Classroom Of The Elite x Oc

By alexkuhar360

241K 7.6K 2.2K

What happens when an American boy who has a passion for reading gets transported to a anime world he knows pr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Year 2 Announcement
Year 2 Prologue
Year 2 Prologue 2
Year 2 Chapter 1
Year 2 Chapter 2
Year 2 Chapter 3
Year 2 Chapter 4
Year 2 Chapter 5
Year 2 Chapter 6
Year 2 Chapter 7
Year 2 Chapter 8

Chapter 18

5.8K 179 46
By alexkuhar360

Alex's Pov

After acquiring Sae as a new piece I went back to my room and had a wonderful nights sleep, she will be very useful for seeing changes in the timeline later on. Once we get past what I have read in the books she will also be invaluable for my continued understanding of what is going on.

I also have some kind of attraction to her, I don't know why, maybe because my real age is closer to hers than my current? She is also really hot so it is not a surprise, spending my first two months and 150,000 private points to get her to fall in love with me was definitely worth it, if I didn't there is a good chance she wouldn't have submitted to me, well Ayanokoji using his eyes on her helped me if it was intentional on his part or not.

The next day we got our emails to go to the rooms at the time, I was assigned to the Goat Group, I wonder if Sae has a sense of humor to send me to this group. I am happy I was not in a group that would have a Class D VIP, after I wrote down the names of everyone in my group. I very quickly figured out the VIP from my group with accordance with what the book said, it sucks I will have to got to the first meeting, it is such a waste of time. On a positive note most of the people I have established relationships with are in groups with the VIP as other classes, that will make thing easier for me. This test will serve as the perfect place to harvest a significant amount of private points.

I will have to get a list of names of every group so that I can find out the VIPs and go from there, I used what I got from Arisu a while ago and decided to contact Horikita via text. With the credit for the island exam my classmates trust her, it should be easy for her.

I Quickly texted her.

"Horikita send me the list of the names of students in all of the groups, if you do that you will find a good result at the end of this exam."

She quickly responded.

"Who is this and how did you get my number?"

"Horikita you know who it is, now get to work unless you want to get humiliated at the end of this exam when you get outmaneuvered by our enemies."

"Fine, I will have it by tomorrow evening."

"Good, be a good girl and you will be rewarded."

I could see the message for a few minutes saying she was typing but never sent anything, she was no doubt pissed by my condescending way of writing but she is not in a position to rebuke me.

I also messaged someone else, that person was Masumi Kamuro, I can use her very well in this exam. Finding her contact I quickly messaged her.

"Do you want to crush Katsuragi this exam?"

"Who is this messaging me?"

"It makes your job easier if Arisu is in charge, right? I can give you the information to crush him now, how embarrassing would it be for him to get outshined by someone who isn't even present on the ship."

"I understand, what is your proposal."

"I will give you the names of the Class D and 2 of the Class B VIPs, I want 300,000 private points from each of those groups that win. Tell them Arisu needs the points to pay her spies in other classes and be ready for the future, your Class will get 100 class points and solidify Arisu's faction's dominance."

"Give me a few minutes to check with the loli."
"No, you have 20 seconds to respond or I propose this to Class B."

When I typed that she didn't respond instantly, I am sure she was slightly panicked. She thinks Arisu is her best bet to stay in Class A and even if she gets annoyed with her isn't one to act on her own. By cutting off her line to her master she is forced to decide for herself if she says no Class A will loss 150 Class points after the humiliation on the island and Class B will gain 100. If that happens Class A and B will be extremely close points wise, with Class B getting a large chunk of private points even if they give me 60% it would not be wrong to say they have an advantage, especially after the deal Ryuen made with Class A bleeding them of 200 class points worth of points a month.





"Glad to do business with you Kamuro-san, I will give you the names on the third day, make the necessary preparations on your side. If I don't get my points you will suffer immensely for the nest 2 and a half years, even if you have Arisu's protections I will not let you get away."

"I understand, I will get you the 1,500,000 million points by the time the cruise ends."

"I look forward to doing business with you and Arisu more in the future, sleep well, in a few days you will be Arisu's trusted right hand women who saved the class under her orders."

After that she didn't respond, the reason I am doing this is that if I just had my class guess the 9 other VIPs it would be very suspicious, the school would probably even investigate it. Even if we are found innocent it would bring way too much attention to our class which would eventually fall on me or my associates. Having a narrow victory over Class A would make it much more understandable and easier to swallow for everyone. Not to mention I get more private points this way, if I had all groups my classmates guessed give me 300,000 points I would end up with 2,700,000 million points at the end of the exam. This way I get 2,100,000 from my class and 1,500,00 from Class A since they are guessing my class as well. The extra 900,000 private points is very significant and more than worth it, it also makes my relationship with Kamuro better.

Once by preparations were completed I got some dinner and went to bed, thankfully my roommates were having fun somewhere else so I could get to sleep easily.

Once I woke up I remembered that Koenji will guess a Class B leader, I took that into account when talking to Kamuro and is why I only am telling her 2 of their VIPs, but there is no chance Koenji would give me any of his points. That annoying little shit won't do anything I say, since I have no leverage all I can do is lament the annoying circumstances.

When it was time for our first group meeting I wanted to jump overboard, more self-introductions, then annoying dialogue when the outcome is already decided. Nobody in my group was memorable, that is fine with me and also made that hour pass extremely slowly. Class A was parking the bus like in the book, Kamuro and probably Hashimoto should be making progress and be ready to take action when I give then the names.

After the group meeting I decided to try to work out since I had been neglecting it since I wasn't with Fuka on this vacation. Doing that and clearing my head was good to calm myself, after so many revelations about myself in yesterday and the business with Sae it was very nice to relax my mind.

Once night time came Horikita managed to give me the list I desired, if she learns her place and tries to learn from the directions she is told that can be another avenue for growth in the future, or it could stunt her and change her into someone who can only take orders. She is too valuable to Ayanokoji for him to let her become like that though, because of what I told him yesterday he is being forced to create a solid foundation to prepare for the next school year. If I am correct he will do most of what he did in the book, but probably even more, I will similarly need to expand my operation soon.

I was happy with today and let out a satisfied smile before the Sandman took me to dreamland.

Once I woke up I went through the monotony of a boring daily life, tonight I will submit my guess for the VIP for my group, that will certainly cause a buzz around the ship. I don't remember which day Koenji does it but I am pretty sure it is in the first few, maybe today as well.

After our morning meeting I contacted my group member and told them Horikita found out who the VIP in our group is but she wants 300,000 out of the 500,000 points we get for the classes future. The people in my class were reluctant to agree but eventually did, the class points we get will make them happy enough anyways.

After that I messaged Horikita.

"Horikita I have the names of 5 VIPS, send the students in those groups the following message.

"I have found the identity for the VIP in your group, I will send it to you guys but I need 300,000 of the 500,000 points you receive as payment for the people in other classes who turned traitor as well as for future class operations."

Once that happens you will receive 1,500,000 million points that you will then transfer to me, our class will end with +200 Class points this exam beating out Class A who gains +100."

After a short while Horikita responded.

"Are you serious about this? How can you be sure about this, tell me how you found out."

"I said I would take some actions during this exam, do what I said and I will tell you after the exam is completely wrapped up."

"Fine, you have proven to be extremely smart and observant, based on that I will accept that you have acquired authentic VIPs."

"Ok, here are the names-."

After my conversation was over I enjoyed my lunch, by that night the five groups I gave Horikita had been guessed an Koenji joined in. With 7 groups finished all the other classes were panicking, Kamuro and Hashimoto will be able to hand the class to Arisu on a silver platter when they save the day. I do not know when Ryuen will find the pattern but Kishida turns traitor against our class the second day, which depending on how you think about that could be today or yesterday. Ryuen will be pretty desperate today since all of the groups his class was the VIP in were guessed, he will be grateful to turn Kushida to his side. With that in mind I plan to undermine her every step of the way, once Ryuen realizes she is too incompetent to sabotage our class he will cut her loos.

The next day I sent Kamuro the remaining VIPs and the test concluded a short while later, everyone including the staff was pretty shocked by the way this test went. The results were just how I expected:

Class A: 1074 + 100 = 1174

Class B: 803 – 150 = 653

Class C: 492 – 150 = 342

Class D: 362 + 200 = 562

With that Class D moved up to Class C a semester early and I made a little over 3.3 million private points this exam.

With that I had to meet with Horikita and Ayanokoji to explain what I did during the exam, Ayanokoji might be able to see through me and realize I am not telling them everything but I am sure even if he doesn't notice anything he will still be under the assumption I won't tell the entire truth.

We all met at the fancy restaurant, we had a table for 4, our fourth person was actually Sae, I asked her if she wanted to know what I did and she agreed. Nothing would look too strange about her eating with some of her students, maybe other classes will take notice of me but if I present myself as one of Horikita's lapdogs then it would work in my favor. Class B already thinks that so if Class C, soon to be D, gets under that assumption I would be happy.

I was the first to arrive and ordered us all some water and waited, Sae was the first to show up, when she arrived I stood up and pulled out her chair for her, with a nod she sat and I began to say what I wanted before the others showed up.

"Horikita and Ayanokoji are both observant so don't let anything slip, you have to keep up your normal icy exterior unless we are alone. I know you are interested in what I did so enjoy, once we get back to the school I will have more to do with you."

"Got it, even though I said I would be yours two days ago your result on this exam again proved how good your capabilities are. I have no complaints with whatever you ask."

Even if it was subtle I could notice her emphasize on "whatever", I guess Sae is horny for me, we will do it soon enough. Fuka and I aren't dating and are just friends with benefits so if I want to have sex with another girl I am free to do so.

After a few more minutes the two other expected arrivals sat down, Horikita obviously wanted to get straight to the point, I am sure when she saw my smile she knew I was going to drag it out though.

"Hello Horikita-san and Ayanokoji, thank you for joining me for a nice dinner. I have been on some cruises in the past and I know that in the included dinning rooms it is common practice to order 5 or more courses since it is of no extra charge to you. From what I have heard the herb Boiled Chicken Breast and the Beef Wellington are very good here."

Sae and Horikita both seemed surprised by my sense of fine dining, I wonder if Horikita thought I was a brute or something.

After some small talk I ordered some Oysters in White Wine and Artichoke Soup for an appetizers, followed by the Boiled Chicken Breast that comes with Sautés Asparagus and rice, the finally was the Apple Galette.

To meet my expectations the other three also seemed accustomed to fine dining, Ayanokoji went with the Beef Wellington, Horikita went for the Baked Sea Bass with Lemon Potatoes, and Sae went with grilled Filet Mignon with Bearnaise Sauce.

All of us made good choices, the waiter also seemed impressed, I guess quite a few kids are not very accustomed to this kind of dining.

After the appetizers Horikita spoke.

"This is a lovely dinner but not the reason we are here, I would appreciate if you told me what you did."

I thought about it for a few seconds before responding.

"I would like to hear what you think I did first, if you are correct I will tell you know, if you are wrong I will tell you after we are done."

Although she seemed annoyed she also started thinking hard about what she thought I did.

"Fine, well you asked me for the lists of each group the day before and then the next day you have some of the VIPs. What doesn't make sense is that if you found a pattern in the VIP identifies we could have gotten all 9 of the other classes VIPs but we only got 7. I also don't know why you wanted the 1,800,000 points from our classmates, I mean private points are great but I cannot think of what you are planning. Perhaps you tried to find a pattern but couldn't so you decided to bribe the people in Class A and C and that is why you needed the points. Since the 7th class we guessed was Koenji's group it is possible that he wasn't part of your plan and you decided to leave class B alone."

Horikita got the easy parts but couldn't put together what I have told her in the past with what happened in this exam.

"You have a small part of it but can't see the bigger picture, for what you got I will explain in full after the main course. It will be here soon and I don't want to eat cold chicken."

While we ate the main course I saw Ayanokoji sneaking glances at me, he is probably annoyed that I sold out his VIP and he wont be getting points like he did in cannon. Maybe I can help him create opportunities in the future to increase his income.

After we finished I took a breath to explain and gather their full attention, Sae had barley spoken so far but was eager to see what I did what I did.

"You were right that I was looking for a pattern for the VIPs, but unlike what you think I contacted some of Arisu Sakayanagi's associates in Class A for their cooperation. At first they were willing to give up their VIPs to me for free but I gave them a counter offer, to guess our VIPs and the 2 Class B VIPs and take it as a victory for Arisu by saving the class from collapse from Katsuragi. In exchange they would pay me 300,000 points for every VIP I gave them, similar to the deal I sent to you Horikita. I was able to do this since I found out all of the VIPs the second day once Class A gave me the information. The reason I let Class A profit is so that it would look less suspicious, if we got 450 class points like that with a perfect victory it would raise suspicion and even lead to a potential investigation. Even if we got 300 points because all of our VIPs got guessed it would still lead to many issues down the line, having a closer victory lessens those drawbacks significantly. I wouldn't want sensei to be under investigation for helping us illegally, she is so cold and doesn't help us at all, I refuse to let her get the credit for my work. That is pretty much it, I was pulling the strings since day 2 of the exam."

All of them looked at me surprised, Sae looked impressed, Horikita looked shocked to the core and Ayanokoji's gaze sharpened for a short time.

After a short time of silence  Horikita spoke.

"Didn't you mean to leave Class B's VIPs to Class A though, Koenji messed up your plan though, didn't he?"

"Not really, I wrote that group off before we started, Koenji is uncontrollable so I took is an inevitable loss. I would have given Class B the points if I could have gotten the points from them but I don't have those kinds of connections with them. It would be ideal to elevate them into the leading position as a straw man since they are the easiest to defeat, but 1,500,000 private points is not worth that."

Realizing I left something out I restarted.

"The reason I had us and Class A turn in the VIPs so early is because Kushida betrayed the class to Ryuen and he would have found the pattern soon enough. It was now or never so I was forced to act a little earlier than I would have liked."

After dropping that bombshell everyone was silent, Horikita looked pissed though, she was the one to respond first.

"Why would Kushida-san betray the class?!?! Especially to an ape like Ryuen."

"The reason is pretty simple, for you Horikita."

"W-hat?!?! I know she hates me but she would betray the class just for that?"

"Since you went to the same middle school as her she thinks you know something about her, she made a deal betray the class if Ryuen gets you expelled. She probably has similar plans for Ayanokoji over here too."

Sae looked concerned about this development, it is never good to have a traitor in the class, especially one that wants one of their classmates expelled. Horikita again spoke.

"I can kind of understand me, but why Ayanokoji-kun? Is it simply because he is my only f-friend?"

It was funny that she blushed while saying friend but I won't laugh.

"Ayanokoji caught her screaming her head off on the roof one day and threatened to accuse him of rape if he exposed her. Since he knows her toxic personality and vile motivations he is target number 2."

Sae was the one to interrupt us this time.

"Alex-kun, do you have any solid proof of this, blackmail and intimidation are both punishable my expulsion. That kind of blackmail is a crime that could carry a prison sentence as well, if you have any evidence I must ask you to turn it over immediately."

"Nope, my word is all I have in this matter but it doesn't matter right now anyways, Kushida won't be a significant problem."

Speaking for the first time in this discussion Ayanokoji spoke.

"Why won't Kushida be a problem if she is working with Ryuen?"

"I will just make all her plans fail and backfire on Class C, soon to be D, then soon enough Ryuen will cut her out because she keeps failing. I know Sakayanagi wouldn't take her and Ichinose wouldn't stand that kind of tactic."

Then once again Horikita spoke.

"Why wouldn't Sakayanagi take her as an ally?"

"Pretty simple, she either already knows Kushida is working with Ryuen or will soon, if she later goes to Sakayanagi it is obvious she failed and was let go of. Knowing Arisu she might accept her but she would make her kneel and lick her shoes and beg, if she is feeling particularly sadistic she might even make Kushida fuck one of her classmates to prove her sincerity and determination. Maybe Kushida does that stuff but I doubt it, she would be letting way too many people see the side of her she is trying to hide, Ryuen is a big risk for her as it is."

Sae looked to have a strange smile on her face, and then she chuckled. We all looked at her like she was weird, especially Horikita. Seeing our confusion Sae spoke.

"As a teacher I can't hear that so let's pretend you didn't say that, but between us I would like to see that happen to Kushida. A traitorous bitch like her deserves it."

Horikita stared at her with a dumbfounded expression as if she wasn't sure what she just heard, Ayanokoji looked at me, his meaning conveyed to me.

"That is why you are my favorite teacher Sae-sensei, look what you did to Horikita, Ayanokoji might have to carry her back."

After having a laugh we finished our desserts and separated, I looked in my bank account and saw I was 3,300,000 points richer than a few days ago. That brought my total points to over 3,700,000. I was no doubt the richest individual student in our year, Ichinose probably has more but that is only since she is the bank. I have the most spending power as an individual except Manabu Horikita and Nagumo if I had to guess.

Being very satisfied with my work I decided to enjoy the rest of my vacation to the fullest.

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