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Continuing from Chapter 9.....

Twinkies POV

I stood there stuttering and stumbling over my words. Before I could actually process what was going on, our siblings and other people crowded around us. I guess they were waiting on me to say,

Twinkie: "Y-Yes. I'll be your girl Tito."

Everyone had cheered and expressed their congratulations. I started to cry when Tito picked me up and span us around. I can't believe it. Little Ole Twinkie Clark is now in a RELATIONSHIP with Tito Jackson.

2 Mrs.Jackson's coming soon.

Austin's POV

Dorinda knows she knows how to put it down. But she isn't up there with me yet. Right now, she laid out on my bed, but she has to leave before everyone gets back. I put her in a milk and lavender bath in my tub. Washing her sleeping body off delicately. She stirs a couple of times, but doesn't wake up.

I pick her up out of the tub and onto my bed so I can dry her off and put her pajamas on. I finished everything rather quickly and I was able to get her in her room before everyone else made it home. When I was getting ready to relax, a knock on my door had interrupted me.

"Hello" I called out. Only to be met with another knock. I knew it was Mayleen, but I honestly wasn't interested in looking at that bitch right now.

Mayleen: "A-Austin. Can I come in?"

I sigh heavily before putting a white tee on and walking to my bedroom door. Mayleen was standing in the other side, looking sad and exhausted. Her eyes were puffy and red, and her body language was just all off.

Austin: "Hey Mayleen. What's wrong?"

Mayleen: "Mayleen? Since when have you started calling me Mayleen?"

Austin: "Since you- Look. May. I'm tryna be nice here. Can you tell me what's wrong.

She nods her head while wiping her tear stained face. As much as I want to scoop her up and hug her, I can't allow myself to do that. She's hurt me in more ways that one, so I can't and won't be able to do it.

Mayleen: "She knows."

We're fucked

Karen's POV

The ride home was better than the ride there. My third eldest sister is getting married and I can't wait to be a junior bridesmaid for both weddings. Love is in this California air for sure. And I'm staring to love being here.

Karen: "Janet. I want to ask you something. Since everyone else is getting involved with one another. You want to be my girlfriend too?"

Janet: "Of course I will. I already thought I was your girlfriend. When you-

Karen: "Hey! Hey! No too much on the details."

Janet: "I'm sorry Kare Bear. Can I get some when we make it home though?"

Now Janet knows that whenever she wants something she can have it. No questions asked.

We sit in the back of daddies car playing with each other's hands. Ashley is beside us, and her boyfriend in sitting up front talking to dad.

Ashley: "Ugh" I'm sick of you whores. Y'all are always being so cute. My man should be back here and y'all she be separated."

Ashley knows daddy isn't gonna go for that. So I don't know why she's playing.

Karen: "Shut up and leave me and my baby love out of you and your mans business. And you better shut up before daddy hears you-

Elbert: "Isn't that right Karen?!"

Huh. What is this man talking about.

Karen: "Daddy.... What are you taking about?"

Elbert: "Oh! I thought you girls were listening. I was just telling mister thug passion here that we're going camping and you're the only one that really likes to go with me."

I nod my head in agreeing before say "I am! My sisters hate to go camping with dadddy. Especially my older sister Grace."

Elbert: "Yea. She's a real Debbie Downer. Speaking of my rose, where is she?"

Ashley, Janet, and myself shrug our shoulder. I have no idea, so I'm not even about to begin to lie to dad.

Elbert: "Maybe she's still asleep. I know you younger people went out the other night. I kinda figured when y'all had all pulled up around the same time.

Janet: "Mr.Clark...

Elbert: "Yes Janet."

Janet: "We never left the house last night. We stayed in Karen and Ashley's room from the time y'all left until we were woken up this morning."

Elbert: "Oh really. So there were no adults home last night?"

The three of us shared a look before looking off individually.

Elbert: "Well, at least y'all stayed and followed instructions. Thank you babies"

Girls: "You're welcome daddy"
"You're welcome Mr.Clark."
The rest of the drive home was nice. Ashley and I were going back and forth until we pulled in the driveway. When it was time to get out, I had to carry a knocked out Janet inside on my back with Ashley's help. She sleeps entirely too heavy to be going to sleep as fast as she does.

As we were going up stairs, Austin and Dorinda were headed down. Dorinda had came back upstairs asking to where my fringe skirt because hers had a stain in it, I told her to kick rocks and get out of our room. She scoffed loudly in my face and I had to cover my nose.

She sure did need to apply some paste to that mouth of her, because goodness! Swallowed kids staying on the glands isn't a pleasant smell. Ashley had giggle to herself which prompted me to laugh in Dorinda's face. She ran out of my room and into the shared bathroom so she could brush.

At times, I loved being a menace.

She should've kept her cum infested breath out of my face and we wouldn't be mad at one another right now.

Dorinda: Karen! That was totally rude of you to imply that my breath smelled when it-

Karen: "Girl if you don't get outta my face!

Ashley: "Yea Dee. That's like- totally not cool, that's your baby."

Dorinda: "Ashley if you could shut the hell up and get my sisters vagina outta your mouth that'd be great!"

What I did next shocked everyone in the room, even myself.

Karen: "*SMACK* *GASPS* I don't know who the HELL you think you're talking to nor about, but that is our sister... And you're not acting like our big sister right now. You're dismissed. And for the record, tell Austin not to cum on your face so much. Absolutely trashy of you Doe..."

Dorinda held onto her cheek looking for me to apologize. When she realized I wasn't, she had scoffed and started walking to the door. On her way out, she was staring Janet and Ashley down. Janet looked away before a tear had fallen. And Ashley stuck her middle finger up and Dorinda. Somethings going on with her, and I'm not liking it.

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