Classroom Of The Elite x Oc

By alexkuhar360

234K 7.5K 2.1K

What happens when an American boy who has a passion for reading gets transported to a anime world he knows pr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Year 2 Announcement
Year 2 Prologue
Year 2 Prologue 2
Year 2 Chapter 1
Year 2 Chapter 2
Year 2 Chapter 3
Year 2 Chapter 4
Year 2 Chapter 5
Year 2 Chapter 6
Year 2 Chapter 7
Year 2 Chapter 8

Chapter 2

11K 309 125
By alexkuhar360

Alex's Pov

After getting off the bus Ike and I parted ways, in case he is the same as in the book I don't want to be heavily associated with him.

Instead of going to the entrance ceremony I went to walk around since I already know it is useless. Even from the way the book described the campus it is definitely different from walking around for yourself, after half an hour of walking to the dorm building area and back to the school building with some stops I went into class. When I got there I noticed there were 40 desk which means it is following the light novel at least, that kind of a relief.

I was the first one in the class and made my way to my seat, it was in the middle left side of the class. If the seating is similar to in the anime then I will be 1 or 2 seats away from Koenji which I am not very thrilled about. While I went to look out the window I saw my reflection and noticed that my acne was gone and I has a clear face like when I was younger. That is a relief now at least I wont be ugly, if I started working out on a regular basis I might even be handsome. Going by how I grew in my last life I knew what my face would look like but I was extremely weak and probably vitamin deficient  for years which hindered my growth. One thing I forgot was how short I was as a 15-year-old. I grew a bunch in my old like the summer after I turned 16, so next year, right now I am like 5'3. That is short for an American and probably on the shorter side of Japanese boys too, at least I know I grow about 6 inches in the next year. Yeah in my old life I was the same height as Ayanokoji, not really a flex or anything but it's cool I guess.

From what I can tell I replaced some no name student and I don't really recognize the name of the person to either side of me. I did recognize the name Chiaki Matsushita behind me but I kind of want to avoid her, she is much more observant than most people in this class and also smart enough to piece together what she sees.

I may have knowledge 5 years surpassing my age and generally pick up on things easily but I am sure there are a dozen or so kids in this school year who are more intelligent than me. If someone mad a plot with me I would most likely fall for it hook line and sinker, unless it was a plot to provoke me since I am passive my nature and hate conflict. Damn pride I don't care if people talk shit to me I will just ignore it, I grew up in Xbox 360 party and game chats, nothing these kids can say to me will be worse than that.

Unfortunately though I am incredibly weak to teasing, if Matsushita starts teasing me I will go red and shut down instantly. I am so awkward around girls that having her sitting behind me already makes me slightly uncomfortable.

Hopefully during my time at this school I can see some significant growth as well, I really can't deny that I belong in class D. My severe social anxiety alone would probably qualify me for it, not to mention my below average physical ability.

Finally people started coming into the classroom in small groups, I saw Ike walk in and wave at me, I returned the favor. Thankfully he isn't close enough to talk to me so I wont be associated with him, I saw Ayanokoji and Horikita enter but didn't pay them much mind. After a while out teacher entered.

"Hello class my name is Sae Chabashira and I will be your homeroom teacher for the next 3 years............"

After her long explanation she asked for questions, in cannon nobody asked questions but I decided to, I as calmly as possible raised my hand as the entire class looked at me. When I received the signal to ask I spoke with a slightly shaky tone, I really don't like being the center of attention.

"Sensei does this school have tutors, academic tutors?"

I wonder if when I asked the question she thought I might be interesting and ask about points but I could see the disappointment on her face, huh well whatever, she still answered.

"No the school does not offer free academic tutors; it would be best to ask a classmate for help with your studies."

I calmly spoke again as she was leaving.

"Does that mean there are paid tutors I could hire with my points?"

Some people in my class were surprised I would be willing to pay to have a tutor, well this is class D so I guess them worrying about there studies it too much to ask for. Sensei turned and looked at me briefly, I could see some light in her eyes that had previously been missing but it wouldn't say she was interested in me. Maybe she though my questions and the answers she gave would lead others in the class to the solution of what is going on and what the school is hiding from them. She proceeded to respond in a manner that would lead to my classmates raising questions.

"That is something that would have to be discussed further, since class is over right now and you guys are free to go why don't you come with me Smith and we can talk about options and details in my office."

I was kind of surprised she wanted to have a 1 on 1 the first day of school but whatever, I could see some confused looks on my classmates faces. Some people were looking at me like I was an idiot who did make me feel anxious but I just got up and followed Chabashira-sensei out of the classroom.

As we were walking away I saw Hoshinomiya-sensei walk out of her class see me and Chabashira-sensei walking towards the teacher offices she seemed to want to follow but was pulled back by Ichinose. I don't think I would have liked being in class B either, I think I would only be able to work well in A or D.

After a short walk we finally arrived, then we went into an office where we each sat on a side of a table. I guess this is where she grades papers and submits grades, it was quaint but professional. She was the first to start talking.

"So Smith-kun why do you want a tutor and what for?"

I visibly cringed while she called me "Smith-kun", she seemed to notice but not realize why. I decided to say the truth, maybe not the entire truth, but that's ok.

"As I am sure you know I am America and went to an American school for most my life, I know Japanese but I literally know next to nothing about Japanese history. I want a tutor so I can get caught up so I don't fall behind and it punished. Also please call me Alex or Alexander, I am really not used to being called by my last name, as far as I am concerned Smith is my father."

That last part is something I took from a movie, saying your last name is your father is kind of cliché but who cares. Chabashira-sensei seemed to be a little happy and sad at the same time, maybe happy I had the intention to study had but sad there was no deeper meaning. She replied in her normal tone.

"I see, if that is the case I am sure you can hire an upperclassmen with points, you already said you were willing to pay so I'm sure you can find someone easily."

She seemed to be about to finish the conversation but I had other plans.

"Sensei that's no good, I am really socially awkward around kids my age. So can I hire you to be my tutor, you're the Japanese history teacher after all!"

This is really what I wanted to do, I'm sure I could study enough to get a 40 on the midterm but this was a great opportunity to get a closer relationship with a teacher. Chabashira-sensei seemed completely flabbergasted but what I said and just looked at me like I was an idiot. I couldn't necessarily blame her but I am confident I know what I was doing.

"Hmmm, I see, the only thing is whether you are willing to pay the amount I charge for tutoring."

I honestly was willing to spend almost all of my points on this, it might sound stupid since I know we are getting no money next month but I spend almost no money. I literally buy food and that is it, the student ID is already a phone for entertainment.

"I willing to spend quite a bit for this sensei, I don't want to fail a class after all."

Sensei had a really sadistic smile on her face, I feel like she is going to say something in the hopes of me falling into despair at the amount. I wonder what look she will have on her face when I accept?

"Ok, lets say Tuesdays and Thursdays 2 hours each day for one month of tutoring would be 75,000 points."

Honestly I was willing to pay up to 90,000 so I am happy with that, I instantly stood up with a shit eating grin on my face and said.

"I accept sensei, I am looking forward to our first meeting tomorrow. Should I come here for it?"

The expression on her face was priceless, she really didn't think I would spend ¾ of the points for the month to have her tutor me 4 hours a week. I wanted to take out my phone and snap a picture of her face but she would probably get mad.

"You're going to spend ¾ of your points on a tutor the first day of school? Are you insane? I guess its not wonder you're in my class."

She said the last part under her breath, I decided to throw her a bone.

"Sensei I think you misunderstand; I already knew the price. That is why I was ready to accept, sure I need to be tutored but this 75,000 points just bought me some incredibly useful information you know."

She was really confused so I continued.

"Before classes started I ran into Hoshinomiya-sensei and I asked her the same thing. When she told me I could hire her as a tutor for 75,000 points I was confused because we hadn't had it explained yet but know I understand. I also learned that the prices are universal and predetermined by the school, I am thankful I ran into her before school started. She also told me "If Sae-chan wont do it come visit Chie-chan and I will take good care of you!" so I always could have gone to her as well."

After my explanation Chabashira-sensei went silent, in fact I think I broke her, I really hope she doesn't ask Hoshinomiya-sensei because I didn't actually talk to her and it would be really weird if I just said I used a confidence scheme on her since I could not have the information about their relationship. I decided to say something to break the silence.

"Hoshinomiya-sensei is nice but I would much rather have you teach me sensei, since it is the subject you teach and the fact that she makes me unconfutable are the major reasons why. For another reason I guess I prefer a cold beauty to an outgoing and bubby slut would definitely sway me towards you."

Calling Hoshinomiya-sensei a slut was definitely a massive risk I didn't have to take since I could definitely get in trouble for calling her a slut to another teacher, but I know Chabashira-sensei now views me as an important asset to grow to higher classes. She's also probably at some level jealous about Chie getting a bunch of guys while she stays by herself, so I said it since I think it is her view somewhat as well.

My light insult about her friend seemed to stir her from slumber.

"Quite bold of you to insult one to teacher to another's face, especially after you already know they are close friends."

Pretending to be so confident for so long was heavily weighing on me and I felt exhausted already, I needed to finish this up.

"I don't think you would report me for agreeing with your view of her sensei. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, what time should I come here? Should I pack dinner?"

In response Chabashira-sensei took a moment to think, I wonder what she will say.

"Ok, come here every Tuesday and Thursday and I will tutor you from 5:00 to 7:00, you better not be late. As for dinner you can wait until after or bring something to heat up, in that closet is a kitchenette so you can warm it up here. I will see you tomorrow Alex-kun."

With that she stood up and showed me to the door, clearly telling me this conversation is over. I didn't miss the smile on her face as she showed me out though, I wonder just what you will think of me in the future Sae-chan.

With that I left to go get an instant dinner for tonight and go to the dorms. Once I got my key I saw what room I had, Ayanokoji's room is 401 and unfortunately I got a room nowhere near him. My room number is literally 101, I am the first room on the first floor. Well at least I don't have to wait for the elevator.

With that I quickly walked in put the food I bought down and slept; I'll eat later.

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