being human // metal sonic x...

By xcherricutie

7.3K 358 496

sequel to 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘺𝘰𝘢, my other wattpad story. I recommend reading that one first. It's Y/n L/n's 18th bi... More

// part two: untold dangers //
// part three: burning with jealousy //
// part four: trapped //
// part five: the beginning //
// part six: the ark //
// part seven: date crashers //
// part eight: hopeless battles //
// part nine: hopeful escape //
// part ten: rivalry //
// part eleven: tragedy strikes //
// part twelve: premonition //
// part thirteen: game plan //
// part fourteen: hopes fall and rise //
// part fifteen: off to battle //
// part sixteen: confrontation //
// part seventeen: ephemeral //
// part eighteen: human //

// part one: birthday girl //

1.8K 43 76
By xcherricutie

"Happy birthday, dear!" A plate with a pretty pink slice of cake was set down before the h/c girl. Looking from the cake up to her mother, Y/n L/n grinned widely.

"Thanks, mom." Y/n looked down at it, the small flame whipping around in the air as it sat atop the cake.

Sucking in a breath to make her wish, Y/n grit her teeth and growled as familiar slim, metal fingers pinched the fire without worry, extinguishing it.

"It was a danger to you. Please be more careful." Metal Sonic, her robotic friend spoke. Y/n huffed, crossing her arms.

"I was trying to make my wish! Now I can't." She pouted, her lower lip sticking out slightly.

"Wishes are not real, so there was no point." Metal shrugged. Y/n sighed, turning away from the robot.

"Don't be such a Debby Downer, it's just for fun." She crossed her arms, huffing in disappointment.

"It's okay, Y/n. Just eat your cake." Her mother ruffled her hair, moving to sit down next to her. Y/n smiled, looking down at the cake as she quickly began to dig in.

Metal stuck his metallic blue tongue out in disgust as he watched the girl messily eat her cake, crumbs falling everywhere.

"Please stop eating like an animal, it's disgusting..." He said, avoiding eye contact as he handed her a napkin. Y/n glared at him as she snatched it away.

Wiping her mouth clean, she muttered a small "thank you". Stretching out, she smiled as she stood up.

Taking her plate into the kitchen, she began washing her plate. As she scrubbed it, humming to herself, she suddenly heard a soft feminine voice.

"Y/n..." They called out. Y/n whipped her head around, searching for the source. There was nobody around, both Metal and her mother were sitting at the table.

Squinting her eyes for a moment, she sighed, shrugging and turning back to her plate. "Must've been my imagination." She muttered, looking into her reflection on the plate.

Y/n almost looked completely normal, thanks to her friend Tails, a kitsune from another world. After the events taken place a couple years ago, Tails had helped her to appear more human again, covering up her robotic parts.

There were still a few out of place things, such as her heterochromatic eyes, one e/c and one a glowing green. Whenever she'd train with Metal, hoping to have a better hold on her power, her whole body would emit a green aura. She still wasn't entirely human, she never would be again.

Y/n had realized some time ago that she would never be like anyone else. She wasn't like Metal, but she wasn't like her mother, or like Tails and his friends. She was all alone in this. There was no human cyborg out there like her.

It made her sad to know nobody would relate to or understand her, but that was just the way things were. She would just have to suck it up and accept it.

Smiling down at her reflection, Y/n silently chuckled. She was surprised she could even return to her normal life after everything. For a while, she couldn't go to school, she had to take a break and homeschool. Her mother was struggling to even accept that she wasn't dreaming. Y/n could understand that though. This did seem like a dream.

Her mother, M/n, did accept that Y/n was no longer fully human after some time though, and she got used to seeing Metal Sonic around. It took quite a bit of helping her accept it though.

And as for Y/n and Metal Sonic's current relationship, they were somewhat in between a couple and friends. Metal was completely new to the idea of romance, it would of course take him time to adapt. It was still taking him time to adjust to living normally and in a new world.

Y/n was also going through new emotions since becoming a cyborg. She had to take a break from being around society, and she couldn't talk to anyone but Metal and her mother for some time.

Not that there was anyone else for her to talk to. She could go visit Metal Sonic's world as she pleased now, but Metal requested that it only be for trips to have her body worked on.

Y/n sighed through her nose as she thought more and more about her current situation. Sure, she was happy to be able to live as normally as possible again, but she was so scared. She just wanted her old life back.

"Y/n?" A voice called out, startling her. Out of instinct, Y/n snatched up a spoon, jerking her head to the source of the voice and pointing the spoon at them. Metal's eyes widened as he took a step back, surprised.

Y/n blinked, the gears turning in her head as she realized she was glowing slightly. Metal immediately took notice to this as well, reaching out for her.

"What is the matter, Y/n? You seem on edge." He said, placing his metallic hands on her shoulders. Y/n chuckled, tossing the silver spoon into the sink as she looked away from him.

"Ahh, it's nothing, you just startled me. Don't sneak up on me like that and maybe I won't stab you with a spoon." She giggled. Metal smiled slightly, placing a hand on his head.

"Oh, okay. I will try not to do that anymore." He said. Y/n nodded, giving him a soft smile of her own. He seemed so much more... Alive and full of emotions now, compared to when they had first met.

"Well anyway, what was it that you wanted?" She asked.

"It is getting late. Were we still going to go on a walk together?" He asked. He almost had a look similar to that of a begging puppy.

"Of course, Metal. Come on, let's go." She took his hand, leading him out of the kitchen. Metal immediately beamed, following her happily.

Y/n waved goodbye to her mother, telling her that they were going on a walk. The two made their way down to the ocean shore, not too far from where Y/n lived.

The two sat down in the warm sand, just as the sky began to turn from a light blue, into a deep orange color. The sky reflected on the ocean surface, creating a beautiful view.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Y/n commented, smiling as she leaned on Metal's shoulder, pressing against him.

"I guess. It's certainly not as appealing to look at as you are." Metal spoke, making the girl blush. She giggled nervously, gently pushing him away.

"Don't be ridiculous, Metal." She stuck her tongue out at him, Metal simply rolling his eyes. Y/n's eyes drifted back to the setting sun, sighing in content. "This reminds me of when we first met."

"It does?" Metal looked over at her, surprised by her words. Looking towards the sunset, watching its reflection in the waves. He almost melted at the memory, a warm feeling spreading across his chest. "Oh, it is just like when we met..."

"I'm really happy to have met you, Metal. You're my best friend, I can't imagine life without you anymore." Y/n spoke as she looked up at him, a dreamy look in her mismatched eyes.

Metal stared into her eyes, not speaking a word. He wanted more than anything to pull her into a loving kiss, he knew he was in love with her. But he was trying his hardest to take their relationship at a slow and steady pace. Y/n had told him that relationships were hard, and weren't always fun. She didn't want him to end up hurt, or her hurt either.

It took all of Metal's strength to muster a reply instead of just smothering her in all of his loving. Clenching his metal teeth together, he forced a smile for her.

"I can't imagine mine either. You're the best thing to have ever happened to me, Y/n." He said. Y/n visibly blushed at his words, placing her hand on her warm cheek.

"Oh, Metal, you're too sweet..." She muttered. Metal placed a hand on her head, running his slim fingers through her hair. Y/n took his hand, intertwining their fingers.

The two didn't speak a word after that. They often did this, sitting on the beach, watching the ocean, never even uttering a word. There was no need to, they both knew exactly how the other felt. Y/n had never been so deeply in love with someone, it was often hard to express her feelings for him. She was thankful he understood and reciprocated them.

It was very peaceful listening to the ocean, the waves gently splashing against their feet as they laid on the warm sand. Y/n stared up at the stars, feeling herself growing sleepy.

"Metal..?" She called out to him. He hummed, his metallic and monotone voice a very soothing sound. "I love you..."

"I love you too, Y/n." He said quietly. Y/n smiled, snuggling up by his side. He held her close with his arm, relaxing. They very rarely said that to each other. Metal always cherished when they did though. It was a reminder that even if they weren't quite ready to be a couple, their hearts belonged to each other.

Y/n felt her eyelids growing heavy with sleepiness. Staring at the stars, the sounds of the ocean, as well as the warmth radiating from the azure robot by her side, eventually lulled her into a comfortable slumber.

Metal could hear her soft breathing, which had begun to slow down as she slept soundly in his arms. He smiled lightly, as he could only think of how cute she looked.

Lifting the girl up into his arms, he carried her back home. The house was now dark and silent, and it was much later than Metal realized. Quietly walking up the stairs into their bedroom, Metal placed Y/n into her bed.

Pulling the blankets over her, Metal stood at her side, watching her sleep. Metal didn't sleep very often, as he didn't need it. But he absolutely loved sleeping with Y/n, it was the only way he could even do it. He just couldn't seem to fall asleep without her there.

M/n usually didn't allow them to sleep in the same bed, and Metal would usually end up waiting until morning in the living room. But she wouldn't notice if he woke up extra early, would she? Of course not, there's no way.

It didn't take any convincing himself at all to crawl into the soft, warm bed with Y/n. Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her close, closing his eyes. She was much more warm and soft than the mattress below them.

'Y/n is so perfect...' Metal thought to himself, smiling as he slowly fell asleep as well. He was so utterly in love with this girl.

It wasn't long though before Metal was suddenly awoken with a harsh kick. His eyes jerking open, he immediately grew worried. Y/n still slept beside him, but she looked distressed, as if she were having a nightmare.

"Y/n? Are you okay..?" Metal softly spoke, trying to keep his voice down. When she didn't answer, he gently shook her, trying to wake her up. "Y/n, get up!"

There was no answer. Y/n seemed to calm down slightly, relaxing somewhat. Metal frowned, worried. What on Earth could she be dreaming about?

"Y/n, you must come, we need your help." Someone spoke, startling Y/n. She blinked, or so that's what it felt like. She couldn't see. It felt like she was stuck between being awake, and being in a dream. What was going on?

"What is this? I don't understand." Y/n said. The voice spoke again, this time Y/n was able to tell that it was a female.

"It has been incredibly difficult reaching you, this is the best I can do. Our world is in danger, we need your help, please." She said. Her voice echoed all around Y/n. It was almost deafening, it felt painful listening to her.

"Wait, I don't understand. Why do you need my help? Who are you?" Y/n questioned.

"You must hurry, there isn't much time left before they arrive! You must speak to Sonic, please hurry! We need as many heroes as possible, before--" The voice began to cut out, and it sounded almost like radio static. "Please, you must save our world! Hurry!"

The voice had faded completely, only the deafening sound of static was left. Y/n covered her ears, groaning. What was going on?

Suddenly, she jolted upwards, light filling her eyes as she looked around. Metal was standing at her side, holding a glass of water.

"Are you okay? Here, drink this." He handed her the glass, almost pushing it into her hands. Y/n looked up at him for a second, and he could immediately sense the fear in her eyes. "What happened?"

Instead of answering his question, Y/n gulped the water down, taking these few seconds to contemplate on whether or not she should tell him about her dream.

On the one hand, Metal was incredibly strong. Surely he could help her, or even handle the entire situation? But on the other hand, Y/n did not want to put Metal in any danger. Besides, this voice asked her to go to Sonic. Surely the two of them could handle it?

Deciding that she didn't want to tell him right now, she finished her drink, setting the glass down on her nightstand. She gave him a soft smile, taking a deep breath.

"I'm okay. I had a bit of a violent dream. I don't really want to talk about it." She said. Metal frowned. Something didn't seem right. But he didn't want to push her. Standing up straight, Metal smiled as well.

"Very well. Come downstairs for breakfast, your mother is already up getting it ready." Metal said. Y/n nodded, watching as the robot turned and left.

Y/n groaned as she got up, a pain shooting up her back. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to fall asleep on the beach. Getting ready for the day, Y/n quickly made her way downstairs.

Metal was sitting at the dining table, finger intertwined as he waited patiently for Y/n to join him. Plopping down in the chair next to him, Y/n shot a grin at him.

"Good morning, cutie pie." She giggled at her nickname for him. Metal rolled his eyes, his lips twitching into a small smile.

"Good morning, Y/n. How are you now?" He asked. Y/n's eyes watched as her mother set down a plate of French toast in front of her. Thanking her, Y/n immediately dug in, not even bothering with not making a mess.

"I'm great now, thanks for asking!" Y/n spoke, her mouth stuffed. Metal could only cringe at the sight of the messy girl, looking away.

Y/n quickly finished her breakfast and downed a cup of coffee before rushing out of the house. Metal was surprised to see her leaving without even speaking of what she's doing.

"Y/n? Where are you going?" He called as she ran down the beach.

"Town! I'll buy you something, see ya!" She waved to him, smiling brightly. Once she had disappeared into the nearby woods, she slowed to a stop.

Y/n felt terrible for being so secretive, but she absolutely hated the idea of bringing Metal into this. She was strong now, and she had Sonic and his friends with her. She could do whatever it is she was trying to do without Metal.

Now determined, Y/n focused all of her energy into her left hand, watching as it glowed bright green. Releasing the energy, green rays of light surrounded her, blinding her.

The trees around her faded away, her surroundings completely changing. As the light faded, she found herself in front of a familiar house. This was where Sonic and his friends lived together.

It was in the middle of the day thankfully, so she knocked on the door, waiting patiently for an answer. After a moment, the door swung open, a familiar blue hedgehog standing before her.

"Oh! Y/n! It's so nice to see you, come in!" Sonic said, grinning happily as he stepped aside. Walking in, Y/n looked around. It looked to just be Sonic around today.

"Hi, Sonic, it's nice to see you again." Y/n gave him a soft smile, following him as he led her to the sofa.

"So what brings you here today? And where's your boyfriend?" Sonic questioned. Y/n blushed slightly, chuckling nervously.

"Aha, Metal's not my boyfriend. But, that's actually something I kinda want to talk about..." She spoke hesitantly, Sonic instantly noticing her mood shift.

"Is he treating you bad? I knew it, he's a terrible boyfriend, I'll kick his--" Sonic stood up with a fierce determined look in his eyes, but Y/n immediately grabbed him, stopping him.

"No, no, it's not that! Metal's a great friend, he treats me wonderfully. No, you see, there's another problem..." Y/n trailed off, thinking of how to put this without sounding crazy. "I've been hearing this voice in my head lately... Last night, she spoke to me in my sleep. She said something about your world being in danger, and I need to speak with you about it..."

Sonic's brows furrowed as he frowned. He took her hands, squeezing them gently and looking her deep in her eyes. Y/n almost felt worried that he was going to lecture her on how crazy that sounds, but she was pleasantly surprised to see he believed her.

"Y/n, you have to tell me everything." He ordered, looking much more serious now. Y/n swallowed nervously. She hoped she wasn't getting into something too crazy.


word count - 3047

Hi everyone! So, yes, this story is back. A while back, in December of 2021, I started this book. It sat nearly complete, unedited in my drafts for a long time. I never finished or published it for a few reasons. For starters, I had lost interest in Sonic, as it's not my favorite franchise. But because Sonic Frontiers will be releasing next month as of currently, I started replaying my Sonic games, and regained my interest.

I reread this book, and I actually loved it, it had been so long that I couldn't remember any of it, and it was surprisingly interesting, albeit quite repetitive and reused the same ideas a few times. But it was still really good in my opinion.

So, I've decided to finally finish and post it. Because a majority of the story is completed, it'll have regular weekly updates, but don't expect it to be too long. I'm currently on the fifteenth part.

Also, I just binge read this whole story today, so I'm not proofreading or editing it. Sorry. And another thing, if you haven't noticed, I've slightly changed the design of the characters of the previous story. Just making them slightly taller, and giving Metal Sonic a mouth because it was annoying writing a romance with a character who doesn't have one.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story. I honestly loved it, and I hope you do too.

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