised, his phone was glitching and wouldn't even unlock. Dropping the cigarette, he squashed it under his foot to prevent it from lighting again.

There was a beat of silence, Tim just staring at his phone in defeat, and Brian trying his best not to laugh at his friend's predicament.

"...I'm telling Jeff where the spray bottle is."

At that, Brian burst out laughing, remembering the last time Jeff had access to the spray bottle. Poor Ben locked himself in his room for a week out of fear, after ranting about how he wasn't a cat—then immediately getting spritzed in the face. Jeff was also put on lockdown because of it, but hey, no pain no gain.

   His laughing was cut short though when a gut feeling hit. His brows furrowed and he looked around, confused on why suddenly something felt wrong. He guessed his friend felt it too, since he had looked up from his phone with a tense expression.

Exchanging a glance, Tim's jaw clenched before he shook his head and started walking forward. Brian trailing after him, having to walk a bit faster since walking for Tim is jogging for him.

Suddenly, Tim skidded to a stop, making him crash right into his back. Stumbling back, Brian's eyes narrowed at his friend, who grinned at his pain. Before he jut his thumb forward to motion to some people up ahead.

There was a boy who was crouching in front of a girl who sat on one of the park benches. She was leaning forward with her head in her hands, like she was in pain. The boy seemed to be speaking frantically, and clutching her shoulders. Suddenly her head shot up and she shook it rapidly, before hissing and lowering her head again.

   That poor girl, was you. Theodore had offered, more like worried and cried until you agreed, to walk you back to the dorms. The two of you went through one of the parks, the more lively and bigger park compared to the one you went to with Luca, as a shortcut. Sadly, after a few minutes of walking, your head suddenly ripped into a horrible scream-inducing pain. However, you didn't scream, instead sucked in air through your teeth and doubled over after your sight turned blurry. Theo, being who he is, immediately panicked and ushered you over to a park bench.

   Not long after that whole thing, did you start coughing. Like, a lot. If Theo wasn't panicking before, he sure was now! He kept saying he had to bring you to the hospital or something, especially after you're pretty sure you spat up a little bit of blood, to which you kept refusing. You weren't in pain, besides the whole headache. Besides, you knew it would pass in a minute. Wiping the small few drops of blood you coughed up into your hand on your pant leg, you lifted your head again. Suddenly your vision appeared to get better.

   Squinting, you made a humming noise when Theo's worried face became clear again. Noticing that the daze in your eyes became calm, he sighed and hung his head. Lifting his head again, he wiped your chin with his sleeve, while you continued to stare and attempt to bring yourself back.

   Your hearing returned soon after, and immediately picked up on footsteps. Despite that though, you were still very out of it and couldn't make out if anything was being said when the footsteps stopped. Shutting your eyes, you took a deep breath in, and rubbed your palm into your left eye. Opening them again, you looked over to the side to see two familiar men standing beside Theodore.

   Your eyes widened in surprise a bit, and again that feeling of familiarity flashed when your eyes landed on the taller man. Nearly jumping when you realized the both of you had been staring at each other, you blinked awkwardly. Also seemingly realizing this, he flashed a small grin.

   Snapping out of your disoriented state after hearing the word doctor thrown around, you focused back on Theo and tugged on his sleeve. He stopped speaking to the other man, and turned his head towards you. Standing up, shakily, you sighed, "Theo, I told you I'm fine."

   The pink haired man frowned, and his brows knit together, "Coughing up blood isn't fine, [Y/n]." "It was like a drop, I probably just I don't know, hurt my gum or something."

   Immediately, Theo smacked you on the back of the head, causing you to flinch forward and grasp the back of your head, before glaring at him. "Don't hit the injured!"

   "So you admit your not fine!"
   "I said injured, not sick."
   Brow twitching, Theo forced a smile, "Aren't you just a ball of sunshine today?" Which earned a warning glare.

   Remembering there were other people with the two of you, you spun towards them and gained a friendly, soft smile. "Hello again, I keep bumping into you two, don't I?" Ignoring the complete whiplash they were experiencing from the sudden mood change, you waved your hand off, "I apologize for any concern me or my friend may have caused."

   Before you could speak again, one of them, the one who you only heard spoke so far, cut in. "It's no problem at all, but are you sure you're alright?" He paused, and his gaze flickered over to his friend, "Coughing up blood, even if it's small, sounds serious."

   Laughing a bit you shook your head, "No, no, I'm fine, I swear." For a moment their expressions seemed to change, but you put it off to be apart of your imagination.

   "Anyway," you changed the topic and stuck out your hand, "I'm [Y/n], this is Theodore." Your friend perked up at his name and smiled brightly at the two, forgetting about worrying over your state for a moment. Taking your hand with a firm grip, the man with the sideburns, nodded, "Tim. This is my friend, Brian." Said man, raised his hand as a greeting, "Hey."

   Dropping his hand, you hummed. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both, again I apologize for any uh trouble we may have caused." You could practically feel Theo rolling his eyes at you. "Your health isn't troubl-" Turning back to him, you whisper-shouted, "I will take your tonsils."

   Narrowing his eyes at you, Theo pouted, "Meanie." Again, you sighed and rubbed in between your eyes at him. Taking this time, Theo spoke up, "I'll take it from here, seeing as she can stand now. Thank you for asking if my dumbass friend was okay though!"

   Brian seemed to stifle a giggle at your offended expression. Slinging his arm around you, Theo squeezed your shoulder, "Alright girlie, I'll take you home since you don't wanna go to the hospital, you big baby-" "'Baby'?" You sneered and glared up at him, "You're the one who cries whenever Simba's dad dies in the Lion King."

   Squeezing you harder this time, Theo made a threatening laugh noise, while giving you a stare that said 'shutupshutupshutup', he turned his attention back to the two men, who were watching the whole thing amused.

   "Anywho! Thank you again, I bid thee a farewell." Both of the men cracked grins at your disgusted expression. Struggling to get Theo's arm off of you, you hissed, "Why are you so weird."

   "Shut up, you love me."
   "I'm starting to rethink that."

   Once again, he gasped offended, before letting you go. Brushing off your coat, you smiled gently at the other two, "Well, anyway again, it was nice to meet you both, hopefully I will see you two around."

   "Of course, it was nice meeting you two as well." Tim nodded at the two of you. Your eyes flickered over to his supposed 'partner in crime', again he seemed to be staring at you. With the similar familiarity. It wasn't uncomfortable staring, or maybe you had just gotten used to Jack's quote on quote staring. Snapping out of it, he again, smiled and held out his hand, to which you immediately shook. "Pleasure meeting you, [Y/n]." His eyes flickered over to Theo, "And you too, Theodore."

   Theo, smiled at him, before he started tugging at your sleeve. Dropping the man's hand, you took a step back, bumping into Theo to make him stop acting like a child. "Well, we should get going. See you lot around!"

   The two waved, and you let Theo drag you off. Again, his sudden departure made you stumble and curse at him under your breath. Which only made him laugh. His laugh echoed throughout the seemingly empty park.

   When the two clumsily young adults were out of view, the two men turned to one another.

   "You think she..?"

   Turning towards the area that once had the two young adults, the shorter's lips turned thin.

   "..I'll..keep an eye on it."

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

» "We'll all be the weak and the weary sometime." «


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