SakuAtsu// : My Assistant

By HumourousTriangle

125K 3.1K 1.6K

Sakusa Kiyoomi was germaphobic and really hated other people in his personal space, was forced to have fun by... More

My Assistant
The Bet
Akio and Aito
Their Alpha...
A Family
The Truth
School Festival
He left
I Want To Stay
Our Alpha
Our Family
Knowing Me
What is it?
Everything's Perfect
Everything's Different
It's Him, Not Me
His Alpha
The Villain
What Ifs...
It Was Me...
Come Home
Side Story 1: Games
Side Story II: 5 Years Ago
Side Story III: I Love You
Side Story IV: Omegas and Alphas


4.1K 106 38
By HumourousTriangle

That just keeps growing and growing and growing.

I watch frozen in place with my jaw hanging down. They won even without breaking a sweat. Omi truimpathly overpowered everyone, I knew he was strong, but he's too freaking strong! He left Akio to receive the award and went straight to me. He carried me back to our spot, he sat while I was on his lap, he rested his forehead on mine, he was smirking. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

Atsumu: "Stupid, Alpha." I mumbled but he heard me and he chuckled.

Kiyoomi: "I'm waiting, my little Bee~" I glared at him and he just smiled. I rolled my eyes.

Atsumu: "Fine, close yer eyes." He did. I took this moment to just appreciate his face, tracing my fingers all over it.

I wish you didn't have to cover up your moles.

I traced my hand on his platinum blonde hair, letting the strands run through my fingers.

I miss your curly, black locks.

My hand then went down to his jaw, letting my thumb trace his lips. I leaned closer, closing my eyes, letting my lips softly press against just at the edge of his lips, it was only for a second but my heart wanted to leap out of my chest. I wanted more...

I wanted to taste his lips.

Lock my arms around his neck.

Let his arms snake around my waist.

I want him to take me.

I want him.

But I can't...

I slowly pulled away and let out a shaky breath I didn't know was holding. I slowly opened my eyes only to see black orbs were already staring at me and we just stayed like that for a while. Then Omi wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face on the crook of my neck.

Kiyoomi: "This is better than any gold medal." I couldn't move.

Announcer: "It's time for the Sack race! Calling all players!"

Aito: "Papa! let's go!!" He came running to us and started dragging Omi who just chuckled.

Kiyoomi: "Alright. alright!" He carried Aito. Then turned to me. "Darling~" He held out his hand and I took it, he pulled me up and I went straight into his arm, his hand was on my waist and he was smirking.

Atsumu: "Not gonna lie, that was smooth." I rolled my eyes.

Kiyoomi: "Only to you, my Honey Bee!" I giggled and he kissed my cheek. "Let's go!" He let go of me and held Akio.

Omi and Aito made their way through the crowd and onto the track. Me and Akio were at the side with the other family who were watching. The teachers handed the pairs their sacks and I couldn't help but laugh at how adorably similar Omi and Aito are, they were wiping and sanitizing their sacks inside and out.

Aito would be the first one to run or hop to the first half of the track to get to his Papa, once he reached Omi, he would continue on to finish the race. I could see how Omi was helping Aito into his bag and made his way to his half part of the track and got in his bag as well. I was feeling a bit nervous for Aito, he's really determined to prove himself to the other kids and judgemental parents that just couldn't keep their mouths shut. Then I turned to Omi who was already smiling at me, he pulled his mask down and mouthed some words I couldn't understand. I smiled.

Atsumu: "I know you'll win." I mouthed to him. He beamed. "I lo- -"


I got interrupted.


Wait! What was... I... going to say...?


Everyone ran.

I watched as Aito took off. He hopped like a little bunny, it was so adorable. My hands were shaking a bit as I took a video of him on my phone.

Kiyoomi: "Go, Aito!" I turn my gaze at the tall man.


I can't take my eyes off of Omi.


Omi's shining so bright as he cheer on for Aito.


I felt something squeezed at my heart, my breath hitch for a second. I felt my face heat up and my head a bit light headed. My quickening heartbeat was deafening.


What is happening to me?! What did Omi do!?


I'm freaking out a bit.

Aito: "Mama!" I was snapped out of my panic when Aito was clinging onto my leg.

Kiyoomi: "We won!" Me and Aito were engulfed in a big hug and then there were fireworks, I couldn't move. I closed my eyes, I was so scared he'd hear my heartbeat. He pulled away and looked at me a bit confused. "Atsu, are you alright?" He cupped my face. I am malfunctioning and ready to shut down.

Aito: "Mama, where's Akio?" We looked at him. My eyes widened when I looked around and couldn't find Akio. Different kind of panic was coming over me. I started to hyperventilate. "Mama..." He gripped my shirt as his eyes started to tear up.

Kiyoomi: "Atsu!" He gently squeezed my face in his hands. "Look at me..." I looked at him, I was on the verge of tears. "Calm down, we'll find him. Okay?" I nodded. He wiped my tears with his thumb and kissed me on my forehead. "Don't panic..."

He lifted up Aito onto his shoulders, telling him to look around for Akio. He held my hand and gave it some squeezes once in a while to calm me down. We looked and walked and looked around. I was so worried but having Omi by my side, standing so tall, taking the lead and control of the situation was taking half the burden off of me.

Aito: "AKIO!" I looked up to see Aito pointing, I looked to where he was pointing and saw Akio sitting with a crying little girl.

Atsumu: "Akio!" We ran to him and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

Akio: "Huh..." We pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "Aito...? Mama, Papa? What's wrong?"

Atsumu: "Why did cha leave ma side like that?!"

Kiyoomi: "Atsu," He put a hand on my shoulder. "DUmpling, We were so worried, you should have said something before going off somewhere."

Aito: "Dum-dum Kio!" He scolded but he was still hugging his brother.

Akio: "I'm sorry, Mama, Papa, and Akio... but..." He showed a little girl behind him. "This little girl was cryin' and I was tryin' to calm her down." Me and Omi looked at the little girl.

Atsumu: "Sweetie..." She looked at me with her eyes full of tears, her nose was red, and her face was flushed from crying so hard. "Are ya hurt anywhere? Is something wrong?"

Little girl: "I- - *hic... hic... I want my mommy!" She cried. I felt bad for her. I took her in my arms and wiped away her tears with a handkerchief.

Atsumu: "Don't worry, sweetie... we'll help you find your mommy..." I smiled at her and it looked like she calmed down and nodded. "Can you tell me yer name? I'm Atsumu and they're my family..." She buried her little face on my chest while peeking to see a tall man and two little boys. "Those are the twins, Akio and Aito." They smiled and said hi. "And their Papa, Omi."

Kiyoomi: "Hello." He pulled down his mask and smiled at the little girl who just waved at him.

Lia: "M- -My na- -name is- - Li- -Lia..." She quickly hid her face on my chest and I chuckled, I could see twins looking a bit weird, was something wrong with them? Omi noticed it and tried not to laugh, he carried the twins and I carried Lia.

We started looking around and helped Lia reunite with her family, they thanked us and we returned to our picnic spot and there the twins stood in front of me sulking. Omi just sat next to me and we were having those eye-contact conversations.

Atsumu - What's wrong with them?

Kiyoomi - Not sure, but I have an idea...

Atsumu - What is it?

Kiyoomi - Just ask them, don't worry.

I sighed and faced the twins.

Atsumu: "What's wrong, ma dumplings?" I cupped their faces.

They looked at each other and had a twin telepathic agreement that we don't know about. Akio went to our bag, trying to get something. Aito raised his arms in front of me repeatedly until I raised my own arms, then he looked at Omi while pointing at me.

Aito: "Off." I have no idea what was happening but Omi swiftly pulled up and off my shirt in one move.

Atsumu: "OMI!" But he got in front of us and held up a blanket to cover us from other people. "What is wrong with ya guys?" but nobody answered me.

Aito started wiping and sanitizing me. Akio took out a fresh shirt from the bag and brought it over and placed it in front of me. They took the blanket from Omi and held it up in his place. Omi stared at me and I couldn't help but be embarrassed and tried my best to cover up my body with my arms and hands. He took the shirt in front of me and gave me a slight nod and weirdly enough, I understood and raised my arms again, shaking from embarrassment. The moment the shirt was fully worn, the twins attacked me with snuggles.

Atsumu: "What is happening with ya guys?" I chuckled, I was genuinely confused. I sat up with the kids still clinging onto me. Omi then went and hugged me from behind. "Can anyone please tell me what's going on?"

Akio: "We don't like it..." They buried their faces on my neck, all three of them.

Aito: "Don't let anyone touch ya again." Then it finally hit me, I chuckled.

Atsumu: "Did cha guys get jealous when I carried Lia?"

Akio: "Never carry anyone else but us!" They pouted while looking up at me.

Aito: "Don't let anyone hug ya again!" I could feel Omi trembling from holding in his laughter behind me.

Atsumu: "Dumplings, no matter who I carry or hug, ya guys will always be ma favorites." I smiled. "Ya know I love ya too much." But they were still pouting. "I only give nose-nose to ya guys!"

The Twins: "Really?"

Atsumu: "Really!"

The Twins: "We want a nose-nose now!" They beamed. I leaned down and gave them both a nose-nose. I felt something tightening around me and I turned to my shoulder to see a grown-a*s man looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I sighed and grabbed his face, I booped my nose onto his gentle rubbed it. He smiled and squeezed me tighter.

The festival was finally over. Omi took us out for dinner since I'm too tired to cook and after that we went home. Omi took a bath with the kids while I cleaned up our stuff, putting it in the laundry then took a bath myself. I got to my room to see two little boys already in my bed.

Atsumu: "I can see ya already made yourselves comfy on ma bed." They giggled and I went to get my scent blockers, putting them on one by one.

Akio: "Aww.... Mama, can't ya not put them on?"

Aito: "Yeah, Mama... we miss yer scent."

Atsumu: "Aww... babies," I crawled into bed with them. "Just fer now..." I looked a bit down, I couldn't tell them the truth that I was doing this because of Omi, he hates smelling omegas.

The Twins: "Ok, Mama..." They looked a bit down.

Atsumu: "Where's yer Papa?"

Kiyoomi: "Here." He was leaning on the doorframe then made his way on the bed, having the kids between us. "I had to take a call." He looked a bit down but I didn't pry.

Atsumu: "Ya know," I got their attention. "My bed is getting cramp, ma Dumplings are gettin' too big to sleep next ta me."

Akio: "Nooooooo"

Aito: "Not true, Mama! we're still yer babies!" I giggled.

Atsumu: "Then.... should we kick Papa out?"

Kiyoomi: "I'm sorry, wut?!" He looked shocked.

Akio: "Yeah!!! kick Papa out!!"

Kiyoomi: "Wait!"

Aito: "Yeah!! Papa's too big!!"

Kiyoomi: "This is bullying!" I laughed. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "I am not leaving! We can just sleep like this!" He laid flat on the twins.

Akio: "Papa get off!"

Aito: "Yer too heavy!"

Kiyoomi: "No!" The twins kept struggling under him.

Atsumu: "Omi!!!" I laughed. "Yer going to squish them!" He looked at me then smirked.

Kiyoomi: "Then let's sleep like this!" He got off the kids and laid on top of me, resting his head on my chest while wrapping his arms around my waist.

Atsumu: "Omi!" I hid my red face in my hands.

Akio: "No fair!"

Aito: "Get off Mama, Papa!" They miserably tried to push or pull Omi off me but he didn't budge and just gave them a smug look and stuck out his tongue at them.

We played around for a little more when the kids finally felt tired and started to get sleepy. They yawned and rubbed their eyes. Omi and I tucked them in between us.

Omi: "Good night, Dumplings..."

Atsumu: "Sweet dreams, my Loves." I kissed their cheeks.

Akio: "I had fun today, thank ya Mama," He looked at me with sleepy eyes then turned to Omi. "Thank ya, Papa." He smiled at him. "Love ya..." He fell asleep.

Aito: "Let's go ta the festival again next year..." He yawned. "And next year..." He yawned again. "And next year...." He closed his eyes. "And next... ye- -" He fell asleep.

Omi: "Don't worry, we'll have lots of fun from now on..." He smiled at the kids then looked at me. He took my hand and kissed the inside of it. "Good night, Atsu." He held my hand as he closed his eyes.

Atsumu: "Good night, Omi." I smiled.






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