Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of W...

By IronGodAuthor

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Here are the animes involved in the world the 4 of them got isekai'd. 1.) Infinite Stratos 2.) Hundred 3.) Ma... More

Iron Man Bio Part 1
Iron Man Bio Part 2
Iron Man Bio Part 3
Iron Man Bio Part 4
War Machine Bio Part 1
War Machine Bio Part 2
War Machine Bio Part 3
War Machine Bio Part 4
Batman Bio Part 1
Batman Bio Part 2
Batman Bio Part 3
Batman Bio Part 4
Green Lantern Bio Part 1
Green Lantern Bio Part 2
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: University & Military
Chapter 3: Savages
Chapter 4: Foreignor or Kaiju?
Chapter 5: War Monarch
Chapter 6: Green Lantern's Light
Chapter 7: Hanging Out With Friends In Tengu City
Chapter 8: The Media
Chapter 9: Chimera
Chapter 10: Physical Education
Chapter 11: Scarlet Licorice vs Iron Patriot 2.0
War Machine's 4 New Additions To His Arsenal
Chapter 12: Playing Human
Chapter 13: New Life
Chapter 14: Ultron
Chapter 15: Ultron's Origin
Chapter 16: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 1
Chapter 17: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 2
Chapter 18: Iron Destroyer
Chapter 19: Iron Commander
Chapter 20: Mystic Iron Man
Chapter 21: Winter Battle
Chapter 22: Halloween
Chapter 23: Thanksgiving
Chapter 24: Grace Synclavia
Chapter 25: 1 Iron Man Army
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: New Year
Chapter 28: Human Again
Chapter 29: Ultron's Invasion Part 1
Chapter 30: Ultron's Invasion Part 2
Chapter 31: War Machine's Invasion Part 1
Chapter 32: War Machine's Invasion Part 2
Chapter 33: War Machine's Invasion Part 3
Chapter 34: War Machine's Invasion Part 4
Chapter 35: War Machine's Invasion Part 5
Chapter 37: Thanoseid
Chapter 38: Upgrade
Chapter 39: Thanoseid's Invasion
Chapter 40: Doomsday
Chapter 41: Aftermath
Chapter 42: 3rd Wave
Chapter 43: Kurumi Tokisaki
Chapter 44: Last Wave
Chapter 45: Endgame

Chapter 36: The Final Battle

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By IronGodAuthor

And so everyone except the Quartet starts making their way to the main palace but before they could get there they needed to work together with their enemies to fight off Ultron's army as they all now have a common goal as they had to fight their way to where Ultron keeps his Avatar Bodies as Grace & some others know where they are. Meanwhile Ultron then starts fighting the Quartet as Iron Man & Ultron starts trading slow but powerful punches at each other either hitting their opponent while also being able to dodge & block those said punches. And then War Machine starts firing repulsor blasts at Ultron as his Satellite suit has a shit ton a lot of firepower while Batman starts punching Ultron from different parts of his body as he even punched his gut which knocked Ultron back a bit but got back into fighting. And then Green Lantern does a powerful punch from his Green Constructed Robot as it even fired missiles at him. Ultron was able to block them & fire a laser from his face which hits Green Lantern's Robot but it only scratched it as Green Lantern is still good to fight. But before they continued fighting Ultron had some words to say.

Look at you 4, thinking that you can stop me, but you can't as even if you destroy my avatar bodies I will always exist & I will always find a way to come back & destroy everything & remake it into my liking. Although I do have the most powerful stones in history but it wouldn't be fun if I just immediately destroyed everything in just a snap of my fingers.

We don't care how powerful you can be, because no matter what happens we will stop you!

>Iron Man:
And besides, we killed you multiple times & we can do it again!

And so they kept on fighting as the 4 fo them charges at Ultron while Ultron charges back to them at full speed. Meanwhile the others were fighting & fighting until their DEM Robots, IS Drones, & Magi-Tech Robots started turning against them now they have to fight their own robotic soldiers but luckily the Iron Man Suits, War Machine Suits, Iron Legion, & War Machine's Drones can't be hack thanks to both Tony & FRIDAY. And speaking of FRIDAY when Iron Man & Thor Machine sees each other again FRIDAY then transferred from Rhodey's smartphone to Iron Man's Godbuster 2.0 Armor. And so this is a battle they need to win as the fate of the 2 Universes are all in their hands as they have something in common. And then they came across to where Ultron keeps his Avatar bodies but is heavily guarded by a lot of robots & drones as Ultron is prepared for something like these. And so everyone in there starts fighting the robots guarding them as they have no other choice but to work together. Kizuna even protected Grace alongside Aine as the 2 of them are heroes so they know what's right & wrong. Meanwhile the fight gets heated with Ultron against the Quartet as this Ultron was more powerful than what they've faced before. And so they kept on fighting & fighting as the Quartet then decided to go full power as fighting Ultron won't get them anywhere as they're also getting their asses handed to them as Ultron even got the Godkiller Mark 2 Armor critically damaged including both the Final Batsuit & Green Lantern's Robot construct. Although War Machine's Satellite Armor was still good & running even though it was punched so hard that it crashed into a mountain landing on its back.

You can stop me, none of you can, I'm more unstoppable now as I have become a God.

>Satellite War Machine:
(Gets up) We don't care how powerful you are! You're going down!

He's right! Enjoy your power for now, because your reign ends here! (Ejects from his Final Batsuit as he flies into Ultron as Batman's Hellbat Armor starts to completely form around him).

And then Batman was able to punch Ultron so hard with his Devastator Punch that it knocked him back atleast few meters back. Meanwhile Iron Man also ejects from his Godkiller Mark 2 Armor as his Godbuster Armor but it was now Green as he activated his Green Lantern Powers. And then Iron Man constructed an army of his suits as they're all made of Green Lantern constructs but were still as powerful & as durable as his suits as they start to surround Ultron & continuously fire at Ultron while flying around him as Ultron punches everywhere. And then suddenly after Ultron took down atleast a few suits War Machine shot Ultron with few of his missiles as it damaged Ultron. And when Ultron was focusing on War Machine he was then getting sucked into what seems like a Black Hole ontop of him as Ultron struggles to get out & escape. Luckily he did escape by using the Space Stone & appeared behind Green Lantern but Ultron was shot by Batman's Chest Laser as it damaged Ultron really bad. And when Ultron got back up what he sees now is a 30,000 Feet Tall Megazord like Green Lantern Construct as Batman, Iron Man, Green Lantern, & War Machine are in it as it is powered by all of their power. Before Ultron could fight them he heard explosion from where he hid his Robotic Avatars as all of them are destroyed.

You may have destroyed my Robotic Avatars, but that doesn't mean you can destroy me so easily.

>Green Iron War Bat Megazord:
(All 4) That remains to be seen.

And so this is were Ultron fights against the Green Iron War Bat Megazord as he they both start punching so hard & fast that they're basically causing a big Hurricane as their fist were so powerful that they all ended up being too equally match... Or so what Ultron thought. Since this had the power of all 4 of them Iron Man's Infinity Gems even extended everyone's life force as Batman can wear his Hellbat Armor for longer periods of time if he doesn't eject from the construct. And so they were able to gain the upper hand as when Ultron was now getting serious he fired his most powerful beam with all of his powers & the stones' powers to fuel it. However the Quartet's Megazord fired their own powerful laser beam as it was so powerful that the beam struggle only lasted shortly until Ultron's beam was overpowered & he was quickly destroyed as the beam completely annihilated him. Meanwhile everyone saw this as they were amazed of what power the 4 of them hold. After the battle Green Iron War Bat Megazord disappeared as all 4 of them landed back to where everyone were as Batman was able to get the Hellbat Armor disappear from his body as he was on his knees touching his heart groaning in pain (Because since he used the Devastator Punch means that it gives Batman a 95% chance of Heart Attack as Batman has been holding this pain everytime he uses this punch). And so the battle was over as the 4 of them then looked at their enemies as they were all in fear. Grace knows that Ultron is gone but she was still the same as she asked her sister to come back to Vatlantis as during the battle she remembered a lot but refuses as she would rather remain with Kizuna. This made Grace angry as she gave an order to get back into fighting each other but her forces didn't do anything. Grace was questioning them as why they ain't doing what they're told as they told them why.

(With fear) With all due respect your majesty but were more afraid of those 4 than you.

Everyone agrees but Grace thinks that she should do it herself. But before she could move she was then telepathically lifted up into the air & then Iron Man punched her fueled by the Power Stone as it knocked her back into a wall. And when Grace got back up she used her ability as it drains & siphons an HHG's energy but Iron Man wasn't wearing an HHG so it was useless. And then Grace was bitched slapped by Iron Man as he is so angry that Grace defenseless & weak as she covers her face when Iron Man readied his Mind Stone laser & fired it. But it only hit the wall as he doesn't wanna kill her.

>Iron Man:
(Grabs Grace up & is angry) Listen up you heartless little brat, the battle is already over so that means this whole bloodshed is over aswell! I mean look around you, did you ever regretted your decisions, I mean what you did was attack Earth because you wanted to take 1 person back into your Goddamn Empire! You killed so many innocent lives because of 1 person! And yet look at you, you regret nothing as you are nothing more than a heartless, cold-blooded, worthless, meaningless little brat! You're no hero nor are you an Empress as you are a War Criminal & a Murderer!

And then silence filled the area when they heard of what Iron Man said was harsh but all of them were true. This made Grace realize everything she has done & then Iron Man dropped her as she falls to the ground & then she looks at her hands.

>Iron Man:
(Opens his faceplate while a bit angry) I should be destroying you for your actions. However, I know that in my heart it isn't the right thing. I may be irresponsible from time to time, but that doesn't mean I'm someone who didn't look back at my own actions. You should've negotiated with Earth, but I know that you basically don't have the heart to do it. Your life, your Empire, your mission, your everything, all of it are worthless & meaningless. Even your existence. (And then Iron Man walks away from her slowly).

This made Grace cry as she realized everything she has ever done as she starts apologizing. She knows that Iron Man nor anyone would forgive her (Because I wouldn't aswell) but she's apologzing anyways as she begs for Iron Man to not take her people, her sister, & her everything away from her except herself as she either tells him that she'd either get killed by his hands, or by her own hands, or she would become his "slave" for all eternity. Iron Man looks back as he touches Grace's hand as he hugs her & she cries while hugging back at Iron Man as now everything is going great. And so it ends with everyone in Vatlantis singing & dancing as they celebrate peace through singing & dancing War by Edwin Starr.

(This music is being played when everyone starts singing & dancing like in Gulliver's Travel)
(Credits to: Edwin Starr - War)

(Also a Green Lantern Constructed Godkiller Mark 2 Armor is seen dancing & doing flips like Gulliver).

To Be Continued.

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