Acrimony: Unhinged Return

By Twisted_Truths

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Adjusting to the new life of parents. Past trauma plague Melinda and Derrick. With stress mounting a common g... More

Summary & Cast
Love Of My Life
Right By You
Do You
Bringin It Down
Next To You
Say Yes
Next to You
Nasty Girl
If You Let Me
Hate Our Love
You're Making Me High
You're my Latest, My Greatest Inspiration
Late Night Drive
Easy on Me
Love in the Sky
Something In My Heart
A Woman's World


480 21 14
By Twisted_Truths

*Unedited but vote and comment lovelies*

Melinda woke up feeling sore as hell from getting her ass handed to her. She looked to the side, Derrick still sleep. She lightly groaned as she sat up before heading to the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror. Dare she get a glimpse of her ass. She gasped when she saw the bruised surrounding the BG imprints. A silent tantrum lept from her body as she sighed. She was aching but she felt good as hell. Doing her hygiene, she walked back into the room, Derrick had rolled onto his back. She could see the content smirk on his face. He needed that relief just as bad as she did.

Feeling an ache involving her titties, Mel snuck out of the room to go get Niyah. Seeing her child not in her bed had her know that she was with June still. Going to the guest room, she saw her child wide awake with June still knocked out. "Come on mama. I see you had fun didn't you? Wore your poor Auntie out," she whispered. Getting to the kitchen, Mel sat Niyah on the counter and started to make breakfast. Putting a bowl of fruit on the counter, Mel giggled at Niyah shoving a cut strawberry in her mouth.

Once they were done, the two sat down and ate together. Mel loved these toys of mornings with her little girl. "Mama done," Niyah said, holding up her small bowl. "Thank you big girl," Mel cooed, giving Niyah her cup. The sound of feet alerted them that someone was finally awake. "Good morning. I was wondering where she went," June voiced. "Good morning. I figured she was awake so I just got her." "So how was last night? I didn't even hear you guys come in." "Last night was needed. Felt good in a way," Mel voiced. Her ass was still hurting though. She wasn't sitting on a pillow for nothing.

"That's good. You gotta keep date night going after kids because you never realize how not doing your normal can send you into a dark place. When Emmett was born, Casey and I would argue over shit like a spoon in the sink. It wasn't until one night we were both up still and Casey turned on some music and we danced together in living room. He mentioned it had been a while since we had went on a date and that's when we decided we were going to do something for us no matter what at least once a week. It worked cause child I was gonna divorce Casey." "No you weren't," Mel said with a laugh.

"I'm serious. Ask Brenda. I was ready to be a single baby mama. You feel like that when things are just off balance with your man and it seems like yall aren't meshing like you know yall can. I was tired of the arguing and add that to a little gremlin on your titties. Yeah no wasn't always a pleasant time." Mel nodded. She knew exactly what June meant. She really didn't know where things were going to go with Derrick if they kept on ignoring the one part of their relationship that kept them on track.

"So what exactly did you guys go do last night? Like what happened?" Mel just shrugged her shoulders as she sipped a cup of tea. "Come on. I want to know. Maybe I'd want to go out with you guys next time too." Before Mel could say something, she heard Jo let out a sarcastic laugh. "You're not going. Stop being nosey June." "You spent the night?" Mel asked. She thought they had went home but guess not. "Mmhmm you was passed out before we even left. Derrick told us to just stay here because who trying to drive that damn far back home after all we drank." "Oooooh," Mel nodded.

"Yeah but speaking of drank. How's yo ass bitch?" Mel scrunched her face and flipped Jo off. "What I do?" "You're a snitch." "The audacity Mellie. You know your was wildin don't even play." "What did you do? What she do?" June asked, ready for juicy details. "Shush and mind yours. You not about to go running to your double-bitch twin," Jo tossed. "I'm not going to tell!" Mel and Jo both hummed. No one was about to play dumb with June. "Daddy! Daddydaddydaddydaddy!" Niyah burst out chanting making everyone turn.

"Daddy is sleep baby," Mel voiced until she heard him come around the corner. "No he not," June said. "Good morning ladies," Derrick greeted, giving Niyah the kisses she wanted, making her laugh. "Good Morning Derrick," June and Jo responded simultaneously. Looking at his wife, Derrick noticed the slight pout on her face as she refused to look at him. Standing behind her, boxed her into the table and leaned down to her ear level. "I said Good Morning Mellie." "Good morning......... I'm sorry," she meekly spoke, her bottom lip quivering.

"I know baby." He gave her a kiss before going to make the dogs food. "Girl what did you!?" June whisper shouted, getting a simple shrug from Mel. "Ummmm Derrick I'm starting to think you have OCD," Jo threw out to change the subject. "Why do you say that?" "Because who the hell keeps basic necessities for unexpected guests?" A deep chuckle left his lips as he thought about it. "That would be a life lesson from Nan. She always had unexpected guests. Whether it was cousins or a family friend. She always said 'If you're going to allow people to stay at your home then you should cater to whatever they may need should it be a last minute decision. You don't want a grown ass nigga with funky ass breath in your face the next morning.' It kind of stuck with me over the years."

Mel snickered. She loved hearing about Nan's advice. She always said something funny. "You know that lowkey makes sense. I usually only expect Mel as an unexpected guest but I should be preemptive too," Jo voiced. Mel rolled her eyes as she felt Derrick behind her again. "May I speak with you please?" He whispered in her ear, getting a nod from her. "Excuse us for a moment," he said, leading her out the kitchen and to the playroom. Turning the light on the two walked over to the bed and sat down. Mel dropped her head. She knew this was coming. "Baby," Derrick spoke.

"Yes sir?" "Look at me." Mel lifted her head and looked at him. Seeing his eyes calm and soft let her know that she wasn't about to get yelled at again. "I know you were in pain last night but there were some cries in there that had nothing to do with the moment. You needed that huh?" He asked, wiping her stray. "Yes sir." "I needed that too. We've been neglecting us. I think it's time we got back on track." She nodded, trying not to start fully crying. "I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I just...... you haven't been....... never mind," she shook her head.

"Melinda I need you to communicate to me your needs baby. If I'm not giving you what you're requiring from me then tell me. I'm not going to get upset." She took a deep breath and gathered her words. "I don't feel like you've been paying attention to me. Yeah you see me but it's not the same. And it's making me even more scared now especially since the letter and my mind is just in panic mode. Then to not have my Sir available to unleash that...... it's been too much. And I love being a mommy to Niyah but there are things I need you to understand because I'm exhausted," she explained. Derrick looked at her for the first time in a while and saw just what she was telling him. She needed to remove that excess weight and he was actually adding to it by not being her Dominant.

"Baby I'm sorry. I should've been doing what I needed to do for you but I couldn't. Before last night I wasn't sure I could. I feel like I failed you. I'm supposed to protect you. Keep you safe and I didn't do that." "Baby are you serious? I'm alive. I'm alive because of you. Everything I had to do to be here right now is because you taught me so much. I promise you if things were different I don't think I would still be here. I'm alive and Niyah is alive and we still came out on top. You taught how to survive and get out of a situation. Being your sub is life saving. You are more than my protector. You are my Mentor in everything that I could ever need."

Derrick smiled. Mel knew just how to make him push away doubt. He shouldn't be worried about what happened because he did more than offer up his strength. "We need to get back to us. Last night felt good and this might be the first time we've talked without getting upset in a while. I'm tired of arguing with you baby. Our lack of communication has caused some detrimental and unspoken emotions between us. That's not the way we need to be. I don't want a repeat of last night just because we're being stubborn. You know I hate to have to be that hard on you."

"I know sir. I'll be more vocal. No matter what. Sir?" "Yes Mellie." "Fear has no room here." "Fear has no room here. We're a team. So are you ready to get to us and dust off this room?" "Yes sir," her voice perked up with excitement. "Give me a kiss," he demanded, gripping the back of her neck as she leaned in. "You're not getting a scene until next week though." "What!? Why?" "You're on punishment. You've been testing me for a while so everyday you will rewrite the rules, 2 pages front and back so they will be embedded into that pretty head of yours."

"Can't I just suck your dick?" "It won't be nice for you and I'd hate for you to not be able to talk on our anniversary." Mel poked her tongue against her cheek. "Yes sir. Anything else for punishment?" "You'll be having lunch with Brenda today. Call her." "I....... yes sir." "Good girl. I love you." "I love you too," she spoke, melting into the forehead kiss he gave her. "Okay so about our anniversary," Mel blurted. "What about it?" "Do you have something already planned?" "I had a few things in mind to run by you." "Okay so can we have a party? Like here?" "What kind?" "Just a regular ass party. Family, friends, maybe barbecue, can set up a whole thing for the kids. Just something fun."

"You don't want to take a trip?" "We can still take a trip but I just want to do something here as a whole with everyone we love as we remember how much we love each other to be one." Derrick smiled hard as he pulled her back in for a kiss. "Okay. We'll throw a party." Mel did a happy dance until her supersonic ears heard Niyah throwing a tantrum. "I think we should go relieve June. I was wondering when she was going to start crying," she voiced and stood up. While Derrick and Mel were having some playtime with Niyah. Robert was calling Lira's phone. He was tired of waiting on her ass.

She was supposed to report back to him something but he hadn't gotten a response. When the call failed to connect, Robert slammed the phoen back on the hook. "Ayye bruh you good?" Redd asked as he approached Robert. "Where the fuck your girl at?" "Don't be coming at me like this Gayle. I ain't talked to her. She not stupid though. Give her a little bit of time." Robert sucked his teeth. He didn't have time. He needed shit done asap.

"You need to figure out where she at. You want payment but I can't reach this bitch.' "I said give her some fucking time and soaking of payment when are we going to see 1?" Redd asked. He was trying to meet this lawyer and Robert was taking his sweet ass time holding up his end of the deal. "When she gets me what I need." "Nigga this is a long haul situation. You got what another 3 years? That's if you start acting like you got sense. She doing what she need to do but you gotta show us something other than some lip otherwise imma tell her to pull the plug on this whole operation." Robert cocked his head to the side.

He was calling the shots. Not Redd. "You right man. My bad. I gotta meet with my lawyer in a couple days so I'll have him put some shit on your books. My bad." "We good as long as everybody play they part. And calm yo shit bruh. You ain't getting out of this shit acting stupid," Redd barked as he made his bunk. Robert nodded before walking off to the common area. Seeing Big Dro, he signaled for him to meet him. Walking down a hallway he waited at the end, nodding at a CO that walked by.

"What you need?" "I need the red dot on a maxi." "How long?" "Give it a month, maybe two." "A'ight. Gotcha." "Your mama will get a transfer when it's done." "Bet." Dispersing, Robert went back to his bunk and laid down. It didn't take too long after Redd left out that someone was yelling about a fight. Redd was sent straight to max for fighting and making a weapon. They didn't need to know how he made it. They just had to find it on him Robert smirked. He was waiting to have the cell to himself again even if it was just for a couple months.

A couple days later he sat at a desk, waiting for this new lawyer to come in and talk to him. "Good morning Mr Gayle. I am Lawrence Stone. How is it going?" "How do you think?" "I understand your circumstances Mr Gayle but drop the attitude. I'm here to get some information on you. From you. I could very well be talking to another client if this meeting is going to continue to be a thorn in my beautifully positive morning. Now how are you doing Mr Gayle?" "Can't complain," he grumbled. What type of lawyer was this? "As long as you don't say you're giving up, then that's a good thing." "Can we get to the point?"

"Oh my apologies do you have somewhere to go?" Mr Stone mocked. Robert was a joke to him and that was something Robert didn't like. "You seem to be forgetting that you are my lawyer. I'm paying for you!" "Actually the little chump change of 20 bands you paid just buys you this consultation. I'm not your lawyer yet nigga. I love how inmated thinks it's all about choosing a lawyer. That's if you can afford to choose one let alone a good one. See I have the right to accept or refuse to represent you. You can talk yourself out of the best legal team you will come across these days."

Robert stared blankly at Stone as he read the file he clearly already read. "Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder. Pleaded guilty by reason of Insanity. Are you taking the meds?" Stone questioned with. No bullshit face. "Fuck those pills I'm fine." "Who said that? Your buddies in your head? Yeah I don't take requests from them. I'm talking to Robert Gayle and if you choose not to cooperate so that I can do my job to the best of my ability then I will not represent you." "So I'm supposed to be a zombie for the white people?" "If you want to be free nigga!"

Robert huffed. "Fine." "Good. Now tell me the story." "You know the story." "Look I will have you repeat this story until you get out this hell hole if I want to. What's the story?" "She played me. She fucked up my entire life then left me to rot for a bitch." "Who is she?" "My wife." "She is not your wife. Who is she? What is her name?" "Melinda. My wi-" "She is not your fucking wife. You want to get out of here? Then I'm going to need you to leave her behind. Stop thinking about her. She is not your property. She is not your fucking wife..... continue with the story." Robert held eye contact. He was dreaming of the circumstances if he weren't locked up.

But for now, as much as he was thinking of strangling this lawyer nigga, he had to admit he liked him. Stone proved to be a heavy hitter who wasn't scared of the most dangerous serial killer. Hell he probably would've represented them too. "Alright. Sign here." "What is this?" "It's a contract stating that I Lawrence Stone will be representing you Robert V Gayle. It also states that you will uphold your end of the contract with payment of $60,000 every quarter. You will also be monitored as far as your medications go. Miss the dosages and our contract is terminated. Miss a payment and the contract will be burned. I don't play about my money." Robert signed the contract with a frustrated face. He couldn't afford to not sign. If Stone walked away then he was never getting out.

"So I take it that you and Derrick talked?" Oh yeah definitely. Of course it came after shit hit the fan but I guess that's what you meant by don't be afraid of the fire? "Yes it is. So how are things now?" Well my hands hurt like a bitch. But I'm excited because Saturday we are going back into the playroom. I'm nervous but I'm anxious. "This is a stepping stone to putting your relationship back on track. So let me ask you. Are you feeling like something is off?" Not as much. It's still there but not as loud. "That's definitely progress in the right direction."

August 13, 2022

Walking out of Derrick's office, Mel held the last 2 pages she had to write. She was so happy to not have to do this for another day. Being to the playroom she stopped before running into Derrick's bare chest. "I was just coming to get you," he voiced, licking his lips. "Look at that. Divine timing because I was coming for you." "Not yet but you will be. Thank for this." "You're welcome sir." He smirked as he eyed her. He was so fucking ready for this. You may head inside and get into waiting. I'll be back in a minute." "Yes sir," she giggled as she quickly made her way to her favorite place in the house that she missed so much.

Melinda undressed folding her clothes neatly. Setting them at the door side table, she went to her spot. Kneeling she felt a sense of excitement rush in her. It had been so fucking long. Words couldn't describe how good it felt to be back in here. Looking up at the walls seeing herself and Derrick making her smile. The new additions were perfect. "I don't ever recall that being your waiting position." At his voice she instantly dropped her head. Correcting her posture and positioning. She hadn't expected him to come down so soon. He normally made her wait. He was quiet as ever she hadn't even heard him enter. Biting her lip she felt her excitement mount. This was really happening.

"Look at me." He commanded, his voice coming from in front of her. She bit her lip lifting her head. He never looked more delicious than he did right now. His signature leather pants undone at the top. Shirtless with all this extra muscle and ink on display. Handing her the little remote, her eyes lit up so bright. Bringing pure joy in Derrick. He missed this just as much as she did. This one room was home. Melinda hit a button, the room going yellow. She didn't even have to think on it. She had never been more eager in her life. "Yellow huh?" He grinned, taking the remote from her.

"Yes, Sir." "What do want?" He questioned, yellow meaning she had the opportunity to lead the scene. "Such a good question. What do I WANT?" She snickered, he rose an unamused brow. "That's what I asked." "Say it again." Mel grinned. "How about you answer before I choose for you?" His question more of a demand. "Such a buzz kill." She pouted.

"Melinda." His warning loud and clear. He had a feeling she'd be testing him. Trying to find the line, so she could be comfortable. He was already being too lenient. He had slacked far too much to allow her the freedom to try him. "What?" She tossed, he squatted in front of her slowly. Her eyes bright with amusement. That ticking him off, he wasnt playing. "Open you mouth." He ordered, his eyes dark as he stared at her. "In what way?" "OPEN. Your. Mouth." He barked, sending a chill down her spine. She opened her mouth not expecting him to snatch her tounge. His hold on the muscle with his fingers making her wince.

"Hear me and hear me clearly Melinda. Remember your place. You address me as Sir in this room. Keep playing and this yellow will go to red in a snap. The only thing you'll receive is a red ass and a gag the rest of the day." He snapped, his eyes searching hers. "Am I understood?" He questioned, she nodded embarrassed about the drool leaving her mouth. "Tell me." He stated, still having yet to release her tongue. Giving the best yes sir she could muster. Satisfied with that he let her tongue go. She was quick to close her mouth. Wiping it with the back of her hand.

"Now again, what do you want?" He asked. "Anal training, and impact play." She answered, he nodded heading over to his anal drawers. Staring at the plugs he grabbed a plug about the width of three fingers. She had already taken him, but training her ass to stretch was the goal. So she would feel less and less pain the day after anal. It was all about muscle memory. "Crawl over here, face down ass up. Let's clean that asshole." He spoke, she frowned crawling over.

"But I don't want you in there Sir." She whined. "I may not be fucking your ass but it needs to be clean nonetheless. Anytime we do anal activities you will be cleaned. You also need to get used to the feeling." He repeated, heading into the small half bathroom. Getting through the cleaning process again she almost regretted asking him for this. Still with her ass up in the air she felt like she had been waiting for something else to happen for a while. Swaying her hips she shook her ass wanting attention. Getting the Lube he stared at her a smile cracking through.

"Sir?" She whined out, after a few minutes of Still nothing. "Yes?" "Am I in trouble, sir?" She asked. "No." "Are you sure, Sir?" "Yes Mellie." He answered. "Oh..." He could hear the disappointment in her voice. "Am I moving too slow for you? Huh? You want some attention?" He questioned. "Yes, Sir." She answered, swaying her hips some more. He chuckled giving her ass a heavy slap. She giggled arching deeper for him. Licking two fingers, he reached between her spread legs. Strumming her clit expertly, she closed her eyes letting her moans free. The freedom to make as much noise as she wanted everything to her. Sliding those two fingers through her lips, he pushed into her cave. Giving her a few pumps before his fingers left her. She gasped at the cold gel like liquid on her ass.

Lubing up the plug he placed it at her rose. Gently pushing at the tight ring as his finger went back to pleasing her. Simultaneously working the plug in while he worked her to climax. Once the plug was fully seated he pumped it and focused solely on giving her the release she was waiting for. Curling his fingers inside her all that was need for her to shoot off in a vocal arrangement.

He left her to roll through it as he grabbed some leather restraints. Setting them on the bedside table. Walking back over to her with a pair of leather cuffs, he had her sit up. She bit her lip at the feeling of the plug seated inside. Looking up at him seeing the cuffs she held her hands out. "Good girl." He spoke, two words that melted her insides. Her praise kink had gone absolutely no where. It was waiting and hungry to be fed.

"What type of impact do you want? A paddle might hurt, you're not used to the plug yet." He informed her, she scowled at the thought of a paddle. She wanted them instruments of pain far away from her. Just the word made her ass clench. That shit hurt like a motherfucker. Granted she was in serious trouble but still. "No paddle!" "No paddle?" He chuckled, his voice teasing making her pout.

"No paddle, Sir." She repeated. "Can we do flogger?" She asked, she found the way he danced with the tools so enchanting. It was the best part on the planet. "Yes, come." He called, she crawled behind him making him grin at how easily she was falling back into place. He gave her head a pet in praise. She leaned into the touch soaking it all up. "Attention." He ordered, she rose to her feet giving him her full attention. Walking over the wall he hit a switch, the sound of soft machinery buzzing met her ears. She kept her focus on him ignoring the urge to look. "Hands up." He ordered, she did so without hesitation.

Once satisfied Derrick stopped the switch. Walking over he grabbed her hands pushing them back. She looked up to see them get hooked in placed. Going to his flogger he grabbed two with braided tassels, they would definitely give her some real bite. Twirling them in his hands he smiled at how vividly she was watching. Walking over he placed a kiss on her forehead. Lightly swinging the flogger he rounded her body 6 times, waking up the blood in her body with taps to the skin.

She was already squirming in place and he hadn't started yet. The first real hit tire a loud fast from her, she rose on her tipoyties at the sharp sting. It's sizzle slacking into her body, feeling like electric zaps right to her pussy. Alternatively twirling his duel flogger, a hit coming at watch down swing. Her head fell back as rhythmic hisses left her as he lit her back, ass, and thighs up. What really brought the first real cry of pain was a smack to her right breast. The initial his fire, but the sharp sting on her nipple made her clit pulse with need. She couldn't help but to rub her thighs together.

Derrick watched with such intensity. All his stress leaving him as he danced the art of BDSM. Falling back into his mold perfectly. The new breast play was going to be a favorite of Melinda's. They had grown so super sensitive since pregnancy. He wasn't going to tell her she was lactating at the moment. They learned early on how normal that was, but it always embarrassed her. He thought it was a beautiful thing. It wasn't nearly as much as it was when she was feeding around the clock, that poured like a river. This was just drips, Derrick didn't understand why some men acted like breast milk was just gross. It had a peculiar taste but it wasn't gross. It tasted kinda sweet depending on what she ate during the day. Stopping his swinging he stepped forward trailing his tongue across her nipples.

Cleaning up the spillage, she twitched at every pass of his tongue. She was close to another orgasm. Stepping back he gave her a few more taps on her breast, before rounding her body. These hits coming hard and fast. The pain real and very much a live. Melinda felt herself take flight, that works deafening that came before sub space hitting her hard. She couldn't hear herself screaming, Derrick dropped his floggers rounding her body. Getting out of his pants he picked her legs up. She was still going through the waves when he pushed into her ocean. Hooking his arms under her knee he used her bodies momentum to his advantage.

"Keep cumming for me." He growled, feeling her walls pulsing on his length. He could feel the pressure from her plug on his length as well. Heaven was an understatement. "Yes daddy, yes daddy, yes daddy, yesssssssssssss." Mel chanted, her moans turning to whines. He felt her essence dripping off his balls. Looking down between him to the glistening mess she created. Gripping her waist tight he picked up pace. Growling deep as his balls tightened.

"IMA CUM AGAIN....YES DADDY!" Mel shrieked, the metal chain she was connected connected rattling from her bodies shaking. Her walls clamped down milking Derrick's seed. He paused holding his depth letting her body do the work. Reaching up he unhooked her hands from the chain. Her legs tightening around his waist as she dropped her weight into him. Breathing heavily against his neck. Pulling out she let out a moan. Walking over to the bed he laid her down. He wasn't done with her ass. Their first time back in the playroom was going to be explosive. It was only right to kick off in fireworks.

Grabbing her cuffed hands he hooked them to the hook in the headboard. Grabbing the extra restraints getting to work. Her legs strapped together at the thighs, a thick leather strap holding them tight. Her ankles cuffed together feet to the ceiling, her cuffs attached to a chain hanging over them. Causing her bottom to be suspended off the bed. Her body bowing just enough without it being uncomfortable. Derrick nice enough to put a pillow under her back to ease the stress on her hips.

She was completely at his mercy no wiggle room at all. All she could do was take what he was giving. And boy was he giving it to her. Strong pumps, at a tempo just fast enough to force her to catch her breath but not too fast. Her toes curled as her orgasm built up. His eyes were heavy and watchful on her. Using the momentum of her body against her to force her to meet each piercing thrust. The clap of skin was steady beats. "Fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkk....." Melinda squeaked, her voice an entire two octaves higher than normal.

Derrick smirked not giving up his tempo. Her walls shivering around his length signaling her incoming release. She erupted with a gasp like groan. Her pussy noisily confirming her release. He wasn't merciful with his thrusts, forcing her through it stimulated. Mel's moans turning to sobs of pleasure. Her abdominal muscles feeling like she did a full ab workout. 3 more forced orgasms her body was wired with tension. There was nothing more beautiful then staring into the eyes of your sub in subspace. Her pure love, her pure trust, her pure heart looking right back at you. Seeing you and your dominance in your purest form. They needed this deep reconnect, he vowed with his eyes to never let them grow out of touch again.

"Daddddddddddddddddyyyyyyyyy." She whined, her body ready to tap out. He watched her clench her fists hard, and felt her muscles tense. Her teeth clenching as her orgasm beat on the door of release like a swat team on a house bust. Her clenching worrying him, he didn't want her to fuck up her teeth. Acting quickly Derrick paused his work. "NOOO! PLEASE! Please!" Melinda cried, having been right there. Her orgasm burning in the pit of her stomach. He didn't respond looking for something close she could bite on. Finding nothing he opted for his fingers. "Open." He commanded, she pouted opening her mouth feeling him slide his fingers into her mouth. Gripping her jaw in a way that kept her from biting too hard, but he had to test it. "Bite." He added, she followed command without hesitation.

Finding bearable pain he nodded. Her soul crying when he picked up his thrusts getting the ball rolling again. All the same tells coming into view. He was satisfied with the way her eyes were rolling back. Almost gross eyed looking in the moment. Her body not even getting the chance to scream out. She suffered through her brute orgasm in silence. Derrick still not pulling out to let her rode the wave on her own. She would have been slapping at his hands if she had use of them. Instead she was trying to arch to pull her butt away from him but his iron grip on her waist as he fucked her wouldn't allow it.

He knew her pussy was going to be sore tommorow by the force it was using trying to keep him still. The pressure like she had his dick in her fist. Growling deep and throaty he erupted, his neck straining from the power. She was Sparta kicked over a cliff she wasn't ready for. If he didn't know any better he'd think she was choking on some food the way she sounded. "Let me out Mellie." He breathed out, she could only offer him whimpers.

Her walls were focusing on draining him for everything he had to offer. When they finally did ease he pulled out with a quickness. His dick immensely sensitive from its strangulation. Working to get her unstrapped, he grabbed water from the bedside table. He lifted her head so she could drink, which she did greedily. Downing the whole bottle. Looking down at her he saw the switch inside her before she felt it. He acted quickly scooping her up as she choked on her breath. Her body straddling him. Seated in his lap her tears bursted free. She hugged him tight as she cried. Real hard and heavy, her sobs pulling Derrick's own tears as he rocked her. Rubbing her back the whole time.

"Let it all out. All of it baby. Everything you have inside, let me hear it." He coached, his voice raspy from his own tears. Her body started shaking with her cries. "So strong.....holding all that in. My strong subbie, let Sir have it now. It's okay to let it go. I'll get rid of it, let Sir have it." He continued, rocking her side to side. "That's a good sub. Letting me have it, such a good girl Mellie. I'm so proud of you baby, such a good girl." He praised, her sobs starting to die down. Getting sniffles he pulled her head out of his neck. Despite her resistance to the action. Cupping her face her eyes puffy and red.

"I'm sorry babygirl. I won't ever let it get this bad between us again. You hear me? I promise you that." He spoke, she nodded still sniffling. He pecked her lips a few times before letting her go back into her safe space. He sat there holding her until she felt safe mouth to leave the security of his arms. He was glad this sub drop made her cry, he needed everything everything to be released so they could start fresh. "I love you." She muttered against his skin. "I love you more baby." He echoed, tucking his head into her neck.

A week had passed and although things were looking up for Mel and Derrick, things were looking bleak for Lira. Walking towards her bed after a shower, Lira heard her phone ringing. Robert was calling her again. Finally he heard the other end pick up. "Where the fuck you been at? It's been weeks!" Robert barked. "I got in trouble with Dean and I'm living here now. I'm sorry." "So you can respond to a letter? Yo ass can't show the fuck up!?" "No I can't. That's a requirement to be in Dean's harem. So we're stuck to only calls unless I get in trouble again." "I don't pay you to get in trouble." "You haven't exactly paid me at all but I got in trouble for doing what you told me to," Lira corrected him.

"Excuse me? The fuck you say?" "I met Melinda. For a whore she sure is....... inexperienced?" Lira mentioned. "What the fuck does that mean?" "It means she's like a good girl. Innocent. She definitely didn't want to make Derrick that damn mad." "Did he put his hands on her!?" "I mean we were at Dean's club........ it's part of the lifestyle. She seems like she is in it willingly." "She's fucking not! He forcing her to do that shit. He's a fucking devil just possessing my Melinda. I'm going to gut him like a fucking fish." Lira held the phone, her eyes wide. What the hell was wrong with this nigga?

"Ummm I don't know about that but we both were punished and I had to be secluded for 2 weeks. My bad. I just don't think that sex is the way to get to her." "I don't care what you think. Do as you were told." Lira sighed heavily as the bedroom door opened. "Master Dean said to come to the dungeon in 10 minutes," Courtney said. "Okay." "Master Dean!? This nigga." "Ummmm I have to go but if I can I'll try again. Where is Redd?" "Oh you didn't hear? He got sent to max. Stabbed a nigga. Look do what I asked you to do okay? I got someone looking out for your boy. When they find him, you better have something concrete for me. Right?" "Right. I gotta go." Hanging up she sighed before she headed to the dungeon. She should've asked when he was going to send some money but at least she was getting 1 thing out the deal. "Yes Master Dean?" She voiced.

Thinking she was off the hook and going to be right back in business to get close to Mel, Lira found herself constantly rolling her eyes at the fact that Dean was allowing her and Tiara to go with him to Mel and Derrick's Anniversary party on the 27th only to not be allowed to leave his side. It wasn't fair. Tiara was mingling and giggling throughout the entire party and all Lira could do was hold Dean's drink. If she had to listen to one more story about Dean and Derrick in college she was going to scream.

She did have to admit one thing was entertaining. She had never seen a woman actually snap at Dean without batting an eye but when Dawn stopped them at the door, Lira couldn't help but to snicker. "Dino..... DinoDinoDino," Lira heard a tiny voice chanting. "Wassup NyNy?" Dean voiced, scooping up the little one. "Dino play." "What we playing? You know how to roll dice? No? Hmm....what about Poker? Not that either? Dang I gotta teach you some things. I got an idea. Let's see if we can scare your mama to death," Dean suggested, putting Niyah on his shoulders as he ran towards the house, Niyah's giggles loud in his ear.

Lira got up and walked over to where Tiara was and sighed. "You know you're not supposed to be over here," Tiara mentioned knowing just how quickly Lira could find herself back in a kennel if Dean came back out. "He left me behind. That's not my fault. At least I came to you right?" "Wrong." Lira rolled her eyes. She was going to get punished either way at this point. "Okay so obviously Niyah is all you Mel but tell me when she makes those little scrunched up faces that she doesn't remind you of Auntie Mia," June asked. "You riiiiiiiight. I didn't even think about that!"

"Who is Auntie Mia?" Jo asked being nosey. "Auntie Samiah. She was our great aunt on my dad's side. She had the most beautiful long hair and her skin was pure bronze in the summer and in the winter highlights of copper. Her eyes were grey like mine. She used whoop Brenda's ass though," Mel voiced with a giggle. "That would be what you remembered," Brenda spat. "Of course. That was probably the only time someone told you to stop running your mouth as they hit you with a switch." "She always had me wondering where our ancestors were from because she was just gorgeous," June reminisced.

"Do you remember what she said?" "No. I know somewhere in Africa. I hate that no one ever wrote it down somewhere," Lira listened with intent. She couldn't speak to Mel but she could listen to her. It didn't hurt that she had a view of the sexy little number Mel was sporting. Her legs smooth, her thighs thick, her titties on display. She coaxed the thoughts out of her head as she went back to the conversation. "What if we did that ancestry thing?" Brenda suggested. "Hell nah. They just trynna get your DNA into a system. No ma'am," Jo tossed.

"Girl what?" Tiara tossed with a laugh. "I'm for real. Watch the government officials going to get on a universal speaker calling out people names and shit cause they got a whole database full of our DNA because we wanna know what tribe we from. Don't do it." "Jo are you high?" "Mind your business Juuuune." Mel shook her head and thought about it. It wouldn't hurt to just learn about where you came from. Maybe they could even take a trip if it was somewhere significant. She knew Derrick was Moroccan but why not be able to tell Niyah what else she's blessed to have come from?

"Auntie M, someone is at the door for you," TT said. "Oh. Be right back." While she was handling that, Dawn had convinced Debbi to sing in the karaoke machine. Serenading Don with some smooth tones of Anita Baker's Caught up in the Rapture. "Get it mama!" Dean whistled as he carried Niyah back outside. More and more cheering for the matriarch causing Don to feel the need to show his skills as well. Looking around, he spotted Mel in the house. The song he had in mind needed her vocal skills. "Daddy you wanna go next?" Dawn egged on. "Hell yeah I want to go. What they got on here?" He spat, signaling Dawn to come help him.

Picking a song, he smirked. "Are you sure you want to do that one?" "I said yes girl. I know what I want. You should be proud of this song because it's the reason why you're here," Don tossed, chuckling at Dawn's disgusted face. "Might be why yall decided to have Derrick but definitely not me. You about 2 years too late for that." "And youre talking about 2 seconds too long." Dawn rolled her eyes as she set up the song. "Whenever you're ready hit play on here." "Mmhmm move. Gotta remind your mama on why she love big daddy." "Ugh Ewwww!"

Debbi blushed when she heard Fire and Desire begin to play. Derrick and Jo both cheering Don on knowing he was about to show the fuck out. The only thing Derrick didn't know was who was going to be Teena Marie. Getting through the first verse and chorus, Don looked around. "Where's my Teena?" He asked in the microphone. Everyone looked around until Mel can rushing back outside just in time and ran straight over to Derrick, draping her arms over his shoulder making him look back at her. A shock on Derrick's face as he heard his wife hit sole notes he had only heard behind closed doors.

Piercing whistles from the men sounded off while Derrick kept his focus on his woman. He was always entranced by her but these newfound vocals she pulled out of thin air had him stuck stuck. "You betta sang chile!" Nan tossed, it almost felt like church. Taking a seat in Derrick's lap as the song came to an end, she couldn't help but to cheese at the way he bit his lip and eye fucked her. Derrick wasn't the only one who was eyeing Mel up and down. Lira watched from a distance. They really looked like they genuinely loved each other.

Her point further proved when Mel stood up and annouced that she had a gift waiting for Derrick in the garage. Blindfolding him, she led him to the area with all the guests following behind. "Okay........1........2.....3!" Taking the blindfold off, Derrick's face instantly lit up as he eyed the customized Rosso 2023 Maserati MC20. He couldn't help but to examine every inch of the vehicle with a critiquing eye before walking back to Mel and giving her a kiss of a lifetime. "How did you get this so fast?" He questioned, unbothered by Dom and Dean checking out the inside.

"Well.....I remembered you saying the next time we were in Europe that you wanted to visit your guy about a new Maserati so I called and he emailed me all the specs and it just screamed you. It seemed like what you would purchase. So when you actually said you wanted one last week I was thrilled because it was already being shipped," she explained with a coy smile. "I fucking love you." Mel giggled as Derrick captured her lips again. Jo walked over and handed a box and a long picture tube to Derrick once he pulled away from Mel. "And for you my love." Opening the box first Mel gasped.

"Is this the final print?" "It is. This is the first copy of your book. But that is just part of your gift." She felt her chest grow warm. Yeah she was celebrating her anniversary but this was her book. She was an author. She accomplished something she hadn't even thought about doing. Handing her the tube, Derrick carefully watched her pull out the surprise. Unraveling the item, she felt like she was at work staring at a blueprint. "Nigga what the hell you give her blueprints for?" "Mellie's Quarters?" She read at the top.

"I have spent over a month designing an addition to the house. One solely for you. This is your new office slash library. Where your first piece of work will reside. About 900 square feet of refuge." "Oh my God..... Baby Thank you! I love it!" She jumped up and hugged him tightly, a deep kiss to seal her excitement. Her eyes glossed over as she looked at the print. She wanted this. She hadn't voiced it to anyone but she did want a place of refuge......... but she wanted it in a new home that Robert didn't know about. "Yasssssss my bitch deserved this. She's official official now. How many authors yall know with offices worth millions? I'll wait!" Jo threw out, making everyone laugh. The only person who noticed something off in Mel's smile, surprisingly was Lira.

"Okay so what is the problem? You sounded urgent when you requested this appointment." Look I knew he was lying about thinking of moving but I had hope okay? When I opened those anniversary gifts I expected him to say the blueprint was for a home he was building somewhere else for us. Don't get me wrong I'm very grateful for him taking my space and time and peace of mind into consideration but I don't want to add to the house that Robert can literally pop up at when his bullshit sentence is up! My anxiety is flaring up like crazy and that feeling that something is off came back harder than before. "Did you voice this to him?" Not yet. It's only been 2 days but....... what do I say?

"You tell him that what you expected was not what you received and you should ask him has he given moving any thought. If you two are back to working on open communication then you should be able to bring this up without a harsh argument. The sooner you mention it the better. Have you received anything else from Robert?" No. That doesn't mean he isn't still keeping tabs on me or something. Right now I'm worried that the feeling I keep having is telling me that my marriage is going to fail or something. "If you think that and begin to believe it, then it will happen. Communicate before you manifest the very things you fear." Okay...... I'll try.



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