No One Wins When The Family F...

By GrnleighBlu

4.4K 325 343

Jacky, Denise, Twinkie, Dorinda, and Karen. 5 sisters that are young and dumb, but they all know when they're... More

✨Summer Of 1984✨


140 16 4
By GrnleighBlu

Recap of "No One Wins When the Family Feuds"

In the beginning we met The Clark Sisters and the Jackson's. They've individually be threw a lot and that's what initially drew them together.

It was then discovered by readers that Mayleen is sleeping with 3 men. Joseph, Elbert, and Austin. And because of that, she's currently pregnant with Joe's baby.

Rebbie is about to get married and the family is excited about the new union.

Twinkie and Tito
Jackie and Jacky
And t and Janet are on the road to becoming the next generation of Jackson's. As far as the rest, they're trying to figure everything out.

Ashley, Janet, and Karen found out that Dorinda and Austin are sleeping together, and must find away to tell Elbert before it's too late.

Now, let's find out what's going to happen during this chapter of, "No One Wins When the Family Feuds"

Ashley's POV

It is literally the crack of dawn and Papa Clark has us getting up so we can drop the Jackson's off. Joseph had called Tito, who called LaToya, who called Rebbie, who called dad to tell them to get us so Joseph wouldn't be madder than he already was. If I was a Jackson, I would've smacked Joseph already because this is too much. Janet didn't have to go at first, but Michael and Tito insisted that she come home.

Everyone apart of our conjoined clan knows that Janet is the hardest one to wake up, so this was going to be a bit of a struggle.

Karen: "Ashley, can you look in my closet and grab her night bag so I can pack up her stuff."

Ashley: "It's okay sis. I'll pack her bag, you slip her windsuit on so Tito can put her in the car."

Karen and I traded jobs so we could make this easier on ourselves. I folded Janet's clothes neatly and packed them back in her bag. Her toothbrush could stay over here, so I decided to leave it in our shared bathroom.

When Karen and I were slipping on Janet's all white keds, Michael came upstairs to grab her and her night bag. It wasn't until we made it to the car, that she woke up.

Janet: "Why are we moving Bear?"

Karen: "Because you have to go home today. You have a few days and one full week apart, and then we can go on our camping trip.

Janet: "...."

Ashley: "Karen. She's asleep. And I don't think she heard anything you said..."

Karen: "... well. Night bug."

I don't know how long the three of us were asleep, but it had to have been awhile. When we woke up, Janet was standing outside crying because she didn't want to go back home. She's the only girl in the house now, and I know Joseph is probably a huge pain in her ass. I'm hoping we can see the Jackson's sooner than a week. Mainly for Janet's sake.

Karen hugged Janet before turning around and heading back to the car. I stood beside the car door and waved at the Jackson's before we loaded up and headed back home.

Our ride home was awkwardly quiet. Everyone was visibly upset but we decided against speaking about it. I hate that Janet was forced to go home. You could tell that Papa Clark and Karen felt the same way.

The faint sounds of the early morning radio station for black folks could be heard when the sounds of big trucks and honking cars weren't passing by. Pop would look at us to see if it was a great time to break the silence, only to shy away. After doing it about 5 times, Pop finally spoke up.

Elbert: "So... girls... how about we stop for some breakfast this morning? That sounds good doesn't it?!"

Karen was content on staring out the window so I answered for the both of us.

Ashley: "Yes Papa Clark. Breakfast sounds good."

Tito's POV

Another day of dealing with the dirtiest dog that ever roamed the earth. Joseph Jackson. We stood back, holding one another in anger as he beat Michael for missing a few steps of the song he and Jackie just wrote. When Joe was nearing his fifth punch, Michael raised his hand and punched Joseph first. We looked up simultaneously before jumping in.

Joseph was too damn old to be putting his hands on us, and here he was, trying to beat us over a new song that was finalized yesterday.

Joseph: "You knuckle heads better get off of me before I have y'all arrested! Ahh! Kate! Katie! Katherine!"

We ignored his pleas like her did us before going harder. Mom had made her way in, but she sat in the back watching silently. We beat Joseph's ass until he started to cry. When we finished, we noticed that he was silent. One by one we walked off. Kissing mother and a sleeping Janet on our way out. Michael decided on skipping town for awhile so he could heal properly before the concert. So we let him.

The rest of us on the other hand, opted on staying near the family home to care for mom and Janet. Up until the day of the concert, they stayed locked up in the same room. You could hear them crying from time to time, but it was mostly quiet.

The day before the concert, we decided that enough was enough. The family came together to get them out of the room, so they could get themselves all pretty. Rebbie and Latoya went in first and made sure they were clothed, once we got the signal, we burst in.

The five of us came together and got the out of the bed, redressed, and fed. Mother was in a better mood. But Janet wasn't. We had something to fix that. But she'd have to fix her attitude first.

We watched Janet sit outside in the backyard with our pet monkey Bubbles. They sat and watched the clouds on this sunny summer afternoon. She would laugh every now and then, but her frown was turned completely upside down when

??: "BUG?"

Janet sprung up so fast, she scared us for a minute. We watched our baby sister run into Karen's arms before they fell to the ground. Ashley stood behind recording them on her cam corder. They hugged for what seemed like an eternity before catching us off guard by kissing each other.

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