Classroom Of The Elite x Oc

By alexkuhar360

241K 7.6K 2.2K

What happens when an American boy who has a passion for reading gets transported to a anime world he knows pr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Year 2 Announcement
Year 2 Prologue
Year 2 Prologue 2
Year 2 Chapter 1
Year 2 Chapter 2
Year 2 Chapter 3
Year 2 Chapter 4
Year 2 Chapter 5
Year 2 Chapter 6
Year 2 Chapter 7
Year 2 Chapter 8

Chapter 13

6K 211 52
By alexkuhar360

Alex's Pov

Today was the day of the trial and I know Ayanokoji has gotten Sakura ready to testify as well, I am pretty sure they will call me in first so there is not much I can do until then. While I was waiting I decided to talk to Sakura since we were both waiting.

"Hello Sakura-san, are you nervous to be called? I am not good with attention and getting yelled at so I am pretty scared, what about you?"

Sakura is really shy and didn't look at me, but she did respond.

"I am pretty nervous; I don't want to be looked at by all those people. I think it is definitely going to be scary but I trust Ayanokoji-kun and he said I should do what I want, and I don't want Sudo to get in trouble."

"I see, you are braver than me Sakura-san. It is reassuring that I am not alone being scared, lets both do our best to help our classmate."

Sakura seems very determined, the fact that Ayanokoji did so much with only a little work just shows how capable he is, he is not someone to be enemies with if you value your future.

After a little bit Sae-sensei opened the door and spoke.

"Alex, they are calling you in first."

With that I got up and gave Sakura a nervous smile.

"Wish me luck in there Sakura-san, I think you will probably do better than me."

When I walked in I was told to sit in chair in the middle of the simulated court, having the witness stand in the middle like this makes me pretty uncomfortable.

After I sat down Tachibana-senpai asked me to introduce myself.

"Ahh, my name is Alexander Smith from Class D, I like reading and watching basketball."

Damn it, I started introducing myself like I was in class, why would they care about me liking to read, luckily I recovered part way through and added I like to watch basketball to keep it relevant to the case.

Then Tachibana-senpai asked me what I saw.

"I was at the basketball club watching the practice that day, when practice ended I saw those three class C student leading Sudo somewhere. That is all I saw."

I could feel the student council president looking at me very intently, it was really scary. The person who broke the silence was Sakagami-sensei.

"Why should we believe you, what you are saying means nothing since you can't prove it. Even if what you say is true it doesn't change that Sudo beat up these three really bad for no reason."

I replied

"Sensei I am just saying what I saw, why are you assuming I am lying?"

He seemed shocked that I talked back to him, he seemed pretty offended, he started laying into me.

"Of course a defect would lie to save one of their own, you are just some random person not connected to the fight. It is clear as day that you were put up to this or are lying to help your friend. It is bad to lie to the student council, you could receive punishment for lying to them."

I was definitely shaking in the seat, with this many people just starring at me and one of them yelling at me was really getting to me. It was scary to me how it was effecting me; I hate this weakness that is so obvious. In a different situation I would yell back at him but that would only damage my image as a witness.

"I can prove I was watching the practice that day."

Almost everyone was pretty shocked, I hadn't said anything about any proof to my classmates or anyone else. The person to speak was Manabu Horikita.

"Ok, lets see this evidence that you were there at the time."

I pulled out my phone to send them the video, to be honest it was awkward because unlike Sakura's picture which was an SD card you could plug in they had to give me an email address to send it to. The entire process really broke up the pace of the trial, I was able to calm down.

The video started playing and it showed some underclassmen having a scrimmage, towards the end it also showed Sudo and the thee other walking away, it looked pretty clear that they were leading him somewhere.

Not missing a beat Horikita picked up on it too.

"You can even see in this video that Kondo-kun seems to be leading Sudo-kun somewhere, I think this proves that Alex-kun told the truth."

The student council president agreed.

"I agree that this shows that the Class C students lead Sudo-kun somewhere, thank you for testifying to what you saw. You are now excused, you did well."

While I was getting up Horikita from my class interrupted.


The president seemed confused.

"Is there something you need to witness for, he testified and proved on everything he knows, what else is his relevance to the case."

Horikita looked towards class C, I was actually happy about what she was doing, it is kind of petty but I like it.

"I want Sakagami-sensei to apologize for how he verbally abused Alex-kun, he suffers from social anxiety disorder which makes him fear being watched and judged by others. Unknowingly or not Sakagami-sensei obviously caused Alex-kun a large amount of emotional stress, we all saw him shaking and sweating in the care. I think it is only right."

The student council president seemed to ponder this for a moment.

"Chabashira-sensei is that true, does Alex-kun suffer from such a disorder?"

To be honest I have no clue what my file says in this world so I wouldn't proclaim I had any disorder but Horikita is free to do so if she wants, along with my expectations Chabashira sensei responded in the affirmative.

"Yes, in his file it says he was diagnosed with that disorder in middle school. I would also like to see Sakagami-sensei for putting my student in a spot like that."

The president seemed satisfied with her response.

"I also agree with the Class D representative and teacher, if we set a precedent of intimidating witnesses next time someone like Alex-kun might not step forward to tell us what really happened."

Clearly annoyed Sakagami-sensei gave me a slight bow and replied.

"I apologize Alex-kun, I was unaware you had a contention like that. I am sorry if I caused you any undue mental stress."

I just replied to him quickly.

"It is alright sensei; I understand stuff can get pretty heated when it comes to class versus class incidents. It only makes sense the teachers would be passionate to get the bonus for graduating from Class A."

After I said that I left without saying anything, nobody said anything, after I left that accusation that said that Sakagami-sensei was willing to act against the well being of students for money sat in the air.

It is completely unfounded and I have no proof, but I am no longer a part of the trial since my part is done. Now all the people in that room will see him at least partially like that, whether it is true or not but if I had to guess I would say he is willing to bend some rules for his students.

I sat there and very soon after Sakura was called in, I stayed and waited until the end since I wanted to see how it went. I also wanted to see Sakagami-sensei's face when the trial ended for today.

When the trial finished and everyone left I saw the Class C students and Sakagami-sensei look at me with a very annoyed expression, but since I wasn't the one that asked him to apologize they probably are much more annoyed at Horikita. Once everyone was out of the room Manabu-senpai Kabedoned Ayanokoji I made sure to get a good picture of it, unfortunately the flash on my phone was on and them and Tachibana-senpai looked at me.

"Alex-kun, is there a reason you took that picture?"

When the president said that I came up with a good idea.

"Well, it looked like a nice way to make some quick money."

The president seemed to take it as I was planning to blackmail him.

"Oh, you think I would care about a picture like that getting out?"

I looked a little awkward because that wasn't at all what I meant.

"Senpai, you misunderstand. Ayanokoji is ranked pretty highly for ikemen in our year and you are rated first for third years. I can sell this to tons of girls in both years, I bet I could sell this for like 5,000 points per person."

When the president and Ayanokoji didn't understand I was prepared to explain some more, Tachibana-senpai definitely understood as she was looking at me like she wanted the picture.

"I bet Tachibana-senpai would pay for this picture, I could even write an accompanying story to go with it. Would you pay for that Tachibana-senpai?"

When said I could write a story to go with it Tachibana-senpai got a massive nosebleed, she is a women of culture I guess.

The president saw that I still was confused.

"I don't understand but if you plan to sell something with my picture I would need a cut of the profit, I'm sure Ayanokoji-kun would feel the same way."

"Of course senpai, I will give each of you 20%. Can I have your contact info so I can send you the money once the sale is over?"

If I can get Horikita-senpai's number from this is will be very good.

"Hmm, I will accept that deal, Tachibana can you give this kohai my number and email while I talk with Ayanokoji-kun here."

Coming out of her steamy fantasy Tachibana-senpai pulled me to the side.

"Here are the president's contact details, don't try to scam him any points or you will be punished."

"So senpai, do you want to buy this picture and the story I will write with it?"

"I'll buy the picture; I don't really want a story like that with Horikita-kun though."

"I see how it is, how about this senpai, I can have my friend who is good with computers take a picture of you and switch you're an Ayanokoji's place so it looks like Horikita-senpai is kabedoning you."

"Really?! You can do that! I mean, I will take that offer."

"Ok senpai, to make it high quality I need you to stand against the wall like he is kabedoning you right now, if we don't do that we will have to use a different picture that would look really fake."

Tachibana-senpai quickly got against the wall.

"I understand, is this good?"

"Yeah, would you also pay for a story that is between you and Horikita-senpai?"

When I said that her face lit up bright red, right then I took the picture. This is going to be good.

"What kind of story could you write for me an Horikita-kun?"

I decided to give her as many options as I could.

"I can write a one-shot, a short story with a narrative, either with adult thing happening or being purely romantic. For the picture with a one-shot story I'll sell it to you for 100,000 points. That one shot would be between 3-5 thousand words. If you want a short story narrative with picture that would be 200,000 points, the short story would be like 25-30k words."

Tachibana-senpai was drooling, she is really in love with Horikita-senpai huh.

"I'll buy the larger package; I have high expectations from you."

"Of course senpai, do you want lewd stuff to happen or do you want it to be wholesome?"

"Of course I want lewd stuff to happen, that is why I am buying this in the first place!"

After she shouted that she instantly turned around to see if her crush heard that, Tachibana-senpai is funny and acts pretty cute. Horikita-senpai is really blind for not noticing her feelings, maybe I should help her some time.

"Sounds good to me senpai, can I have your contact email then as well. I am not adding this to the money I am paying royalties on though, I am keeping all of this."

"You know, Horikita-kun is really obsessed with that Ayanokoji-kun but I think you are a much better kohai. I think you are my favorite first year now."

"Thank you senpai, that means a lot to me, this should all be done within a month. Pay me then, I am rooting for you as well. If you make a plan and need some help just call me, I would be happy to help senpai confess! Make sure to send me an invitation to the wedding."

After my teasing Tachibana-senpai ran away completely red, I wonder if I can make a business at this school writing erotic stories by commission. I feel like there are some problems with that so I wont make it a business, but I am definitely selling this picture.

After I left I made my way back to my room, I'll have to contact Sotomura to edit the picture for Tachibana-senpai but I can do that later.

I quickly made an anonymous post on the main school forums.

Student Council President Manabu Horikita Kabedons

First Year Stud Kiyotaka Ayanokoji Ranked 5th On First Year Ikemen List!

Limited Sales Buy Now

5,000 Private Points


Get This Post To 200 Likes and I will Release a One-Shot Story to Accompany it!!!

After I posted that with a throwaway email address I had just made a ton of people started hitting me up, within an hour I had over a dozen sales. A ton of girls also emailed to ask about the one-shot, I knew girls were super into yaoi shit. I never want to read that stuff but if I can sell a short story for a bunch of points if I write it I might do it.

I am sorry Horikita-senpai and Ayanokoji-kun, you didn't even know what you are got into, I am sure tomorrow a ton of girls will be drooling over them both.

To be honest neither of them care most likely, if they get paid for doing nothing they couldn't be happier.

I need to get to writing this story for Tachibana-senpai, I have to make it extra steamy just for her. She is giving me a lot of points for this so have to do my best, in my old life a wrote fanfiction for a little but it didn't really go anywhere. Hopefully the skills I gained then will help me here, winning favor from Tachibana-senpai who is a member of the student council will always be a good thing.

As I was getting ready for bed I saw that someone emailed me but didn't use a fake email and actually used their normal one, that person was Miyabi Nagumo. He bought the picture and also asked if he could order a custom story, I took a screenshot of the email and sent it to Tachibana and told her to watch her back and protect Manabu from Nagumo. She was very thankful for my heads up.

I told Nagumo that unfortunately I am booked through graduation and since I am a third year I will be graduating. Thankfully he seemed to buy my bullshit , if not I would have to write the most terrible story imaginable. I am writing for Tachibana and maybe for the original, I am not taking any custom order. I don't think the school would like me writing erotic stories about other students and selling it at all so I can't do that.

I am happy to get so many free points though, I am sure Ayanokoji will be as well.

I just realized I have really saved his ass financially, I saved him from having to pay for Sudo and now I am getting him a ton of points with this picture. I really am the best huh.

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