Classroom Of The Elite x Oc

By alexkuhar360

241K 7.6K 2.2K

What happens when an American boy who has a passion for reading gets transported to a anime world he knows pr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Year 2 Announcement
Year 2 Prologue
Year 2 Prologue 2
Year 2 Chapter 1
Year 2 Chapter 2
Year 2 Chapter 3
Year 2 Chapter 4
Year 2 Chapter 5
Year 2 Chapter 6
Year 2 Chapter 7
Year 2 Chapter 8

Chapter 5

8.6K 274 152
By alexkuhar360

Alex's Pov

After I finished my first tutoring session it was already nighttime, before I was transferred here I would have absolutely hated spending 4 hours a week extra doing schoolwork but whether I enjoy the subject or I don't mind my time with Sae-sensei.

I do think that tomorrow it would be good to talk to some of my classmates, I don't want to be totally disconnected from them. I also need to look at other classes to see if there are any other students who have been transferred to this world from another, the easiest way to find out would be looking for foreigners. Past that I am not sure what method I could use since out of the 160 students in my year I would probably recognize less than 40 by their physical appearance and less than 80 by name.

Damn it, thinking about trying to find if anyone else is like me will be much more of a pain than I thought.

I think unfortunately I will have to change strategies, after some deep thought I realized that my strategy so far has been ignorance. Trying to be invisible will only make me stand out more to the wrong people, I need to take actions behind the scenes for my own survival instead of sitting back and just watching. With that in mind I got up and went to the convenience store, I have to use my knowledge of people and events as much as I can to set the board as favorably as possible for when something comes up.

Steeling my resolve I went out in search of the devil and her dog; I will have to act carefully because I am planning to go meet some of the people with the most power to get me expelled. She is also definitely smarter than me.

When I got to the area I was headed a saw the two people I was looking for, I would have liked to arrive a little earlier before they interacted but I'll have to make due.

As I walked up to the beautiful purple haired girl and short lilac haired girl with a cane I could understand their confrontation was almost over. When they were about to head back towards the dorm I interrupted them.

"Excuse me, Sakayanagi-san I have something important to talk to you. I am sorry but it is personal information so I have to ask for Kamuro-san to head back ahead of us."

I could see both of them give me a glare, Kamuro seemed to be extremely annoyed while Sakayanagi seemed to be saying "how dare you interrupt me", I hope she doesn't try to expel me like what she did to Yamauchi. She spoke to me in a slightly dismissive voice.

"And what do you have to talk to me about? I don't know you at all and I don't think we have any business, let alone personal business."

I decided to use some of what I learned from Ayanokoji from the books, sometimes saying less is more.

"Sakayanagi-san do you think geniuses are born or made? I can assure you what I have to say will be well worth your wild."

When I said that Sakayanagi gave me a smug smile, did I already mess up? I have to be confident in myself and even if she did continue free of self-doubt. After she stared at me for a few seconds she spoke to Kamuro.

"Kamuro-san it seems I have something interesting to talk about with mysterious-kun. I will be in contact with you tomorrow, I am sure we can help each other very much in the future."

After that I lead Sakayanagi towards a bench, it was dark out but there were still lights so we could see.

Once we were seated she was the first one to speak.

"So what does a student from a different class want with me the second day of school? I also don't even know your name."

I decided to introduce myself like I did to Ike and Sae-sensei.

"You are correct, my name is Alexander Smith but you can call me Alex, since I am American I am not used to being called by my last name. The topic I wanted to talk to you about is your childhood friend."

When I said childhood friend I could see the momentary confusion on her face before she masked it, I guess Ayanokoji was the only person she considered a friend in her childhood.

She replied with her usual tone.

"And which childhood friend are you referring to Alex-kun? I am afraid I have so many I can't know which one you mean."

It is kind of funny how she just completely told me complete bullshit but if I didn't know from the anime I would believe her for sure.

"I mean the one you haven't seen in 8 years, if you want to know the details it will cost you."

When I said 8 years I could see the shock on her face that she didn't even bother to hide, because of how obsessive she is I bet she will accept my deal.

"What would you like for this information? With the information you have there is no point hiding my excitement since you must know my feeling about that person."

Since I want to establish a good relationship with her I don't want to squeeze everything I can out of her. Offering her a favorable deal is in my best interest.

"I want your phone number and 1 favor for future use. Don't worry I don't want you to pay for me to get to class A."

After that she tried to hide her excitement as much as possible but it still bled through, her pride didn't allow her to act so childish but her desire to know about Ayanokoji overpowered it.

"I am not so naïve to take your word for it but I will accept the terms of this agreement, I will give you my phone number and one future favor in exchange for information on Kiyotaka Ayanokoji."

I could only assume she was recording this conversation as well so there it is obvious she would make it clear what the deal is for potential use in the future.

"Your friend Ayanokoji is currently in this school as a student in Class D. He came her to learn more about human nature and experience things he never could have before. He plans to live a quite life but no doubt will get dragged into things in the future, this school is not kind to people who try to hide in plain sight after all."

From the books everyone who tries to hide gets found out and most get exposed one way of the other. I could see a wide smile different from her smug smile break out, it seems she is very happy with what I told her. I don't think this will change the timeline very much because Ayanokoji doesn't do a whole lot before the summer vacation. I also highly doubt she would just approach him, but I could always be wrong.

"Fufufu I seems like I was able to buy some great information for cheap, I wonder what else you could tell me?"

"Yahiko Totsuka has a crush on Kohei Katsuragi."

I tried to say it with a straight face but when Sakayanagi started cackling I couldn't help but chuckle as well. She is really scary; I will have to make sure I get myself out of her crosshair.

"Unfortunately Sakayanagi-san I will only sell you 1 critical piece of information a semester. If you want to know something else you will have to wait until then, I assume a similar arrangement would be acceptable then?"

After that she gave me a smile that could get any lolicon to commit a crime and replied.

"Of course Alex-kun, I look forward to what you will tell me next semester. I wonder what you will sell the other class leaders, it is clear you plan to make deals and collect favors. To other people this information would be pretty useless unless you explained that place, which I don't think you would."

I decided to reply simply and honesty.

"It is only the second day of school, how would me, who only know a handful of students names know the leaders of other classes? I don't plan to approach anyone else anyway, no matter who the leader is."

"What leads you to do that?"

"It is quite simple, except from Ayanokoji I think you are the most capable in our grade. I am not trying to become a player in the game between classes, the more people that know that I know things the bigger risk it is. I also don't have to worry about you trying to take me out since I have usefulness in the future that far exceeds getting rid of me. Class C and B less reliable than you are anyway."

That is a lie Class B is probably more reliable, but personally I would rather bank on being of value to keep around to Sakayanagi than kindness. Working with Class C is off the table as well, making contact with Ryuen is definitely a last resort.

"I see, so you want to be hidden and you think the best way to stay concealed and ensure your future safety is by befriending me. You might be more cunning and intelligent then you seem, maybe my school life will be more interesting than I thought."

"I am simply prey that knows how to throw someone else to the predator. I am far below you in intelligence and am barley average in athletics. All the value I hold is in the information that I uniquely have. It is obvious I would use the advantage I have to the best of my abilities."

She seemed to get that I wasn't going to say anything useful anymore so she stood up to signal the end of our talks.

"Well this was very informative; would you be a gentlemen and walk me back to the dorms?"

Since I don't mind I will accept.

"Sure, take as much time as you like. There is no need to hurry on my account."

Since I am still short at this age I am not that much taller than her, she took my wrist in her left hand and we slowly started back. I was inwardly freaking out because I have never held hands with a girl that wasn't a family member, I am not into lolis but it is impossible to say she isn't very cute and attractive. To take my attention away from her I focused on the stars, being in Tokyo there was a lot of light pollution but I could still see some stars in the sky.

While we were walking Sakayanagi started talking again.

"Alex-kun, do you perhaps want to be stepped on?"

When she said that I couldn't help but jolt, she is the third person to stay that since I have arrived at this school.

"Do I just look like someone who wants to be stepped on? I have never once had the desire to be stepped on. Yet since coming to this school three people including you have asked me that same question."

I have thought about being sandwiched between some nice thighs, but that is completely different.

"Fufufu, maybe all these people just wanted to step on you and are projecting."

What she did make some sense, Kiryuin-senpai seems like she might be a sadist and Sae-sensei acts like a sadist all the time, Sakayanagi acts slightly sadistic too.

"Maybe you are onto something there, maybe the only people I have talked to so far are sadists. W-wait did you just admit that you want to step on me? I m-mean I'd do it if you paid me."

"Fufufu I'll keep that in mind in the future, but I want to crush worthy opponents and you might fit that role, only time will tell. I would want to step on you more figuratively than physically. I wont deny that your innocent face and shy expression could win a few maidens hearts, being a foreigner will only enhances your charm to females."

I wont deny that if I start getting some muscles I wouldn't be surprised if I become reasonably handsome but do girls get attracted to innocence? To girls get satisfaction from corrupting innocent boys? Usually in anime and the adult rated version it is guys who get satisfaction for corrupting females.

Since I was looking away for a while Sakayanagi took it as an invitation to tease me.

"Are you perhaps thinking something lewd about me, I am flattered but don't you think we should get to know each other more first?"

I wasn't thinking something lewd, but now I am! She is really good at teasing, hopefully if I hang out with her enough I can build up a resistance to it and be more comfortable with talking t girls in general.

"I respect and fear you too much to lewd you, I might be weak to women but I won't get seduced that easily. You are a beautiful young women but I am not one to give into temptation easily."

When I called her beautiful I thought a caught some red on her cheeks but that could be me imagining.

With that we got to the dorm building and it was time for us to split up.

"Good night Sakayanagi-san, good luck with your class, I am sure you will be leading it with an iron first long before the end of the year."

With that I left her to ride the elevator up to her room as I went to my room. When I started walking away she called out.

"Next time we meet call me Arisu, I might have a new friend after all."

With that we parted ways, and I was left with a thought.

I'm I secretly in a level of Super Seducer, in two days I have established myself with Kiryuin-senpai, Sae-sensei, and Arisu-san. I also managed to get Arisu's phone number and permission to call her by her first name, on May first I will also get Kiryuin-senpai's phone number.

Sometimes I frighten myself with how good I am, to get 2 S tier girls phone numbers so quickly is definitely impressive. For someone who is nervous and anxious when talking to girls I am doing surprisingly well. I can't get cocky though, I know I would 100% still crumple in large groups or talking to girls in more than a 1 on 1 setting.     

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