Spyro x Stealth Elf: I'm just...

Oleh ArkaticTheLost

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Everything was going as normal when suddenly old feelings come out(as they do when a story demands it). Spyro... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Didn't see you there
Chapter 3: I just want to be sure
Chapter 4: Just a walk
Chapter 5: I'm just your friend right

Chapter 2: Not this again

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Oleh ArkaticTheLost

Hello once again. I'm still here, as you can see. At first, I was skeptical about starting this new story, but then I started to see it less as a project, and more as a nice way to keep writing. Having had writer's block for a few months, It's probably a good idea to just make a nice, hopefully funny, romance story. And as for now, people seem to enjoy this. So yeah...here's another chapter.

"Not this again," Eruptor said, facepalming. Well, as much as someone could with a round ball as a hand.

"What?!" Spyro exclaimed as if he was being antagonized.

"Oh, you know what!" Eruptor yelled the built-up frustration painfully clear in his voice and face.

"Seriously dude, I have no idea. Jeez, you're so hostile today. Did you remember to eat breakfast?"

"Oh no, you don't! You don't get to distract me with food this time."

"Well, it usually works," Spyro said, with the same tone as someone getting caught in a lie, they had been using for weeks to skip school.

"I'm sick and tired of you keeping doing this. This happens at least once or twice, every...year."

"Hey, it's closer to being at least once every eighteenth month."

"So now you can do math, but not when you were supposed to help me with my test last week," Eruptor grumbled with resentful resignation, making sure Spyro could still hear him.

"You know I can't control when this amazing brain of mind decides to reveal its wisdom to me," Spyro said while raising his head in the air, trying to form something majestic around him.

"Fine, fine, I will forgive you for that-"

"Forgive?" He said repulsed. Eruptor continued, deciding it is just better to ignore it.

"-If, and only if, you for the love of the Skylands...get down from the ceiling!!!" Eruptor shouted up at the ceiling, where Spyro was sitting on top of a wooden beam.

He looked around, seemingly contemplating. Eruptor stood and waited patiently, which took every fiber of his being. Finally, Spyro seemed to have found the answer, and once again looked down at his friend.

"...No..." He said with a completely cold face.

Eruptor couldn't help but let out a desperate whelp, before sighing in defeat.

"Ffffiiiinnneee...you win. I give up!" He then walked over to the sofa and sat down with his arms crossed, like a parent with a disobedient child.

"And that's another win for Spyro," He commented with a self-righteous tone, before high fiving himself. Eruptor continued to look up at him with silent disdain.

"Will you at least tell me why you're up there? Before you start jabbering on like a depressed artist." He said, with curiosity hidden in his cold words.

Spyro nervously looked down on his friend, trying to find something to say.

"W-why should I have a reason? Can't I be allowed to sit on a beam in my house?"

"Our house."

"Yeah, that was what I said," Spyro said, dismissing Eruptor, who was starting to wonder how long his friend's charade was going to last.

"Is it so hard to imagine that I just like sitting here? Trust me, if there was something wrong, I would tell you."

As if the universe itself was listening on, a door swung open, and through walked Stealth Elf. She was heading towards the front door. The moment Eruptor had looked at who had walked in and then looked back up at the ceiling, Spyro had managed to push himself into the corner between the beam and the roof. He was mushed between the two, like a rat hiding in the kitchen. Before Stealth Elf reached the door, she turned around to the sofa.

"Oh, hey Eruptor!" She said, genuinely surprised. "Weren't you supposed to be at your anger management meeting?"

"Hey Elfie," Eruptor said, with a clearly tired voice. "Yes, I'm supposed to be at my meeting, but I'm a little...-" He threw a quick and deadly glance at Spyro. "-...occupied, at the moment."

Stealth elf looked concerned, but it seemed she was in too much in a hurry, to get involved with whatever was going on with her friend at the moment.

"Oookkaayy...well, I have to get going. See you later, and remember not to burn the house down while I'm gone!" She said as a playful quip. Eruptor fired back with his own.

"Oh, I will certainly try! Hoh ho, I certainly will." It was hard to tell if it was a quip, with the sarcastic laughing, and a psychotic smile on his face, which Spyro couldn't help but observe with intense fear. Stealth elf was now certain she didn't want to deal with any of that and got ready to walk out of the door. But right before she walked out, she turned back to Eruptor.

"And also, have you seen Spyro anywhere? I was sure I could hear him in his room, but when I went up to check, there wasnøt a trace of him!"

"Uhm..." Eruptor looked up at Spyro again, who was in a panic, shaking his head left to right continuously, so much so that small droplets of sweat flew around him. Eruptor looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a judging look, before sighing, and turning his gaze back at Stealth elf.

"No, I haven't seen him."

She didn't seem too convinced and squinted her eyes at him.

"You're absolutely sure?"

"Yep!" he answered, without a single hint of enthusiasm.

She kept squinting at him, even while closing the door.

"Alright...see you later." She slowly kept closing the door. When it was finally close, and her footsteps slowly faded away, Spyro curled out from his corner, and like a bag of jelly, he slithered down the side of the beam, finally landing on the floor in front of Eruptor, with a surprisingly low thump. Eruptor in turn did not look very impressed. Spyro laid flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling and his beam, in silence. His friend looked down on him, first with scorn, but which soon turned to pitty. He eventually broke the silence in the room.

"Dude, I think you have a problem."

When Spyro didn't answer, he shrugged and stood up, before walking towards the front door. But while passing Spyro, he took a small paper card and dropped it on the floor. Where he had it on him, no one knows. Spyro picked up the card and inspected it with dreaded curiosity.

"Go and set up a meeting with the person on the card. I think they can help you get back to your senses." Spyro looked at Eruptor, as he went through the door, closing it behind him. Spyro started at the door, before turning his attention back at the card.

"Well...I'm sure it won't be that bad."

"I was wrong..." Spyro said with a hint of frustration and despair. He was sitting inside the academy, on an antique sofa, with Hugo sitting opposite of him. he was holding a notepad, switching between flipping the pages and scribbling down notes. Spyro was trying out different ways to express his impatience. He was already done with tapping his claws and instead tried to figure out something to do with his legs.

"So when did this begin." Hugo suddenly asked, making Spyro jump a bit.

"Uhm...I guess it started yesterday."

Hugo scribbled something down, which Spyro glanced at with nervousness he couldn't find the source of.

"And has this happened before?" He continued to ask, with a calm, serene aura that was more intimidating, rather than calming.

"Well, yeah...or wait, technically no," Spyro awkwardly explained, already feeling all his secrets slowly dripping down his tongue. Hugo in turn looked up from his notepad and looked at Spyro with one eyebrow raised.

"Elaborate." He calmly asked.

Spyro skittishly looked around the room, trying to keep his eyes away from Hugo, before answering him.

"This has happened before...several times..." As he kept talking, his voice got lower and lower. "...in under a decade...yearly...with varying intensity." He said the last part while leaning back, and with closed eyes, as he was preparing for an explosion.

The explosion didn't happen, and instead, Hugo clicked his pen and again started scribbling down words on his notes. Spyro still wasn't entirely calmed down and kept his wings around him like a shield.

"And, can you recall the causality for these events?"

"Well...I can remember some of them, so...maybe?" he answered his voice muffled by his wings.

"Why don't you try going through one, point from point. Then we can see if we can make any sense of them." Hugo said, sounding like he was feeling both deep concern and utter apathy.

"Okay, I will try," Spyro answered, before clearing his throat as if preparing to speak in front of a crowd. He also unfolded himself from his wongs.

"So there was the time for at least...three years back, where I was playing sheep ball with some of my friends. My team was winning, as it would with me on the team, and everything going fine. Then I was tackled on the ground by one of the other players. Before I knew it, was laying on the ground, covered in dirt. But before I managed to get up on my own, Stealth elf came over to me and offered me her hand. That was when this feeling hit me like a truck. It was like I was burning up inside, and my mind was yelling at itself."

"What did you do then?"

"Oh, I did the only logical thing to do...which was running away and hiding from everyone the rest of the day."

"Noted," Hugo said, with raised eyebrows.

"There was also this other time, long after the sheep ball incident. I was sitting in class, while we were taking an exam. I was doing my best, as I always do, and was totally going to get an A on the test. But then I dropped my pencil, and before I could get it myself, Stealth elf had already picked it up and handed it to me. She then smiled at me, this really warm smile, and the feeling came back!"

"And what did you do that time?"

"I said thank you, raised my hand, and asked to go to the bathroom. I was sure that they would let me go, so I flew away and hid."

"Again?" Hugo asked, as if not entirely sure he had heard right.

"Yeah, and I even asked if I could be allowed to finish my test. But they said no, which I personally found very demeaning to my character."

"Yes...right. Now, can you tell me about the latest incident?"

"Sure. I was meeting with Stealth elf to have a...Uhm...dual, yeah that sound right, where we would throw sheep at each other, I'm sure you know about it."

"Of course, it's an old tradition in this academy. I did it a lot when I was young." Hugo's face then became blank, and he stared out at a window, without looking at anything particular.

"Never again..." He said quietly, practically whispering. He continued to stare out the window in silence. Spyro wanted to say something but was scared that if he interrupted Hugo's silence, that something very horrific would happen to him.

Hugo then suddenly returned to how he sat before, now with a warm smile.

"Now, why don't continue."

"S-sure...So, we were having an epic battle against each other, as friends do, when I started losing. Don't ask me how that could happen."

"I wasn't going to."

"Then we ended up at a point where Stealth elf was sitting on top of me, begging me to surrender. I was going to because I'm a good friend. Suddenly, I looked up, into her eyes, and the feeling was back. But this time, it was stronger. I felt stuck like a broken machine, and couldn't do, or say anything! It was only when she moved away, that I could manage to run away."

Spyro looked at Hugo like a lost puppy, while he was writing in his notes, with a strangely jolly smile."

"Whew, glad we cleared that up!" He said with a relieved chuckle.

"Cleared what up?" Spyro asked, feeling like there was something he was missing.

"Well, I'm sure that now you've recounted these experiences, that you can clearly see what has been causing these...feelings," Hugo answered, ending with a suggestive wink.

Spyro just stared blankly at him, like a wooden doll.

" I have no idea what you're talking about," He said, now also talking as lively as a doll.

"Heh heh...you kidding me, right?" Hugo asked, with his chuckle sounding much more concerned.

Spyro slowly shook his head, trying to figure out if he was being tested. Hugo kept up the friendly facade for a moment before his face fell into despair. He looked down at the ground in total defeat.

"I can't believe I wasted my life getting a master's degree to deal with stuff like this. *Sigh* no wonder my parents are disappointed with me."

"What was that about parents?"

"Nothing!" Hugo hysterically deflected, having apparently forgotten that Spyro was right in front of him. He then coughed and got ready to explain the situation to Spyro.

"So...I would that guess that, how do I explain...you like Stealth elf."

"Of course I do, she's my friend."

"No, I mean...you really, like Stealth elf."

"Yeah, she's my best friend."

"No! I...UGH!" Hugo, while frustrated, slammed his notepad into his forehead, wondering whether Spyro was just willfully ignorant, or just stupid. He then slowly breathed in, and out again, and collected himself.

"Spyro, my guess is that...you have a crush on Stealth elf."

"WHAT!" Spyro exclaimed, the words feeling like punches in his gut.

"Now, that's just my opinion, and that doesn't mean-"

"You're wrong! She's just my friend!" He said. He was for some reason feeling anger, coming from somewhere he didn't even know.

"I'm not saying that not the case, but it looks like that you, perhaps have been suppressing your emotions. Especially the ones for her, so-"

"No!" Spyro said, trying to gather as much authority in his voice as he could muster."

"You're wrong. And you know what, I'm going to prove it. Just watch me!" Spyro sprang down from the sofa and ran towards the exit while spreading his wings. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he knew that no matter what, he would prove Hugo wrong. Who at the moment, was frantically running after him.

"WAIT! I'm not sure what you're going to do, but I think you're not ready to deal with-aaaaannnndddd he's gone."

Yeah, another chapter is done. And look, I got lines now ^. Now, I want to make sure that the chapters continue to be at least the same quality if they can't manage to be better. So if you think there's anything that I can improve, then just write it down, so I can see the feedback. Hope you will be watching out for the next chapter. Goodbye.

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