Gone Away || Minsung

By kyutminho

185K 7.8K 5.4K

A vampire who waits 400 years for a specific human. A human who was reincarnated into the present. ... More

Ch. 2
Ch.35 Final


7.1K 301 223
By kyutminho


9 years ago from present day:

A small 11 year old boy running through the depths of the Gotjawal Forest, running while his life depended on it.

He was beaten and worn many scratches from the the branches slicing through his skin enough to draw blood. But he didn't care, all he could do was try to run.

He looked behind once to see if he was still being chased, he could make out at least four figures far behind him.

Tears of fear running down out of his eyes, all he wanted was to find his way back to the campsite his parents were at.

He then turned his focus forward, tripping over a tress's root sticking out of the ground. Blood oozing out of his knee.

"No, no, no." His little voice was shaky, terrified to look behind him.

He's been running for quite a while, longer then he should've with a weak heart like his. He struggled to reach for his medication he dropped from tripping.

Once he was about to reach for it, desperately needing it, a foot in front of him steps on it. Breaking it into a crumble.

He looked up with fear seeing the man who was chasing him, fresh blood dripping from his mouth while his big devilish grin displayed his fangs.

"Playing with our food is way more fun." A woman walks up to the so called food.

"Well most of us just want to sink our teeths and get it over with." Another man lowly growls.

"Such a grump. Why don't we play with it more?!" Another man joins in with psychotic eyes and a devilish smile.

"All this blood on the boy's body is making me even more hungry. The man stepped closer to the boy.

The small boy scrambled to crawl away but the four who were vampires were to quick and one of them picked up the boy.

The four noticed the pained look on the boy's face from the sharp excruciating pain in his heart, watching the boy pass out in front of them.

"That's a shame." The woman pouts.

"Four fucking grown ass idiots are harassing a poor human child. Don't you guys have any pride in yourselfs?" An unfamiliar voice came from behind them, causing all to look.

"Who the hell are you?" One of the men spoke up.

"No one. Now would you kindly let the boy go?" He crossed his arms.

"The hell? No! This is our food." The man shouts.

He heavily sighs then doesn't say another word after that. He quickly catches them unexpectedly and takes them out one by one.

The small boy was dropped to the ground, his eyes opening up a little but just enough to see another stranger fighting off the four vampires.

Once the four were beaten to death by the stranger, he walks over to the boy. Kneeling down to his level, noticing he was still conscious.

"Jisung, right?" The stranger asks for the confirmation.

The boy only nodded as he was to weak to speak. He was in shocked on how this stranger knew his name.

"I'll get you back to your parents." He spoke softly to him unlike earlier to the four vampires.

The boy known as Jisung then slowly drifted off.

He woke up once more to find himself on the stranger's back, his limps loosely hanging. He felt at ease even if he didn't know this stranger. He noticed how cold his skin felt to the touch but he still felt a warm familiar feeling.

He passed out once again.

Next thing he knew he was back at the campsite, lying in a blown up air mattress in a tent.

He looked around to only see a new bottle of medication by his side and bandages covering his wounds.

He then heard his parents talking to someone outside of the tent.

He quickly rushed out of bed hoping to see if that stranger was out there talking with his parents but once he zipped open the tent, it was a first responder with a medical bag.

"Honey what are doing up? Go rest for now." His mother spoke. Shoing him back inside.

He glanced around, wondering what happened to that stranger who helped him, or was it just a dream?


Present day:

"My little Jisung is finally going off on his own! You can always come back home anytime you need to." Jisung's mother was beginning to tear up and pulled her son into an embracing hug.

"Mom~! Thanks though, I think I'll be fine on my own." He gave his loving mother a reassuring smile, to keep her at ease.

"Swear your mother is going to have a heart attack once you leave. Be safe before you kill your mother." His father placed his hand on his son's shoulder with a smile.

"Shut up! I'm just going to miss my poor baby."  She pulled her son into another hug.

"I have to get going now or I'm going to miss the train." He pulled himself away from the hug.

"Okay, you be safe now! And bring home a beautiful young lady." His mom and dad waved him off once he grabbed his luggage and was out the door.

Jisung was now leaving his small town and headed to Seoul. He was perfectly fine leaving his small conservative town but he wasn't going to lie, he was going to miss his parents.

For years he couldn't wait to leave this small town that will forever leave unpleasant memories. It took months to convince his parents to let him move to Seoul. They didn't like the idea since the bigger city was filled with the lgbtq community and everything they didn't believe in. Especially how expensive it was. But importantly for Jisung's health.

Jisung has always liked men but he wouldn't dare bring it up to his parents, he was on good terms with them and was afraid he was going to ruin their relationship. He wished his parents were more open minded.

Since he was so keen on convincing his parents he made a promise to his parents to take good care of his heart condition which used to be worse when he was a child.

One thing his family approved of was his dreams of becoming a detective.

He had nothing but a smile on his cute cheeky face once he got on that train, saying goodbye to his past.

He put his earbuds in and decided to take a long nap before he got to Seoul.

After hours of a long train ride Jisung finally got to his destination.

He quickly exited the train and was a bit overwhelmed by the completely different environment he was in, especially everything more crowded. Something he didn't like and hoped to get used to it.

He roamed the streets of Seoul following his gps on his phone since he didn't want to spend any money to take a taxi to his new apartment.

He only had enough till he found himself a job and to pay a few bills. His parents only gave him so much since they offered a down payment for his apartment.

Before the sun set on the horizon he made it to his new apartment, it was the first time he got a look at the complex. He was shocked his parents would pay for something that seemed so expensive. The complex was pretty nice and soon as he got his keys from the front desk he was even in more of an awe for his own apartment.

Of course there was barely any furniture but it was bigger than expected, with being a one bedroom apartment.

He had only brought with a big suitcase and a backpack, not thinking he needed much.

He went straight to his new bedroom, noticing no bed. He heavily sighed but he couldn't complain since his parents helped with the apartment. He wished his parents didn't spoil him thinking this is the life he wanted, he just wanted his parents to be more understanding.

Jisung went to the couch and plopped down, exhausted.

He looked around taking it in he is finally away from that horrible conservative small town.


A/n: Any anime recommendations??? I've watched so many practically my whole life, now the past couple years I've been on an anime stump except with demon slayer I love it so much!

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💜

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