Monsters are People Too (HxH...

By Xx-lazy_dreamer-xX

69.9K 3.1K 939

Gon wakes up in a world that definitely isn't his own. Until he can find a way to get back, he's stuck traini... More



2.4K 136 45
By Xx-lazy_dreamer-xX

As the students spread out and began the final part of the exam, Gon  stuck close to a small group of classmates. Unlike the first half, he  wasn't sure how to carry out a large scale rescue mission like this one.  The last time he had been expected to carry out a rescue it hadn't  ended too well because his priorities weren't really in order.

The boy shook his head, shaking off the thoughts he wasn't interested  in revisiting. The few teens he followed paused somewhere up ahead and  seemed to be facing something within the rubble. Upon catching up, he  noticed Izuku receiving a lecture from one of the HUC actors. It was a  funny sigh to see such a small person, with blood leaking from their  forehead, yelling at a much taller teenager, who was fidgeting anxiously  and attempting to correct their original approach.

When the pseudo victim appeared to be satisfied with his performance,  he began to cry and beg for help. Izuku lifted the boy from the rubble  and let the others know that he was taking the victim to a first aid  station. Hearing this, Gon's eyes widened slightly in realization.

"So I just need to carry people to safety?" He muttered to himself.  Jirou, who was positioned somewhere in the back of the pack with him,  caught what he said and turned to face him.

"Well, there's a bit more to it than that. But I guess that's the general idea." She replied.

The boy bounced on his toes, allowing his gaze to sweep across the  ruins of buildings that had been standing tall and proud only minutes  ago. "Okay! I'm gonna go and find some people to take to the first aid  station too."

"Wouldn't it be easier to stick with us and work together?" Jirou  inquired, somewhat unsure about letting their newest classmate wander  off on his own.

"I guess, but I feel like it would be more fun if I went off on my  own. It'd be more of a challenge that way." Gon answered, and with that  he took off in another direction.

Jirou watched him go with an awestruck expression. She didn't quite  understand what motivated him nor why he seemed so keen on making the  test more difficult for himself. Although, with the pure light radiating  off his face as he turned to leave, she couldn't find it within her to  feel bothered. There was a confidence there she wasn't expecting, but it  felt wrong to question it so she let him go.

Once Gon had gotten a good distance away from his classmates, he  stopped running, knowing that he was far enough that he wouldn't get the  victims confused with the students. The presence of too many people in  one area made it more complicated to pick out who was who. Allowing his  eyes to slide shut, he focused his senses on locating anyone nearby.

Taking a deep breath, the boy paused and listened closely as a  plethora of sounds drifted by. A high whine and dull coughing caught his  attention, his head turning sharply to face the location where the  sound came from. He could sense the presence of quite a few people off  in that direction and decided to check it out.

Gon ran to where he sensed the people and was surprised to see quite a  few injured victims half buried under the rubble. It seemed like he was  the only one who had heard their cries for help and was alone in taking  care of them. His gaze hardened with determination as he calmly  approached the group.

"Hey! I'm here to help!" Gon called out, jogging up to the nearest  person who was pinned to the ground by a giant stone that covered the  entire lower half of his body. "Don't worry, I'll get you all out  safely."

As the boy leaned down to pull the man out from the debris, a voice  shouted from somewhere behind him. "You can't possibly get all of us out  by yourself!"

Gripping the slab of stone and heaving it off the man, effortlessly  holding it high above his head, Gon looked over at the victim who spoke.  An older woman was gaping at him as well as the other three people  feigning injury. The elderly man beneath him that was just freed from  the rubble was also staring at the boy with wide, bewildered eyes.

"It's okay! I'm strong so it won't be any trouble." Gon replied,  tossing the stone away where it wouldn't harm anyone or get in the way.

He knelt down to observe the man. There was fake blood soaking one  pant leg and dripping from the side of his head. He assumed this meant  that he had an injured leg and received some head trauma. In that  moment, Gon though about how great it would be if Leorio had been there  to help out. He would do an amazing job at this kind of thing.

"It doesn't look like you can walk..." He began to say, finger pressed  to his mouth in consideration. The victims were still silent, some  trying to determine if the boy's strength was a part of his quirk or  just a natural phenomenon. They could deduct points for the blunt  observation, but chose to see what he would do. He was only stating a  fact anyway, letting the patient be aware of what condition they might  be in.

"I'm gonna go take the others out from the debris and I'll carry you  all to the first aid station." Gon concluded, rising to his feet and  moving to the next person.

By the time he was done, he had counted four people, two of which  were incapable of walking. One by one he moved to pick up the actors. He  hoisted the two who couldn't walk on his back to lessen jostling or  upsetting the leg injuries. The remaining two were nestled securely  under each arm, having only a sprained wrist and a potential concussion.

"Carrying all of us like this will deduct points y'know." A middle  aged man under his right arm spoke up as the boy began to jog to the  first aid station. "It's a little reckless and has a high risk of making  one of our wounds get worse."

Gon spared a glance at the man but continued moving forward. "But I  can't just leave all of you there and wait for someone. Especially if I  can just get you there faster myself."

This particular situation reminded him of the incident at the Hunters  exam with his friends and the snake charmer. It wasn't that difficult  to get everyone out of the cave then and it wasn't difficult to carry  these people now. Although, he'll admit that it's easier now that he  doesn't have to hold his breath while running with people in his arms.

"You're a strange boy." The lady said from atop his shoulders.

A bright smile adorned his face that made the rescued victims take a  moment to catch their breath. "I get that a lot." Gon replied simply.

With that, they found that there was nothing more to say. They  weren't sure who this boy was but there was a warmth about him that made  him endearing. It was difficult not to feel safe or adopt a similar  expression when that face was directed at them. The boy was a beast, but  he had the makings of a true hero.

When he arrived at his destination, he took note of the many people  laid out across a marked off space. A woman attending to the victims had  just finished speaking to Izuku, who ran off in a different direction,  before noticing him. She froze where she stood, taking in the load he  carried, before snapping out of her daze and quickly making her way up  to him.

"Let me see them." She said as she helped them down from Gon's  shoulders. He bent down to allow for easier access while helping the two  in his arms stand. She gently checked them over to see the extent of  their injuries.

"I don't really know how to tell what injuries they have, but they  can talk okay. Ah, and those two can't really walk." Gon spoke,  gesturing to the ones she helped take down from his shoulders.

"Alright, this man seems fine. Take him over there and I'll get these  three taken care of." She responded, pointing to a spot off to the  right.

Gon nodded and thanked her before taking the man to the spot the  woman directed them to. He stood a full few feet taller than the boy,  but leaned slightly against him anyways. Carefully, he set the man on  the ground and prepared to search for more people in the rubble.

Just as he was moving to stand up, the boy paused mid movement. Like  before when he had watched the testing area get demolished, and when the  rooms began to unfold, there was a faint tremor in the ground. The  sensation traveled through the soles of his boots and put him on high  alert.

It was then that a large explosion roared a few feet away from where  the patients were being treated. Startled shouts erupted from the group  as the ground shook from the force. Gon turned sharply to face the  source, brows furrowed as he focused on the plumes of smoke billowing  from a spot on the wall of the arena.

"A villain has completed another large-scale attack." A voice said from the speakers.

Immediately after, the familiar voice of Izuku spoke up from behind him. "Everyone! This is part of the exam!"

Hearing that, Gon relaxed significantly. Although, as the smoke  cleared, he could feel the dull murmur of adrenaline in his veins begin  to pick up speed. His fingers twitched at his sides at the prospect of  finally seeing some action in the exam but he kept himself planted  firmly where he was.

From a few feet away Gon could see a clear hole blown into the wall.  Stepping over debris, multiple people dressed in dark suits spilled out,  following a much taller and intimidating person. Wait no... fish? Person?  Fish person?

What seemed like an orca in human clothes emerged from the hole,  baring ink black claws and a threatening atmosphere. The boy blinked as  he stared before a light went off somewhere in his mind. He'd seen  someone like this in his hero classes, marked down in his textbooks as  one of the pro heroes who went by the name of Gang Orca.

"So the attack really is just part of the exam." Gon muttered under his breath.

A pout tugged at the corners of his lips. Although this meant he  would finally be able to burn off some of his excess energy, the fact  that it was a part of the test meant he would probably have to hold back  a bit when fighting. He'd come to terms with this earlier but it was  gradually becoming more and more difficult to maintain his desire to  act.

The thrill he felt from fighting and facing off opponents much  stronger than himself was like an addiction. Once he'd fought the  chimera ants and recovered, that urge only seemed to increase. Speaking  to Gin only served to encourage him further as he learned more about  what the world had to offer.

"Get everyone to safety!" A voice abruptly ordered as a figure ran  by. Gon watched the teen pass him and head to the wave of villains  rushing toward the first aid station. He recognized him from earlier,  believed his name was... Shindo?

It took a second for the boy to react while he watched Izuku, who  stood a few feet in front of him, promptly jump into action and start to  help get people away from the villain attack.

Gon stood there, every muscle in his body tensed, pulled taught like a  wire ready to snap. An intense energy bubbled up in his very being and  burned in his veins, his feet desperately wanting to carry him over to  fight alongside Shindo to satisfy the urge that had been screaming  inside him since he'd arrived in this strange new world.

But as he heard the shout and whimpers from behind him, along with  Izuku's frantic attempt at reassurance, he found he couldn't move. His  classmate was working on getting those people out of harms way on his  own and likely needed help. Help that probably wouldn't get there soon  enough seeing how the other students in the arena were occupied with  their own injured people as well as attacks from the villains who were  spreading out to cover more ground.

He was in the perfect position to help.

Gon grit his teeth hard enough to crack, hands curling into fists,  then forced himself to turn his back on the villain attack. The material  of his boots creaked and scrunched as he walked toward the victims laid  out on the ground. Putting on the most reassuring expression he could,  he got to work.

The ground rumbled and loud crashes burst from behind him as the  teenager from before activated his quirk. Shouts of battle tempted him  as he hoisted people onto his shoulders. Gon desperately wanted to join  the fight, badly enough that he felt as if his bones were vibrating from  deep within his body.

"Shindo!" The familiar voice of Izuku cried. Gon's head whipped  around just into time to see a wall of ice launch itself at the man who  was playing the main villain.

The attack claimed the man's attention as the teen, Shindo, collapsed  to the ground. Gon peered over at whoever set off the ice and noticed a  group of his classmates jogging over. He sighed at the idea of having  more assistance, as the sooner this concern was dealt with the sooner he  could participate in fighting the bad guys.

"Are you guys evacuating?" One of his classmates, Ojiro, called out.  "We'll help!" He approached Izuku and exchanged information with him  while Mina approached Gon.

"Gon! Are you really going to carry three people by yourself?" She  asked while the boy in question just finished securing a person  underneath his left arm.

"Nn! They aren't too heavy or anything." Gon replied. "And the more the better. We gotta get these people put of here quickly."

"Good point... just don't drop them okay?" Mina offered him a friendly smile before leaving to get some people to help.

Izuku, Ojiro, Mina, Tokoyami, and Gon got up and moving, carrying  people away from the fight going on behind them. Those that could walk  and had minor injuries ran alongside the students.

Feet pounding against the earth, Gon ran and directed all his focus  on the situation at hand. The howling wind, the grinding and crackling  of ice and fire, and the pulses of power thrumming through the ground  demanded his attention. Ignoring it was proving to be very difficult.

Once the group had gotten far away, the buzzing sensation beneath the  boy's skin had become a painful burn. He took the time to gently remove  the injured people from his shoulders and set them back on the ground  where the other's had begun to do the same thing. The area had been  deemed safe as some of the student stayed behind to fend off the main  villain's henchmen that were pursuing them.

Gon let his classmates know that he was returning to the scene of the  battle before taking off, running at a speed that eluded the people  observing him from the stands. Within mere seconds he had made it back  to the fight, chest heaving slightly from the effort and the strain he  enforced on his own body. The urge to fight was alarming and made his  body tremble, although his mind discarded this concern when he was met  with the scene in front of him.

Izuku and a few of their classmates were off to the side and taking  down the lesser villains with the help of some students from the other  schools. Inasa and Todoroki lay weak and immobile at the feet of Gang  Orca who were a few feet away from him. Gon had arrived in time to  witness a powerful sonic wave disperse the swirling mass of wind and  fire that had suurounded the pseudo villain.

An empty bottle of water fell from the man's hand as the remaining  traces of the teens group attack fizzled out into the open air. He spoke  words to them that the boy couldn't hear from where he was, and one  inky clawed hand lifted to launch a counter attack.

Amber eyes flashed and flickered as it zeroed in on the most subtle  movements. There was a strength in him that Gon hadn't been able to see  in the other people he'd encountered so far. A large grin spread across  the boy's face, glimmering in a way that sent subconscious shivers down  the spines of the people closest to him.

Then he finally took action.

Within half a second, Gon stood directly behind Gang Orca, body  dropping into the fighting stance that had become like second nature to  him. The moment he moved, his power could be felt. As his small form lowered and his arm moved behind him, slowly gathering aura and energy, the air around him shifted.

The reaction was instant. Gang Orca had barely any time to processes  the sensation pressing against his back. It could be because he had some  instincts akin the animal he took after, but there was no denying what  overtook him. He hadn't even turned to see what had appeared behind him,  all he knew was pure, unadulterated, fear. It wracked his entire body,  freezing his feet to the earth, and setting every single nerve on high  alert. Waves of nausea rolled through him while a buzzing static erupted  in his mind. There was a lump growing in the base of his throat and  everything inside oh him screamed to not turn around, to get away.

"Jan." The voice spoke from behind him, accompanied by a pulse of energy that tore thought the ground and rattled his bones.

His instincts ignited and the man whipped around, coming face to face  with a young boy ten times smaller than himself. The boyish face  focused entirely on Gang Orca would have made him doubt the boy's  strength if he wasn't currently absorbed in the terror rippling through  his veins. Despite the boy being right in front of him, his attack being  clear and open while taking a bit to build up, Gang Orca couldn't move.

It felt like a predator cornering its prey.

"Ken." By now the air was heavy, almost suffocating. More so, even,  than the fire tornado that had surrounded him only moments ago. The  earth beneath his feet rumbled, an invisible wind picking up and raising  the dust and debris. A loud crack resounded as the stone under the  boy's feet broke into a shallow crater, though not deterring Gon in the  slightest, his fist now encased in a glowing light that emitted  overwhelming power.

Orca knew he had to do something, anything, to get away from this  attack. Having it directed at him, the intention clear and dead set had  made it that much more urgent for him to get away.

If he didn't move now...

he was going to die.

"R-!" Before Gon could finish speaking, a buzzer blared throughout  the arena, the sound echoing through the air and cutting the boy off mid  word. With the distraction rousing his attention, the aura around his  fist snuffed out immediately.

"Um, yeah, so, at this time, all of the HUC members who were deployed have been rescued from the disaster zone." The familiar voice announced over the speakers. "It may seem anticlimactic, but with this the provisional licensing exam has officially been completed. After we tally the scores we'll announce the results here in the arena." From there the announcer finished directing the students what to do and where to go.

When the voice had finished giving instructions, a wave of relief  washed over everyone in the arena. Although, the sentiment was not  shared by the pro hero whose eyes were firmly fixed on the boy standing  before him. In the seconds between the boy preparing his attack, Gang  Orca was held in Gon's inescapable gaze. The burning light in the boy's  eyes radiated a determination and power that spoke of things the man had  never seen or experienced in his lifetime, even as a hero.

While he stared, bewildered and trembling from the aftermath of what  could have been a deadly encounter, Gon looked around like a lost child.  He was dissatisfied with the lack of action and his fight being  interrupted, but accepted it regardless, not wanting to cause any  problems. It was then that the boy turned to face Orca with a bright  smile that was significantly less threatening than the one that graced  his face while he charged up Jajanken.

"That's too bad, I wanted to fight with you. Sorry though, I think I  might have put a little too much strength behind that one." Gon paused,  bring a finger to his chin while his brows furrowed in thought. "But... I  guess that means it's a good thing I stopped when I did." He sweat  dropped then as his face twisted into a look akin to a child who had  nearly broken an expensive vase. "That could have ended really badly."

Gang Orca gaped at the boy who held the look of an innocent child who  could commit no wrong. The feeling of imminent danger that had taken  over him was not something he could just make up, and yet the boy stood  there like was incapable of doing any harm. He spoke as if he wasn't  just about to potentially severely injure him during his preparation to  attack.

"What... what is your name?" The man asked, taking a step back now that he'd broken out of his deer-in-the-headlights like state.

"Hm? Oh! I'm Gon Freecs! I just recently enrolled in UA." He replied cheerily.

"I see... And you're interested in becoming a hero?"

Gon looked at him in confusion. "Um, I guess? It's a little  complicated. Sorry again for almost overdoing it with Jajanken, I hope  we can have an actual fight sometime!"

Gang Orca nodded and left it at that. Gon bid him a bright goodbye  before heading over to where he was told to go by the announcer and the  man watched him go. He determined to speak to Aizawa after this.

"That boy... just what kind of beast is he?"

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