By 22_97j

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[MPREG] When the one you thought would be your constant star becomes your temporary fix, would you do everyth... More

Chapter 1: love is painful, so are goodbyes
Chapter 2: the one who broke your heart
Chapter 3: let's burn this out, let's play hide and seek
Chapter 4: he's the only one around and he meant every little thing to me
Chapter 5: memoirs of sadness
Chapter 6: universal truth
Chapter 7: why did we turned out like this?
Chapter 8: right or wrong?
Chapter 9: fears
Chapter 10:history
Chapter 11: missing you
Chapter 12: efforts and sincerity
Chapter 13: like a cold bucket of water
Chapter 14: his side of the story
Chapter 15: sweet dreams
Chapter 16: the sound of healing and hurting
Chapter 17: when the wind blows
Chapter 18: holding me back
Chapter 19: maybe, i'll get drunk again, to feel a little love
Chapter 20: bleeding love
Chapter 21: such cruel fate
Chapter 22: flicker of hope
Chapter 23: a lovely family
Chapter 24: nostalgia
Chapter 26: special someone

Chapter 25: weird feeling

523 25 2
By 22_97j

"Jimin," Jungkook called out, talking to Jimin as their little boy ran towards his room and changed himself into new clothes – all on his own, as he insisted.

"Yeah, what is it, love?" Jimin turned to him, his eyes lingered at the place where Jikook disappeared into.

"Thank you for that," Jungkook told him, sincerely. "You know, for not telling Jikook... about that. I know it's hard to withhold the truth especially when it's all you've ever wanted to say, but you did. Thank you."

"You really don't need to thank me, kook," Jimin dismissed, whilst the faint smile that was plastered on his lips hinted a tinge of melancholy – a tragedy of being there for his family yet not being acknowledged for who he truly is. "It's my karma,"

"Huh?" Jungkook cocked a brow, sensing the change of mood that was setting on Jimin.

There were these looming dark clouds that somehow hovered and lingered in Jimin's eyes making them look dull...and empty. Despite the feeling of emptiness, it was raw; it was real buried emotions and in the flicker of the moment Jimin felt bare. He wanted to strip off everything and lay it down there so he won't ever have to carry the burden of these toxic feelings though he knows it won't be like that, not until the truth his supressing gets out.

"It's my karma," He repeated, "the consequences of my actions – my punishment." He sounded so broken and lost, Jungkook heard the dropping of tones at each word and by the last word; his voice sounded close to cracking.

"I've left you, left you at the time you needed me the most, I left you pregnant and never looked at you back to check on what happened. And when I came back, it's all too late. I know I've been a jerk when we met, but I didn't know what to do, kook. I had to mask the insecurities I've accumulated and the gap that I've created between us with the confidence and stubbornness you hated. It's like everything I've garnered through the years was nothing because as much as people knew about me, I've started to know less about you – I tried to act like how we were before because I don't know how to deal with the new you."

"Jikook not knowing about me is my karma because I left him just when he was still inside you. Not only was I a bad man for tearing your heart apart and leaving you all so broken, I was also a bad father for leaving my unborn child with only a single father."

"Jimin," Jungkook spoke because he could see now, Jimin was crying.

"I know in myself I don't deserve to be called his father but I'm trying to change that, kook. I'm trying so hard. This is all new to me as much as this is all I ever wanted to have. I'm adjusting and trying to balance everything out, I may not be doing an excellent job but I'm trying." Jimin confessed, looking at Jungkook's eyes, he wasn't pleading or anything, just the sole action of expressing himself with honesty.

"So I understand if you can't tell me about him, I'll gladly move in your own pace. It's you who knows him best, it's you who gave life to him so if there's anyone who knows what's best for Jikook – it's you. Whatever you decide, I'll respect that. At this moment, I'm just grateful you even gave me the chance to spend time with him, to get to know him because, love, Jikook's the most amazing child I've met and it's all because of you." Jimin began to wipe the tears that blurred his vision.

Jungkook took little steps towards Jimin, his hands gently finding their way to Jimin's wrists, making the older stare into the piercing gaze that lingered at him. "J-Jungkook,"Jimin was taken aback, the proximity of it all said so much, screamed at his ears and pounded in his chest.

"Thank you," Jungkook murmured, slowly his fingers left a hollow on Jimin's wrist and in a deliberate way as if knowing where to move and to find, he cupped Jimin's face and pulled him closer.

His lips pressing against the soft skin of Jimin's cheek and then swiftly, his arms moved passed his head and circled on his neck thus pulling Jimin into an embrace as he hid himself on the crook of Jimin's neck. "It's been hard, really hard without you," Jungkook confessed, "but you're here now, and I can see you've been trying, I really am and hearing you talk right now shows how much you are. Thank you."

Jimin smiled, his arms gliding and settling around Jungkook's tiny waist. He inhaled the scent of Jungkook's hair, finding remedy at the familiar scent before placing a chaste kiss on top of his head. "I'm here, I'm really here and I'll do anything just to take care of the both of you."

Yeah, because I love you so damn much.

"Thank you." Jungkook kept saying

And there was this twinge right directly at his heart even though it was just an internal monologue.

Like the past few days, Yoongi avoided people, and thankfully, every member silently accepted the fact that he doesn't have the heart to talk to anyone right now despite his situation. It's been hours since he'd stayed holed up in his own room, sleeping to his heart content because apparently, sleep was his only escape for reality and he didn't want to wake up because nobody would want to wake up with a broken heart.

To be goddamn honest, Yoongi always had a broken heart because he knew for the fact that the love he had wasn't something synonymous to reality. But this time it was the hardest because he knew this time, it was for real; it was going to be goodbye – for real.

He shouldn't have held on for this long but that was the where everything went wrong, it went on for too long until it was the only thing that he'd ever known to do when it comes to falling for another person; holding on. And now he learned that sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go. If he only he let go, he could have saved from this greater heart break he doesn't know when he'll recover.

A soft knock was discerned from the door, the sound enough to make Yoongi completely annoyed because nobody should be knocking right now. He thought the other members understood that.

He didn't answer, to make sure the person behind the door know that he isn't welcome.

But looks like the person behind the door had his head upside down and thought of the silence as the other way round because he opened the door and entered nonchalantly despite the weight of what he's carrying.

"Why are you here?" Yoongi crossed his arms and cocked a brow at the person in front who was Taehyung carrying a food tray with a full course meal.

"I made some food, I know you haven't eaten." Taehyung spoke, sitting down on the edge of Yoongi's bed and setting the tray on the bed along with him.

"I'm not hungry," Yoongi replied, but damn his stomach for being such a traitor because it quickly responded at the scent and sight of the food with a grumble.

Taehyung didn't laugh but flashed his little smile before fixing the tray closer to Yoongi. "I've grilled premium meat for you. I know it's your favourite."

"I'm not in the mood to eat some meat, it's too greasy."

They both went silent, before Taehyung finally released a heavy sighed and started to pick the tray up.

"You're going already?" Yoongi asked which was appalling really since he expected a full hour of Taehyung convincing him to eat.

"It's a shame you're not in the mood to eat so I guess I should just throw this away," Taehyung explained before picking up the tray and heading outside the door.

Yoongi grabbed a fistful of Taehyung's cardigan and balled them in his fist. "Take it back."

Taehyung stood still, unmoving.

"Take it back, I'll eat it."

At a snail's pace, Taehyung turned around and set down the tray back in front of Yoongi. He tried to hide the smile that was trying to invade his lips or else Yoongi would shun away the idea of eating again, so better not smile and act indifferently. Yoongi took the chopsticks, "I'm only eating this because I feel bad for throwing away food,"

Taehyung just nodded, extremely grateful at the idea that Yoongi was finally eating not that he was eating food he made.

Yoongi took a piece of meat, savouring the deep flavour invading his sense of taste, god he was so hungry and what better thing to eat is meat. He took a spoonful of rice and ate in silence, intentionally not praising Taehyung for his cooking skills.

Taehyung just stared at Yoongi, he was moving so languidly, that he wanted him to eat more. Yoongi looked so frail that he just wanted to take care of him so bad. He wanted to serve Yoongi and make him happy, because fuck, Yoongi doesn't deserve what he's feeling. He shouldn't be heartbroken over another person because Yoongi deserves to be loved, so much, because this person in front of him needed to know what real love felt like. Has to know what love can do to people – in a positive perspective.

He could see the tiny curl of smile in Yoongi's lips as he swallowed the food and Taehyung could've never felt more satisfied with himself. Yoongi could push him all the way he wants but if Yoongi ever decided to call for him, he'll be there as fastest as he could.

As Yoongi munched down the last piece of meat, he felt lighter and better. He grabbed a napkin and wiped off the meat's great at his lips, before gulping down liquid to refresh his system. He hesitated for a while before finally saying, "T-thanks for the food."

"Anything for you, hyung." Taehyung replied, while giving Yoongi a reserved smile.  I'll do anything for you.

Yoongi looked at Taehyung, for a moment, Taehyung looked ethereal, straight off from the manhwa stories he had read. Taehyung was really known for that kind of visuals, he looked so unworldly handsome, that their fans had claimed his looks as indeed a work of art. At the same time, Taehyung looked out for the members a lot that he tends to forget about his self. He's bubbly but that's because he wants to cheer on others and make them have a good time. His voice and appearance set him apart from his personality but Taehyung was really that kind of person and it seemed of a perfect combination just looking at him.

If only I could've just fallen for you, maybe I wouldn't be right here nursing a broken heart.

Yoongi slapped himself. What the hell are you thinking?!

"Are you alright, hyung?" Taehyung asked, looking at him worriedly and Yoongi realized he had just slapped himself in front of Taehyung.

"Yeah, I-I just still feel sleepy that's all." Yoongi reasoned out.

"Oh," Taehyung bent down, his face inches away from Yoongi's, "Want me to wake you up completely, hyung?" A devilish smirk plastered on his lips.

Yoongi's eyes went wide, at the proximity, at the dialogue, at the devilish smirk, at the damn everything! He went completely silent, not knowing what to say or what to speak. He didn't even want to open his mouth to stutter.

Taehyung started to chuckle and straightened his body. "I have some spare amusement park tickets, hyung. The other members are out. Do you want to go with me?"


"Ah, no, I won't even wait for you answer because you might say no. But anyway, here's the ticket. I'll wait for you to get ready." Taehyung placed down the ticket in Yoongi's hand, and went out carrying the tray with empty plates and glasses.

What the hell happened?

Jimin had some free time again so here he was standing in front of the door to Jungkook's home. He knocked for a few times before Jungkook opened the door for him. He and Jungkook talked on the phone before he even got there so Jungkook was already expecting him.

They went on inside, Jimin carrying a huge plastic bag on one hand while boxes on the other hand.

"What are you carrying?" Jungkook asked taking notice of the things occupying Jimin's hand and they were too big to ignore anyway.

"Oh this," He raised the plastic bag he was carrying, it seemed like it was almost exceeding its capacity and about to burst any time. "I brought some groceries."

Jungkook was stunned, "You didn't have to,"

"But I want to." Jimin just smiled, "Come on, Jungkook-ah, it's food you can't decline them."

"I'll pay for them." Jungkook said, but Jimin hushed him quickly.

"I know you're not used to it, but please let me do these. This is the least I can do for everything, come on. Please. I know you can pay for them but I don't want you to, I have money too. You can keep yours and use it for something else. This is just a small thing, think of it as a gift or if not think of this as me caring for you and Jikook."

Jungkook knew this was not going to end. Perhaps he really should warm up to the idea of receiving things from Jimin once in a while. If this is going to help him feel a little bit better because Jimin really does want to provide something for them, as if he's the breadwinner of the family, he wants to do something that could benefit him and Jikook. Jungkook might as well think of this as him doing his duties and responsibilities, and maybe as his way of claiming himself back. Fine, he'll just let him.

Jungkook took the bag and placed on the table, he'll sort them out later.

"Jikook chose the movie already. And we're going to marathon Detective Conan movies," Jungkook smirked, feeling triumphant at his son's choice of movies and not feeling a bit apologetic like he intended to.

"It's been a while since I've watched a DC movie. We always watch them together, don't we?" Jimin smiled, reminiscing the times that him and Jungkook watching those movies through the DVDs they've rent.

"Yeah we do, but you suck at guessing the murderer that's what I can say." Jungkook laughed and Jimin might've fallen in love again.

Watching the lines that protruded on Jungkook's features that emanated happiness means a lot to Jimin, it's been a while really. And he missed this so much and he feels so goodamn lucky for experiencing everything right now.

"Appa! Jimin-hyung! It's starting!" Jikook called them out from the living room. Jikook claimed that he was a big boy and that Jungkook should let him set up the TV because he's a grown up now and that he knows how already by watching his appa do it. And well, nobody says no to Jikook.

"I brought pizza to eat while we watch," Jimin raised the boxes and took Jungkook's hand. "Let's go, our son's waiting."

There was this familiar swell that ensued right directly at Jungkook's chest, 'our son's waiting.' It echoed in his head and warmed up in his insides like he'd never felt before. It sounded so good and it felt so good to hear it from him. That there was a tear that escaped the corner of his eyes, Jimin couldn't see it because he was busy leading the way although he's the guest, but Jungkook somehow felt, he doesn't really know, happy? It's been too long, is this what happiness feels like? It was such an intense emotion that he couldn't describe or label but damn he craved it.

They both sat at the couch. "Hyung, can I sit on your lap?" Jikook pursed his lip.

"Sure, baby boy, come here." Jimin opened his arms and welcomed the little boy in his embrace. Jikook sat on his hyung's lap, plopping down contentedly on his position.

The movie began and they both started to get immersed. "Should I open the boxes?" Jungkook asked who was nearest to the table where the pizza boxes rested.

Jimin nodded, "Yeah,"

Jungkook leaned forward to pick it up, the two boxes of pizza on his lap. He opened the first one revealing a cheesy pizza topped off with a lot of meat, seemed like cheeseburger. "I want the second one," Jimin said so Jungkook closed the lid off the first pizza and opened the second one.

A strong stench hit his nostrils making him on full alert and leaning away from the source of the smell. It was a garlic and shrimp pizza, with a whole lot of garlic! Damn it, it seemed disgusting that Jungkook almost threw it away from himself. The smell lingered on his nostrils triggering the urge to vomit so he started gagging, making garbled sounds.

"Are you okay, love?" Jimin turned to him quickly as soon as he heard Jungkook's gagging sounds.

Jungkook covered his mouth and shook his head, before tossing the boxes to Jimin and Jikook as he ran towards the bathroom. He bent down over the toilet seat and gagged several times before he vomited all his stomach's content.

After his damn system was goddamn sure there was nothing left of his stomach's content, he decided to stand up and washed his face. He didn't feel good, ugh. What the hell was running on Jimin's mind ordering that pizza? It smelled so bad. He gargled a few times before going back to the living room only to spot Jimin and Jungkook outside the bathroom waiting for him.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Jimin asked him, his hand holding Jikook's little hand who was standing right beside him while looking at him worriedly.

"You okay appa?"

"Yeah, appa's okay, wait is the movie on-going?" He asked, alarmed.

"We had it on pause, don't worry. Are you sure, you're okay?" Jimin asked while they walk back to the living room.

They all sat back at the couch. "It's the pizza, the smell of garlic was too strong," Jungkook explained, still shaking his head and palming his stomach because vomiting that much really didn't feel so good.

"Oh okay, then let's not eat that one, I closed it for you. Let's eat the cheeseburger pizza instead." Jimin took the first box pizza and let it sit between him and Jungkook. This one is okay so Jungkook tried to regain back everything he lost from vomiting so his stomach won't ache later.

They got back to watching, getting immersed at the movie playing before their eyes as if nothing happened.

Though, the vomiting episode didn't sit on his mind real well, because usually he could handle the smell of garlic just fine when the café decides to bake some garlic bread. And that's what makes it weird. Add that to fact that his senses seem to have been so sensitive lately, that even the tiniest bit of something he could perceive twice the impact of the usual, and he doesn't really know why. He hoped he gets better soon and that maybe he should stop overworking himself.

Much to Jungkook's dismay, it wasn't something that's going to get away soon.                           

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