Outlawed In-laws (A TNC Novel)

By KentroKreations

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When unfortunate events lead Kunto to discover the truth of her father's past, she must risk everything she b... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

40 2 3
By KentroKreations

Another night has come and gone, as Zane could tell from a single, blinding ray of light that just barely shone through his cavern's entrance. It wasn't a silver ray that would have come from the moon, so he knew that it was the next day. He had spent enough time in cramped, shady corners to recognize the differences between sun rays and moon rays. Not that he could clarify anyway, as he's been forbidden from leaving the cave unless it was an emergency...

And spirits forbid without an escort, Zane thought, staring at a pair of nearby lionesses through slitted eyes. The lionesses were mostly silent, but often leaned into one another and whispered. By their constantly shifting gazes, Zane knew that they were talking about him. However, due to his sickness and overall weakened state, he couldn't hear what they were saying.

Suddenly, the lionesses stopped talking and raised their heads. Something had caught their attention. Zane waited anxiously to see what would happen next, as his only entertainment since being forced to recover in Pride Rock was Kunto. The young crocodile seemed to be the only one who could get Zane to laugh, let alone crack a simple smile.


The lion's attention perked when he heard his name. His gaze fixed on the entrance, he noticed Kunto with the young prince, Kion. The Royal couple was standing just behind them, flanked by the two lionesses.

"Are you sure you don't want some extra claws around? I mean, company?" Simba asked.

"Dad, we'll be fine," Kion sighed, his fur lightly standing on end. "Zane's still recovering, remember? Rafiki and Makini are good, but they aren't miracle workers."

"True, but still..."

"Simba, just leave them alone," Nala interrupted, placing a paw in front of her mate. "They'll be fine."

As the Royals continued to argue with each other, Kunto made her way over to Zane.

"You risk getting sick if you get too close, remember?" Zane recalled, his jaws shifting to form a smile.

"Yeah, I know," Kunto said, not so much of a hint of worry in her voice. "You don't need to remind me, like you've been doing for days now."

"Well, if you do end up getting sick,..."

"My uncle will beat you to a pulp. Trust me, I remember, but I wouldn't worry about that. I made him promise not to kill you, so long as you promise..."

"Not to finish what I started long before. Trust me, I remember, too."

By now, Kunto was standing almost snout-to-muzzle with Zane. They were alone, except for Kion, who appeared to be minding his own business at the entrance. The Royals and the two lionesses were nowhere in sight.

"So, how're you holding up?" Kunto asked.

"Oh, you know, could be better," Zane huffed, then chuckled. "And I guess it could be worse, too. Oh well. What's to be done about it?"

Kunto looked at Zane with a somewhat unreadable expression. On one claw, she appeared to be happy, but on the other claw, she seemed anxious about something.

"What's the matter, kid? I told you, I'm doing fine. Well, I'm not exactly doing any worse, either. You know?"

Kunto kept her jaw shut, and still kept that look on her face.

"Kunto. What?" Zane demanded, his tone hard, but not harsh.

The young crocodile took a breath, then bent her head to look down at her claws making circular motions in the stone of the cave floor.

"It's just . . . well, you know . . . you remember, don't you?" Kunto sounded distant, as if she were in another world. A chill ran along Zane's spine that he couldn't shake.

Somehow, Kunto noticed.

"Zane? You alright?"

"Y...yes!" Zane exclaimed quite suddenly, and loud, too. Both Kunto and Kion were staring at him. Zane cleared his throat before continuing.

"I mean, yes, of course. Now, what were you going to ask me?"

Kunto opened her jaws to speak, but nothing came out. Her eyes lit up in surprise. She closed her jaws and tilted her head to the side.

"Huh. That's a good question," Kunto replied. A minute later, she gave herself a little shake and straightened her posture. "I don't remember. Sorry, Zane."

"It's alright, Kunto," Zane laughed nervously, for he had an idea as to what Kunto was going to ask him.

I still haven't told her about the Passing Plains. The strange sickness called Fire Fever, all the corpses, . . . and Jamila. I haven't told her about her grandmother, or grandfather. At least, that's what I'm assuming; that Ade is Kunto's grandfather. I'm still piecing the whole thing together. Seems to be what half my thoughts are dedicated to, anyway. The problem is, I'm not sure how I should go about explaining it. Gah! Why can't her own family be dealing with this? Why does this seem to be my burden and my burden alone? Curse the spirits! Can't you give me one good bit of help or something? Probably not, but it's still worth asking.

"Zane, you awake?" Kunto asked, breaking the lion from his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm awake!" Zane reassured, shaking his head.

"Let me guess, daydreaming?"

"You could say that."

"Anything you mind sharing?"

"I . . . uh . . . well . . ."

"Kunto," a new voice interrupted.

Both Zane and Kunto turned their attention toward the entrance and spotted Makuu standing next to Kion. He didn't look happy, as per usual, but he didn't seem overly aggressive or hostile or anything. He's been the same old neutral Makuu that Zane has gotten used to seeing since Kunto started visiting.

"It's time to go already?" Kunto questioned.

"Well, yes," Makuu replied. "In case you haven't noticed, your family wants to spend more time with you now that you're back. Besides, until Kiburi comes back, Zula needs all the comfort and company she can possibly get. That includes you being there by her side. Now, come on, let's go."

Zane thought Makuu was going to say something else, but the crocodile abruptly stopped himself, clearly not wanting to overstep his bounds like he did before.

"...Okay," Kunto sighed, having not built up the anger to yell at her uncle like she did before.

The first few visits were, in Zane's opinion, perfect examples of a verbal war. He couldn't believe the things that were coming out of their mouths, especially out of Kunto's.

Who knew that a yearling could learn so many expletives? Or any other things of a similar caliber for that matter...

Today, however, was not to be another one of those days. So far, Kunto and Makuu have left the past few visits unscathed. Makuu even acknowledged Zane a couple of times, but it was only with a look. The two of them have not yet bothered to try and talk to each other. Zane was not ready to have a relatively normal conversation with Makuu, and he knew all too well that Makuu's probably thinking the same thing.

"Keep getting rest, Zane," Makuu spoke, shocking Zane.

"...Thanks?" Zane managed to get out, surprised that Makuu was actually talking to him.

And without sounding or looking like he wants to kill me. Impressive.

"But, why? I thought you'd want me dead?"

Makuu laughed.

"Well, yeah, of course!" Makuu exclaimed, sounding way more jovial than sarcastic. "You did try to kill me, among other things. I'll be returning the favor, but only when you're able to fight me."

"Wait!" Zane exclaimed, barely keeping himself together as he tried to talk while also holding back a laugh. "So, you want me to rest and heal and get my strength back, – to get back to normal, basically – just for a rematch?"

Makuu snickered.

"Where's the fun in fighting a weakling? Yes, I want a rematch, which means I need you to toughen up. Simple as that."

Zane was amused. Now, it wasn't just Kunto alone that could keep him entertained, but Makuu, too.

"Can I watch?" Kunto asked, excitedly bouncing on her claws.

"Sure," both Zane and Makuu responded simultaneously. They exchanged looks with each other and smirked.

"Alright, that settles it. Zane, you better get your butt in gear and heal faster! The sooner, the better!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Zane soluted Kunto. The young crocodile continued to bounce around on her claws, her tail now swinging happily from side-to-side. Eventually, she bounded around the corner and out of sight. Makuu turned and followed.

Once the crocodiles were gone, Kion walked over to check on Zane. The lion reassured the cub that he was fine. Kion was clearly suspicious, looking the older lion up and down and all over with a questioning glint in his eye. However, he didn't seem to notice anything wrong in particular, so he decided to leave it there. He left soon after, much to Zane's pleasure.

Zane felt his body sink back to a lying down position. His paws, his chest, his head... everything felt abnormally heavy. The uncomfortable grogginess and misery were quickly flowing back into his body. His throat was sore from talking, preceded by coughing and the occasional dry heave.

I hope to get better soon, too, but it's easier said than done. Granted, those mandrills are good at what they do, but that cub was right: they aren't miracle workers. Nobody is!


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