Classroom Of The Elite x Oc

By alexkuhar360

234K 7.5K 2.1K

What happens when an American boy who has a passion for reading gets transported to a anime world he knows pr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Year 2 Announcement
Year 2 Prologue
Year 2 Prologue 2
Year 2 Chapter 1
Year 2 Chapter 2
Year 2 Chapter 3
Year 2 Chapter 4
Year 2 Chapter 5
Year 2 Chapter 6
Year 2 Chapter 7
Year 2 Chapter 8

Chapter 3

9.2K 298 74
By alexkuhar360

Alex's Pov

I woke up and it is now the second day of school, the first thing I noticed after I got up and got ready for school was that I didn't buy any food for this morning. I literally bought one instant dinner last night, well I usually don't eat much so skipping breakfast is no big deal. To not be late I quickly rushed to class, I didn't talk to or look at anyone and nobody bothered me.

I got there relatively early again, only a few people were there and I quickly sat down, I then looked at my phone. I only had 24,700 points left, I know it was worth it to but I think I need some points. While I was walking to school I though of an interesting idea that I might have to try today at lunch.

When Matsushita got to her seat it seemed like she wanted to ask me a question but didn't go through with her intent.

As expected all the classes were easy for me except Japanese history, I literally had no idea what was going on. I mean I could kind of pick up on what Chabashira-sensei was saying but I had no context for the information so it could remember the dates she was talking about but I don't have any relative information in the subject for it to be connected to.

During lunch I decided to look for the person who might be able to solve my financial troubles for now, I made my way to the cafeteria to look around. Unfortunately I didn't see her, in a ton of fan fiction I had read she spend lunch looking at the sea on a bench but I don't remember that from cannon, I probably just forgot.

When I went to check there I saw the platinum hair beauty I was looking for. The biggest problem for me would be going to talk to her, I can already tell she is imposing and to be honest I feel downright scared of her. It is a strange feeling to be scared of someone yet simultaneously aroused by their appearance.

I decided I wanted to put myself out there even though there was a high possibility I would get laughed at.

I walked straight up to my mark and tried to casually strike up a conversation.

"Excuse me senpai, do you mind if I sit on that bench as well?"

When she looked at me I could feel her pressure and I am sure I was shaking but I need to persevere and I did, at least for now.

"Oh, and what does my little kohai want with a beautiful girl like myself?"

I think she is trying to see if I will get scared and run away, she clearly is currently deciding whether I am uninteresting trash or some interesting as the seconds go by. I needed to make an impression to get her attention fast or she will just ignore me.

"I came her to talk to you, Fuka Kiryuin-senpai. In fact I have a deal I think you might find amusing."

I could see her surprise that I knew her name, she will probably try to get out of me how I learned it but I don't plan on telling.

"Oh, what kind of deal does my scared but interesting kohai have for me? Sit down while you're at it, I wouldn't want you to fall over, I know a beautiful girl like me is hard to look at without fainting but try to keep yourself together."

In an extremely awkward manner I sat down next to her still shaking, I need to get this over with before I pass out.

"Senpai my deal is simple; it is more of a bet actually."

"Oh, a bet? I wonder what you want to bet on kohai?"

Taking a deep breath I continued talking.

"I'll guess the exact amount of point each class with get next month."

She gave me a really devilish smile when I said that, almost everyone would think I am talking complete bullshit but it seemed like she was taking me seriously for some reason.

"Oh, and what are the stakes on this bet of yours? I will tell you I am interested."

I decided to explain as simple as possible.

"I will guess how many points each class will get next month and for every class I get correct you give me 50,000 points, and every class I get wrong I have to be your personal slave for one week."

When I finished Kiryuin-senpai started laughing super hard, I couldn't help but lean back out of fear. I know she can beat the shit out of me so I don't want to get to close, at least she seems happy to play my game.
"HAHAHAHA, tell me kohai do you perhaps want to be my slave? I know it is the wish of some boys to get stepped on my attractive girls but I didn't picture you are someone like that with how shy you act. I guess the quite ones are always the freaky ones huh."

What she insinuated definitely made my face turn red but I had to push onwards.

"Senpai I am extremely confident I can guess at least my own class at the minimum. I also think I have a fair shot at the other classes, for someone like me from class D wouldn't 50,000 points minimum for 3 weeks of week be a good deal?"

After I said that she seemed to take me more seriously again.

"I see, so you know how your class will do and you are going to infer the number in a general range. 50,000 points and a chance a more for a few weeks work isn't bad at all. It is also impressive you realized that class's points will decrease and increase, very well when will you tell me about the points by? You can't wait until May 1 after all."

Continuing with my balls to the wall approach I will send it all the way.

"Senpai I know there are class points but I don't know the conversion from class points to monthly private points so I will say how many private points a student in each class will receive. As for when I will tell you, I can tell you whenever. How about this, if I tell you now and all 4 are correct I get an additional 50,000 private points?"

Kiryuin just smiles wider, I wonder if she thinks I am trying to do some confidence scheme on her, well if she accepts I will get more points. Getting her as a friend is also not bad, maybe she can help me stop being super anxious around girls. While I was thinking she responded.

"If you can tell me the points right now and are correct for all 4 classes I'll give you an additional 50,000 points and my phone number. You seem so confident so that it makes me want to believe you."

Yes, my plan worked! I decided to take out my phone which had been recording and put it between us to record more clearing the number I say next.

"Next month on May 1st Class A will receive 94,000 points, Class B 65,000 points, Class C 49,000 points, and Class D 0 points."

When I stopped talking I could see Kiryuin-senpai smiling like an idiot, I feel like she will be smiling like an idiot when I am correct and she losses 250,000 points as well. After that I ended the recording and gave her my phone number. When lunch was ending I got up to leave and said my goodbye.

"Goodbye Kiryuin-senpai, I look forward to May 1, I trust you won't interfere in the first years points, now will you?"

In response she just laughed.

"Come May 1st that will be Fuka-Sama to you kohai-kun. Maybe next time I will learn you name Mr. Mysterious."

With that we parted ways, I breathed an extremely heavy sign of relief once that was over, I went back to class and slept. I have a tutoring session later today and I am exhausted. We are getting 0 points next month anyways.

When I woke up classes were almost over and I just ideally stat there thinking, I need to get stronger physically. I really don't like working out but it is necessary, to be honest I don't really know how you are supposed to work out. I wish I could ask Ayanokoji for some tips but that would be really weird since we haven't talked yet and he no doubt would just say something like "I've never worked out", jeez that guy is something else sometimes.

After school ended I had some time before I had to meet sensei so I went to the grocery store to buy some food for me to cook. Since I lived at home throughout my first 2 years of college I can make myself some pretty good food, none of it is Japanese style but it is still really good in my opinion.

After I bought some good ingredients and some snacks I went back and cooked some food, I did skip breakfast and spend lunch talking to Kiryuin-senpai so I am starving. I also packed the leftovers to bring with me to warm up, I really need to focus during these tutor sessions or I am screwed though.

I want in the end for Chabashira-sensei to still try to make Ayanokoji help the class during the island exam because I don't think I could pull off his plan, but I also don't want her to be so incessant and dependent on him to get to class A.

Well hopefully stuff goes according to plan, I have a feeling after summer break things are going to start going differently from cannon.

Well there is only so much I can do as an above average academically and below average athletically student.

If I were to give myself the evaluation like the school does for the students it would look something like:

Academic Ability: B+ Very good except in Japanese history.

Intelligence: A overall observant and picks thing up quickly.

Decision Making: B+ Doesn't make mistakes but doesn't work to advance.

Physical Ability: C Completely average physically

Cooperativeness: E Doesn't talk to anyone in the class

That might oversell my physical abilities but I am pretty sure I am stronger than Yamauchi and Ike as I am currently, and I only plan to grow.

I hope Chabashira-sensei is a good tutor or I am going to regret hiring her, there is no way a teacher is a bad tutor, right?

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