changing mr. styles | styles


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"I can't change." he said as she smiled. "Then don't." Sometimes you can't truly change a person. No... Еще

Changing Mr. Styles
- 1 -
- 2 -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
- 11 -
- 12 -
- 13 -
- 14 -
My Little Cookie
Oh Henry!
You Have Harry
She's My Everything
Ice Cream and Duvets?
i'm in Love
Decisions, Decisions
Who is Air?
No More Secrets
'A'nother Problem
Lies, Lies and ooh More Lies
What is This Feeling?
Never Give Up.
Niall the Sailor
Don't Wake Them Up
That's My Harry
My World Now
Over Again
We Need to Talk
Call Me Dead
The Ship That Sails Itself
Praise Jesus
I'm Yours
The Bad Man Said So
Hold Me
So Good Baby
Angelic Creatures
Little Things
No One.
The Taste That Your Lips Allow
Valentine's Day Escapades
Let's Get Physical, Physical
Two Swallows
True Love Will Triumph in The End
She is Love
Forever Isn't Enough
Disapear Forever.
What's New Scooby Doo? .II
Promise Me
The Worst Chapter
Never Give Up
Forbidden Love
Augustus Frost
Okay? Okay.
She's the One
The Moon's Out
Don't Let Me Go
Hope Is Restored
I Think I Just Came
The Journal
It's a Cruel World
Insanity .I
Insanity .II
The Alpha Male
Marry Me
Aria vs. Victoria
No Regrets
You Are the Reason .II
You Are the Reason: II.
You Are the Reason .III
Kitten Love
I'll Always Love You
Our Future
Bad Boys Get Punished .I
My Happy Ending
Baby I
Green Eyed Devil .I
Green Eyed Devil .II
My Little Bird
I Have Genital Herpes
Love is Happiness
The Problem
A Stupid Kind of Love
Home Sweet Home
The Calm After The Storm
Say Hello
This World is Ours

Let's Just Say I Like You. A Lot.

5.3K 98 15

Aria's POV

My day out with Anne served me two things. One: A day to myself with someone who has the same interests as me for once and Two: A day away from the boys which technically checks off ignoring them on my list. I was planning to officially socialize my way through this one and hopefully make some new friends while we're in New York so I can keep myself away from them.

At least I won't be ignoring them purposely... though it is my intent; I'm not going to be lying if I say I'm busy and I have plans. Such as right now. Anne and I were shopping for our Rocky Horror outfits we're going to wear tomorrow night for the show. The idea of wearing one of their crazily themed outfits to see the show sort of kept me pumped throughout today because I knew that tomorrow night I would be dressed quite differently than I normally would and the boys would mostly likely murder me but hey, you gotta live while you're young.

From store to store we went and finally we found appropriate costumes too wear to the show. Anne was going dressed as Janet while I was going to go dressed as one of the maids. Anne suggested it the moment we stepped into the wig store and she looked at my red hair then at the large curly hair wig.

"You sure this will be fine?" I asked Anne as I put the maid dress and it's accessories onto the store counter for it to be paid for. "I'm sure of it! I have some black heels at home you can borrow for the night." Anne said as I nodded and paid. I watched the store clerk put the dress inside, then the little maid hat, the feather duster and the fishnet stockings inside.

"It's a bit slutty don't you think?" I asked her worriedly as she chuckled. "For a young girl your age this shouldn't worry you since you have the body. Heaven knows what Harry would say if I dressed as the maid." Anne said as I chuckled lightly. "Aria this is your body and if you're not comfortable wearing the maid outfit, you can always be another character." Anne explained as I thought it over. Isn't life all about taking risks? If I stay in the safe zone, I'll never really experience what it's like to make mistakes and learn from them! "No I'll be the maid." I nodded with a smile as Anne grinned. "Ok."

After we paid for everything, we stepped out of the store and began the long walk back to the boy's mansion. Our day so far has consisted of breakfast at Starbucks, shopping, lunch break, shopping and now we were making our way home. It's nearly five in the afternoon now and I can only imagine what the boys have been up to while we were gone.

"So, you're helping my boy stay clean?" Anne perked up, smiling at me thankfully as I nodded. "Yup!" I beamed. "How? So many have tried; therapists, Simon, me, but we could never get through to him." Anne sighed sadly. "I think he just needed someone to talk to, not someone to tell him what to do all the time. He learns and develops as he goes and if you force everything upon him at once he could just break and continue to do it." I shrugged.

"Why do you want to help him? You only met him a few months ago and most people who've met him I've seen leave him at his most vulnerable." Anne was skeptical and I understood why from my experience during Harry's more violent and loud natures.

"I guess I understood how he felt. When I was growing up, I had a best friend just like him. He was always out, getting drunk or getting laid and he hurt anyone who would try to hurt me. He hit some people who would bully me or try to hit on me; I guess you could say he was protective of me yet possessive. But i understood why; I was his only friend. I was never the girl to have many friends and go to parties and such. I was very independent and never relied on anyone but myself to accomplish something and I knew who my true friends were, one of them being him. One day, my parents forbade me from seeing him. Said he wasn't a good influence on me and was the reason I turned to be an awkward anti-socialiser unlike my siblings. I was the weird one of the family but i was ok with it. Then one night, my parents told me my best friend died of an over dose." I paused, letting some tears fall from the horrific memory.

"Since then I try to help anyone who could possibly end up like him." I sighed as Anne smiled sadly. "Harry has so much potential and he will succeed so much in life, like he has already. I don't want him to waste away like he did." I told Anne who rubbed my arm comfortingly. "I hope Harry knows how lucky he is to have you. I've never seen him this happy since... Ava left him and I'm just so thankful that he has someone like you as his best friend. You've changed him so much Aria and the boys as well. I can see it in the way they look at you and act around you; like you're too precious to them for you to leave them." Anne chuckled, taking us back to this morning with how over protective the boys were of what I was wearing.

"Yeah... If you don't mind me asking, who is Ava? Harry mentioned her before." I looked to Anne who sighed before shaking her head. "I think Harry should be the one to tell you who Ava is." she said. "but to put it short, Ava is the reason Harry turned into... this animal. But the old Harry is back. I can see it in his eyes." Anne said, looking up at the sky before looking at me. "Are you sure it's Sierra he's dating and not you?" she joked while I blushed and shook my head. "I'm sure Anne. Harry and I are just friends, plus we'd never work out."

Sadly, never in a million years could I see harry and I actually working it out. The sad truth was, I was a princess, a queen to be who will most likely be forced upon different eligible princes sometime in the future to be wed with and Harry is just Harry; a normal person who has millions of girls to choose from over a Princess. Dating a princess meant business and business meant commitment. As far as I know, Harry is scared of commitment, so to save us from heartbreak, let's not start something we can't finish.

"Too bad. No offense but I'd rather you be his girlfriend than sierra. She's a nice girl but not particularly fond of actually getting to know me like you did. But whether you're his girlfriend or not, you're still going to be one of my favorite girls Harry has been with." Anne chuckled as i nodded and chuckled as well. "Oh well thanks Anne."

As the walk continued, Anne and I spoke about a lot of things. How the boys were doing, how Gemma was doing at uni, how Anne gets her garden to look like heaven, my clothing style, good music; stuff you'd normally discuss when getting to know a person. Eventually we arrived at the boy's mansion and luckily it wasn't burnt down, meaning Louis didn't try to cook again.

We buzzed it and the gate opened slightly for us to get it. We closed it behind us before waking our way to the front doors of the large building. Before we even reached the steps, the door was flung open and Niall came running out shirtless with a large water gun in his hand. "HELP MEEE!" He wailed as he hid behind me from Harry who had now ran out, shirtless as well with two small water guns in his hand.

"NIALL I'M GONNA FUCKING GET YOU!" Harry yelled as he aimed at Niall who ducked down. "Oh hey you two are back already?" Harry asked me and Anne as we nodded and stood where we are. "Now put the gun down. No one needs to get hurt." Niall said as he held his arms out from my sides to try and stop Harry. "Yeah don't aim it at me!" I yelled at him as I rolled my eyes. "Oops sorry! Just let me- OI NIALL!" Harry ran back inside, following Niall who had made a run for it.

"See what I have to live with everyday?" i joked as Anne patted my back and ushered me inside. "I gave birth to the curly one love, imagine how I must feel." Anne added as I laughed. "Touche."

We walked in and shut the door behind us. I nearly slipped from the amount f water seeping into the hardwood floors of the mansion. I blinked in disbelief when I saw Louis and zayn sliding on their stomachs down the corridors with Liam holding an umbrella as he tried to dodge Niall and Harry's range of fire.

They better not have gone in my room. "ENOUGH!" I yelled strongly, like I usually would during those god awful mock speech sessions I would do with my siblings and mum. Being a princess, you have to learn how t use your voice in authority and you must do it loud and clear. The boys all paused what they were doing and tuned to me. "Your duty this remaining afternoon is to make sure every inch of this mansion is dry and spotless. Your behavior has gone over the roof and someone could get hurt form what you are doing. I suggest you get started now so you can finish before I'm done cooking dinner for us or else no food for the rest of the night." I told them assertively, looking towards Niall who squeaked. "I'm sorry Nialler but any one of you could have slipped and hurt yourself very severely and if food is a consequence over getting injured then you should take it." i told him. He nodded slowly and sighed.

"Sorry Aria..."

"Sorry babe..."

"Sorry red..."

"Sorry cupcake..."

"Fine I'm sorry. Just because I understand you don't us to get hurt but seriously, no dinner if we don't finish cleaning?"

I sighed and put my hands on my hips. "Then ya'll better quite whining start cleaning then." I raised an eyebrow at the five who bowed their heads in shame and nodded. "Ok." each one of them said before kissing me on the cheek. "Sorry."

I sighed and turned to Anne who's eyes were wide. "What?" I asked her. "Nothing. It's just... you're really loud when you want to be. You take on the leader role quite nicely. "Anne commented as I nodded proudly. "thanks." I smiled.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked Anne, hoping she would stay but she shook her head no. "I'd love to honey but Robin's finally come home from one of his business trips so I want to... do stuff we can finally do since Gemma and Harry have moved out." Anne smiled meekly as my jaw dropped and I shoved her arm teasingly. "Anne you dirty woman!" I yelled, causing harry to come crashing in from the living room. "WHAT!?DIRTY WOMAN WHAT!?" Harry shouted, looking at the two of us. "Nothing Harry." I shook my head at him and pulled on an innocent smile as he narrowed his eyes at me. "You two I swear..." he muttered as he skidded away.

"I better be going now love. See you tomorrow night, I'll be calling you before I arrive." Anne kissed my cheek good bye then waved at the five who waved back before she left. I sighed and turned back to the five who stopped to look up at me. "What are you all squaddling for? GET TO WORK!" I yelled jokingly as I slowly made my way to the stairs. "YES MA'AM!" Louis saluted as he began mopping the floors.

I chuckled and walked up the stairs until I reached the top step; I turned back and kicked of my heels, flinging them to the others that were near the door. Unfortunately Harry decided to pass at the same time and my left shoe lightly skimmed his locks. He looked up at me in fear as he clutched his bare chest. "FUCK A DUCK!" He yelled as I giggled. "Sorry Harry." I told him as I turned to go to my room. "Hmmhmm." I heard him mutter as I shut the door.

Finally in my bedroom, I made sure to lock the door before throwing my newly acquired items into my closet and waltzing inside to strip down and change into something comfortable. I sighed and put on , leaving my hair up for now since it was still mid day. I sighed and made my way back downstairs, passing by the boys who were still drying off the living room.

I walked into the kitchen and looked inside their fridge to see what I was going to be working with for tonight's dinner. Hmm frozen pizza... frozen pizza and ooh look there's a new one! Frozen deluxe pizza.


I pulled out three of the frozen deluxe pizza's I could find and set to work on popping them into the oven. Jesus, they need to learn how to buy real food and not this junk. Or at least make their own homemade pizzas. I don't know; guess I'm used to eating nonnas homemade pizzas. As the pizzas started to cook in the oven, I hopped up on the counter beside it and grabbed a banana to munch on while i waited.

"hey Aria could you grab that extra rag up there for me?" Liam asked as he pointed at the shelf above me. I nodded and tossed the rag over to him. He thanked me then went back to work. Niall and Louis passed by, dancing with their mops as they collected the water on the floors. Zayn was busy on his knees near Liam... scrubbing at the stains in the wood.

"Ariaaaaaa please can we take a break, I'll love you forever!" Harry whined as he fell forward into the fridge, clinging onto it with his hands that made his arms look more muscular and God damn it Aria look away before he sees you. "You can love me forever after you're done what is asked of you." i smiled cheekily at him as he groaned in agony. "In what way was it a good idea to have a water fight indoors?" I asked him as he sighed. "It seemed fun at the time! We were bored and had nothing to do!"

"Well now you have something to do. Not so bored now huh Mr. Styles?" I smirked at him as he scoffed. "Don't fucking sass me Aria." He muttered lowly before turning back to get to work. Great. I pissed him off. Well in a way it was a good thing because maybe he'll ignore me for the rest of my life and it won't be so hard to ignore him and the boys! Ah who am I kidding. I give it an hour.

I looked down at the time on my phone and sighed. Only four days away from my 'task' and I was already scared of what was to come. "Meow."

I looked over at Dusty who had perched herself near the sink. She was staring at me intently and I tapped my lap and motioned for her to jump over. She did so swiftly and landed on top of me as I giggled and hugged her close. She reminded me very much of Squeaky, my own feisty cat back home who I missed so dearly.

I pulled out my phone and moved closer to give Dusty a kiss. I took the picture and held Dusty close to me as I tweeted it.

@AriaH: cooking dinner with my girlie Dusty :) x #bffls

Just as I tweeted it, five more dings followed after it. "THAT IS NOT RIGHT!" I heard Louis yell as he looked up at me and Dusty. "Awwww." Harry smirked at his phone before tapping at it. "New phone background and twitter banner of my girls." He winked at us as I chuckled and jumped off the counter. "You five done yet?" i asked them, still holding Dusty as I approached the boys who backed away except for Harry who took Dusty from me to cradle her. "Almost!" Niall, Liam and Zayn yelled in unison while Louis shook his head at Dusty. "That's just not right."

"Oh drop it Lou, it's obvious Aria and Harry are like the mum and dad of Dusty. They both call her baby girl and Dusty only likes them two." Niall rolled his eyes as Louis nodded amusingly. "Hey Niall's right. For all we know you two are secretly dating behind our backs." Louis crossed his arms as the three others looked at us accusingly.

"Guys you know I would never date Aria. She's not my type plus she wouldn't be able to handle all of me." Harry smirked as he threw his arm around me. "Besides I like... someone else so there is no way Aria and I would date, ever. We have no feelings for each other whatsoever, right Aria? ." Harry shrugged as I looked down at my feet. "'Right." I sighed as harry nodded and kissed the top of my head.

But that's where you're wrong Harry. Let's say I do like you. A lot. You'd never date me. Self Esteem:-100000000%.


Come on, we've all had those moments where your friends accidentally put you down and you're left feeling even more depressed about yourself. Well chin up loves because everything gets better in the end! Just confront that friend of yours and tell them how awful you felt from what they said and hopefully they'll be more careful next time but if not, then try to remember that no one can play the role of your life better than you can and beauty is just an added bonus to how awesome you already are :)

Okay so back to the story, basically Anne and Aria went shopping, talked about why Aria wants to help Harry, sort of mentioned Ava; a future character in my story who will appear soon, um she came home to five shirtless guys (who might I add are wet) lucky bitch, and she cooks dinner for them and gets put down my stupid Harry Styles who pretty much tore her heart strings one by one. And harry likes... someone else? Could he be lying and really does have feelings for Aria or is he going to be stupid and go for another girl? Time will tell I guess ;) soooo

VOTE on this chapter and COMMENT on who you think Harry supposedly 'likes'!! Is it:

AVA- ex girlfriend he might still have feelings for


ARIA- closest female friend he might be falling for

(15+ VOTES FOR NEXT UPDATE and please fan me if you'd like aha) adios babes <3 .x

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