Amore mio 2

Von AnnaMoon138

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Arranged marriage turned out to be all they could ever dream of and more: love, wildly burning passion that k... Mehr



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Von AnnaMoon138


My Cami. My sweet, precious wife. 

I kissed her forehead, my lips lingering in the spot for a moment or two as I gently pulled her impossibly close to myself, breathing in her dulcet, soothing fragrance. 

Fuck, yesterday was the worst and played with our nerves, emotions and relationship too much for its own good. 

Big, idiotic, cheery, satisfied, drunk in love smile formed on my face when Cami made the cutest snuggle into me and wrapped her lean, dainty arms around my torso mellowly, rubbing her cheek against my chest so damn innocently, making my heart erupt with joy, butterflies and adoration. 

I missed this so much. 

I cuddled my beloved for a while, simply savouring my bubble, until our small treasures made themselves known. 

"Shh, sleep some more, bambina. I will check on twins."- I whispered to her warmly, kissing her forehead a few times exceedingly gently, smiling when it soothed her to sleep in mere seconds. 

I got up quietly and tucked her in lovingly before going to twins' nursery. 

"Buongiorno, mio piccolo principe e mia piccola principessa."- I cooed my angels, smiling when my 5-months old son and daughter moved their tiny legs and arms, ever so lightly rolling side to side, smiling in the most heartwarming way possible, melting me. (Good morning, my small prince and my little princess.)

I scooped my babies in my arms, grinning in pure delight as they snuggled into me, playing with my key chain and necklace with my wife's angelic name. 

"Chi è l'orgoglio e la gioia di papà?"- I said warmly with grin plastered on my face, tenderly kissing their small, beautiful faces, chuckling when they laid on me, clearly being exceedingly cosy and snug. (Who is daddy's pride and joy?)

I kissed their foreheads and headed to their closet, only to stop by shelves with a few decor stuff, books, delicate toys and frown displeasedly, seeing dust that is not supposed to be here. 

Not just dust. It is unacceptable layer of dusk that definitely formed in span of 2-4 days, especially considering that we have 4 Samoyeds- big dogs with thick fur coat.

I silently entered their closet and picked nice, stylish, comfy clothes for them with elegant matching details. As I laid my boy and daughter on the dressing table, I kissed their cheeks, chuckling when they pulled me closer, loving playtime and such treatment. 

I played with my twins while tidying them up and doing their routines. Once it got to the diapers, my annoyance and frustration soared again. 

Just 2 Pampers diapers. 

What the fuck?!

It is not that I am surprised they finished. I am surprised nobody bought them. No, it is not just Cami's or my duty to buy them: except chef, gardener and other employees, we have housekeepers, who have more responsibilities than just cleaning. They do general grocery shopping, keep an eye on things that we run out of, like diapers, cleaning stuff etc; they are taken everywhere by one of our chauffeurs, so they do not carry anything heavy around. It is their job, they get paid very-very decently for it and they are aware that if they somehow cannot get whatever is needed, they should text Cami or me and we will take care of that. To top it all off, they come every single day - it is not hard to see what we are missing when you are in the same place daily for 4-5 hours.

It is not a huge problem, but my wife and I do not like such critical endings - we literally have no more diapers right now and anything can happen, especially considering that our bambinos are 5 months old and go through 3-4 diapers per day. 

Once I dressed Eli and Fran, I took them to their mummy. 

"Good morning, principessa."- I said warmly, smiling when she kissed me gently, taking our son from me. 

"Good morning, cutie."- replied lovingly my wife, looking like an angel, giving me entire zoo. 

I sat on our bed with our girl in my arms, chuckling when Cami eagerly settled between my legs and took twins to feed them. 

"Let's do something fun today: just you and I,  il mio amato tesoro. Twins can stay with Aaron and Mercedes for a while."- I said with a smile, laying delicate kisses on her comely neck, wrapping my arms around her tiny waist, tenderly pulling her closer. 

"Count us in, vita mia."- replied softly Camila, smiling adorably, leaning on me preciously. (My life.) 

"Mhm, I love this nickname."- I professed, being sucker for those wholesome little somethings. 

Sure, it is exceedingly nice when she calls me handsome and baby, but those particular ones are just so exquisite and make me feel so goddamn special - vita mia, amore, Leo, squishy, cutie. The last 2 are so goofy and silly, but God, I love them and at times I catch myself wanting to hear exactly those 2 words from her in my address. 

"What would you like to do, bambina?"- I wondered, chuckling when Francesca played with her mummy's locket while eating, looking so pure and cuddly. 

"How about something crafty, amore?"- offered my beloved, pecking me tenderly. 

"Sounds intriguing and fun. I am in."- I responded positively, being up for anything she wants. 

We chatted about what we would like to do, agreeing on something connected with painting - it is fairly therapeutic and very bonding activity, so why not. Once we asked Aaron and Mercedes to stay with twins for a while, we began getting dressed for the day, having matching outfits in mind. 


Day full of cosiness made me eagerly leave all makeup behind, ditch complex hairstyles and fancy clothes. 

Prada jeans, white crop-top, white and cute perforated leather Prada trainers. Lovely and classy jewellery, perfume on my neck and wrists. I slipped my locket underneath my top and left necklace with my beloved man's name on top - I always keep those 2 pieces that way. 

I took off 7 carat engagement ring with clear, round cut diamond of slightly pink tint and wore 9 carat, square cut, crystal clear diamond ring with the slightest, barely noticeable blue-purple shade that appears only in the sun. My diamond wedding band makes the gorgeous due coruscate extra vividly, bringing a huge, delighted grin on my face - I will never get tired of this.

"My wife."- murmured Leo in my neck, hugging me from behind, kissing my neck tenderly, causing me to blush and smile. 

God, he says it with so much pride, joy, love and adoration. I wish everyone to feel this way, to be treated like this and to experience this particular type of butterflies. 

I turned around in his inked, powerful arms and wrapped my arms around his neck, unable to tear my eyes off him. 

His hair is, probably, on top of the physical features I worship about him - so voluminous, so velvety, so shiny, so ideally black. Perfectly sculpted face with razor-sharp jawline and cheekbones, both of which look like they can cut in pieces anything. Smooth, dewy, clear, sun-kissed skin. 

Years of sport make themselves very-very-very known. White shirt could never look better. The way it clings to his rugged, big biceps, shows off his vigorous chest, puts his strapping and broad back on display - all of it is scandalously hot and appealing. Blue jeans look way too good on him. White Prada trainers match mine, which is extra boost of good mood. 

Platinum wedding band, key chain to my locket and necklace with my name never ever leave him. Shiny Rolex adorns his left wrist proudly. Spicy, musky, sexy, peppery scent suits him so much and makes me as weak in my knees as it used to years ago.

"You are the most prepossessing man in the world, baby."- I said sincerely, smiling at his cute, wholesome smile and knees-buckling dimples. 

I thank God our sons got his smile and dimples. The more I see my husband smile, the more I understand why our boys get so much attention from ladies everywhere they go and bring so, so, so many Valentine cards and gifts from school on that day every single year. 

"You are the most stunning, the most incredible lady in the world, principessa."- complimented meaningfully my beloved man, gently kissing my forehead, smiling at the sight of my rosy cheeks. 

Merry giggles and chuckles caught our attention, bringing massive, euphoric grins on our faces. We exited our closet, heading to twins' crib, genuinely smiling at our son's and daughter's adorable interaction.

"Sei così carino."- I cooed our babies, taking Eliot in my arms, while my husband is holding Francesca and kissing her cheek lovingly. (You are so cute.) 

We went downstairs to make breakfast for ourselves, enjoying our bubble peacefully. 

"Seems like we won't be eating any banana bread, vita mia."- I said in utmost shock and confusion, seeing empty fridge that is supposed to contain vegetables and fruit. 

Just a few apples and that's it.

"Nor we will be drinking lemon tea."- said in just as much confusion my husband, looking through cupboards, which are more or less stocked with usual, necessary items. 

"Seems like I will have a very serious talk with housekeepers. There is a thick layer of dusk in twins' nursery, they didn't tell us about absence of diapers, let alone bought them. I am not going to keep someone so irresponsible and unreliable around."- he stated disapprovingly, taking Eli and Fran in his arms once he reached for their dad. 

I wrapped my arms around his lean waist and hugged him lovingly, both of our minds occupied with questions. 

Housekeepers do that general, big stocking up when it comes to groceries. We just buy whatever we need throughout the process be it whether we want particular dish or ran out of our favourite things. They have special cards for those expenses, which we control, and chauffeur takes them everywhere, so they do not overwork by carrying heavy things and guards are always glad to help to bring everything inside. 

I do not understand why they are slacking off. They have amazing salaries and we really are very loyal, understanding, kind and liberal employers. We know that the house is exceedingly grand and it takes a lot of work to maintain it, so hence why they have flexible schedule, very appropriate salaries and beyond comfortable conditions. Contract is truly a dream for anyone and they even get bonus for holidays and unplanned services, like to come and tidy up for holidays in unexpected timing whatsoever. 

"Seems like we will be going shopping to day too."- I said calmly with a smile, laying affectionate kiss on his plump, full, soft lips, feeling much easier and happier when my kiss made him smile. 

On this note, we ate Cinnamon Toast Crunch with almond milk and made the list of what we need to buy today, which turned out to be a lot, though, we weren't surprised because of the latest news. 

"Hello, my doves."- stated cheerily Mercedes, entering kitchen with Aaron, both of them so smily and happy.

It has been an exceedingly long while since they got married - just a few months after we welcomed our first son, Adriano. Yet I cannot have enough of this adorable, beautiful couple. I am thrilled for them and I am glad they found each other, even though it was so unexpected and sudden for them. They are inspiring example of having second shot at love. 

"Hi there."- we replied contentedly, returning their hugs with utmost pleasure. 

"Oh, here are my little bundles of cuteness."- my childhood nanny and bestie cooed our twins, holding Francesca in her arms, while Aaron is holding Eliot, who is exceedingly fond of him. 

"Dios, os he echado de menos, mis queridos."- stated Mercedes with a smile, kissing their cheeks. (God, I missed you, my sweeties.) 

"Egypt's sun did wonders to you. How was the anniversary trip?"- we wondered genuinely in curiosity. 

"Marvellous. Cairo, Alexandria and Shubra are spectacular."- stated merrily Aaron, playing with Eli. 

We chatted for a while, having a great time together, and in some 20 minutes we headed out, having out bonding day to get started. 

We took our newest Lamborghini for the ride, looking forward to testing it out. 

"First stop is baby shopping, sì?"- asked Leo warmly, caressing my thigh while driving peacefully. 

"Sì, handsome."- I replied contentedly, setting our playlist on. 

We goofed around and jammed out to our favourite songs - classical, pop and even from cartoons - making time pass by unnoticeably. 

We took the cart and began our spree, having a list of what we need. 

"Yeah, take more than 2, principessa."- said surely my beloved man after I put 2 boxes of Pampers in the cart. 

"How many do you want to get?"- I wondered, loving his cute daddy mode. 

"5."- he replied, adding 3 more boxes. 

"Baby fever is so, so, so possible with you."- I confessed genuinely as he hugged me adoringly, smiling dreamily. 

"The feeling is mutual, angel."- stated my husband, kissing me fondly, making me smile. 

"As tempting and beautiful as it sounds, nope."- I spoke warmly, pecking him dotingly, giggling at his sweet smile and kisses that he laid on my cheeks and dimples.

No more kids. 16 is enough. 

We are going to be 37 this year - no way I am having a baby at such age. Moreover, I had only 3 single kids, all other sweeties of ours are multiples, so chances of us having twins or more are above 50%. We are unutterably happy with our family and our kids are beyond delighted with the number of members of family. 

I am very glad Leo understands me, doesn't pressure me and respects me, my body and my wishes. He never brings the topic of having one more baby up and never pushes it further if it comes up. Leonardo adores our children; there is no father, who loves more than him. Deep-deep down in my heart I know that if I were ready to have a child with him, he would never ever deny me and would gladly make it happen out of true wish to welcome mini version of us in the world. Nevertheless, I don't want any more kids now and in the future. I am truly satisfied and ecstatic with our family and age when I became a mum.

If we consider the Mafia world and view me from that point, Leo is not supposed to be so loyal and caring and I am supposed to give him as many kids as he wants - be it 20 heirs or none at all. By Mafia rules all women are supposed to keep the bed warm, be quiet and birth heirs, preferably sons because then you are less likely to be "replaced" or killed.

Not a day goes by when I do not thank Leo for being the way he is. Not only he treats me like a goddess, he also protects me in ways any other woman in this world can only dream of and he keeps our little ones away from Mafia: no Mafia being is aware of Tini, Lucas, Emilio, Sofia, Angelica, Ariana, Maximiliano, Lorenzo, Federico, Luisa, Eloisa, Eliot and Francesca, in spite of normal people knowing about existence of our bambinos. Our eldest sons - Adri, Dom, Teo - are slowly getting involved in it because they want it and I am very glad my husband lets them in it very steadily, innocently and peacefully. 

We shopped peacefully, getting a few lovely things for our babies, and parted for a moment because I want to get quadruplets new sheets to refreshen the collection and he wants to get Enzo, Fede and Eli new car toys, which he promised them. 

I happily looked through gorgeous, adorable sheets, being ready to spend forever in baby stores. Alas, once I approached section with neutrally coloured sheets, my happy bubble was bursted by one and only Lexi Santo.

Their awful son messed with Adriano, Domenico and Mateo a while ago in school, but they didn't let him bring themselves down, which we are very proud of. We had a meeting wit their class teacher about that incident too, so needless to say that we remember those horrible beings well. Felix Santo, her husband, studied with my Leo at school and that Lexi studied with me at school. 

"You have so much money and yet, you cannot get yourself decent boobs and get rid of that blonde."- she hissed stupidly, looking worse since the last time I saw her - around 5 years ago. 

Fake double D, unpropitiously huge bum, duck lips, black hair extensions, long acrylic nails, mops instead of lashes and way too spray-tanned skin. 

"The world won't bear another version of this."- I said calmly and she grinned smugly, thinking that she is beauty queen.

It took me years to love myself, but God, now that I adore myself, I am the most content and some plastic barbie won't change my mind. 

Sure, I don't have big chest. Sure, my hair is of blonde shade that seems very light, to someone even oddly light, as for a natural colour. Sure, I am not 5'8+. Sure, my eyes are of unusually pale green colour that used to be the reason why I was teased and bullied at school.

And to hell with it. 

I love my 30B cup, my 5'7 height, my unique and beautiful natural hair colour, my petite hour-glass figure, my naturally pouty and plump lips and my pale green eyes. My husband loves all about me and worships things that people used to taunt me about. He adores looking in my pale green eyes, he loved that our daughters got my eyes, he loves my hair and has a cute habit of playing with it, he cherishes my small body, he loved to kiss my full and rosy lips, he finds my height lovely and statuesque and the absence of massive bust has never ever bothered him because he loves my dainty chest. I am copy of my stunning mama, whom I love so much and look up to, and my daughters are sublime version of me and adore their looks. 

Everyone else's opinion is none of my concern. I am at my best and feeling my 36 at their finest.

"You know, I always wondered why all guys wanted you."- she said, watching me pick sheets. 

"I mean, I don't get it: you were never ever seen near anyone, you were so quiet and nerdy, you have weird looks and tiny body. Well, you got some ass now, but still not enough. Yet you got the richest man in the world to yourself, not to mention that he is one hell of a handsome hottie."- mumbled bluntly Lexi, saying that out of despise, looking down on me. 

"I will leave it to your imagination."- I told her, taking what I need before leaving, not wanting to waste my time on that. 

To be frank, when you swirl around A list people, you see the undeniable tendency: men sleep around, but nobody takes women with such antic for wives. Once men settle down, they are very-very-very likely to marry someone quiet, gentle, hardworking, honest and inexperienced in sense of bedroom because rich men, first and foremost, are looking for a wonderful mother figure or their future children. 

Mafia is different. Men want someone experienced in bed, be it from actual experience or some knowledge through private teachers or any other method. They want a partner for themselves first and then a mum for their heirs. Marriage is nothing to Mafia men and at least 5 affairs are involved, wives are aware of it and cannot do anything; rarely, but some women are allowed to get themselves side men due to the lack of attention. 

Both of these are not for me. I would not want to end up in either situations. 

I am glad papa did this arranged marriage thing because it turned out to be the best thing of my life - it taught me so much, I grew up immensely, I found the love of my life, with whom I have such beautiful and sublime kids. 

There are many what ifs, but they don't matter now. 


"Russo, it's been a while."- chuckled moron, popping my bubble. 

Sadly, a bus didn't run him over throughout the years. Too bad. 

"How is the lucky fella doing?"- Felix asked smugly, for some reason not leaving, which I would like him to do. 

"I was better when you were gone."- I said honestly, choosing car toy for my sons. 

He just observed me, thankfully silently, so I just ignored him. 

I got my boys Bugatti and BMW toys, like they asked, and just as I was about to go to pick something for my little princesses, he had to speak. 

"How?"- he asked with the slight hint of envy in his voice while trying to stay cool and act like he owns the world.

"How what?"- I asked, not following his nonsense. 

"How do you have all of that: wife like that, kids, muscles, money, career? You were so...Nerdy, silent, secretive and mysterious. Right after school you were gone, doing who knows what, them boom - you graduated school and Harvard with honours and now you are so damn Alpha."- he mumbled, watching me take puzzle that I know Angie and Ari will adore because it is by Disney and depicts their favourite cartoon at the moment - Aladdin. 

"Because my goals have never included sleeping with half of the people of the world."- I said, finding it disgusting that he actually had aim to fuck all girls, who actually agreed to that, at school.

In spite of having to stay virgin in all ways due to the arrangements, I still wasn't counting on any sort of rendezvous because  I was focusing on myself: my education, my appearance, my sport activities, Mafia, my business. I was too occupied with all of it to pay attention to things my peers did and, to be honest, I am so fucking thankful for that because now I am able to give my family everything and anything, I do not depend on my parents, my bambinos are financially secure and truly do not need to ever work, I can give my children the finest education and example and we will never ever face any problems with finance or lack of opportunities.

"At least I know how to keep my wife happy."- he mumbled proudly, having no idea what truly happy person wants. 

I feel sorry for such people. Sure, good sex is great, really incredible, especially if you have it with a person you love. But it cannot compare to the joy you get from having hearty talk with your beloved, cuddling in soothing silence, being hugged by your partner as soon as you open the door of your home, being squeezed and attacked with hugs by your children, going on family trips, taking your beloved on a date, family nights, some cosy and goofy activities with your bambinos. 

"Are those kiddos really yours? I mean, one has to have one hell of an aim to make her so many multiples."- he dared to asked with such serious face, actually meaning that. 

"Sì, each of them is mine."- I stated confidently and proudly, leaving the fool on his own. 

I went to my beloved, smiling when we met half-way. 

"Is everything okay, amore mio?"- I asked in care, wrapping her dainty self in my arms, kissing the top of her pretty head. 

"Sì, just encountered Lexi Santo and endured her foolish quiz."- replied Cami, pecking me affectionately. 

"Seems like Felix and her have stupidity in common."- I said, smiling at her cute, very mellifluous giggle. 

I kissed her forehead gently and we went to the check out, having all we need. Once we paid, we went to our car and set everything inside. 

Soon we were in the finest grocery mall, enjoying the shopping.

"Ciao, ragazzi."- said my beloved, both of us smiling at our bambinos' merry grins and cute selves. 

"Ciao, mamma, papà!"- chirped our little bundles of joy, being in a play centre with my parents-in-law.

"How are you doing, piccoli?"- I asked, wrapping my arm around my wife's slender waist as we headed towards the main entrance of the mall. 

They told us about their activities and what they did with uncles and grandparents, beaming with joy and adorableness. 

"Can we have sleepover once we are home, per favore?"- asked Angie and Ari as their siblings immediately agreed with it. 

"Certainly, tesori."- we replied, looking forward to cuddling their perfect selves.

We chatted for a while before exchanging see you soons, having tasks at hands. My beloved and I did grocery shopping while discussing what we want for dinner today, agreeing on cod and some vegetables on the side. 

"We have parents-teachers meeting to go to, amore."- said my beloved, reading something on her phone. 

"What is it about, mia bellezza?"- I wondered, taking Max's favourite yogurt. 

"Mr Falcone says it is regarding a possible trip. All details he will tell tomorrow on the meeting."- spoke Cami, putting her phone in her bag. 

Mr Falcone is our twins' class teacher. 

"We will be stuck in school for a long time tomorrow."- I said amusedly, not minding it. 

We have a meeting to go to with Max's class teacher: it is just usual meeting with all teachers for parents to learn about child's progress, grades and similar. Right after it Lucas and Emilio have a football game, so we are going to cheer for our boys. Then we have a general school meeting about upcoming St/ Valentine's Day; from we know so far, there can be a mini party for kids: dancing, crafty lessons for fun, themes lunch etc. And now we have another meeting to go to. 

After a while we got everything we wanted and soon we were heading out to our car, setting lots of groceries in the boot. Since art store is literally 10 minutes away, we decided to go on foot. 

I couldn't help my smirk once we passed by the park, where just a couple of months ago my wife rode me during our nighttime picnic date. 

"Mind out of the gutter, Mr Russo."- spoke cutely my beloved, blushing innocently, flushing colour even more when my smirk darkened. 

"Cannot do that when the memory is so hot and fresh, Mrs Russo."- I replied frankly, shamelessly sliding my hand down to her toned, firm, round, big ass, palming it firmly enough to ear a feathery moan from her. 

"You cannot deny that it was by far our craziest sex."- I whispered in her ear, loving how her mouth-watering body responds to me. 

It is not like fucking in my or her office, in the car, bathroom of my clubs, restaurants or suite in any hotel. In the park there are people, you are never alone - someone can hear you, maybe even catch you - and cazzo, what a rush of adrenaline it gave our already lost in desire and passion selves.

The way she moaned quietly in my neck, desperately keeping silent the best way she could while riding my dick, my hands on her sexy body, my sounds getting muffled in the crook of her neck, all while her flimsy, red sundress kept everything hidden and discreet.

"You are awful."- murmured shyly my Cami, her cheeks and the tip of her comely nose bright rosy, and I smirk, gladly hiding her innocent self in my arms. 

"That isn't what you told me after that."- I teased her, wholeheartedly laughing at her timid, flushed, beyond adorable self. 


We headed to the store, snuggled into each other and smily, relishing in our moment, and soon reached it.

"I want a pink one, per favore."- I said with a smile as Leo took paint for us: navy blue for himself and baby pink for me. 

"What canvas do we need, principessa?"- asked my husband, holding my hand lovingly, our fingers intertwined cosily. 

"2 small ones."- I responded, seeing the right size instantly.

"My hand won't fit on it."- he said surely and I bit my lip, passing by such canvases, unable to get my mind out of the gutter. 

Oof, his hands are one hell of masterpieces. His large, veiny, soft, lukewarm hands are enough to make me melt and God, they accompany his dominance and masculinity at their finest. 

"Look who is dirty minded now."- teased Leo, ever so lightly capturing my neck in his hold, knowing that this right here is my soft spot - his hand around my neck. 

"We can play later, vita mia. Right now focus on arty and crafty date of ours."- I whispered against his plump, sinfully kissable lips, being up for spicy ending of the day, and his sexy, knees-buckling smirk confirmed that he can really go for such ending. 

We got lovely paint, a sponge, 3 canvases of different sizes, knowing that bambinos will certainly want to join the crafty family evening tomorrow.  Shortly we reached our car and drove home. 

"Ciao, nostri piccoli tesori."- I cooed our little squishes, taking Francesca in my arms while my beloved man took our baby boy. (Hello, our little treasures.) 

"How were they?"- asked Leo, kissing our twins' cheeks tenderly. 

"The most heavenly babies ever. Though, they are very hyper little ones."- replied Aaron its a smile that we mirrored. 

"Vi piace essere attivi, non è vero, i nostri piccoli raggi di sole?"- I said warmly, hugging our baby girl, melting when she nuzzled into me, making the cutest sounds. (You like to get active, don't you, our small sunshines?) 

All our kids began crawling around 6-7 months with no exceptions, so we are not surprised that twins are getting exceedingly active lately. They want to nap around 3 times throughout the day and when they are awake, they will try to crawl, sit and they are eager to play for much longer. 

I took twins to feed and change them since nap time is mere minutes away and Mercedes went with me while my beloved man took care of our grocery purchases. 

"Gracias."- I said with a smile, taking a napkin from my childhood nanny, while twins are eating peacefully. 

"Any idea what Angie and Ari want for birthday?"- asked Mercedes with cheery smile, putting boxes of diapers in the storage drawers.

"A cat."- I replied with a content smile, 

They are turning 8 on January 15th, which is 5 days away. Girls have no specific wishes, like dresses or some technical items. Both of them really want a cat and we plan to make it happen. They just have to tell us what breed they exactly want because our little angels listed down 10 breeds, saying that they are way too cute to choose from. 

"1 or 2?"- wondered lovely, smily elderly lady and I giggled. 

"Well, girls said "a cat", but since they are twins, we are leaning towards the idea of 2."- I answered calmly, kissing twins' foreheads as they are eating peacefully. 

We chatted wholesomely while I took care of my son and daughter and she sorted all baby items. Then I changed twins, dressed them for bed, being in time for their nap time. 

"Sweet dreams, piccoli."- I whispered to my babies, kissing their tiny hands, smiling at how cutely them snuggled into the covers. 

Once I was sure my babies are asleep, we headed downstairs while our pups stay with twins.

"My handsome chef."- I said lovingly, hugging my sexy husband from behind, loving it when he cooks. 

Man in the kitchen is hot. Nobody can convince me otherwise. 

"Mhm, did I earn a kiss from my gorgeous wife?"- asked Leo, turning around in my arms. 

"You sure did, amore."- I whispered to him, kissing him adoringly and fondly.

Aaron and Mercedes chilled with us, then we had dinner together and at 5PM they had to get going while we began our art date. 

Mellow music, refreshing alcohol-free drinks, dim lights and just the two of us. 

"The last 30 hours were the craziest."- said warmly my husband as I painted his hand in blue colour with a sponge for drawing. 

"Rollercoaster indeed."- I agreed, glancing in my favourite pair of hypnotising, fathomless, prepossessing, hazel eyes.

"I am sorry, bambina."- stated Leo meaningfully, our foreheads resting together. 

"We are good, vita mia. We both were wrong, but we made up and learn from it. Everything is okay."- I spoke softly with a smile, gently rubbing our noses together, earning the cutest smile from him. 

He captured my lips in the sweetest kiss, giving me butterflies as neither of us was able to wipe grins off our faces. 

Once I finished painting his hand, he laid his handprint on the canvas and took my hand to colour it in a pink colour. 

"That's cute."- said my beloved ma with a dreamy smile, both of us loving the outcome out our very simple, but very precious arty moment. 

Just as we went to the bathroom to wash our hands, twins woke up. When we had clean hands, we took twins downstairs and cuddled our babies, playing with them cosily. 

"Volete lasciare le impronte delle vostre mani, tesorini?"- wondered Leo, keeping Eliot steady while he is standing up, leaning on the coffee table, just like his sister. (Do you want to leave your handprints, little sweeties?) 

They bounced up and down adorably, making it clear that they are interested in it. I gently painted Eliot's hand in yellow colour and Leo helped him to put his handprint on the right side of ours. Then I painted Francesca's hand in purple colour and he put her handprint on the left side. 

We washed their small hands and came back to the living room. Once the art work was sighed with the date and lovely caption, we let it dry off. 

For the rest of the evening we doodled with our babies, cuddles, watched movies and danced mellowly, simply having fun. 

At 10PM our twins were fast asleep in their crib and we began doing our regiments and changing for bed. 


"Ciao, tesoro. How are you?"- I answered my eldest son's call while waiting for my wife in bed. 

"Ciao, papà. I am great, grazie. How are you? I hope I didn't wake you up?"- replied Adriano, his velvety voice full of joy and love, little something that made me smile. 

As a father, it makes me beyond joyful to see my children so happy and smily. 

"No, you didn't, amico, everything is okay."- I assured my boy, patting Rain, smiling when he hopped on the bed and nuzzled into me. 

"I just have a question and I really need your advice about it."- said my son slightly nervously.

"I am listening."- I replied collectedly, being glad he called me and didn't seek answers God knows where. 

"If you wanted to take a very big step step like moving in in a house, would age matter you?"- asked Adri and I couldn't help my truly happy smile. 

"No, it wouldn't. I would move in with my partner anywhere and age wouldn't matter: 17, 20, 50. As long as it suits the circumstances of what's going on in your and her lives, go for it. If you know that she is the one, whom you want to take such mature step with, don't hesitate."- I said warmly and sincerely, being sure that he already knows what he wants. 

"Will you help me to find the realtor, per fever, papà?"- asked my son, sounding like the happiest little puppy, making me chuckle. 

"Absolutely, tesoro."- I responded, happy that he found someone to settle down with steadily and slowly. 

We chatted for a while and exchanged byes in a while. In a few moments my beloved came to me and I cuddled her sweet self, kissing her forehead tenderly before telling her about a call from our son. 

"I am really delighted for Adri and Luna. She is truly incredible girl and sublime match for him."- said my beloved, snuggling into me cutely. 

"Indeed. Their rough start was definitely worth what they have now."- I stated relaxedly, running my finger through her long, luminous, silky, light blonde hair. 

"Though, I think, either Dom or Teo will settle down first."- I added, knowing my boys very well. 

Adriano is my copy in every single thing, including relationships. He will wait for a tinge-tiny bit longer, look for that moment, but once he finds the right setting  - he will make the grand gesture in ways anyone else can only dream of. Twins, on the other hand, are more of right now men. If they know that that's it, they will take it without hesitation and wait. Moreover, Mateo has been in a very beautiful and devoted relationship with Samuel for 2 years now, the longest in comparison to his brothers. Him and Sam are exceedingly serious about each other, so we assume, he is more likely to settle own first. 

In any outcome, we are simply happy for our kids and wish them all the very, beyond, super best. 

We cuddled mellowly for a while, chatting about sweet nothings, falling asleep soon in each other's arms. 


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