Come Home

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Atsumu's POV


"I'm the twins' real father."

After that, it was just ringing in my ears. My body went into some kind of shock; making me unable to move or anything. I couldn't hear anything else when I saw Omi reaching out for me and I instantly avoided it, he looked shocked and hurt. He was saying something but it was all incoherent to me. My heart was beating so much that it was getting hard to breathe. I stood from Omi's lap. Looking around, for anything! For an escape!

Atsumu: "I- - I need to get out of here..." I was hyperventilating. I saw that Omi was trying to get close again but I was still not hearing him just deafening ringing that just won't stop. My body was moving on its own instinct, backing away from touch that gave me love and comfort. I couldn't think straight when my back finally hit the door. "I- - I need..." My hands desperately looked for something to grab onto when it finally found the cold steel door knob, quickly twisting it to open the piece of wood that was encaging me in this room. "I need to go." I bolted out of the company and just went straight to the twins' school and pulled them out in the middle of class and just took them home.

I cried on my bed as I still couldn't hear anything other than the ringing. Even with the comfort of my two sons, I couldn't calm down. I was just thankful at how amazing my children were, just taking care of me. Aito covered me with a big fluffy blanket while Akio ran downstairs to the kitchen to get a small box of chocolate milk from the fridge. Now, here I am, rolled up in a big fluffy blanket, drinking chocolate milk through a bendy straw, while my kids cuddle me.

I feel a bit broken, confused, and hurt. I didn't want to leave the house. I didn't want to meet or talk with anyone, not even my brother but that didn't stop him from coming by anytime he wanted. I turned off my phone and isolated myself in my house.

Omi being the twins' real father was my worst nightmare. I prayed so hard that the man I shared that night 5 years ago wasn't him. It feels like it changes everything that we have right now. All the built up trust, love, and happiness was just shattered before my eyes, leaving me scared and empty. Why is this happening?

I have finally moved on from that heart wrenching pain of 5 years ago only to be pulled back in this endless pit of pain and mental torture. I have done nothing but be strong up until now. I have fought so many demons inside of me not wanting to break again because I have two sons that I want to protect this time. I thought this time was different for me. I thought I could handle anything , face anything but it would seem that I could only do all those things when you're beside me... but what happens when you're the reason why I am so hurt right now? When you're the one I have to face? Who's with me then that gives me the strength that I needed? The one person who I'll trust because I know how weak I am.

I am insecure about a lot of things. I was always uneasy whenever I thought about Omi being the real father of my twins, having the thought that if he didn't want them then, why would he want them now. He might be happy now but what if over time, he slowly realizes that he had made a big mistake? That he was better off without us in his life?


Omi said that he loves us and I need to trust his words. I want to trust his words... I want to trust him because if I didn't... then there's no future in our relationship. Even I, know that love isn't enough anymore... We needed to talk. I wanted to hear what you have to say but then Rin said that you've given me time off from work... until I was ready again. I felt my heart sink. You didn't want to see me, you didn't want to talk to me, you didn't want to fix this...

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