Chapter 2: Not this again

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Hello once again. I'm still here, as you can see. At first, I was skeptical about starting this new story, but then I started to see it less as a project, and more as a nice way to keep writing. Having had writer's block for a few months, It's probably a good idea to just make a nice, hopefully funny, romance story. And as for now, people seem to enjoy this. So's another chapter.

"Not this again," Eruptor said, facepalming. Well, as much as someone could with a round ball as a hand.

"What?!" Spyro exclaimed as if he was being antagonized.

"Oh, you know what!" Eruptor yelled the built-up frustration painfully clear in his voice and face.

"Seriously dude, I have no idea. Jeez, you're so hostile today. Did you remember to eat breakfast?"

"Oh no, you don't! You don't get to distract me with food this time."

"Well, it usually works," Spyro said, with the same tone as someone getting caught in a lie, they had been using for weeks to skip school.

"I'm sick and tired of you keeping doing this. This happens at least once or twice, every...year."

"Hey, it's closer to being at least once every eighteenth month."

"So now you can do math, but not when you were supposed to help me with my test last week," Eruptor grumbled with resentful resignation, making sure Spyro could still hear him.

"You know I can't control when this amazing brain of mind decides to reveal its wisdom to me," Spyro said while raising his head in the air, trying to form something majestic around him.

"Fine, fine, I will forgive you for that-"

"Forgive?" He said repulsed. Eruptor continued, deciding it is just better to ignore it.

"-If, and only if, you for the love of the Skylands...get down from the ceiling!!!" Eruptor shouted up at the ceiling, where Spyro was sitting on top of a wooden beam.

He looked around, seemingly contemplating. Eruptor stood and waited patiently, which took every fiber of his being. Finally, Spyro seemed to have found the answer, and once again looked down at his friend.

"...No..." He said with a completely cold face.

Eruptor couldn't help but let out a desperate whelp, before sighing in defeat.

" win. I give up!" He then walked over to the sofa and sat down with his arms crossed, like a parent with a disobedient child.

"And that's another win for Spyro," He commented with a self-righteous tone, before high fiving himself. Eruptor continued to look up at him with silent disdain.

"Will you at least tell me why you're up there? Before you start jabbering on like a depressed artist." He said, with curiosity hidden in his cold words.

Spyro nervously looked down on his friend, trying to find something to say.

"W-why should I have a reason? Can't I be allowed to sit on a beam in my house?"

"Our house."

"Yeah, that was what I said," Spyro said, dismissing Eruptor, who was starting to wonder how long his friend's charade was going to last.

"Is it so hard to imagine that I just like sitting here? Trust me, if there was something wrong, I would tell you."

As if the universe itself was listening on, a door swung open, and through walked Stealth Elf. She was heading towards the front door. The moment Eruptor had looked at who had walked in and then looked back up at the ceiling, Spyro had managed to push himself into the corner between the beam and the roof. He was mushed between the two, like a rat hiding in the kitchen. Before Stealth Elf reached the door, she turned around to the sofa.

Spyro x Stealth Elf: I'm just your friend right?Where stories live. Discover now