!Licorice x Vil. Reader!

By D00dl3s_N3rd

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Trigger Warnings: Swearing, LGBTQ+, Gender-Neutral Y/N, my AU, along with side ships (Such as Pomegranate x T... More

Hi :)
1 - The start
2 - Meeting the newbie
3 - I got lost at first
4 - First mission
5 - Talking to the newbie
6 - Some drama
7 - Dammit feelings PT. 1
8 - Dammit feelings PT. 2
9 - Helping Crepe
11 - Oh shit
12 - In the woods
13 - Confession (⚠READ EVERYTHING TRUST ME⚠)
14 - She found out & Mushroom knows now
15 - Worried
16 - The aftermath
17 - Battling the others
18 - Run
19 - Afterwards
20 - Again
21 - Mission (Hopefully not) Impossible PT. 1
22 - Night 1
23 - Day 1, Secretly Meeting
24 - Night 2, Surprise Visitors
25 - Night 2-Day 3
More Announcements
It's ready!
26 - The Chase
27 - The Chase PT 2
28 - Back and Safe
I made a Christmas Special
29 - I'm sorry.
30 - If it Fails
31 - The Plan
32 - The Deal
33 - Negotiation

10 - Feelings And Panic Attacks

764 19 49
By D00dl3s_N3rd

Before we start, here are the indicators for this chapter

Y/N: Your name.
N/N: Nick name.
F/F: Favorite Food.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

*Skipping ahead three months*
Licorice's POV

Yeah, these feelings are not going away.
In fact, they just got worse.

I'm at my desk in my room, which is still dark as hell, (Enchantress really needs to get those damn lights installed soon) as I'm debating on what to do about these feelings. I was thinking about writing a letter at first, but then scratched the idea off since my handwriting isn't the best, and only Enchantress can understand what it says. Plus, I'm bad at poetry and any of that mushy love letter crap. My second one was trying to make Y/N some F/F, but again, I can't even boil water without nearly burning myself. As I kept trying to think of ways to tell Y/N, the more it narrowed down to just pulling them to the side and telling them in private, which made me scared.

Eventually, it did narrow down to that option, now causing me to internally scream inside my head. I lightly slam my head against the table, groaning once more.
Why the hell do these things have to happen to me?
I sit back up, rubbing my face. I pull out my pocket watch and look at the time, and realize it was about lunch time. I sigh, and stand up, deciding to go get some food to eat. I leave my room, locking it and walking up the stairs, coming out of the dungeons. As I walk the halls, I let myself think about other ways to confess, even though the whole point of getting food was to get my mind off of it. As I get closer to the kitchen, I hear a lot of talking, which means everyone is already there eating.

I walked in, and sure enough, everyone was.
Pomegranate and Velvet were cooking, Crepe and Mushroom waiting at the table, while Choco and Y/N were making what looked like peach tea. I say hi to everyone and go to sit with Mushroom and Crepe, who were whispering about something. I didn't ask however, since it was probably plans they were making for later. After a bit, Choco and Y/N finish making the tea and come to sit down as well, Choco now minding his own business as Y/N started to talk to me. As I started to talk with them, I forgot about the confession issue, and enjoyed my time with Y/N. As we chatted, Velvet and Pomegranate finished cooking and brought the food over, which was some jelly soup and raspberry pastries for after. The food gets passed around and we all start to eat, everyone seeming to be ok for the most part.

Besides Pomegranate giving me and N/N the occasional bitch glare.

As we all ate, I started to think about the confession issue again, and started getting nervous since I was also sitting right by Y/N, which wasn't good. Then what turned into anxiety, turned into an internal panic attack, causing me to become a bit more quiet. Everyone didn't seem to notice however, which I expected. Everyone but Mushroom of course. Almost as soon as my attack started Mushroom seemed to notice, and moved their hand under the table and tugged my sleeve. I look down to them, then before it they 'accidentally' spill their soup on them. "Oh! Mushroom, are you ok?!" Pomegranate yelps out, standing up right away from her seat and running to Mushroom. Mushroom just nods, and starts acting like they were trying to clean up. Y/N stands up as well and goes to get some towels as Pomegranate makes sure Mushroom didn't get any burns. I take this chance to say, "I'll go with Mushroom to get a new change of clothes." Pomegranate just looks at me and nods, as Mushroom is getting off the seat and starts to follow me out the kitchen.

We walked down the hall and once we got far enough Mushroom grabs onto my sleeves again, trying to make sure I was ok. And all I did was grab onto their hand, and held it tightly as we walked the rest of the way to their room. When we get there my panic attack is starting to go away, and I let go of Mushroom's hand so they can grab some new clothes and get changed. I go and wait outside for a bit, still trying to calm down. After a bit, Mushroom comes out with a new change of clothes being ready to go back. As we walked back to where everyone else was, Mushroom grabs hold of my hand again, and didn't let go as we continued. As we get closer to the room, Mushroom stops me this time, saying, "If you like Y/N, just tell theem." I felt my face heat up, not knowing what to say. Only way he could have known was if-
Wait. Of course.
Fucking Crepe.
I let out a nervous laugh and say, "What do you mean?" "You like Y/NN, everyone but mom knoows." Mushroom said. "Well, who told you?" I respond back, confirming now that they weren't wrong. "Crepe diiid." Mushroom said, clutching a bit harder onto my sleeve. I put on a smile even though I already want to fucking kick Crepes ass and say, "Well, don't you worry. I'll deal with the issue on my own ok bud?" "Oook." Mushroom responded with, bobbing their head back and forth a bit. "Good. You ready to go in now or is there anything else you wanna tell me?" I asked, holding my hand out towards the doorknob waiting for Mushroom to say somthing.
Mushroom tilts their head for a second then answers, "There was oone more thing."
I nod my head, showing I was listening. "Creepe told me to that they found out that Y/N liikes youu, but Y/N doesn't knooow that Crepe found oout."

Right then and there, my brain stops working for a few seconds, trying to fully process what Mushroom just said. When it finally clicked inside my head, my only response was:


-Authors note-
I'm sorry this took long to post, holidays got in the way lol
Hope you enjoyed the chapter though, and happy new year!
And also lmfao enjoy this small cliffhanger hahahahahahah

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