Side Story III: I Love You

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After 5 years since I met my supposed fated pair, Osamu had convinced me to move somewhere close to him and Suna to help take care of the kids and I couldn't be anymore grateful but that didn't mean I wasn't struggling anymore. Ever since the twins were born, I couldn't hold a stable job and I really needed to save up for when my kids needed to start going to daycare or school. I couldn't just ask my brother for that kind of help, I needed to do something on my own. And just when I thought everything was hopeless, I got a phone call.

On Call




Hey, Tsumu.


Rin? Did ya need something'?


Not really, but you see... My friend is actually looking for a new assistant

And I actually pitched in your name.

It's good pay, amazing benefits and we get to work together!


Are ya fer real?!

Oh my god! That's amazin'!

Thank ya, Rin!!

I heard a chuckle from the other side, we talked more a bit. He told me about the job, his friends there and other things.


I need to get going, I'll text you more details about the interview later.


Alright, take care.

And thank you again, Rin.




I stood in front of a huge building that made me feel unwelcome. I feel like I shouldn't even be here. I can't believe Rin-Rin's working here! I felt my hands sweating and my heart beating fast and an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

Atsumu: "God, why am I gettin' nervous now?" I groaned. I wanted to turn around and leave; look for a different job. "I'm sure this place needs someone more qualified rather than someone like me." I sighed and turned, wanting to leave. I was about to take my first step away.


I heard my phone ring; it was a message from Samu. When I opened it, it was a video clip of my two beautiful boys... and Samu.

"Good luck, Mama!!" The two little pups cheered.

I felt my heart sting. I wasn't doing this for me, I needed to do this for them. I can't be selfish. I need to take care of my family, I have to stand up for them. And just like that, I stood trembling a little next to my best friend and an unknown alpha with overwhelming presence.

Suna: "Sakusa, This is- -"

Sakusa: "You're hired!"

Suna: "Wait, what?!" I froze, I was too nervous and wasn't really paying much attention. But did he really say what I think he said?

SakuAtsu// : My AssistantTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang