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Sakusa's POV

Fresh Mint With A Hint Of Honey Lemon.

Everything was smooth sailing from there and I still can't believe that it has been a year since the day I came back home as Akio and Aito's REAL father, as Atsumu Miya's one true mate and I have never felt alone, sad and empty since then. Being the twins' actual father had made all my worries and doubts disappear. I finally had a solid reason to stay with them that nobody could ever question me with. Not like anyone ever questioned why I was with Atsumu and the kids before since everyone saw how happy we were, that I actually took care of them and gave them everything, treating them the way they deserve and more. I guess that solid reason was actually for me. For me, that solid reason was the weight I needed to stand firm next to my beautiful Omega and wonderful little pups.

Komori stood by his words and did everything to help me with taking care of my family. He did a thorough investigation with the DNA test and found out that the test result that Nikki presented wasn't fake which confused me but it made my cousin laugh.

Komori: "The day you first met him, he didn't take one bottle..." I kept quiet, waiting for my cousin to continue. "He took two, one belonged to Aito... the one he so proudly showed you the day he barged in here and..." He slammed a bottle on my table that awfully looked familiar. It was the matching custom made bottle I got with the kids. "He had everyone tested for the match test... all three of you..." It was finally making sense to me.

Kiyoomi: "And when he saw that me and Aito matched he switched the names, thinking he could get away with it..." I knew the man was insane but he's a complete sociopath.

Komori: "Yeah..." He handed me some files. "And now I already filed a restraining order against him on you, the kids, Atsumu and everything that involves you guys..." Motoya knew how thankful I was to him. I couldn't ask for a better cousin.

Kiyoomi: "Where is he now?" I am not going to let that man mess with my family anymore.

Komori: "No one knows where he is... We even talked with the Hagarashis but they told me that when they reached out for Nikko, he only ignored them and declared that Atsumu was his only and one Omega, and they never heard from him after that." He's really annoying till the end. "But I have people searching for him already and told them to report anything they find as soon as possible." He looked through his phone. "But so far, nothing..." He looked at me. "Kiyo... why don't you just leave this to me and just enjoy your days with Tsum-Tsum and the kids? I can- -"

Kiyoomi: "Thank you, Motoya... but as long as I don't have tabs on that man, I can never relax... He's too dangerous..." I can still remember the way he kidnapped my kids knowing full well that I was their real father, how he hurt them in his hold. And what he did to my Omega was unforgivable. He's capable of doing anything he wants even if hurts others in the process. But I feel like I was missing something. "For the last 5 years up until we met with him again, what has he been up to? Do you have a file on him then?" Komori looked and scrolled through his tab.

Komori: "Hmmm... It says here that 5 years ago... roughly when Tsum-Tsum broke up with him... He was fired from his job as a bartender in a famous club for fooling around with customers and it was downhill for him from there... He got evicted after 3 months of being unable to pay his bills." Then my cousin's eyes widened. "He has a gambling problem and got involved with some dangerous loan shark... and he just bounced from part-time to part-time, unable to hold a job for more than 2 weeks..." Such a worthless loser.

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