I'm in Tokyo Revengers...2?!(...

By BungeeGumconsistsof

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Book two of 'I'm in Tokyo Revengers!?!' Be sure to read book one if you haven't Note: I do not own the songs... More



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By BungeeGumconsistsof

Don't forget to vote♡..

"By the way Y/n, who did you choose. "ACK... why would you ask that now?!!?" Everyone just looked at me. "Haha, well actually,.."

"Oh, I'm not dating or married to anyone" "Huh,... really" "Yeah." I replied awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my head. We caught him up on everything and then all went our separate ways in the lake. I helped Hina out for her wedding,..some of the guys went in the water,.. the rest just scattered.

"Y/n,.. do you want help with anything." "Hmm, oh, Souya. Nah, I'm done here. Wana go in the water." He nodded yes. I took the clothes off that I had over my swimwear and then went with him. I may not be dating anyone,.. but I'm really close to Souya. He's basically like my boyfriend. Brings me food from his shop,.. sleeps over,.. goes out with me.

We didn't really talk about what we are though,... yet.

Hours passed and it was now night time. "Hey, Souya, Nahoya,.. mind if I sleep over tonight,.. I'm not feeling to ride my bike that far to go home?"(she lives somewhere else now.) "Yeah!" "Hm,..Yeah. But I won't be there." "Huh, how come, Naho?" "Something important came up. Can you take Souya home on your bike." "Yeah, sure."

We all got ready to part ways. I let Souya ride the bike because I was tired but when we were about to leave, Nahoya was still there.

3rd Person POV
"Well, that's taken care of." "What do you mean, Smiley." "Ah, Mitsuya. It's nothing. I'm just trying to make the first move for them." "Ah."

We arrived at Souya's house and we got off and headed to the door. "Geez, I'm tired." "You can shower first, Y/n." "Thanks."

Few minutes later,...
3rd Person POV
"Hey, Souya,.." Angry was sitting in his room and he heard Y/n call from the bathroom. "Yes." She opened the door and was wrapped in her towel. Souya face turned red as he looked away. Y/n didn't realize he was right out the door so when she looked up, she just ran back behind the door. "Haha, um,.. my clothes got soaked in the bag. Mind if I borrow one of yours." "S-Sure!"

He ran over to his dresser and pulled out a shirt and pants for her. Then, he went toward the door she was by and handed it to her as he looked away. "Thanks." "Yeah."

Few hours passed and they were now just hanging out in his room watching TV.

"I wonder what Nahoya had to do so late. You guys aren't doing anything illegal right?" "Huh,..No! Why would we do that!?" "Calm down. I was just asking. It's not like him to just suddenly go do something out of the blue without you." "I guess you're right." The rest of the night we just hung out watching tv in his room or scrolled through our phones.

Right now we were just lying down next to eachother minding our own business on our phones when,...*faint sound of door opening* "Did you hear that." "Yeah." I signaled for Souya to follow me and then we walked out to his room door. It was about midnight right now. Could it be a burglar. "They're in the living room" I whispered to him. "We should call the police." "Yeah"

"*in the background* I wonder what they're up to right now. They're probably asleep. Anyway Mitsuya,. Thanks for dropping me home this late." "No problem. But do you really think this was necessary." "I mean,.. the two of them are so thick headed sometimes,.. Y/n and Souya that is." Excuse me?!.. From the sound of the voices,. They were definitely Mitsuya and Nahoya.

"Who's thick headed ." "AH! Y/n,.. did I wake you?!" Why does he look so scared and shocked,.. Anyway.."No,.. we were waking still." After a few moments of awkwardness with Souya and I standing at the top of the stairs looking at Nahoya and Mitsuya downstairs,.. we finally went down.

"I gotta go now." And with that,... Mitsuya left. "So,... what were you guys doing-" "Hey, don't change the topic. What do you mean by,..'the two of them are so thick headed sometimes,.. Y/n and Souya that is.' Huh?" "Well, answer my question and then I'll tell you what I mean." "Well, we were just scrolling through our phones."

"Hahh*facepalms*" "Don't 'hahh' us. What's the problem." "Look. I would let you two figure it out but I might die before you do. Y/n,.. are you aware that Souya liked you when we were all younger?"

"H-hey what's with that all of a sudden."-Angry. "Hm, yeah. I am aware." "Great,.. and you do know that feelings like that don't just disappear. Especially when you still hang out together everyday." I looked over at Souya who was a blushing mess in the corner.

Nahoya POV
Souya was embarrassed and when Y/n looked at him, she began blushing a little. Everyone knows how much they like eachother. It literally shows but neither of them do anything about it. Hahh,.. they still act like little kids. "Well,.. I know feelings don't go like that. But as I said before,... I really can't choose. I'd feel bad for the rest of guys and girls-"

"They don't mind Y/n. Everyone can see how you two make eachother happy. And that's what we want. You to be happy. But you guys never do anything about your feelings,.. and it makes everyone go crazy."

Wow,.. I never knew that. Do they all really want that. "I,...... geez. Thanks. I never knew you guys felt this way." "Yeah yeah,.. now can you two just get together already. I think the rest of the guys and girls might snap if you two don't." "Haha. You think so?" Truth be told. I always wanted to be with Souya. I love the other guys and girls but,... "*in the background* so,.. do you maybe,......want to be with me, Y/n." Souya just makes me way more happy. "Yes!"

5 years passed.
"I want the blue bunny!" "No! It matches my hair!" "You both can have one." You're probably wondering who's arguing over a bunny. Well, that's Satomi and Satoshi. My kids. They're also twins. Satoshi is the boy,.. he has (hair color) hair like me and Satomi is the girl she has turquoise hair like Souya. Anyway,.. They're both 4 years old.

"Come on. I'll get another one for you on the way to dad and uncle's shop." Souya and Nahoya still own their shop they had. Sugoaku was the name. It's pretty popular to.

We all went outside and decided to walk because the store was close and the weather was nice. I held onto Tomi's hand(the girl) and picked up Toshi(the boy). Tomi is way more hyper and doesn't like to be held and well,... Toshi is the opposite.

Few minutes passed.. the other bunny stuffed animal was bought. *sound of bell ringing and door opening* "Hi Dad,... Uncle Naho." Tomi shouted as we entered the store. It was pretty empty cuz it was about closing time now. They greeted us and so did the remaining regulars at the shop. Souya took off his apron and went to change. After a few seconds, he came out in his normal clothes and took up Tomi, patted Toshi's head and gave me a kiss.

We waited for the one or two customers to leave and then they closed shop. "Nahoya, wana come by for dinner." "Yeah!"

We all walked to our house and then went inside. Nahoya and Souya went to shower and I was in the kitchen making (favorite food/food you want to eat right now).

Souya finished first and came down to change the kids and then Nahoya came down.

Hours later
"You sure you wana walk home this late. You can spend the night. We don't have a room labeled 'Nahoya' for no reason." "Yeah,... I'm sure. I'll take a taxi. Besides,.. I gotta go home so I can come back tomorrow and pick up the kids in my car.

After he left, we all got ready for bed and soon the morning arrived. It was weekend and Nahoya takes the kids because he likes to spoil them when they're all free. So Souya and I are usually home alone but busy because I got work to do. But not today. I freed my entire schedule so that I can hang out with him whole day until tomorrow.

We spent the morning half of the day sleeping on the bed after saying goodbye to Nahoya and the kids. It was now about 2 in the afternoon.

Souya POV
"Y/n,.. I made food." After I got up, I went to make food for Y/n and me. It was like 2 in the afternoon and she didn't eat anything today. "Hm,.. 60-..........120 more minutes." As she grumbled that out, she turned the other way on the bed and covered with the blanket. She looks so cute. I went and sat next to her.

"The food will get cold." The room went silent for a while but then she sat up. "Fine~"

I decided to get up because I did make sure we can spend more time together this weekend. So I can't just sleep. After we finished eating,.. we sat by the TV and looked at some shows,.. then we just talked about random things. He really changed compared to the past. I mean, he still got his cute and kind personality,.. but now he's a little more serious. Oh, and his face isn't as angry anymore. The kids thought he was always mad at them so he tried to cut it out.

It was now night time and Nahoya called and said that the kids will be staying with him because he's taking them somewhere tomorrow. I don't mind. It means peace and quiet. "Souya, I finished showering." I said as I walked out to our room. He went in the bathroom and then came out after about 7 minutes.

After he changed and dried his hair, he walked over and jumped onto the bed. He still got poofy hair. It's so damn adorable. "What do you wana do, Souya?" "Hmm,.." He hummed as he faced me. "Hugs." Oof, that was so cute. I leaned in and hugged him and he hugged back.

We stayed like that for a while until we eventually slept away. When I opened my eyes, it was morning and he was still hugging me. I got up and looked at the time. It was 7am. Why must I wake up this early. "Y/n?" "Good morning." I said to him as I leaned down and gave him a kiss. You know how some people wake up acting drunk and they be confused. Yup,.. that's him right now.

"H-hey! What're you doing!?" "Hmm,.... stomach massage." "But it tickles!" "Oh yeah?" I really just wanted to harass him. He's to damn cute. "Two can play at that game." He grabbed my hands with one of his and then did the same to me. He's so fun to be around and he always know how to make me happy. I'm glad I ended up with him.

"Hey Souya."

"Yes, best person in the entire universe?" He said as he rest his head on my thighs.

"Haha,.. you're adorable." I replied as I booped his nose.

"So are you. No, you're gorgeous."

I gave him a smile,.. "Thanks... Love you,...... Angry♡"I teased but ment it also.

"Ehe,.. I love you way more,.. Y/n"

The End


Hey Skittles
Bye Skittles

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