Chapter 1: Didn't see you there

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Here's a warning: I'm just going to rabble about some things at the start of each chapter, so if you don't want me to waste your time, just go directly to the actual chapter.

*Cough* So...I have been here before. The notable change was that this time the official content was able to give me some inspiration, while the fan content left me dry. Usually, it's supposed to be the other way around. Usually. But when someone is as desperate as I am and goes down rabbit holes such as these, I must accept that I must add something of my own, and try not to freeload on the content and creativity of others, to get my fix. I must use whatever mediocre writing skills I have, to see if I can handle the responsibility to write pieces of fanfiction and shipping. Oh yeah, this is a Spyro x Stealth elf story, for those who didn't read the description. Don't ask how I came to care about this ship after three years of the show's cancelation. Especially when it is one so unknown, or just underrepresented. But who am I to dictate why anything happens? So I hope you will enjoy this ride, however shallow or short it might be.

P.S I don't enjoy any of the Skylanders characters or settings. Shocking, I know.

P.S.S The Teen rating isn't specifically because it's going to be edgier than the show, I just like the creative freedom it can give me.


Spyro was walking merrily down the stone path to the academy. He didn't even have time to react before he saw something white fly towards him at a worrying speed. As he was lifted from the ground and into the air, he started to wonder if he was still dreaming. He quickly dismissed that notion when the hard ground hit his back, with a very hard bump.

He only saw white for a while, before hearing a loud "BAAHH" and then feeling something with small legs walk off him. He could now clearly see the clear blue sky. There were also a few stars, but he realized they weren't real, and shook his head.

"I knew I should have stayed in bed," he said, with a heavy sigh, as if hoping someone would come and comfort him. As if just called upon, Stealth elf teleported beside him.

"Oh Stealth elf...didn't see you there," Spyro said with a slightly judging tone.

"Sorry!" Stealth elf answered with a wincing expression. "I thought you would be more prepared by now. I've been doing this for a week straight. You're usually-"

"Amazing, Incredible, fantastic-" Spyro fired out while getting up from the ground.

"Handsome?" He finished while standing in front of Stealth elf with a smug smile, making a wink at her. Stealth elf stared at him with a tired expression, as if she had to go through this routine every single day. Though it was closer to once or twice every week.

"-faster. I was going to say faster." She said, turning around and walking over to the academy building.

"Suit yourself," Spyro said back with a carefree attitude. When he realized she's walking away, he followed suit and started flying beside her.

"Also, I'm just tired this morning. Trust me, if I had been at full energy, I would easily have caught that sheep. You just caught me at a bad time, that's all."

Stealth elf rolled her eyes and said in an annoyed voice;

"Whatever you say."

They continued on their way when Spyro suddenly remembered something.

"Now that I think about it, you still haven't explained why you're throwing sheep at me."

"Oh yeah, I thought you would have asked after the third time. I was just waiting for you to challenge me to a friendly little, sheep dual." She explained with a mischievous smile.

Spyro x Stealth Elf: I'm just your friend right?Where stories live. Discover now