Chapter 5: I'm just your friend right

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Back again, down the same old road.

"You know, I usually enjoy a good walk now and then. What about you?" Spyro innocently asked, hoping to bring the mood of their two-person group up.

"Yeah, me too. But only when I'm not forced to walk through a dark, dangerous forest looking for an old book. And especially not when my sleep is interrupted, so I can be told that I have to go and do that." Stealth elf answered, having been less than thrilled about their situation. A feeling that only continued to grow, as they continued deeper and deeper into the forest.

Spyro tried and failed at finding something else to say, so they once again continued to walk in silence.

Okay, think Spyro. She has been acting like this since we left. I was on board regarding the silent contempt at having to do this, but now this has been going on a little too long. Maybe there is something else that's bugging her. Come on, I'm her best friend! I should be able to figure out what it is. Come on, maybe it about-no not that...worry? Yeah, that makes sense. Wait, why would she be worried?

Once the thought had come, it wouldn't go away. Spyro kept on wondering, now keeping a closer eye on Stealth elf's behavior. Much to her dismay. When the night finally came, they sat up a small camp, with a campfire. The two slept far apart, and continue don in silence. In the morning, they continued onwards. They continued like that for two days, before Spyro couldn't handle it anymore.

The trees were beginning to look the same, and it felt like they were walking in circles, He thought if they didn't start talking again, then they would eventually go mad from it all. So that night, when they once again had prepared a campsite and were about to sleep through the night, Spyro interrupted their silent ritual.

"Sooo...I have just been noticing that you seem rather...tense." He carefully explained as he felt like he was walking on a rather thin line. Stealth elf in eyed him with narrowed eyes.

"And as your best friend, I feel like it's my responsibility to ask what's wrong."

"Oh, you're asking ME what's wrong?!" Stealth elf blurted out, barely able to contain all the frustrations she's been building up since they left on their journey. Spyro was already starting to regret his decision, right as Stealth elf stood up, and walked a few steps closer to him.

"What about you?! Everything was normal until that day you dashed away out of nowhere, and then avoided me for the rest of the day! And when I finally see you, it's when you just appear behind me without any explanation-"

"I actually had a good reason for that." Spyro quietly added, wishing he could just learn to shut up.

"And then you just ask me to go out with you on a walk!" Spyro couldn't help but notice that she started blushing when she said that but he managed to keep his mouth closed.

"And, and..." It seemed that she finally managed to calm herself. With a pained sigh, she slid down on the ground, sitting with her legs crossed in front of Spyro, both at eye level with each other.

"I'm sorry it's just...I'm worried about why you're acting so weird around me, and I would just like to know what's going on with you." She explained, in a tired, and sad tone.

Spyro had to process all of this for a moment. He had known he was acting weird, but he had completely forgotten what it must have looked like to her.

"You're right. deserve to know what's happening with me."

Stealth elf let out a sigh of relief, and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you! That's just what I want to know."

Spyro x Stealth Elf: I'm just your friend right?Where stories live. Discover now