Chapter 4: Just a walk

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Oh hello there. I'm back once again, and so are you. For anyone who cared, the exams went fairly well, so...*confetti* yeah. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

"I could've done a lot worse," Spyro muttered to himself, reassuringly. He was sitting by himself on his favorite thinking rock, looking at the blue sky. It was one of the only things he said, as he otherwise sat in silence.

He was wondering to himself what he exactly was doing. If this meeting would lead to something more, or if it would just be nothing more than a friendly walk, forgotten to the both of them after a few days. He was also wondering if he was going to go through with it. He knew he couldn't just abandon her after telling them to meet, but at the same time...he was scared. Scared that he was about to lose his best friend. He didn't care about how this walk was going to end, only as long as no matter what, she would still be his friend. So he could still be close to her.

Other thoughts started to arise, and he was further questioning his decision to meet with Stealth elf. Does he actually like Stealth elf, or is this whole thing something he's doing, because everyone else tells him that this is what he should do. He knew he wouldn't normally do something as brazen as this(at least not when it comes to feelings. Every other situation is free game) if there wasn't something going on with him, compelling him to do it. He just wasn't sure. And that was the worst part of all.

Luckily he would very soon find himself interrupted when a familiar voice called out to him.

"Sooo...what are you thinking about?"

Spyro managed for once not to fall on the ground, though it required a lot of hectic movements. When he finally settled down he let out a short sigh of relief, before noticing Stealth elf, who was sitting with legs crossed on another rock next to his, staring at him. He quickly remembered she had asked him a question.

"Oh just, heroic stuff you know. Like being caught in a crossroad, not knowing what to do. But deciding to sacrifice oneself for the greater good." Spyro explained, imitating what he perceived as someone sounding noble, with dramatic gestures thrown in there just in case.

"Wow...would that include by any chance?" Stealth elf asked, with a sarcastic tone, that was very baldy hidden.

"Well, I wouldn't want to brack but, I'm a deeply conflicted person."

"I'm sure you are."

"Trust me, you have no idea what conflicts hunt my very soul." Spyro dramatically exclaimed, sliding down the back of the rock, with an edgy expression on his face.

"Sorry for not recognizing the look of a true martyr." Stealth elf answered back, just as dramatic as him, and with no attempts at hiding her obvious sarcasm. She then sat up from the rock and walked over to Spyro.

"So, was there something about a walk?" She curiously asked him.

Spyro's face lit up, as he recollected the reason he was seven here.

"Oh yeah, the walk." He got up from the ground, facing Stealth elf.

"I didn't...really plan anything."

"Then why even meet?" Stealth elf jokingly asked, but there was a suggestion of uncertainty in her voice.

Spyro looked around nervously, trying to find the best words to express his conflict. Without actually saying what's going on, naturally.

"I thought we could...I could...figure things out." The last words sounded meek and fragile, a far cry from what usually spills from Spyro's confidence-filled mouth. Stealth elf in turn looked at him, as if trying to figure out something, that she still didn't know needed to be figured out

Spyro x Stealth Elf: I'm just your friend right?Where stories live. Discover now