Male reader x Marvel's Guardi...

By itschaoz907

54.7K 724 336

Growing up all Y/n knew in life was mostly hate but his mother loved him even if he came from a one night sta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A/n(Please read )
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
New Book is out.

Chapter 10

1.6K 26 10
By itschaoz907

Y/n=Your Name





Rocket: What are we looking for in here?

Gamora: She doesn't know.

Peter: Something that's gonna help Drax.

Rocket: And we're all just taking the word of this space case?

Gamora: She's not a space--

They come to an opening and see Big crystals.

Mantis: Oooooooooooooh! Spooky.

Peter: Spooky is right.

Rocket: More like deadly! We sure about this?

Gamora: Nope.

Rocket: Maybe Drax just needs to sleep it off? I mean, he seems fine-ish.

Mantis: My telepathic control won't last, little Fuzzy. Only Green Meanie's friend's ever help him see through the Matriarch's lies. And it only happens here.

Peter: Everyone just remember we're here for Drax.

Y/n: Yeah and Drax would do the same for us. But it would help if we knew what to look for.

Peter goes to jump over a gap but almost falls as the edge he was grabbing onto starts to fall apart. Peter gets a better grip and pulls himself up to safety.

Peter: Whoa! This place is really unstable!

Rocket: Lousy cave's gonna kill us all!

Mantis: Oh no, not all of us. Not this time, I think

Y/n: This time? I still don't even know who you are.

Gamora: She's Mantis One of my friends and We ran into her on Knowhere when you were you know...

Y/n: Dead?

Gamora: Yeah that.

Y/n: I see....

Rocket: More water? What's wrong with this lousy planet?

Peter: Doesn't seem that bad...

Rocket: Seems deadly! And cold! And wet!

Peter: Come on, Rocket. A little water's not gonna hurt you.

Mantis: Death by drowning is actually quite common throughout Little Fuzzy's alternate futures. I have heard so many of his panicked final gasps.

Y/n: Okay not helping at all just saying.

Peter: I'm sure it'll get drier from here on out.

Mantis: Oh, you are so wrong, Stir-fry! Poor Little Fuzzy.

Gamora:(chuckles) Stir-Fry. That's a good one.


Mantis: You've been smiling a lot more, Gamora. See! told you being in a group would help! I also sense a connection with Wolf guy, That is also making you more happy Gamora. (gasp) Are you two together!

Peter: What! You guys are Dating!?

Y/n: Yare Yare Old man. Shouldn't we be helping Drax and not talking about what  might be happening between me and Gamora?

Rocket:(laughing) They are Dating!


Gamora:(whispers to Y/n) So much for waiting until we are ready.

Y/n:(Whispers) Welp it was gonna happen anyways.

Peter: What Have you guys had se--

Gamora:(Blushing) Peter! Mantis, you're sure we're headed the right way?

Mantis: I think so!

Gamora: Okay, well, it's too wide to jump here. We'll need to look around, find another way.

Mantis: I spotted a little mousey hole here!

Peter: Let's take a look through here. Maybe there's another way to cross.

Rocket: Why don't I just blast some of these rocks?

Gamora: No!

Mantis: Oh, no!

Gamora: I don't trust him not to kill us. What's your reason?

Mantis: I have seen so many futures where Little Fuzzy dies in this cave.

Y/n: You feeling lucky Rocket?

Peter: I got this. Rocket, just stay to the side and try not to die.

Peter knocks over a big hollow crystal so they can now cross to the other side.

Peter: Problem solved!

Rocket: Still ignoring the bigger problem of not knowing What we're looking for!

Mantis: Don't focus on what. Focus on how much he means to you!


Peter: Think of all the times Drax has done something for us.

Y/n: Exactly.

Rocket: Name one time.

Peter: Remember when he saved our butts in that mining ship?

Rocket: Scoff. He saved your butt.

Gamora: He drags a lot of heavy things around. And thrown rocks. Seems to love throwing rocks.

Mantis:( Trying to sound like Drax.) Throwing rocks is a proud Katathian custom.

Rocket: Drax better appreciate how dangerous this dumb plan is.

Mantis: Oh, Green Meanie loves you all so much.

Y/n: Aw now I feel a little bad for breaking his nose.

Peter: Only a little bit?

Rocket: Ugh, this is a lot of trouble to go to for a frickin' colleague.

Gamora: Tell us how you really feel.

Rocket: I just did. I mean, if push comes to shove, Y/n can just take Drax's place.

Gamora: Admit it, Drax means a little more to you than that.

Y/n: And I'm not gonna replace Drax.

Peter: Drax has definitely been there for us before. Like on Seknarf, first time we got jumped by that tiger with the squid face.

Rocket: Who, Stumpy?

Gamora: And the second time we got jumped by Stumpy.

Y/n:(whispers) I helped him but okay.

Peter: Uh, Mantis? Should we be worried about this fog?

Just then Stumpy appears out of the fog.

Rocket: Stumpy...?

Gamora: This can't be real!


Timeskip to  end of fight.

Peter: What are the odds of those things living on this planet?

Y/n was just looking at the now dead Stumpy and something feels off about it. But moves on and walks with the Team.

Gamora: Maybe they weren't native to Seknarf? And this is where Hellbender first got them?

Rocket: Or maybe Hellbender's here, tracking us across the ends of the galaxy 'cause she wants us dead.

Y/n: She's not gonna kill anyone of you guys. I'll fight her if I have to.

Rocket: Just because you gotten bigger Don't mean anything Y/n.

Y/n: You have no idea.

Peter: Lady H has probably moved on by now.


Y/n: (laughing) You serious old man?

Gamora: She literally just sent people to kill us.

Rocket: We bludgeoned her favorite monster, Quill.

Mantis: In no timeline does she ever forget.

Peter: Okay, Okay. So negative. By the way Son that was the most fakest laugh ever.

Y/n: Oh no that was real.

Rocket: Water, Fog and monsters. What's the flarking deal with this place?

Mantis: There has always been a great power here. The priest tell tales of these who were here before them. And what wonderful things they could do.

Gamora: I don't remember hearing anything about that.

Mantis: You weren't ready to listen last time you were here.

Groot: I am Groot?

Peter: Why were you here again, Gamora?

Mantis: Oh! I know the answer! It's the same across all timelines!

Gamora: I told you. I was here to recuperate. I was in a bad place...

Mantis: We had to keep an eye on her.

Y/n takes Gamora's Hand into his own and she looks over at him just to see him looking at her with a smile and she smiles back. Of course they are in the back of the group so no one sees this.

Peter: Whoa. Spooky.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: We ain't being watched! No one in their right mind would be in this krutflaking cave of flarkin' "wonders."

Gamora: What's going on?

Mantis: Sir Groot feels the intrusive eyes watching us. Don't worry, my flora, I feel them too.

Peter: What the flark--?

Gamora: There's two of them!

Y/n: Two of what?!

Gamora: Mantis, do these things have anything to do with what we're looking for?!

Mantis: Inconclusive-- But I'm thinking no.


Mantis: Oooooh, I remember this part. Something bad happens here, something we have to avoid.

Gamora: Mantis?

Mantis: Over here.

Rocket: Alright, I like Drax as much as the next guy, but I'm officially sick of this stupid cave.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Who? Bug Lady? She couldn't guide her way out of a bathroom.

Y/n: Play nice Rocket.

Mantis: Are you the Rock face we're looking for?

Peter: Not sure if I want it to answer or not...

Rocket: Whatever gets us out of here.

Peter walks up to the rock face with a crack through it.

Peter: Look like there's something on the other side. Think You can get through to the other said Y/n?

Y/n: I'll see what I can do.

Y/n walks up to the Rock face and punches it in its weak spot and it breaks open

Peter: Nice work son.

Y/n: Anytime.

Gamora: What else did the Cotati tell you about this place, Mantis?

Rocket: Did they happen to mention the part where it's super dangerous and stupid to enter?

Y/n: You know they should put a sign out front that says"danger do not enter".

Mantis: Oh yes. It's very dangerous. Ancient, even. An ancient danger. Or was. Still is? Something. See that, Green Meanie? That's where we need to be.

Gamora: At least the crystals are kinda pretty.

Rocket: Ehh. I've seen better formations. These look like regular silicates.

Mantis: Oh, there's nothing regular about the way they resonate, Little Fuzzy.

Rocket: Then they might actually be worth a few units.

Mantis: I see something, but it's foggy...

Rocket: There's that feeling again! The fur on the back of my neck is sticking up.

Gamora: I feel it too. Like a pair of eyes, watching you.

Y/n: You find anything, Old man?

Peter: Nothing in there that could save Drax.

Gamora: Is there another face somewhere, Mantis? Mantis?

Mantis: Huh? oh! Yeah, this cave is multi-faceted! Get it?




Mantis: We'll each need to face our fears. Some here, some not. But facing them is most important.

Peter: You know, running is sometime good too.

Mantis: For you, yes, Star-Guy. But only until it isn't. You'll see that soon enough. No wait, you should know that already. Don't you remember your dreams?

Peter:How do you know about that?

Mantis: Dunno. I just do!

Rocket: Just me or them crystals look super dangerous?

Y/n: What are you scared or something?

Rocket: What No.

Mantis: Don't worry your fuzzy little head. You only die from a great fall in two timelines. This probably isn't one of them.

Peter: We need to get on those crystals, Groot.

Groot: I am Groot.

Y/n: Thanks Groot.

Rocket: Just let Quill get out there first. I don't want you falling Groot.

Mantis: Oooooh, definitely remembering something now. I think. We need to be careful here!

Y/n: Yeah We don't do Careful lady.

Rocket: I think what you're seeing is some version of me pushing you off a cliff.

Mantis: Oh, Little Fuzzy. Your volatility is surprisingly consistent through all versions of time and space. You're like my angry little through-line.

Peter: Mantis, back in Knowhere, did you know what the Church was gonna do?

Mantis: I don't know. I see so many different things at the same time, it's sometimes hard to know where I am.

Gamora: Do they try to take over the galaxy in all realities?

Mantis: Not all, but most. Sometimes It's so noisy, like a bajillion ships taking off at the same time!

Peter: Do we even have a chance of stopping them?

Mantis: Oh yes! But only if you cure Draxy-Waxy here. The six of you are the only ones who ever do anything!

Y/n: (Chuckles) "Draxy-Waxy"

Mantis: Finally! The face of a thousand lies! I think.

Peter: It's gonna help us save Drax?

Mantis: It tries to keep us from saving him. We seek something Beyond the face.Beyond the lies.

Rocket: You want me to blow it up?

Gamora: That shouldn't be our answer to everything.

Mantis: The Cotati mentioned the "faces in the dark" before-- but I always thought it was metaphorical.

Rocket: Bug lady is absolutely bonkers!

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Of course I'm angry! I'm wet, wandering around a cave that's falling apart, looking for flark-knows-what!

Peter: Can you get us through here, Gamora?

But before Gamora could do anything Rocket takes matters into his own hands or in his own paws?

Rocket: Flark it. I'm going in.

Mantis: No! You mustn't!

Gamora: You don't want me to cut the thing?

Mantis: Wait, no, not you. Something bad is about to happen--

Rocket blows up the crystals.

Rocket: Oh, that's it! I'm going in!

Peter: Rocket!

Y/n: We better not die because of this Rocket!

Rocket: We blow up this statue, save Drax, and get out of here.

Mantis: Yes, but--

Rocket: Time to start trusting our instincts, Quill!

Y/n: I do not have a good feeling about this at all.

Rocket: Bug lady said the face is keeping us from helping Drax, so we gotta destroy it!

Mantis: Little Fuzzy! Don't do whatever it is you're about to do...

Rocket: No, no, no, I'm done with all the riddles!

Mantis: Or, don't not do-- Wait. Don't not not do whatever you already did!

Rocket:(humming "Don't Worry, Be Happy")

Peter: Let's just hear Mantis out on this, okay?

Mantis: Ugh! Just give me a tick to think, OK?!

Y/n: What if the whole place collapses!?

Gamora: Then at least we wouldn't have to argue with him anymore.

Peter: Not helping!

Gamora: Groot! Can you tell him to stop!

Groot: I am GROOT!

Mantis: Little Fuzzy's in a mood. We're probably gonna die.

Rocket: Did she or did she not say this thing is in our way?!

Peter: Rocket Don't!


Peter: ROCKET!

A Big crystal starts to fall over towards the Guardians.

Gamora: Feels like I say this a lot, but--

Peter: You wanna know the plan.

Gamora: Yep.


They all start running and  jump to safety

Mantis: Close one.

Peter: You could say that again.

Mantis: Oh, I will

Gamora: Ah, Mantis?

Drax:(grunt) Where is the Matriarch?

Mantis: This is the one where I fail.

Drax:(angry growl)

Drax starts running towards Mantis. Drax pushes Groot out of the way and off the platform but Groot thinks fast and grabs on to the edge and pulls himself up. Gamora jumps over Drax, And Drax falls off But Peter's gun Transformers again and when he shoots Drax he pulls him back to safety and Mantis gets back on his back and under her control.

Mantis: It's OK. The one where I fail is the one where you don't.

Rocket:(coughing) Hey, guys! Check it out! I'm totally not dead.


Y/n: Rocket  You are lucky I don't throw you to your death for what you just did!

Peter: Son you can't do that.

Y/n: I know that!

Mantis: He does it too in some timelines. Only when Gamora dies because of Rocket though.

Y/n: Let's just get a move on already.

Gamora: You almost killed all of us! No more blowing thing up, Rocket. Ever!

Rocket: You're gonna regret saying that.

Mantis: Star-Guy! Are you Spartoi?! Why didn't I know that? Maybe you aren't always... or I forgot.

Rocket: What? Those guns do something again, Quill?

Gamora: He saved Drax. After you almost killed us all.

Rocket: How'd a gun do that?

Mantis: Show him, Star-Guy!

Peter uses he new upgrade to make a path.

Peter: And that's how it's done.

Rocket: Eh. Me exploding stuff is still better.

Y/n: Not really.

Rocket: Next time we're in a huge fight, you're gonna beg me to blow stuff up. Beg me!

Peter: Next time we're in a huge fight, I'll make sure to remember that.

Gamora: More of that weird fog...

Rocket: Be glad you ain't this close to the ground.

Mantis: Oh, Little Fuzzy never dies from gas in here. Just falling, crushing, Chitauri, water--

Peter: Wait, hang on-- did you say Chitauri?

Mantis: Oh I did, didn't I? Such a funny sounding word. Chitauri.

Out of no where Chitauri start popping up and started fighting the Guardians. Then in the middle of the fight Mantis starts talking about The eyeball monsters That they have fought before and then they start popping up and attacking the team. Y/n Has an idea of what might be going on but he wants to test it first.

Y/n: You know Back on Remnant We had these things called Grimm. We had different types of Grimm but the most common were the Beowolf Grimm. Large, dark, werewolf-like things.

Peter: What are you trying to say Y/n?

Just then Some Beowolf Grimm popped up and Y/n has his answer.

Y/n: Bingo.

Gamora: What?

Y/n: I'll tell everyone after the fighting just make sure to not bring up anymore thing we have fought.

Gamora: Okay.

Timeskip after the fight.

Mantis: Fog of fear, faced fully forthright.

Gamora: You okay, Mantis?

Mantis: Oh hey, Gamora! You look less depressed! Wait. We went over that already, didn't we?

Gamora: Yeah. We did.

Mantis: That thing of yours is still bothering you though, right?

Peter: What thing?

Gamora: I'm fine. Let's just focus on helping Drax. Don't you have something to say Y/n?

Peter: You do Son?

Y/n: The things we were fighting are not real, But they feel real it's weird  I know but every time we said something about us fighting something that thing would pop up so I think the fog makes the illusion of said thing for us to face.

Peter: Interesting.




Rocket: Heads up. More of them rock monsters.

Peter: Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. They're rock people.

Rocket: I don't think they're looking to make amends, Quill!

Timeskip to end of fight.

Rocket: (sigh) Well that went about as well as expected.

Mantis: I was sure... Oh! Maybe I just haven't learned it yet.

Gamora: I think I picked up the word for"kill". or the grunt, anyway. The fog doesn't seem to bother whatever these giant things are.

Rocket: Maybe they're just smart enough to not wander around in it. Unlike some people.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: I know why we're doing it. And don't think Drax won't hear all about it, either.

Mantis: Oh! Is this the one where Little Fuzzy does something heroic? Hard to say...

Gamora: I think it's pretty easy to say he won't.

Mantis: You, most of all, should be willing to give someone another chance, Gamora.

Rocket: If we do cure Drax, we should make up a story about how we battled some epic one-of-a-kind monster.

Y/n: Who knows that may still happen.

Rocket: Uh guys?

Peter: What's happening?

Mantis: He sees what lies ahead.

There is A big waterfall blocking the way forward.

Rocket: Uh-uh. No way! No flarking way!

Peter: It doesn't seem that wet. Like medium wet.

Y/n: Alright let's go.

Rocket: I ain't walking through a flarking monsoon!

Y/n: How about I--

Peter: No you will not throw him through it.

Y/n: (Sigh)

Peter: Maybe there's a way to use those plants to divert the water. We're a team, we'll figure it out.

Gamora: Are we seriously gonna let this keep us from saving Drax?

Rocket: Sure. You save him while I drown!

Gamora: How does it even grow down here?

Peter: I dunno, but those big leaves could be useful. Like a dam.

As Peter was working on getting the big leaves to move over, Y/n went over to a rock and sat on it.  Not to long after Rocket walks over to Y/n.

Rocket: So you and Gamora?

Y/n: What about it?

Rocket: Nothing just Give us a heads up before you guys have sex because I don't want to be on the ship when it happens.

Y/n: Okay wow We are not even at that point yet. Groot can you come over here!

Groot walks over.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: He asked What do you need?

Y/n: I need to tell you guys something. And I don't care if you believe me or not. I was born part god.

Rocket:..... HAHAHAHA! That's a good one!

Y/n:(sigh) Why do I even try. Anyways We are a team so I though that you guys should know.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: He appreciates you tell him.

Peter moves both of the big leaves over to catch the water so Rocket can't get wet.

Rocket: Thanks, Quill. Really.

The team keep moving.

Peter:This cramped corridor ring any bells, Mantis?

Mantis: Pretty sure this is the wet part.

Rocket: The what now?

Gamora: I thought we just did the wet part!?

Mantis: Oh, it gets worse. Much worse.

Y/n: Great.

Rocket: Guys...

As they were walking the floor under them give out and they all fall down.


Rocket: Please be dry! Please be dry!


They all hit the ground.

Gamora: Everyone okay?

Peter: I'd be seeing stars, if I could see anything at all.

Rocket: Yeah, this ain't good. So, about all them futures where we die...

Groot: I am Groot?

Groot lights the way.

Y/n: So cool.

Gamora: Has he always been able to do that?

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: He says he don't like showing off. Thanks buddy.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: No, I don't gotta tell them.

Mantis: Oh, right. The thing. That you tell us in the dark. It's really important!

Rocket: No, it ain't. Shut up.

Y/n: Come on Rocket Don't you trust us at all? I told you my big Secret.

Rocket: Shut up Y/n. Do they know about you being part god?!

Gamora: Yup.

Peter: Sure do.

Mantis: Oh, Little Fuzzy, you'll feel better if you let it all go!

Peter: You're among friends, Rocket.

Rocket: It's nothing, Okay? Just... The lab I was in did tests on me in tubes of water. And it sucked. It really, really sucked.

Gamora: Sensory deprivation experiments on Halfworld. I heard of those.

Rocket: Sensory deprivation was like a vacation compared to the other things...

Peter: And that's why you hate getting wet. Flark, I had no idea.

Rocket: Don't make a big deal out of it. Just prefer to keep dry is all. So how long do we gotta wander around smashing our shins on rocks?

Peter: Rocket? Something's wrong with my visor. I can't see anything.

Rocket: Huh. Must be Groot's bioluminescence... It ain't on the defined light spectrum.

Peter: Uh, right.

Mantis: Oh boy! This place is sooooooooooooo creepy!

Rocket: Remember the deal, Quill. You find anything shiny, we split it.

Mantis: Ooooh! This part. Oooooooh.

Rocket: Okay, anyone else getting really fed up with Little Miss Cryptic?

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Pretty? Gimme a break!

Y/n: At least it seems less dark through here. And less wet.

Rocket: Works for me.

Gamora: Mantis? Anything in particular we should be looking out for?

Mantis: I'm trying to remember. I think this is where it gets loopy.

Peter: NOW it gets loopy?

Rocket: Ugh, there's that creepy fog again.

Mantis: It's always here. Always, until it isn't.

Rocket: What's that supposed to--

Gamora: Shhh! More Hellraisers.

Rocket: I don't... Wait, yeah. But it ain't those flarnards, it's them creepy eyeball things from the QZ.

Gamora: I'm definitely hearing Hellraisers.

Rocket: Then you ain't hearing right. It's eyeball things.

Y/n: SHHH!

Rocket: What do you mean shhhhhhhhh?

Mantis: Wolf guy is right. Shhhhh.

Rocket: Right about what?

Gamora: Shhhhh.

Peter: Shhhh.

Groot: (Curious grunt)

The fog goes away and they can now move on.

Rocket: So it was nothing?

Peter: I think it depends. It's got something to do with the freaky fog.

Mantis: Every time you name an enemy, it has the power to make that enemy appear.

Gamora: So the key all along was to keep quiet?

Y/n: Don't want to say I was right but....

Rocket: Oh shut up Y/n.


Mantis: I saw so many versions of us fighting so many different things. But the source... It's not done with us yet, Guardians.

Peter: Yeah, well let's just keep our eyes open and our mouths shut from now on.

Mantis: The fog entity has retreated, for now. There is no immediate risk.

Rocket: Yeah, no offense, Bug Lady, but nothing you say means anything anymore.

Gamora: So the fog is an entity now?

Mantis: Yes! Sort of.

Rocket: Ugh.

Mantis: Don't be frustrated, Little Fuzzy. We're all still alive. That's super rare!

Peter: Obviously if some fog monster's trying to kill us, it means we're getting closer to... whatever it is we're looking for.

Gamora: That kind of makes sense?

Peter: And, if this fog monster can make bad things appear, maybe the opposite is true! Like, if we all say "cure Drax" , maybe that's what we've been looking for the whole time!

Mantis: I wish, Star-Guy. But no.

Rocket: The one time she gives a definite answer.




Mantis: Ooo, do you feel that? We're soooo close!

Y/n: Good then we can get Drax back to the way he was and get out of here.

Rocket: You finally figure out what we're here for?

Mantis: No way! But I do know it won't be easy. Especially for you!

Gamora: Let me guess, further down?

Mantis: Only if you want to save Drax. And the whole galaxy!

Y/n: You sure I can't just punch him harder? I was holding back before.

Mantis: Sadly not Wolf guy.

Y/n: (sigh) The things I do for people that are like family to me.

They all slide down into a room with a face in the wall.

Mantis: Hmmm, I don't remember this part--

Rocket: OK, ok, look guys... I appreciate what you all did for me back there. With the water thing. But following the bug lady any deeper is OFFICIALLY STUPID.

Peter: Rocket--

Rocket: NO! Fog monster!? Cave pigs!? WET WATERFALLS!

Y/n: Technically, all waterfalls--

Rocket: NO! No Y/n. She doesn't know where we are! She doesn't know where we're going! She doesn't know what we're looking for!

Gamora: Mantis, are we hot or cold?

Mantis: Room temperature?

Rocket:(groans in disgust)

Peter: OK, OK. This is crazy. (whispers) She is probably crazy. (out loud) But it's not about her. It's about US. And I am super proud of us. Because we have never gone this far for anything before.

Mantis: Aw! This is the one where you inspire them!

Peter: Just think about who we were when we started.

Rocket: Uh, well you were a two-bit broke pirate who couldn't even outrun a tree.

Peter: Exactly! And you were a two-bit bounty hunter. Just as broke as me. Just as depraved. self-centered, mindlessly chasing every unit, bar, contract, bank to rob--

Rocket: I still like many of those things.

Peter: So do I! But none of those things are why we're here now right? You're down here kicking ass for Drax. Not Drax the Destroyer, not Drax, the rampaging criminal, Drax, man, our friend. And Gamora? You've gone to the ends of the galaxy to hurt people, to hurt people, to get revenge in what I can only assume are excruciatingly painful ways. But doesn't this feel kinda good? Going this far to help someone you care about? It feels so good! And Groot...

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: He says you don't have to--

Peter: No, no. I do! Because we all need to learn something from you, man. You never complain.Or, if you do. I don't catch it, but I'm pretty sure you probably, definitely don't! You're always there for us And that's what this is about. Us. Growing together as a team. Following a crazy lady into a death cave because one of us needs help. Because we ARE a team. HELL, Like Y/n said we're a family! We're the flarking Guarding of the Galaxy!

Mantis: Yay!

Y/n: Really great speech old man to bad we now have to fight our copies.

The fighting starts.

Y/n starts fighting himself.

Y/n: Would this count as Hitting myself?

Peter:Ha! I think so.

Mantis: It's the face you have to blow up the Face from the inside. Little Funny, NOW is the time for explosions!

Rocket: You want me to blow something up, find me an entry point!

Peter: Rocket. If we just blow this statue from the inside--

Rocket: That opening's filled with water, Quill! Find me another way in!

Y/n: Rocket! Over here!

Rocket: Nice! I can get in there!

Peter: Okay! So let's blow this thing to hell!

Gamora: Don't know how much longer I can hold us off, Peter!

Y/n: Don't give up yet Gamora! Just a little bit longer!

 Rocket blows up the first half of the face but the fog is still coming out.

Rocket: There! How was that?!

Peter: Did it work!? Feels like it should've worked!

Gamora: Then why are we still fighting them!? Us!? Them!

Mantis: The source is half destroyed! Little Fuzzy must finish the job!

Rocket: Ah, flark! Guess I didn't get deep enough! Find me another entry point.

Y/n: We don't have time to find another one! You have to get wet Rocket!

Rocket: No! You know I can't Y/n!

Peter: Rocket!

Rocket: No! Keep shooting! It's gotta end sometime!

They keep fighting and out of no where Groot is out cold and starts floating.


Gamora: Mantis!?

Rocket: Oh, no. NO. NOOOO!

Mantis: The only way to save him is to destroy the source of your other selves!

Rocket: WHAT!?

Peter: The statue! We gotta nuke the statue!

Mantis: It will never end, Little Fuzzy. They will keep fighting until the source is completely destroyed!

Rocket: I can't! You know I can't!

Mantis: I know that you can! You have to! Listen to me. There is no other way!

Peter: Seriously, Rocket! You need to blast it from the inside!

Gamora: Please, Rocket!

Rocket: NO! I'd rather die shooting then die drowning!

Y/n: What about not dying!

Rocket: I'm sorry, okay?! I just can't!

Y/n: Do not be sorry be better!

Gamora: Y/n! Help!

Gamora starts floating


Mantis: Little Fuzzy, please!

Rocket: What!? THIS ISN'T MY FAULT!

Y/n: Old man Lets fight Back to back!

Peter: You got it!

Father and son stand back to back fighting off their copies but they start to slowly losing the fight as more and more start coming.

Peter: Okay, look Rocket, I know you--

Rocket: Shut up, Quill! I know what I gotta do and I'm just gonna... I'm gonna suck it up and do it!

Y/n: You got this Rocket! If you are brave enough to start! You are strong enough to finish!

Rocket blows up the face and Peter uses his gun to pull the rest out from the wall. The fog starts going away. Groot lands back down and Y/n catches Gamora.

Gamora:(heaving breathing)

Y/n: It's okay I got you. It's over.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: (coughing)

Peter: Rocket?

Rocket: Check it out! (coughs) Still not dead!

Gamora who is still in Y/n's arms

Gamora: I can't believe you did that for us. Are you gonna put me down anytime soon Y/n?

Y/n: (sigh) I guess.

Y/n let's Gamora get out of his arms

Rocket: Hey, a friend needed help... A bunch of them.

Peter: Rocket, man...

Rocket: Can we please just save Drax already?

They walk up to the hole.

Mantis: Warm. Very, very warm.

Gamora: I think she wants up to jump in the hole.

Mantis: I may not know what we're looking for, but I know it's down there.

Rocket: OK, so let's finish this, cause I sure as flark didn't get all wet for nothing.

They all jump down the hole and slide down it.

Mantis: We need to hurry! I can feel the Matriarch's lies getting bolder in Green Meanie's mind! Oh, yes! This is the place! I was pretty sure we'd find it somewhere down here.

Rocket: Now you know what we're looking for?

Mantis: Something sad and sulking, licking lingering wounds. (laughs) if it's here.

Rocket: She's totally gonna feed us to something awful down here, I know it.

Gamora: Should we expect a fight?

Y/n: I'm thinking yes.

Mantis: Probably. You guys aren't very good at the whole de-escalation thing.

Peter: Mantis has been right so far.

Rocket: About what? Finding swamp-water in the stinking cave of doom? Yeah. Bug lady got that part right.

Mantis: Thanks.

Gamora: The Priests of Pama settled Lamentis for a reason. This is a place of healing.

Mantis: Uh-huh. Spiritual healing!

Gamora: Drax would have taken us right back to sacrosanct if Mantis hadn't seen it coming.

Peter: Exactly. We can trust her.

Mantis: That's not always true, but this time? Yes. I think I'm one of the good ones.

Gamora: Mantis, are you sure you can't just tell us what to expect?

Mantis: Oh no. Every time I do, this goes very, very badly. Trust me. I think I know what I'm doing.

Gamora: And what are you doing?

Mantis: Navigating the sea of possibilities. Oh! I like how that sounds. I should write that down. Anybody have paper?

Y/n: No.

Gamora: No

Rocket: Naw.

Groot: I am Groot.

Mantis: We're here... Home of the healing light. Source of the cure. Origin of Raker's power.

Gamora: It's... a cocoon?

Rocket: Told ya she was gonna feed us to some giant bug! Or maybe she's the bug and that's... some kind of... external digestion sac or something.

Mantis:(small giggle)

Peter: You realize this  is weird, right?

Y/n: Oh, now you think this is weird.

Mantis: Oh, it gets weirder!

Y/n: Of course it dose.

Peter steps on something.

Peter: Ugh. Gross... Please tell me Drax is the only one who's gotta go in that creepy egg sac.

???: So, the shepherd's found fresh flock.

??? comes from behind Peter and ??? hits peter away

Y/n: Old man!

Gamora tries fighting ??? But ??? disarms her and throws her sword at Rocket but Groot stops it with his arm.

Stranger: Foolish followers--

Groot hold the Stranger in place.

Rocket: Think fast, beard-butt!

Rocket throws a bomb at the Stranger but the Stranger caught it and crushes it like it was nothing.

Rocket: How the...

Stranger: You know not the gravity of your treacherous trespass.

Peter shoots the Stranger in the back and starts fighting the Stranger again Then Gamora joins in hitting the Stranger with some kicks Groot then hold the Stranger back and Y/n joins in and hits the stranger with some body punches and then a punch to the face that pushes the stranger back some and out of Groot's hold. The Stranger wipes some blood off his lip.

Stranger: You Dare make a God bleed!

Gamora goes to hit The Stranger but gets kicked away by the Stranger, Peter goes in for a hit but gets picked up by his neck and slammed into the ground The Stranger holding Peter down into the ground so he couldn't move.

Stranger: Prepare for oblivion, interloper.

But before The Stranger could do anything else to Peter, Y/n comes over and Kicks the Stranger off Peter. The stranger gets up.

Stranger: Who are you? Unlike the rest of them I can feel your Hits.

Y/n: That names Y/n And if you want to hurt them you are gonna have to get through me first.

Mantis: Oh! It's this one! Okay, Green Meanie: You're up! Wolf Guy let Green Meanie handle this.

Mantis let's go of Drax

Y/n: Fine.

Y/n moves out of the way not before helping Peter up.

Drax:(heavy breathing)

Magus: Found yoooooou...

Drax runs at The stranger and Drax gets some hits in before the Stranger catches Drax's hand's stopping him from hitting him and looked at Drax seeing the purple glow around his head.

Stranger: What wayward wickedness is this?

Mantis gets back on Drax's back and gets him back under her control.

Mantis: Nasty uglies from that busted noggin of yours. It's okay, guys! It's him. Aaron Witchcraft! No. Wait. Aiden Warsock? Ashley Warsaw?

Gamora: Adam Warlock?

Mantis: That's it! The golden god guy!

Peter: Hold on, this guy's Raker's old divine whatever?

Rocket: Looks pretty good for a dead guy.

Warlock: Were you not sent by the sanctimonious shepherd?

Peter: Us? With Raker? Not a chance! We're trying to shut his ass down.

Mantis: See?? Friends. Okay, big guy: in we go!  Come on! All the ones where we die already happened.

They all walk into the Cocoon looking thing. It was hard to fit everyone in there so to make it work Gamora had to sit on Y/n's lap and Rocket was gonna let them hear about it later that's for sure.

Peter: (pained grunts) Raker's got half the galaxy going cuckoo bananas. Our friend included.

Rocket: And swapped your ass for a newer, younger, blue-skinned model.

Gamora: So, can you help us? Mantis seems to think you can cure Drax.

Warlock: My heavenly healing is veiled malignance; a first folly I swore never to repeat.

Peter: (groan) Can someone translate this guys?

Y/n: He said no.

Warlock: What protection I can proffer is to remain reclusive. I can't help You should move on.

Y/n: And People like to think you are so much better  then them, so much smarter. Thinking you could help them. And yet you hide out here in a cave.. like a coward.

Peter: Son!

Y/n: What? You know I'm right!

Mantis: Not this time, Goldie. The pieces need to go back together. We just gotta get you all closer to the puzzle.

Peter: And-that-would-beeeeee...?

Mantis: In here, of course!

Mantis points to Drax's head and one by one everybody starts to pass out.




A/n: That's the end of the chapter. Hope you guys liked it. Until next time Have a good day/night.

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