Her Protector - One Direction...

By 1dobsessed_twinss

1.7M 18K 2.2K

Imogen Acland stumbled out of her flat with tears streaming down her face, how could he? Her tears blurred he... More

Her Protector - One Direction Love Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 8

62.2K 504 45
By 1dobsessed_twinss

I’ve been living with One Direction for a week and I’ve decided that I absolutely adore each and every one of them. My ribs are feeling better now and I don’t have to spend all day in bed like I had been doing for the first few days. I’m all unpacked and I haven’t heard from Thom since I got the restraining order which is a nice change.

Now that I’m feeling better Zayn has brought up this going out business and since I agreed the first time he asked I was sort of stuck, but I wanted to go anyway. I had become close friends with Zayn; he was the guy I hung out with if Louis was busy or doing something else. The only problem about going to see a film with Zayn was the fact that I had to tell Louis and he was a little bit I dunno, funny about me hanging out with the other lads even though we all lived together.

Now that I’m feeling better I’ve sort of taken on the mother role of the house. Liam’s girlfriend Danielle doesn’t live in the house so I get up early and make the lad’s breakfast, I clean up and do the washing. If I didn’t live here I’m sure the floors would never get mopped. They all tell me that I don’t need to do it but I’m so grateful for them letting me live with them that I feel like I need to do something to pay them back. The other day I tried to give Louis some money for rent and ran away from me. So I tried to give it to Zayn and he refused as well. When I tried to give the money to Harry he shoved it down the front of my top.

“What are you making?” Niall coos at me as he waltzes in to the kitchen with a goofy grin on his face. I’m pretty sure the only time I actually have conversations with Niall is when I’m in the kitchen or in the morning when he’s hungry. He’s become dependant on me!

“I’m making lasagne,” I tell him with a bright smile.

“Yum,” He grins and sits on a stool by the kitchen island and puts his elbows on the bench and leans in chin in his hands and stares at me lovingly. I laugh at his actions and scoop some sauce on to a spoon for him to try. “You’re not doing it right!” He shouts loudly when I hand him the spoon. He hands it back and opens his mouth.

“You’re kidding,” I scoff as I give him an amused grin.

“Nope,” He closes his mouth to talk and shake his head.

“Niall what are you doing?” Louis and Harry walk in to the kitchen to see Niall with his chin on his hands with his elbows propped up. Louis lets out an amused snort and Harry chuckles and shakes his head.

“Ahhhhhhhh,” He says and opens his mouth wider.

I shake my head and decide he probably won’t stop staring at me like a freak until I feed him like a one year old so I shove the spoon in his mouth and walk away. At first he lets out a disappointed yelp but then I hear him moan. I turn around he’s still got the spoon in his mouth but his eyes are close. He pulls out the spoon, “Marry me?” He squawks loudly.

“No she’s already accepted my proposal!” Louis jokes and takes a seat next to Niall.

“Iggy how could you do that to Zayn?” Oh shit.

Louis doesn’t seem to think that Niall is being serious and he cocks his eyebrow at me and I smile sheepishly at him and turn around quickly. “Are you and Zayn going out Iggy?” Louis asks curiously.

“He’s taking me to see a film tomorrow,” I mumbled quietly hoping that he won’t hear it and he’ll drop it. No such luck I’m afraid. The chair legs screech against the floor and when I turn around he’s not there anymore.

“Well … that escalated quickly,” Harry mutters as he follows Louis out of the room.

Louis’ point of view

When Iggy said that Zayn was taking her to see a film something inside of me snapped. I wanted to look after her, I wanted to take her to the cinema and I wanted to make her feel like a princess, why does she like Zayn more than she likes me? I walked upstairs because I knew he was there, I heard Harry following close behind me. I had been talking to him about Iggy and why I wanted to look after her and protect her, I felt I had to but she wouldn’t let me, she’s incredibly stubborn.

I knock on Zayn’s door, “Come in,” He yells.

“I’ll be fine Haz,” I tell Harry as I open Zayn’s door and walk in. He’s sitting at his desk on the computer.

“Hey buddy,” Zayn says when I walk in to his room and sit on the edge of the bed.

“Hey,” I say stiffly.

“What’s up?” He asks.

“Well I wanted to talk to you about Iggy,” I say slowly. I’m not sure if he’s just taking her out or if it’s a date. I don’t want to over react like I did last week and upset Iggy.

“What about her,” He smiles when I mention her name.

“Well she just said that you were taking her to see a film tomorrow,” I say.

“Yeah, is that okay?”

“Do you like her?”

“Think I should ask you the same question mate,” He turns around in the swivel chair and looks at me curiously. “I just want to take her out; I don’t have a crush on her or anything. I think she deserves a bit of fun. Do you like Iggy, Louis?”

I sit quietly for a moment, do I like Iggy? “I don’t even know,” I groan and rub my face with my hands. I think I like her, I can’t be sure if I like as more than a friend though, she’s gorgeous, we get along and she gets my jokes. She’s my type of girl but she only broke up with Thom a week ago. Heck I only broke up Eleanor a week ago. When I announced publicly that El and I were no more I got a lot of hate and a lot of fans were upset because they love ‘Elounor’ so much. It’s a pity I don’t love ‘Elounor’ as much as they do.

“I think Iggy’s great, but I have a feeling she likes you.” Zayn says.

“What should I do?” I ask him.

“Why don’t you take her to the cinema, in the morning we can tell her I’m sick,” He offers with a friendly smile. What did I do to meet such nice lads?

“Nah mate, you take her out. I’ll figure something out,”

What can I do to get Iggy’s attention?

Imogen’s point of view

After Louis stomped off I shrugged my shoulders and went back to what I was doing, if there was a problem or an argument I’m sure I’d hear about it so until then I just ignored the issue, which was Louis being jealous … again. He had been funny when Harry walked with me to the police station and he hated how Niall hugged me every time I made him waffles, I thought it was cute.

“Do you think they’re going to compete for your attention?” Niall asks as he hops off his stool and walked over to the pot on the stove and grabs a spoon.

“Niall get your fingers out of the pot!” I squawk at him and pick up a cloth and throw it at his head. He chuckles and pulls the spoon out of the pot and shoves it in his mouth. I laugh loudly when pulls it straight back out splattering it all over the floor because it’s hot.

“HOT!” He yells loudly as he grabs a glass and fills it up with water.

“You arse,” I giggle.

“Shuddup,” He mutters.

We head out to the living room, the sauces are all cooked but it’s too early in the day to put the whole thing together so I can relax for a little while. We sit down on the sofa together and Niall smirks at me and then looks over his shoulder to make sure that Louis isn’t around. He slings his arm over my shoulder and pulls me a little closer to him. “Be careful Louis might yell at you,” I laugh softly as I lean my head on his shoulder.

I’ve discovered that I actually like hugging people, quite a lot actually. I like Harry’s and Niall’s hugs the best. That’s because apart from the night when I watched the end of Despicable Me, Louis has never really hugged me. He’s helped me up and down the stairs by putting his arm around my shoulder or my waist but he’s never actually come up to me and given me a hug. Therefore I can’t say he gives amazing hugs because I don’t know if he does or not. “Be careful Louis might yell at you for saying that,” Niall joked.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Louis walked down the stairs a few minutes later and looked at us curiously before walking in to the kitchen. I laugh at Niall’s horrified face; he was worried that Louis would yell at him. I got up and went back to the kitchen. I want a hug from him and I’m not going to leave him alone until I get one.

“Hey,” He smiles at me when I walk past him and grab the cloth I threw at Niall’s head and bend down to clean up the mess he made when he spat the sauce everywhere. “Did Niall do that?” He arches an eyebrow. I find it funny that he stormed off when he found out about Zayn taking me out tomorrow and now he’s not even talking about it or acting weird about which I thought he might.

“Yep,” I nod and frown.

“Don’t frown, you’re too young.” He chuckles and walks over to me and used his fingers to point my lips upwards in to a smile. I try really hard to keep a straight face but I can’t and I burst out laughing. When he moves his fingers I frown again causing him to frown “Stop it,” He frowns.

“Make me,” I grin and poke my tongue out at him.

“Cheeky little thing aren’t you,” He mutters to himself.

I frown again and this time he steps closer, “What will stop you frowning?” He asks.

Ha! Just what I was looking for, “A hug,” I smile sheepishly.

He smirks down at me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me to him.


It’s late, I’m sick and I start work at 7am tomorrow so if it’s crap and doesn’t make sense … sorry. I got a whole heap of comments on the last chapter… that made me happy! So keep it up and tell me what you think. Do you think Zayn is lying and he might like Iggy more than he’s letting on? What about Iggy who do you think she likes? Let me know by leaving me a comment and voting! I’ll update when I get 100 votes! Also if you haven’t already go and check out my new Louis story, it’s called Forever in my heart.

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